

课程教育研究 2016年1期



【关键词】体验式英语教学 英语专业教学

【中图分类号】G633.4 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2016)01-0112-02

与传统的英语教学相比较,传统的英语教学是以教师为中心,以教师的讲授为主,信息单向地由教师传向学生,学生被动地接受信息。这种方法主要强调的是英语知识的传授,忽略了学生应用能力的培养。而英语教学的根本目的和最终目的是培养学生的交际能力(Paul Davies,2002)。而在体验式英语教学则体现的是以学生为中心,以学生的个体差异为基础,通过交际情境和实际应用,使学生掌握学习内容并学会如何运用而不是孤立地学习语言。


笔者经常根据课文内容进行体验式教学。仁爱九年级上Unit2都是关于保护环境的话题。Topic 1是关于各种环境污染的问题。

一:课后实践,调查,形成一文章。我就布置一任务,让学生观察身边的环境,调查污染的起因(cause)和结果(effect )然后给报社写一封信。有的同学就观察到景区环境的垃圾污染。调查和取数据,最后形成一篇报告。Last week, I went to climb Mount Gu.(登鼓山)Along the way, you can see litter on the path, under the trees, especially in the half way where people stop for a rest and eat(观察).The climbers took some food and drinks. The ate and drank hot water or mineral water. After the plastic bottle was empty, after they use paper towels and there is not a dustbin nearby, they threw them around. The litter not only destroys the environment but also influence the look of the city.(影响) So we should have a good habit to put the rubbish into the dustbin.报告完后,我建议他可以具体做一些事:边爬山,边收集垃圾,既锻炼了身体也保护了环境,同时还树立榜样,一举三得。另外一学生体验到噪音污染。Every night, in the center of my community(about 7 oclock to 9 oclock) many elder grandmothers dance to music. The sound of the music is louder and they chat and laugh loudly. The students can not do their homework carefully and the sleeping babies cry. Can they turn down their music or go to someplace. 通过布置任务,让学生体验,参与,使他们英语课堂有话可说,有内容可写,并且实事求是,不胡编乱造,效果很好。 二:情景模拟:继而教师给他们设一情景,假设你是记着,你来采访报道广场舞大妈,另外几位模仿大妈,展开对话,同学们也表现很好,虽然词汇受限制,但不影响交流。R: Hello, granny, whats your name? S1:I am…(学生大笑)R: How long have you danced here? S1: Oh, about two months. S2:About one year. S3:Not very long. R: Does anybody stop you dancing here? S2:Yes, many people said that we couldnt dance here, but I think it is a public place. Every one can do what they like. S1: We like dancing here, because it is close to our home. S3: If they want to dance, they can join us too.(大妈各抒己见) R: But do you think it is too noisy to disturb others. S1: We can turn down the music. R: If you have a newborn grandson, and he cant sleep well at night, and then what would you like to do? S2:I will think about that later.学生在模拟真实情境时,之前要做大量预备工作,如采访什么问题,查词汇,需要配合合作。一项活动能使他们很好地掌握本单元的语言知识点,培养他们的英语兴趣,激发他们开口说英语。再如,教师引导:假设你是地球,以地球的口气做演讲,第一人称。内容包含过去的地球与现在地球的对比,分析原因,最后呼吁大家怎么做。给学生一定时间,教会他们如何做演讲,深情并茂。现将一学生习作原文摘抄如下:I am the earth. In the past, there were many green trees and beautiful flowers. Birds sang everywhere. Many bees and butterflies were dancing in the park.(过去) But with the development of the industry, some things you have done are good for me while others are not. You pollute me and I am sick now. You cut down too many trees, so lots of rich land has changed a serious problem and into deserts. Factories pour waste water into the river.(现状) Pollution has become a serious problem, so I am crying for help. I think from now on….

