南海是西太平洋最大的边缘海之一,研究其深部地壳的结构对深入认识南海共轭边缘的构造属性、深海盆形成演化历史、含油气盆地的形成机制均具有十分重要的科学意义。南海地壳结构的深地震探测从构造区域上可分为南海北部陆缘、南海南部陆缘、南海中部深海盆等几个海域,在探测技术上经历了声纳浮标、双船扩展剖面(expanding spread profile, ESP)、海底地震仪(ocean bottom seismometer, OBS)探测3个阶段。特别是近20年OBS探测蓬勃发展,从南海北部、发展到南海南部、再到南海中部,从二维直线探测到三维网格探测。这些探测和研究得到了宝贵的深部地壳结构信息,为南海的形成演化理论提供了重要依据,同时也推动了国产OBS的应用和人才队伍的培养。而最新完成的深海盆三维OBS探测标志了一个新的历史阶段,具有非常深远的科学意义。
来源出版物:热带海洋学报, 2012, 31(3): 1-9
来源出版物:中国造船, 2012, 53(S1): 274-278
来源出版物:机器人, 2013, 35(3): 363-375
摘要:当前,能在全海深(11000 m)范围内进行观察作业的载人潜水器代表了最前沿的国际深海载人技术。随着下潜深度的增加,如何大幅度提高下潜和上浮速度以确保海底作业时间已经成为潜水器设计中的关键问题。该文是系列研究的第一篇论文,主要解读刚刚完成挑战马里亚纳海沟壮举的由美国导演 Cameron设计的“深海挑战者”潜水器的水动力性能,它采用鱼雷外形,实现了下潜上浮速度的大幅提升。该文研究了各外形参数对该深潜器本体阻力的影响,采用优化拉丁方法设计了深潜器本体阻力系数的计算方案,并采用二阶响应面方法,给出了深潜器本体阻力系数的估算公式。此研究结果可供我国今后研制全海深载人潜水器时参考。
来源出版物:水动力学研究与进展A辑, 2013, 28(1): 1-9
来源出版物:地球科学进展, 2013, 28(5): 552-558
来源出版物:中国机械工程, 2014, 25(23): 3255-3266
来源出版物:机械工程学报, 2014, 50(2): 8-18
来源出版物:排灌机械工程学报, 2014, 32(4): 319-326
来源出版物:液压与气动, 2015, (2): 42-46
摘要:载人深潜技术是深海技术的前沿与制高点,也是深海科考最先进的技术手段之一。20世纪60年代以来,随着高新技术的发展,美国、法国、俄罗斯、日本等国在载人潜水器的研制和应用上取得了快速的发展,先后掌握了大深度载人深潜技术,具备了在复杂海况下进行水下作业的能力,实现了对深海和大洋洋底的现场观察、探测和取样等。目前,深海载人潜水器的考察范围已经遍及全球大陆坡深水区、洋中脊、海山、海沟和洋盆等海底区域,获得了大量的深海地质、地球物理、生物、化学和环境方面的信息或样品,取得了一批重大的发现和创新性的研究成果,推动了深海科学的发展。我国自主集成研制的“蛟龙”号载人潜水器顺利完成了7000 m级海试,并于2013年开始开展了试验性应用,取得了丰硕的科考成果。本文简要介绍了世界载人潜水器的发展现状及其在深海科学考察中的技术优势,综述了国内外载人潜水器在深海地质学、生物学和物理海洋学等领域中的应用情况。
来源出版物:海洋学报, 2015, 37(10): 1-10
摘要:针对深海装备在海洋科学调查和资源勘探等领域中的应用,设计并实现了一种用于深海装备的着陆控制技术,并完成了原理样机的开发。系统以 STM32处理器为核心,结合高度计、倾角传感器及步进电机,通过采用创新性的“二次调平”机制,在实验室水池中实现了原理样机在复杂地形下的平稳着陆与调平功能。经测试,其能可靠地完成预定功能,满足了设计的要求。
来源出版物:电子技术应用, 2015, 41(9): 42-44
来源出版物:中国造船, 2016, 57(2): 206-221
关键词:silicic acid; dissolved silicon; marine silica budget; silica production; steady state
来源出版物:Annual Review of Marine Science, 2013, 5: 477-501
Deep structures of the Palawan and Sulu Sea and their implications for opening of the South China Sea
Liu, Wei-Nan; Li, Chun-Feng; Li, Jiabiao; et al.
