

四川动物 2016年5期

孟飞燕, 李俊, 李云臻, 范丽仙*

(1.云南师范大学生命科学学院,生物能源持续开发利用教育部工程研究中心,昆明 650500;2. 云南农业大学农学与生物技术学院,昆明 650201)

孟飞燕1, 李俊2, 李云臻1, 范丽仙1*

(1.云南师范大学生命科学学院,生物能源持续开发利用教育部工程研究中心,昆明 650500;2. 云南农业大学农学与生物技术学院,昆明 650201)

1 材料和方法

1.1 采集地点与采集方式

1.2 标本的处理及制作


制作水封片观测虫体的几丁质结构,在显微镜Olympus CX-41下拍照并绘制墨线图,量度单位为μm,测量数据为测量范围,括号内为平均数和所测标本数。

2 分类

单殖吸虫纲Monogenea Bychowsky,1937

指环虫科Dactylogyridae Bychowsky,1933


2.1 版纳指环虫,新种Dactylogyrusbannaensissp. nov.(图1~5)








2.1.1 形态学特征 虫体呈纺锤形延伸,体长574~628(605;n=6),体宽122~192(145;n=10)。后吸器与虫体前部有明显分界,后吸器长80~100(88;n=11),宽69~95(77;n=10);虫体长与后吸器长之比为7∶1。7对边缘小钩,发育完全,大小不一致,边缘小钩长:pair Ⅰ=40,pair Ⅱ=32,pair Ⅲ=40,pair Ⅳ=28,pair Ⅴ=23,pair Ⅵ=33,pair Ⅶ=21,其中边缘小钩顺序依据Kulwiec(1927)的标准。中央大钩呈D.wunderi型(吴宝华等,2000),钩丝不明显,中央大钩纤细,全长37~41(40;n=12),基部长30~32(21;n=12);内突长于外突(内突约为外突的4倍长),外突细长,盾圆不明显;内突长12~14(13;n=12),外突长2~4(3;n=12);钩尖长9~14(11;n=12)。


图1~5 版纳指环虫,新种Dactylogyrusbannaensissp. nov.

Figs. 1~5Dactylogyrusbannaensissp. nov.

1.整体腹面观, 2~3. 后吸器, 4~5. 交接器; A. 中央大钩, B. 背联结片, C. 腹联结片, D. 边缘小钩, E. 交接器, F. 卵。

1.Ventral view of the holotype ofD.bannaensissp.nov., 2~3. Haptoral sclerites, 4~5. Copulatry organs; A. anchor, B. dorsal bar, C. ventral bar, D. hooks, E. copulatory organ, F. egg.


2.1.2 讨论 基于形态学上后吸器的比较,新种版纳指环虫与船茎指环虫D.nilkolskyiGussev,1955和带状指环虫B型D.eigenmanniGussev,1955相似(图16~17)。这3种指环虫能从交接器区分开,版纳指环虫是唯一一个交接管延伸到虫体阴道开口处的指环虫,两末端卷曲,呈长带状。而船茎指环虫的交接管呈线形螺旋;版纳指环虫的支持器呈斜棒状,而船茎指环虫的呈月牙状;带状指环虫B型的交接管较细,略呈弧形,支持器略弯呈弧形,端部分二叉,版纳指环虫的交接管两端都卷曲,支持器的结构较复杂,支持器从微弯的一端延伸,后与交接管端部结合,一部分伸出一“V”形小管,另一部分以二分叉的平行管延伸。

2.2 景洪指环虫,新种Dactylogyrusjinghongensissp. nov.(图6~10)








