世界知识画报·艺术视界 2016年1期
Xu Jiaxing, born in 1984, is a national first-level craft artist. Now he is the director of Arts Research Office in Jingdezhen Jingjiang Ceramic Company, visiting professor of Nanchang Institute of Technology, and member of China Arts and Crafts Association and member of Jingdezhen Artists Association etc.
徐家星,男, 1984年生。现任景德镇景江瓷厂彩绘车间副主任、美研室主任。国家一级技师,景德镇市高级工艺美术师,南昌理工学院客座教授,2015年景德镇杰出青年岗位能手。年年被景江瓷厂评为“先进工作者”。中国工艺美术学会会员,江西省工艺美术协会会员,景德镇美术家协会会员。