Abstract:Compared to the northern South China Sea continental margin, the deep structures and tectonic evolution of the Palawan and Sulu Sea and ambient regions are not well understood so far. However, this part of the southern continental margin and adjacent areas embed critical information on the opening of the South China Sea (SCS). In this paper, we carry out geophysical investigations using regional magnetic, gravity and reflection seismic data. Analytical signal amplitudes (ASA) of magnetic anomalies are calculated to depict the boundaries of different tectonic units. Curie-point depths are estimated from magnetic anomalies using a windowed wavenumber-domain algorithm. Application of the Parker-Old-enburg algorithm to Bouguer gravity anomalies yields a 3D Moho topography.The Palawan Continental Block (PCB) is defined by quiet magnetic anomalies, low ASA, moderate depths to the top and bottom of the magnetic layer, and its northern boundary is further constrained by reflection seismic data and Moho interpretation. The PCB is found to be a favorable area for hydrocarbon exploration. However, the continent ocean transition zone between the PCB and the SCS is characterized by hyper-extended continental crust intruded with magmatic bodies. The NW Sulu Sea is interpreted as a relict oceanic slice and the geometry and position of extinct trench of the Proto South China Sea (PSCS) is further constrained. With additional age constraints from inverted Moho and Curie-point depths, we confirm that the spreading of the SE Sulu Sea started in the Early Oligocene/Late Eocene due to the subduction of the PSCS, and terminated in the Middle Miocene by the obduction of the NW Sulu Sea onto the PCB.
关键词:Sulu Sea; Palawan Continental Block; South China Sea; relict oceanic crust; curie depth; Moho
来源出版物:Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2014, 58: 721-735
Deep-ocean mineral deposits as a source of critical metals for high- and green-technology applications: Comparison with land-based resources
Hein, James R; Mizell, Kira; Koschinsky, Andrea; et al.
Abstract:Ferromanganese (Fe-Mn) crusts are strongly enriched relative to the Earth’s lithosphere in many rare and critical metals, including Co, Te, Mo, Bi, Pt, W, Zr, Nb, Y, and rare-earth elements (REEs). Fe-Mn nodules are strongly enriched in Ni, Cu, Co, Mo, Zr, Li, Y, and REEs. Compared to Fe-Mn crusts, nodules are more enriched in Ni, Cu, and Li, with subequal amounts of Mo and crusts are more enriched in the other metals. The metal ions and complexes in seawater are sorbed onto the two major host phases, FeO(OH) with a positively charged surface and MnO2with a negatively charged surface. Metals are also derived from diagenetically modified sediment pore fluids and incorporated into most nodules. Seafloor massive sulfides (SMS), especially those in arc and back-arc settings, can also be enriched in rare metals and metalloids, such as Cd, Ga, Ge, In, As, Sb, and Se. Metal grades for the elements of economic interest in SMS (Cu, Zn, Au, Ag) are much greater than those in land-based volcanogenic massive sulfides. However, their tonnage throughout the global ocean is poorly known and grade/tonnage comparisons with land-based deposits would be premature. The Clarion-Clipperton Fe-Mn Nodule Zone (CCZ) in the NE Pacific and the prime Fe-Mn crust zone (PCZ) in the central Pacific are the areas of greatest economic interest for nodules and crusts and grades and tonnages for those areas are moderately well known. We compare the grades and tonnages of nodules and crusts in those two areas with the global terrestrial reserves and resources. Nodules in the CCZ have more Tl (6000 times), Mn, Te, Ni, Co, and Y than the entire global terrestrial reserve base for those metals. The CCZ nodules also contain significant amounts of Cu, Mo, W, Li, Nb, and rare earth oxides (REO) compared to the global land-based reserves. Fe-Mn crusts in the PCZ have significantly more TI (1700 times), Te (10 times more), Co, and Y than the entire terrestrial reserve base. Other metals of significance in the PCZ crusts relative to the total global land-based reserves are Bi, REO, Nb, and W. CCZ nodules and PCZ crusts are also compared with the two largest existing land-based REE mines, Bayan Obo in China and Mountain Pass in the USA. The land-based deposits are higher grade but lower tonnage deposits. Notably, both land-based deposits have <1% heavy REEs (HREEs), whereas the CCZ has 26% HREEs and the PCZ, 18% HREEs; the HREEs have a much greater economic value. Radioactive The concentrations are appreciably higher in the land-based deposits than in either type of marine deposit. A discussion of the differences between terrestrial and marine impacts and mine characteristics is also presented, including the potential for rare metals and REEs in marine deposits to be recovered as byproducts of mining the main metals of economic interest in nodules and crusts.
