Born in Jingdezhen, Jiangxi province, Li Dezhen was graduated from Huazhong University of Science and Technology. He is a senior craft artist of Jiangxi province, member of Chinese Craft and Art Association, and member of Jingdezhen Artists Association etc. He has devoted himself to the ceramic creation for more than 20 years, achieving great success. He has participated in various exhibitions at home and abroad and won grand prizes. Many of his artworks have been collected by famous museums and organizations.
作品多次被选送到日本、美国、加拿大、新加坡、韩国和香港、澳门、台湾等十多个国家和地区参加个展和联展,其中数十件作品分别被国内外博物馆和工艺美术馆收藏。2002年全国首届陶艺家收藏精品大赛“金奖”获得者。 2014年4月,作品《反弹琵琶》(镶器)参加在法国卢浮宫卡鲁塞尔厅举行的中法建交50周年文化交流活动“视觉中国--瓷上敦煌艺术作品展”并被收藏。2014年12月,作品《太行雪景》系列获“中国陶瓷100实力榜”铜奖。作品多次发表于各种刊物。