

天然气勘探与开发 2016年4期

杨 桓



杨 桓





1 大数据在城市燃气行业中的价值


事实上,近年来国内外已经有了智能燃气网的概念,国外文献表述为“smartgas grid”或“intelligentgas grid”。根据目前的研究,智能燃气网建设是在原有燃气网基础设施和信息化系统的基础上,进行资源整合、系统集成、数据挖掘,发挥跨板块、跨业务、跨部门综合应用的优势,使上游燃气开发、中游燃气输配和储存及下游燃气用户紧密结合在一起,形成一个燃气数据实时传递、资源互动、信息共享、智能响应、服务大众的整体,即共享资源与政府以提升其监管的能力、同时又积极改进用户服务体验;企业用服务换取利润,降低成本和减少事故,持续提升安全保障能力,从而达到多赢局面。智能燃气网通常基于充分建立和利用燃气管网的优势和潜力,使管网综合效率最大化。


2 城市燃气企业存在的问题


2.1 缺乏统一的服务流程和数据标准


2.2 企业内部信息系统彼此割裂,业务数据有待融合

以燃气输配管网运维管理相关系统为例。输配管网运维通常会涉及企业的信息化系统和自动化系统,目前这两部分系统中的数据普遍是相互割裂的,作为资产化管理的设备所产生的数据量往往远超过企业通用信息系统所产生数据量,如SCADA系统(Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition,即数据采集与监视控制系统)的各类数据,这些数据的累积正逐步产生真正意义上的大数据,即数据量大、种类多、价值密度相对较低,但是信息化建设往往立足在各项业务自身的管理系统,而忽略了与SCADA系统和数据的集成,忽略了可能的关联性和融合性,建设和运行的信息系统都是各自为阵。

2.3 缺乏统一的客户信息平台


3 燃气行业大数据应用场景


3.1 输配管网设备预防和预测性维护应用场景




3.2 监控用气状态合理调度输配气供应应用场景



3.3 燃气器具安全检测和故障预警应用场景



3.4 燃气器具销售应用场景



4 结论





[3]姚满宏.卫生人力资源管理大数据运用研究[J].人人健康, 2016(12):252-253.

[4]罗勇.大数据“领跑”信息高速路[J].城市管理与科技, 2015,17(6):30-33.



[7]姜俊锋,丁香乾,侯瑞春,曲丽君.基于CitespaceⅢ的大数据研究的可视化分析[J].计算机与数字工程,2016,44(2): 291-295.


[9]新奥能源控股有限公司[J].中国战略新兴产业,2016(14): 92.

(修改回稿日期 2016-11-15 编辑 陈古明)











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参考文献引用应按国家标准GB 7714—2015规范标注,按著者、题名、出版机构、期刊卷、期、出版年份等事项的顺序逐项著录。




ABSTRACT:China has entered the Age of Big Data.At present,the traditional city gas industry is facing new challenges and competition from the Age of“Internet+”.So,in order to develop faster and better,city gas industry should combine its enterprise characteristics with the“Internet+”,and adjust the organization and operation mode.Through analyzing the opportunities and challenges the big-data technology may bring about,we investigate the application scenarios of big data which are possible to be realized on the basis of the currently available information systems and data resources;and then,effectively tease out the relationship among established information systems and existing data resources;break through barriers between data systems;establish data-sharing mechanism and system integration mode to form big-data scale;and search for the new joint point of business application for rapid development of the industry in the historical trend of“Internet+”.

KEY WORDS:city gas,big data,data standardization,data integration and sharing,intelligence,application scenario

翻译 何颋婷 刘 婕

审校 何颋婷

编辑 王晓清

S AND KEY WORDSMain Factors Influencing High Yield of High-Rank CBM in Chengzhuang Block,Southern Qinshui BasinYANG Kebing,WANG Haichao,WANG Jun,CHEN Huina and FU Kang
(Exploration and Development Research Institute,PetroChina Huabei Oilfield Company).NATURAL GAS EXPLORATION&DEVELOPMENT.v.39 no.4,pp.1-4,12/25/2016