关键词:deep-ocean mineral resources; Fe-Mn crusts and nodules; rare metals; rare earth elements; comparisons with land-based resources
来源出版物:ORE Geology Reviews, 2013, 51: 1-14
Exploration beyond seismic: The role of electromagnetics and gravity gradiometry in deep water subsalt plays of the Red Sea
Colombo, Daniele; McNeice, Gary; Raterman, Nickolas; et al.
Abstract:The Red Sea is characterized by thick salt sequences representing a seal for potential hydrocarbon accumulations within Tertiary formations deposited over deep basement structures. The Red Sea “salt” is characterized by halite concentrations embedded in layeredevaporite sequences composed of evaporite and clastic lithologies. Salt complicates seismic exploration efforts in the Red Sea by generating vertical and lateral velocity variations that are difficult to estimate by seismic methods alone. In these conditions, the exploration challenges of independently imaging the subsalt section and provide enhanced velocity model building capabilities were addressed by a multigeophysics strategy involving marine electromagnetics (magnetotellurics and controlled source electromagnetics [CSEM]) and gravity gradiometry surveys colocated with wide azimuth seismic. Threedimensional inversion of MT and CSEM is performed first with minimal a priori constraints and then by including variable amounts of interpretation in the starting models. The internal variations in the evaporitic overburden, the subsalt, and the basement structures are independently imaged by combined electromagnetic methods and confirmed by new drilling results. CSEM, in particular, provides unprecedented detail of the internal structures within the salt overburden while magnetotellurics provides excellent reconstruction of the base of salt and basement. Gravity gradiometry shows primary sensitivity to the basement and the corresponding 3D inversion provides density distributions structurally consistent with the resistivity volumes. The common-structure, multi-parameter models obtained from 3D inversion deliver additional aid to seismic interpreters to further derisk exploration in the Red Sea and provide additional detail to depth imaging velocity models. The reciprocal consistency of the obtained results show promises for extending the work to more analytical integration with seismic such as provided by joint geophysical inversion.
来源出版物:Interpretation-A Journal of Subsurface Characterization, 2014, 2(3): 33-53
Real-time visualization system for deep-sea surveying
Li, Yujie; Lu, Huimin; Zhang, Lifeng; et al.
Abstract:Remote robotic exploration holds vast potential for gaining knowledge about extremeenvironments, which is difficult to be accessed by humans. In the last two decades, various underwater devices were developed for detecting the mines and mine-like objects in the deep-sea environment. However, there are some problems in recent equipment, like poor accuracy of mineral objects detection, without real-time processing, and low resolution of underwater video frames. Consequently, the underwater objects recognition is a difficult task, because the physical properties of the medium, the captured video frames, are distorted seriously. In this paper, we are considering use of the modern image processing methods to determine the mineral location and to recognize the mineral actually within a little computation complex. We firstly analyze the recent underwater imaging models and propose a novel underwater optical imaging model, which is much closer to the light propagation model in the underwater environment. In our imaging system, we remove the electrical noise by dual-tree complex wavelet transform. And then we solve the nonuniform illumination of artificial lights by fast guided trilateral bilateral filter and recover the image color through automatic color equalization. Finally, a shape-based mineral recognition algorithm is proposed for underwater objects detection. These methods are designed for real-time execution on limited-memory platforms. This pipeline is suitable for detecting underwater objects in practice by our experiences. The initial results are presented and experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed real-time visualization system.