2.2.1 形态学特征 眼点2对,咽椭圆形,直径8。体长491~552(524;n=5),体宽164~166(165;n=3)。后吸器与虫体前部有明显分界,后吸器长80~109(98;n=4),宽86~114(106;n=4);虫体长与后吸器长之比为5∶1。7对边缘小钩,发育完全,第7对最小,其余大小一致,边缘小钩长22~31(26;n=4)。中央大钩呈D.wunderi型(吴宝华等,2000),钩丝明显,中央大钩全长35~37(36;n=4),基部长27~29(28;n=4);内突较长且平直;内突长10~15(13;n=4);外突长3~4(3.5;n=4);钩尖长11~14(13;n=4)。有2个联结片,其中联结片弓形,中间稍向前弯曲,末端延伸,大小2~3×27~28(2.5×28;n=4);副联结片T形,节点处稍厚,大小13~14×18~21(14×20;n=4)。

图6~10 景洪指环虫Dactylogyrus jinghongensis sp. nov.Figs. 6~10 Dactylogyrus jinghongensis sp. nov.

6.整体腹面观, 7~8.交接器, 9~10.后吸器; A. 中央大钩, B. 背联结片, C. 腹联结片, D. 边缘小钩, E. 交接器。

6. Ventral view of the holotype ofD.jinghongensissp.nov., 7~8. Copulatory organs, 9~10. Haptoral sclerites; A. anchor, B. dorsal bar, C. ventral bar, D. hooks, E. copulatory organs.

图11~31 同一种宿主条寄生指环虫后吸器和交接器对比图(吴宝华等,2000)Figs. 11~31 Comparison diagram of the haptoral sclerites and copulatory organs from the host fish Hemiculter leucisculus

1.后吸器haptoral sclerites, 2.交接器copulatory organ; A,B. 同一单殖吸虫的不同形态different forms of the same monogenea.



2.3 后吸器与交接器对比

3 讨论



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Two New Species of GenusDactylogyrusDiesing, 1850 (Monogenea: Dactylogyridae) ParasitizingHemiculterleucisculus(Cyprinidae) from the Langcang River, China

MENG Feiyan1, LI Jun2, LI Yunzhen1, FAN Lixian1*

(1. School of Life Science, Yunnan Normal University, Engineering Research Center of Sustainable Development and Utilization of Biomass Energy, Ministry of Education, Kunming 650500, China;2. College of Agronomy and Biological Technology, Kunming 650201, China)

This study described two new species of the genusDactylogyrus, which were collected from the gills of the cyprinid fishHemiculterleucisculus(Basilewsky, 1855). The cyprinid fish were collected from the Lancang River, Jinghong basin of Yunnan province, 100°47′43″E, 22°0′28″N. The two newDactylogyrusspecies are freshwater species and double-bar species. Based on the morphological differences of the types of haptoral sclerites and male copulatory organs (MCOs), the new two speciesDactylogyrusbannaensissp. nov. andD.jinghongensissp. nov. were named according to the location of their hosts, respectively.D.bannaensissp. nov. was distinguished by the different features from all the recorded species of the genus, especiallyD.nilkolskyiGussev, 1955.D.bannaensissp. nov. has a male copulatory organ with a copulatory tube that elongate into left body margin of the parasite, distally recurved, directed straight process, long-ribbon-like, also possessing a complex accessory piece. And the infection rate of this parasite is 100%(40/40). The other new speciesD.jinghongensissp. nov., parasitizes the same host asDactylogyrusbannaensissp. nov., is distinguished by the rainbow-like copulatory organ from its congeners (D.erythroculterisandD.pannosus). For the MCOs ofD.jinghongensis, one of the ends expansion and funnel-type, distally extending to shaft fold and a V-type accessory piece, middle part enclosing copulatory tube and distal part process an attenuated tube. The infection rate ofD.jinghongensisis also 100%(40/40).

monogenea;Hemiculterleucisculus;Dactylogyrus; new species; Lancang River

2015-12-07 接受日期:2016-06-27


孟飞燕(1991—), 女, 硕士研究生, 主要从事鱼类单殖吸虫分类学研究,

*通信作者Corresponding author, 主要从事寄生虫分类学研究,






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