

求学·文科版 2016年1期







Todd was working at his gas station at night when he heard over the radio that a 1____ in Long Island had been 2____ by an armed man who had killed the night guard and got away with $ 150,000.“One hundred and fifty thousand,” Todd whistled. Here's a fellow who just 3____ into a bank and helps himself 4____ so much money. Todd thought of the 5____ with which he managed to get the amount of money he 6____ to start his gas station. So many papers to 7____ , so much money to pay back. The news 8____ twenty minutes later. The gunman had 9____ a car for a ride, and then 10____ out the driver. He was possibly 11 ____the Southern State Parkway in a white Ford. License plate(车牌)number LJR1939. The 12____ of the announcer continued:“13 ____ out for white cars. Don't pick up 14____, and all you folks in gas stations better not do 15____ to a white Ford car.” Todd stood up and 16____to see out into the cold night. It was dark but Todd 17____ the Southern State Parkway was out there. Just 18____ , Todd saw the headlights coming at him and a car pulled in for 19____ . There it was, a white Ford. He saw the 20____ , LJR1939. “What should I do?”Todd had to make a quick 21___ .“Yes, sir?”Todd 22____ while making up his mind for sure.

“23____ her up,”the man said sounding like any other 24____ . When the tank(油箱)was full, Todd quickly turned round and pointed a gun at the man.“Hands up 25____ get out!”

1. A. store   B. bank   C. station   D. house

2. A. searched for  B. held up  C. taken over  D. broken into

3. A. walks   B. looks   C. marches   D. drives

4. A.for   B. by   C. to   D. of

5. A. satisfaction  B. difficulty  C. disappointment  D. spirit

6. A. saved   B. made   C. offered   D. needed

7. A. collect   B. prove   C. sign   D. write

8. A. continued   B. lasted   C. spread   D. arrived

9. A. bought   B. borrowed   C. stolen   D. stopped

10. A. sent   B. found   C. left   D. pushed

11. A. calling from  B. fleeing from   C. heading for   D. looking for

12. A. news   B. warning   C. advice   D. voice

13. A. Look   B. Run   C. Call   D. Set

14. A. guests   B. strangers   C. prisoners   D. passengers

15. A. harm   B. favor   C. service   D. business

16. A. tried   B. decided   C. hoped   D. happened

17. A. considered  B. knew  C. recognized   D. learnt

18. A. then   B. there   C. right   D. now

19. A. directions   B. repairs   C. gas   D. parking

20. A. mark   B. number   C. sign   D. name

21. A. decision   B. call   C. movement   D. remark

22. A. wondered   B. stopped   C. waited   D. asked

23. A. Cover   B. Fill   C.  Check   D. Tie

24. A. visitor   B. robber   C. driver   D. rider

25. A. or   B. and   C. but   D. to

【答案】1—5:B D A C B  6—10:D C A D D  11—15:C D A B C  16—20:A B A C B 21—25:A D B C B

Todd was working at his gas station at night when he heard over the radio that a 1____ in Long Island had been 2____ by an armed man who had killed the night guard and got away with $150,000.“One hundred and fifty thousand,”Todd whistled.

1 A. store    B. bank    C. station

Todd thought of the 5___with which he managed to get the amount of money he 6___ to start his gas station. So many papers to 7___ ,so much money to pay back.

5.A.satisfaction   B. difficulty

C. disappointment   D. spirit

Todd stood up and 16___ to see out into the cold night.It was dark but Todd 17___ the Southern State Parkway was out there.

17. A. considered   B. knew   C. recognized   D. learnt

When the tank (油箱) was full, Todd quickly turned round and pointed a gun at the man.“Hands up 25___ get out!”

25.A.or    B.and    C.but

Heres a fellow who just 3____ into a bank and helps himself 4____ so much money.

4. A. for    B. by    C. to   D. of




完形填空题中考查词汇意义及用法的题目逐年增多,是完形填空题的主流。要做好这类题,首先要具备较大的词汇量储备,以及在语句中准确理解词意的能力,考生做题时应结合上下文的意思,锁定正确词汇。如第5题考查考生对名词意义的掌握,考生首先要准确理解四个选项用词,再结合上文“One hundred and fifty thousand,”Todd whistled,及下文的managed to get...可知,这时Todd想到的应是得到钱不容易,故该题正确选项为B。因此平时在记单词时,一定要做到词不离句,句不离文





第4题,如果只看四个选项,这道题似乎是在考查介词的用法,认真阅读上下文后,才会发现help oneself to sth.是固定詞组,意为“自取……”。没有理解到这层意思,是很难做对此题的。另外,对于习惯用法和词组搭配的意思也应放在语言环境中去记忆,有的考生只知道 help oneself to...是“请随便……”,因此,要理解透句子的意思才能正确作答。









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