来源出版物:Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2014: 437071
Gas hydrate risks and prevention for deep water drilling and completion: A case study of well QDN-X in Qiongdongnan Basin, South China Sea
Zhang Liang; Zhang Chong; Huang Haidong; et al.
Abstract:Taking a deep-water exploration well of natural gas located in the Qiongdongnan Basin in the South China Sea as an example, the hydrate risks of the well under operational conditions during drilling and testing processes were analyzed, and the corresponding hydrate prevention solutions were presented and verified by lab experiments and field application. Based on the predicted gas hydrate equilibrium curves and the calculated wellbore pressuretemperature fields, the hydrate risks were analyzed. The maximum sub-cooling temperature is 6.5 degrees C during normal drilling with a small hydrate stability zone in the wellbore; when the drilling or testing stops, the hydrate stability zone in the wellbore becomes larger and the maximum sub-cooling temperatures are 19 degrees C and 23 degrees C respectively; the maximum sub-cooling temperature at the beginning of testing is no more than that when testing stops; when the tested production rate of natural gas increases, the hydrate stability zone in thewellbore decreases or even disappears if the gas rate is more than 25 × 104m3/d. The designed hydrate prevention solutions include: adding sodium chloride and ethylene glycol into drilling fluid during normal drilling and when drilling stops; adding calcium chloride/potassium formate and ethylene glycol into testing fluid; applying downhole methyl alcohol injection when the production rate of natural gas is lower than 25 × 104m3/d; filling the testing string with testing fluid when the test shuts down for a long time. Lab experiments and field operations have indicated that all the designed solutions can meet the requirements of hydrate prevention.
关键词:gas hydrate; drilling fluid; wellbore temperature; sub-cooling temperature; hydrate inhibitor; deep water drilling
来源出版物:Petroleum Exploration and Development, 2014, 41(6): 824-832
The northeastern South China Sea margin created by the combined action of down-slope and along-slope processes: Processes, products and implications for exploration and paleoceanography
Gong, Chenglin; Wang, Yingmin; Xu, Shang; et al.
Abstract:Processes and products associated with the interplay of down-slope and along-slope processes are geographically widespread and yet poorly documented. Using a high-quality 2D database consisting of bathymetry, 20 seismic, piston cores, faunal, and radiocarbon data, six major depositional systems are recognized along the northeastern South China Sea margin, and from the upper slope to abyssal plain, they are erosional features, mass-flow systems, sediment gravity-flow (SGF) systems, mixed contourite-SGF systems, contourite systems and hemipelagic systems. Sedimentary processes on the studied margin show considerable spatial complexity, yielding a depositional model that must incorporate the interplay of down-slope and along-slope processes. Erosional features and mass-flow systems are common on upper and middle slopes, respectively, where high mass flows probably dominate over bottom currents. In the lower slope and continental rise where mass flows transform into SGFs, yielding SGF system. In the lower segment of the Taiwan canyon, there is a strong interplay of SGFs and bottom currents, forming the mixed contourite-SGF system. On the abyssal plain where SGFs are volumetrically overwhelmed by contour currents, contourite depositional systems are well developed. Our results highlight the complex interaction between down-slope and along-slope processes on continental margins, thus helping to better understand the deep-water sedimentation. Bottom-current reworked sands lacking ‘typical turbidite signatures’ are recognized, and are interpreted to be created by the interplay of SGF and bottom currents (including contour currents, bottom currents associated with internal solitary waves and deepmarine tidal bottom currents), which could potentially yield excellent hydrocarbon reservoirs after burial, affording an alternative for interpreting deep-marine non-turbidite reservoirs. Fine-grained bottom-current sediment waves are first recognized in the abyssal plain of the South China Sea and are interpreted to be created by contour currents resulting from the North Pacific Deep Water (NPDW-CCs), providing solid evidence for the intrusion of NPDW into the abyssal plain of the South China Sea. Preliminary bedform-velocity analysis suggests that NPDW-CCs have a maximum flow velocity up to 3 similar to 7 cm/s.
关键词:the northeastern South China Sea margin; Bottom-current reworked sands; bottom-current sediment waves; the interplay of down-slope and along-slope processes; intrusion of North Pacific Deep Water into South China Sea
来源出版物:Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2015, 64: 233-249
Haptic object recognition in underwater and deep-sea environments
Aggarwal, Achint; Kampmann, Peter; Lemburg, J; et al.