In China,most coal-accumulating basins went through complex evolution history and some structures formed in the late period were severely damaged.And lots of high-rank coal reservoirs also underwent multiple-stage tectonic evolution and obvious metamorphism,resulting in strong heterogeneity,and low yield of coalbed methane(CBM)or difficulty in its exploitation.Even though previous research focused on the analysis on such factors as structure,deposition,and hydrodynamics,many problems including low proven rate and low utilization rate of production capacity have not been solved very effectively.So,according to some dynamic and static data from high-productivity wells in Chengzhuang block,Southern Qinshui Basin,combining with development characteristics of surrounding blocks,we analyzed common features of these kinds of wells.Results show that(1)the main factors influencing high yield are developed microfractures and high permeability in coal reservoirs;(2)another important factor is rich free gas in these reservoirs;and(3)there are other factors including reservoir thickness,gas content,tectonic movement,and hydrodynamics.Our study also demonstrates that CBM in Chengzhuang block is controlled by sedimentation,and plugging condition during hydrocarbon discharge is the key factor influencing high productivity.Good plugging condition is conducive to improving petrophysical property and generating more free gas,which can provide material foundation for high yield.This viewpoint presented gives geologic evidence for optimizing high-yield blocks,and is significant for evaluating sweetspot of tight reservoirs.

Southern Qinshui Basin,high-rank CBM,high-productivity well,main influencing factor,duration of hydrocarbon discharge,plugging condition

Evaluation on Clossification of Microscopoic Heterogeneity in Carbonate Reservoirs:Examples from Feixianguan Formation in Puguang Gasfield

ZHANG Jixi1,CHEN Cen2and CHENG Qun3

(1.Exploration and Development Research In-stitute,Sinopec Zhongyuan Oilfield Company;2.Chongqing University of Science&Technology; 3.No.3 Production Plant,PetroChina Daqing Oilfield Company).NATURAL GAS EXPLORATION&DEVELOPMENT.v.39 no.4,pp.5-7,12/25/2016

ABSTRACT:Taking the carbonate reservoirs of the Lower Triassic Feixianguan Formation in Puguang gasfield as examples,we collected all parameters which may characterize reservoir heterogeneity at first.And then we optimized six parameters among them by means of factor analysis method,including porosity,permeability,displacement pressure,relative sorting coefficient, skewness coefficient,and average throat radius.Thirdly,we implemented a clustering classification for some samples which are representative of optimized parameters to divide these carbonate reservoirs of Feixianguan Formation into four kinds with strongest heterogeneity,stronger heterogeneity,medium heterogeneity,and poor heterogeneity,individually;in which 54 percent of samples represents as the reservoirs with medium heterogeneity.At last,we developed microscopic heterogeneity through discriminating analysis to identifying functions and obtained quantitative results.The obtained results are coincident to ones from clustering analysis.This classification method can provide reference for evaluating carbonate reservoirs.

KEY WORDS:Puguang gasfield,carbonate rock,microscopic heterogeneity,characterization parameter,factor analysis,clustering analysis,classification evaluation

Methods to Identify Formation Boundary Based on Logging-While-Drilling

TANG Haiquan,XIAO Hongbing,LI Cui and YANG Zhen
(Drilling Technology Research Institute,Sinopec Shengli Oilfield Service Corporation).NATURAL GAS EXPLORATION&DEVELOPMENT.v.39 no.4,pp.8-12,12/25/2016

ABSTRACT:Logging-while-drilling data,especially logging-while-drilling azimuth data, which plays an important role in geosteering drilling,can be used to predict and judge formation boundary and azimuth,and strike of anistropic formation.In this paper,the basic structure and principle of three instruments are presented,containing logging-while-drilling electromagneticwave resistivity,logging-while-drilling azimuth detecting electromagnetic-wave resistivity,and logging-while-drilling azimuth gammy-ray.Furthermore,both influencing factors and boundary effect while these instruments pass through formation boundary are analyzed,and methods are developed to identify formation boundary by using response features of both electromagnetic-wave resistivity and azimuth gammy-ray curves.In addition,the application of logging-while-drilling electromagnetic-wave resistivity and gammy-ray imaging instruments to identifying formationboundary is also demonstrated.Results show that these two instruments detecting formation boundary can optimize the location of wellbore trajectory,decrease the risk of penetrating oil layers,and increase the drilling rate.

KEY WORDS:logging-while-drilling,logging instrument,electromagnetic-wave resistivity, azimuth gammy-ray,reservoir,boundary identification,geosteering

Application of 90°Phase-Shifting Technology to Reservoir Prediction of Maokou Formation,W Area,Eastern Sichuan Basin

XU Jiao,LUO Jing,ZHANG Liming and GONG Li
(Geophysical Prospecting Company,CNPC Chuanqing Drilling Engineering Company Limited).NATURAL GAS EXPLORATION&DEVELOPMENT.v.39 no.4,pp.13-17,12/25/2016

