

天文爱好者 2016年12期

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Milky Way Halo银晕

There's a lot more to the Milky Way than meets the eye.


Most of what we think of as the Milky Way galaxy is contained in a thin disk of stars and gas that's about a hundred thousand lightyears wide. But there's a lot more material outside the disk than inside.


The region outside the disk is known as the halo. It forms a ball that completely surrounds the disk, and it's several times wider than the disk.


There aren't all that many individual stars in the halo. But the halo is home to the galaxy's globular clusters — tightly packed balls of hundreds of thousands of stars. Most of the clusters lie outside the disk, but even those that are inside the disk are just passing through — they belong to the halo.


The stars in globular clusters are the oldest in the entire Milky Way.


箭袋树森林上方的银河。影像拍摄于非洲纳米比亚南部的一座箭袋树森林,璀璨银河与憨态可掬的箭袋树相映成趣。当然,图片中可见的银河仅仅是整个银河的一部分。图片来源:Florian Breuer摄影作品

A second component of the halo is hot gas. It produces an X-ray glow that was discovered a few years ago. The gas may equal the mass of all the stars in the galaxy — doubling the amount of the Milky Way's “normal” matter.


Most of the stuff that makes up the Milky Way is dark matter, which is the halo's main component. Dark matter produces no energy, but its gravity tugs at the visible matter around it. It may consist of subatomic particles that are still awaiting discovery.


The dark matter is several times more massive than all the galaxy's stars and gas combined — so there's a lot more to the Milky Way than meets the eye.


Brightest Galaxy 最亮的星系

Our galaxy, the Milky Way, is bigger and brighter than most others. Its hundreds of billions of stars emit roughly 20 billion times the light of the Sun. But a few rare galaxies make our galactic home seem modest. The brightest galaxy yet seen, for example, is 10,000 times brighter than the entire Milky Way.


This brilliant galaxy, which is identified only by a catalog name, is in the faint constellation Aquarius, which is low in the southeast at nightfall on these early autumn nights.


The galaxy is about 12-and-a-half billion light-years away, so we see it as it was when the universe was just 1.3 billion years old.


The galaxy owes most of its brilliance not to its stars, but to a black hole. A supermassive black hole at the galaxy's center attracts gas. As the gas plunges in, it gets so hot that it radiates profusely. Dust blocks our view of the galaxy, but the dust itself gets heated and emits infrared light. In fact, astronomers discovered the galaxy with an infrared telescope in space.


We can't see what the galaxy looks like today. But it led such an accelerated lifestyle in its youth that it probably blew away much of its gas and converted the rest into stars. As a result, today it may be a dull type of galaxy known as a giant elliptical. If so, then it has no gas, no young stars, and no evidence that it once reigned as one of the brightest galaxies in the cosmos.


Old Clusters 最古老的星团

If you have dark skies and a pair of binoculars, you can scan for some of the oldest stars in the entire galaxy. The stars may have formed as early as 13 billion years ago — when the universe was less than a billion years old.


The stars belong to globular clusters, which reside in the Milky Way's halo, outside the galaxy's bright disk.


Each cluster is a tightly packed ball of a hundred thousand stars or more. And all of those stars are among the most ancient in the galaxy.


Astronomers infer a star's age by measuring its composition. The first stars in the universe consisted almost entirely of hydrogen and helium — elements forged in the Big Bang. Nuclear reactions in those stars made heavier elements. When the stars died, they expelled some of the heavy elements into space.


哈勃望远镜中的M15星团。图中的星星像蜜蜂一样挤在一起,这里的超过10万颗星星昭示了银河系早期的样子。图片来源:ESA, Hubble, NASA

Over time, those elements were incorporated into new stars, which in turn made and distributed even more heavy elements. So stars like the Sun, which formed billions of years after the Big Bang, contain fairly high concentrations of these elements. But the stars in globular clusters contain almost none, suggesting that they're extremely old.


特别说明:以上三篇文稿英文撰稿均为Damond Benningfield。文章来源于Star Date网站(,欢迎大家关注网站查看原文。

(责任编辑 张长喜)


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