Abstract:Tactile sensors, because of their intrinsic insensitivity to lighting conditions and water turbidity, provide promising opportunities for perception and object recognition in underwater and deep-sea environments. However, the limited availability of tactile sensors for underwater use has led to limited research in this domain. Recently, we have developed a deep-sea-capable tactile sensing system, with high spatial and force resolutions, which has made underwater haptic exploration possible for the first time. This paper presents a tactile sensor-based object recognition and localization methodology for structured underwater and deep-sea applications. Our approach is based on database matching using a local feature-based Random Sampling and Consensus (RANSAC) algorithm, and sequentially evolving the resulting hypotheses over the course of object exploration.It can handle a large database of three-dimensional objects of complex shapes, and it performs a complete six degree of freedom localization of a static object. An approach to utilize both contact and free-space measurements is presented. Extensive experimentation is performed in underwater environments for validating both the sensor system and the algorithms. To our knowledge, this is the first instance of haptic object recognition and localization in underwater and deep-sea environments.
来源出版物:Journal of Field Robotics, 2015, 32(S1): 167-185
Underwater sensor network applications: A comprehensive surveyFelemban, Emad; Shaikh, Faisal Karim;
Qureshi, Umair Mujtaba; et al.
Abstract:We compare selected marine electromagnetic methods for sensitivity to the presence of relatively thin resistive targets (e.g., hydrocarbons, gas hydrates, fresh groundwater, etc.). The study includes the conventional controlled-source electromagnetic method, the recently introduced transient electromagnetic prospecting with vertical electric lines method, and the novel marine circular electric dipole method, which is still in the stage of theoretical development. The comparison is based on general physical considerations, analytical (mainly asymptotic) analysis, and rigorous one-dimensional and multidimensional forward modelling. It is shown that transient electromagnetic prospecting with vertical electric lines and marine circular electric dipole methods represent an alternative to the conventional controlled-source electromagnetic method at shallow sea, where the latter becomes less efficient due to the air-wave phenomenon. Since both former methods are essentially short-offset time-domain techniques, they exhibit a much better lateral resolution than the controlled-source electromagnetic method in both shallow sea and deep sea. The greatest shortcoming of the transient electromagnetic prospecting with vertical electric lines and marine circular electric dipole methods comes from the difficulties in accurately assembling the transmitter antenna within the marine environment. This makes these methods significantly less practical than the controlled-source electromagnetic method. Consequently, the controlled-source electromagnetic method remains the leading marine electromagnetic technique in the exploration of large resistive targets in deep sea. However, exploring laterally small targets in deep sea and both small and large targets in shallow sea might require the use of the less practical transient electromagnetic prospecting with vertical electric lines and/or marine circular electric dipole method as a desirable alternative to the controlled-source electromagnetic method.
关键词:marine electromagnetics; signal detectability; resistive targets
来源出版物:Geophysical Prospecting, 2015, 63(1): 192-210
Geology and hydrocarbon accumulations in the deepwater of the northwestern South China Sea-with focus on natural gas
Wang, Zhenfeng; Sun, Zhipeng; Zhang, Daojun; et al.
Abstract:The deepwater of the northwestern South China Sea is located in the central to southern parts of the Qiongdongnan Basin (QDN Basin), which is a key site for hydrocarbon exploration in recent years. In this study, the authors did a comprehensive analysis of gravity-magnetic data, extensive 3D seismic survey, cores and cuttings, paleontology and geochemical indexes, proposed the mechanism of natural gas origin, identified different oil and gas systems, and established the model of hydrocarbon accumulations in the deep-water region. Our basin tectonic simulation indicates that the evolution of QDN Basin was controlled by multiple-phased tectonic movements, such as Indochina-Eurasian Plate collision, Tibetan Uplift, Red River faulting and the expansion of the South China Sea which is characterized by Paleogene rifting, Neogene depression, and Eocene intensive faulting and lacustrine deposits. The drilling results show that this region is dominated by marineterrestrial transitional and neriticbathyal facies from the early Oligocene. The Yacheng Formation of the early Oligocene is rich in organic matter and a main gas-source rock. According to the geologicalgeochemical data from the latest drilling wells, Lingshui, Baodao, Changchang Sags have good hydrocarbongenerating potentials, where two plays from the Paleogene and Neogene reservoirs were developed. Those reservoirs occur in central canyon structural-lithologic trap zone, Changchang marginal trap zone and southern fault terrace of Baodao Sag. Among them, the central canyon trap zone has a great potential for exploration because the various reservoirforming elements are well developed, i.e., good coal-measure source rocks, sufficient reservoirs from the Neogene turbidity sandstone and submarine fan, faults connecting source rock and reservoirs, effective verticalmigration, late stage aggregation and favorable structurallithological composite trapping. These study results provide an important scientific basis for hydrocarbon exploration in this region, evidenced by the recent discovery of the significant commercial LS-A gas field in the central canyon of the Lingshui Sag.