ABSTRACT:In W area,eastern Sichuan Basin,more or less gas shows appeared from the Permian Maokou Formation.This formation also got higher productivity from oil test.Previous study suggests that it belongs to a fractured reservoir;however no detailed research has been implemented for the dolomites among this reservoir.Based on drilling data,the characteristics of P1m2a,the dolomite reservoir,were summarized.Furthermore,according to 3D seismic data acquired from W area,a phase shifting with different degree was attempted by means of 90°phaseshifting technology,which offers advantages on thin-layer and lithological interpretation.This shifting makes the event of seismic reflection correspond with strata,and increases an accuracy of reservoir prediction a lot.In addition,the effect of phase shifting with different degree on reservoir prediction was discussed,the difference between this technology and trace integration was analyzed.It is deemed that the 90°phase-shifting technology is suitable for interpretation of thin layers in eastern Sichuan Basin.

KEY WORDS:90°phase-shifting technology,early Permian,eastern Sichuan Basin,marine strata,thin layer,trace integration,3D seismic,reservoir prediction

Experimental Study on Producing Profile Logging for Horizontal Wells,Fuling Shale-Gas Field

QIN Yuqiao1,SHI Wenrui1,SHI Yuanhui2,ZHANG Zhihua2and GE Hua2
(1.School of Geophysics and Oil Resources,Yangtze University;2.Logging Company,Sinopec Oilfield Service Jianghan Corporation).NATURAL GAS EXPLORATION&DEVELOPMENT.v.39 no.4,pp.18-22,12/25/2016

ABSTRACT:In Fuling gasfield,Sichuan Basin,most horizontal wells are featured by long horizontal interval and high gas production.In order to make clear the dynamical gas-producing capacity of every fractured interval,recognize the flowback pattern,determine the optimal production system,and finally realize the exploitation with low cost and high efficiency,we implemented some experiments on continuous producing profile logging and data interpretation for 25 key wells via fluid scanning imaging(FSI)logging instrument and by using drags or delivery of both optimal fiber and coiled tubing.Results show that(1)the drags or optimal fiber and coiled tubing can deliver the logging instrument to bottomhole safely and efficiently which meets the demand of logging operation;(2)for the same or similar intervals in a shale-gas well,there is a big difference of gas-producing capacity among various fractured intervals;(3)in C well,a shale-gas well,there is no flowback for fracturing fluid remaining in the strata under one production system of 20×104m3/ d whereas obviously increasing flowback further to affect a normal production under another system of 30×104m3/d.So,our study can give guidance for formulating the production system.

KEY WORDS:shale gas,horizontal well,producing profile logging,multiphase flow,delivery of both optimal fiber and coiled tubing,downhole tractor,FSI logging instrument

A Method to Evaluate Favorable Target Areas of Permian,Shenmu Gasfield,Ordos Basin

FU Xiaoyan1,2,WANG Dongxu1,2,WANG Shaofei1,2,XIA Yonghui3and JIAO Tingkui1,2

(1.Research Institute of Exploration and Development,PetroChina Changqing Oilfield Company;2.National Engineering Laboratory for Exploration and Development of Low-Permeability Oil&Gasfield,PetroChina Changqing Oilfield Company;3.Gasfield Development Department,PetroChina Changqing Oilfield Company).NATURAL GAS EXPLORATION&DEVELOPMENT.v.39 no.4,pp. 23-25,12/25/2016

ABSTRACT:There are multiple gas-bearing layers in the Permian of Shenmu gasfield,Ordos Basin.The main ones include Taiyuan Formation,Shanxi Formation,and Shihezi 8 Member.After some drilling,it is found that there are nine effective reservoirs in average,and their average thickness of 36.1 m,average porosity and permeability of 6.4%and 0.38 mD,respectively.This gasfield belongs to a typical tight lithological gas reservoir with multiple gas-bearing layers,and low porosity and permeability.To solve some difficulties in its development,a comprehensive index method to evaluate favorable target areas available for this gasfield was developed.At first, more geological parameters relative to single-layer productivity are thoroughly selected to imple-ment a match one by one,and to further analyze their weight,gain a calculation formula of singerlayer productivity index,and develop an evaluation standard for singer-layer favorable target areas.Secondly,based on gas-producing profile test,the contribution weight of productivity in different layers can be made clear,and integrated with the evaluation result on single layer,the multiple-layer productivity index may be calculate.Finally,combined to economic evaluation,the economic development boundary of comprehensive index can be determined,and the favorable target areas can be optimized.This method not only guides a high-effective and scale development for Shenmu gasfield but also gives a reference for similar gas reservoirs.