关键词:South China Sea; deepwater; natural gas; petroleum system; central canyon; reservoir-forming conditions; Qiongdongnan Basin
来源出版物:ACTA Oceanologica Sinica, 2015, 34(10): 57-70
Migration of multiples from the South China Sea
Liu, Yike; Zhu, Weilin; Mi, Lijun; et al.
Abstract:The South China Sea where water depth is up to 5000 m is the most promising oil and gas exploration area in China in the future. The seismic data acquired in the South China Sea contain various types of multiples that need to be removed before imaging can be developed. However, compared with the conventional reflection migration, multiples carry more information of the underground structure that helps provide better subsurface imaging. This paper presents a method to modify the conventional reverse time migration so that multiple reflections can migrate to their correct locations in the subsurface. This approach replaces the numerical impulsive source with the recorded data including primaries and multiples on the surface, and replaces the recorded primary reflection data with multiples. In the reverse time migration process, multiples recorded on the surface are extrapolated backward in time to each depth level, while primaries and multiples recorded on the surface are extrapolated forward in time to the same depth levels. By matching the difference between the primary and multiple images using an objective function, this algorithm improves the primary resultant image. Synthetic tests on Sigsbee2B show that the proposed method can obtain a greater range and better underground illumination. Images of deep water in the South China Sea are obtained using multiples and their matching with primaries. They demonstrate that multiples can make up for the reflection illumination and the migration of multiples is an important research direction in the future.
关键词:the South China Sea; reverse time migration of multiples; seismic imaging
来源出版物:Science China-Earth Sciences, 2015, 58(3): 482-490
Water column imaging with multibeam echo-sounding in the mid-Okinawa Trough: Implications for distribution of deep-sea hydrothermal vent sites and the cause of acoustic water column anomaly
Nakamura, Kentaro; Kawagucci, Shinsuke; Kitada, Kazuya; et al.
Abstract:Polymetallic sulfides deposited in seafloor hydrothermal vents have recently attracted attention as potential deep-sea mineral resources for base, rare, and precious metals such as Cu, Zn, Pb, In, Ga, Ge, Au, and Ag. For future exploitation of this type of deep-sea mineral resources, development of effective methods for exploring seafloor hydrothermal activity is a key to provide the most promising list of fields. However, conventional exploration methods are likely laborious and time-consuming, and a more efficient methods for exploration of seafloor hydrothermal vents are to be further developed. In the last decade, water column observation using multibeam echo souder (MBES) systems have become successfully applied to exploration of seafloor hydrothermal vents. In 2013 and 2014, we conducted extensive water column surveys using MBES systems in the mid-Okinawa Trough. During the surveys, we detected 10 hydrothermal vent sites, including previously known sites, belonging to four relatively large hydrothermal vent fields, located at the Izena Hole, Iheya North Knoll, Iheya Small Ridge, and a seamount 15 km northwest of the Izena Hole. All of the hydrothermal vent sites are in groups of 2-3 vent sites belonging to a hydrothermal field. Morphological features of the acoustic water column anomalies (rising vertically up to similar to 1000 m from the seafloor without a significant change of width) implied that the acoustic water column anomalies were not caused directly by hydrothermal vent fluid flows. The depth of the top of the acoustic water column anomalies (similar to 500 m) corresponded rather well to the depth of the CO2phase transition from liquid/ clathratehydrate to vapor. This suggests that the acoustic water column anomalies are attributed to water mass including dense liquid CO2droplets with clathrate-hydrate crusts, which are originally derived from the seafloor hydrothermal fluid discharges.
关键词:multibeam echo sounder (MBES); acoustic water column anomaly; liquid CO2droplet; hydrothermal exploration; mid-Okinawa Trough
来源出版物:Geochemical Journal, 2015, 49(6): 579-596
The NOAA vents program 1983 to 2013: Thirty years of ocean exploration and research
Hammond, Stephen R; Embley, Robert W; Baker, Edward T
Abstract:Two seminal advances in the late 1970s in science and technology spurred the establishment of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Vents Program: the unexpected discovery of seafloor vents and chemosynthetic ecosystems on the Galapagos Spreading Center (GSC), and civilian access to a previously classified multibeam mapping sonar system. A small team of NOAA scientists immediately embarked on an effort to apply the new mapping technology to the discovery of vents, animal communities, and polymetallic sulfide deposits on spreading ridges in the Northeast Pacific Ocean. The addition of interdisciplinary colleagues from NOAA’s cooperative institutes at Oregon State University and the University of Washington led to the creation of the Vents Program in 1983 at NOAA’s Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory. Within a decade, Vents surveyed the entire Juan de Fuca and Gorda Ridges for hydrothermal activity, discovered the first “megaplume,” established multiyear time series of hydrothermal fluid measurements, and, for the first time, acoustically detected and responded to a deep-sea volcanic eruption. With this experience, and partnering with researchers from around the globe, Vents expanded to exploration along the East Pacific and GSC divergent plate boundaries. In 1999, the Vents Program embarked on systematic surveys along volcanic arcs and back-arc basins of the Mariana and Kermadec-Tonga subduction zones. For three decades, the Vents Program focused on understanding the physical, chemical, and biological environmental consequences of global-scale processes that regulate the transfer of heat and mass from Earth’s hot interior into the ocean. As the fourth decade began, the Vents Program was restructured into two new programs, Earth-Ocean Interactions and Acoustics, that together continue, and broaden, the scope of Vents’pioneering ocean exploration and research.
来源出版物:Oceanography, 2015, 28(1): 160-173
Design of a novel installation device for a subsea production system
Cao, Yuguang; Hu, Xueyang; Zhang, Shihua; et al.
Abstract:Subsea production systems (SPSs) have dominated the exploration of deep-sea oil and gas fields because of their economic superiority. SPS is a highinvestment and high-risk technology. A floating installation device (FID) and an installation method for the SPS using this device were designed in this study. The device is made of buoyant materials, allowing both the SPS and the FID to be kept in a suspended state. Thus, the restriction caused by the great weight of the SPS can be avoided. The dynamic response of the chain system and FID was analysed according to environmental loads and material characteristics. The feasibility of the design was validated through numerical simulation and theoretical computation.
关键词:subsea production system; installation method; floating installation device; theoretical computation; numerical simulation
来源出版物:Applied Ocean Research, 2016, 59: 24-37
The world ocean silica cycle
Treguer, Paul J; De La Rocha, Christina, L
Over the past few decades, we have realized that the silica cycle is strongly intertwined with other major biogeochemical cycles, like those of carbon and nitrogen, and as such is intimately related to marine primary production, the efficiency of carbon export to the deep sea, and the inventory of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. For nearly 20 years, the marine silica budget compiled by Treguer et al. (1995), with its exploration of reservoirs, processes, sources, and sinks in the silica cycle, has provided context and information fundamental to study of the silica cycle. Today, the budget needs revisiting to incorporate advances that have notably changed estimates of river and groundwater inputs to the ocean of dissolved silicon and easily dissolvable amorphous silica, inputs from the dissolution of terrestrial lithogenic silica in ocean margin sediments, reverse weathering removal fluxes, and outputs of biogenic silica (especially on ocean margins and in the form of nondiatomaceous biogenic silica). The resulting budget recognizes significantly higher input and output fluxes and notes that the recycling of silicon occurs mostly at the sediment-water interface and not during the sinking of silica particles through deep waters.