KEY WORDS:Shenmu gasfield,multiple gas-bearing layers,productivity index,weight coefficient,economic limit production,favorable target area

Dual-Phase Inflow Performance in Fractured Wells of Tight Sandstone Gas Reservoirs

SONG Li1,TAN Yong2,CUI Yongxing3,WANG Minghua4and WANG Ping4

(1.Drilling& Production Technology Research Institute,CNPC Chuanqing Drilling Engineering Company Limited;2.Drilling Fluid Technology Service Company,CNPC Chuanqing Drilling Engineering Company Limited;3.Tazhong Explorationand Development Management Department,PetroChina Tarim Oilfield Company;4.Chuanxi Drilling Company,CNPC Chuanqing Drilling Engineering Company Limited).NATURAL GAS EXPLORATION&DEVELOPMENT.v.39 no.4,pp.26-30,12/ 25/2016

ABSTRACT:In tight sandstone gas reservoirs,water may easily be produced from fractured wells due to fracture effect.So,it’s important to accurately predict the effect of inflow performance on rational proration.According to percolation features of gas-water co-producing fractured wells, percolation field can be divided into two parts of both formation and fracture.Furthermore,based on the theory of non-Darcy steady flow along with the concept of disturbance ellipse and equivalent rectangular,we developed the gas-water dual-phase pseudo pressure function taking threshold pressure gradient and stress sensitivity into consideration,deduced a deliverability equation, and finally carried out a calculation for this equation by Newton-Raphson simulation.Results show that there is just a little error between the calculated openflow potential and actually measured one.Therefore,this equation has good practicability.

KEY WORDS:tight sandstone gas reservoir,fractured well,water-producing well,inflow performance,threshold pressure gradient,stress sensitivity

Pressure Change Laws During Percolation of CBM,Qinduan Block,Qinshui Basin

ZHANG Tao and WANG Longjun

(Jinbian Oil Production Plant,Yanchang Oil Field Co., Ltd.).NATURAL GAS EXPLORATION&DEVELOPMENT.v.39 no.4,pp.31-35,12/25/2016

ABSTRACT:For coalbed methane(CBM),previous study often focused on the adsorption characteristics and desorption mechanism,and ignored the percolation mechanism during its drainage and recovery.So,we explored percolation mechanism of CBM,developed a basic differential equation mode of non-steady flow for elastic porous medium single-phase compressible gas, derived mathematical models of both constant pressure boundary and impermeable boundary,and finally obtained pressure distribution laws during percolation.In addition,for the No.3 CBM of Lower Permian Shanxi Formation and the No.15 CBM of Upper Carboniferous in Qinduan block, Qinshui Basin,their permeability-pressure laws were determined.Furthermore,through modification of constant pressure boundary and impermeable boundary pressure distribution formula,the elastic non-steady percoloation laws suitable for CBM in this block were gained,which could provide reliable theoretical foundation for unstable well testing,be used to define CBM parameters or formation pressure,and give important data for the design and performance analysis of CBM development.

KEY WORDS:Qinduan block,CBM,percolation mechanism,basic differential equation of gas seepage,pressure distribution laws,bounded confining stratum,circular constant-pressure outer boundary

Application of Deconvolution Well Testing Interpretation to Low-Permeability Gas Reservoirs

DENG Hui1,ZENG Lingzhuo2,XU Wei1,YANG Liu1,LI Mingqiu1and YAO Hongyu1(1.Exploration and Development Research Institute,PetroChina Southwest Oil and Gasfield Company; 2.Development Department,PetroChina Southwest Oil and Gasfield Company).NATURAL GAS EXPLORATION&DEVELOPMENT.v.39 no.4,pp.36-39,12/25/2016

ABSTRACT:Due to short shut-in time in development of low-permeability gas reservoirs, most acquired data is hard to reflect the reservoir characteristics and boundary condition.So,a method of deconvolution well testing interpretation is proposed.In this paper,the basic principle and application scope of this method are illustrated,and its application to low-permeability gas reservoirs is also analyzed.Results show that it can successfully solve some problems such as short shut-in time,limited testing data,difficulty in obtaining accurate reservoir parameters,especiallyan obvious effect in precisely identifying boundary or calculating well-controlled reserves.

KEY WORDS:low-permeability gas reservoir,short shut-in time,limitation,deconvolution, well testing,closed boundary

Optimizing Production System of Plunger Gas Lift for Water-Producing Wells

DANG Xiaofeng,Lv Yuhai,CHEN Hu and LIU Yang

(No.1 Gas Production Plant,PetroChina Changqing Oilfield Company).NATURAL GAS EXPLORATION&DEVELOPMENT.v.39 no.4,pp.40-43,12/25/2016

ABSTRACT:Plunger gas lift is one technology which can raise lift efficiency by using the solid interface formed through a plunger between gas and liquid in pipeline to reduce gas channeling and liquid falling back.A rational production system determines directly the drainage effect of plunger gas lift.Three common methods such as system,time and pressure optimization ones are used in fields to optimize production system.However,the first method has the problem of time consuming;and the others have disadvantages of complicated calculation,large error,and low efficiency,because they demand the technology of gathering and transportation,and the comprehensive analysis and calculation of casing pressure,liquid-loading height,shut-in time,and plunger upward speed for fine adjustment.Based on reasonably dividing the operational stages of plunger, analyzing and optimizing the operation parameters,we summarize an optimization method for loading-factor calculation in every stage of production system of plunger gas lift.And good results of field application have been achieved.

KEY WORDS:water-producing well,plunger gas lift,production system,stage analysis,loading factor,system optimization

Countermeasures Against Production Management of Horizontal Wells in Tight Sandstone Gas Reservoirs

JIN Daquan,YANG Zhilun,ZHANG Chunyu,CHEN Qiwen and ZHANG Chun
(No.4 Gas Production Plant,PetroChina Changqing Oilfield Company).NATURAL GAS EXPLORATION& DEVELOPMENT.v.39 no.4,pp.44-47,12/25/2016

ABSTRACT:As the key reservoirs in Sulige gasfield,the Permian Shihezi 8 Member and Shanxi 1 Member belong to tight sandstone gas reservoirs.Presently,horizontal wells are the major method of development and the main production ones.However,these kinds of wells have some problems such as rapid decline in pressure and output,wellbore liquid loading at low-yield stages,and management difficulties.So,based on the research of the pressure,output and liquid-loading law of horizontal wells,some countermeasures of“reasonable control of pressure drop,low production allocation,and long-term stable yield”are made,and the parameter configuration of downhole throttler,drainage gas recovery technology and intermittence system are optimized.With these measures,the pressure drop and sand production can be effectively controlled;moreover,the continuous and stable production time should be extended.As a result,the coincidence rate of production allocation of throttler is improved by 17%.At the same time of reducing the intermittent switching frequency,and the dosage and injection frequency of foaming agent for horizontal wells with liquid loading,the wellbore liquid loading can be discharged,and the well-opening period is also prolonged,resulting in significant improvement of production efficiency.

KEY WORDS:Sulige gasfield,tight sandstone gas reservoir,horizontal well,low pressure low production,wellbore liquid loading,production management,technical countermeasure

Progress in Drainage Gas Recovery Technologies and Management Countermeasures for Sulige Gasfield

ZHANG Chun,JIN Daquan,LI Shuanghui and ZHANG Jinbo
(No.4 Gas Production Plant, PetroChina Changqing Oilfield Company).NATURAL GAS EXPLORATION&DEVELOPMENT. v.39 no.4,pp.48-52,12/25/2016

ABSTRACT:Sulige gasfield is a typical one characterized by low yield,low pressure,and low abundance.The production rate and pressure decreased rapidly with deficient capability of fluid carrying in some wells after putting into production.Along with the continued development,many liquid-loading gas wells increased yearly and up to 60%of the total numbers of wells.A contradiction between productivity ensuring and liquid-loading problem solving is getting more and more serious.In this study,drainage gas recovery technologies were applied to 6 blocks including Su 6 and Su 36-11 in central Sulige gasfield.Some technologies including foam drainage,velocity string,plunger gas lift,and restoring production by gas lift were analyzed in terms of their progress,applicability,implementation effect,and process evaluation.As the result,the drainage gas recovery technologies suitable for different production phases were determined,and their workflows established.The accumulative increases in gas production over the years exceeded 7×108m3.Formed by application evaluation,the serial technologies of drainage gas recovery for low-pressure and low-yield wells can provide guidance for the development and management of water-producing gas wells in Sulige gasfield.

KEY WORDS:Sulige gasfield,drainage gas recovery,foam drainage,velocity string,plunger gas lift,restoring production by gas lift,applicability analysis

Evaluation of Fracturing-Fluid Damage for Permeability in Coal Seam,Liulin Area,Ordos Basin

GAO Xiang
(No.7 Oil Production Plant,PetroChina Daqing Oilfield).NATURAL GAS EXPLORATION&DEVELOPMENT.v.39 no.4,pp53-56.,12/25/2016

ABSTRACT:Fracturing stimulation is one of the key tools for CBM development.In Liulin area, Ordos Basin,most coal seams are characterized by low reservoir pressure,permeability,porosity, and gas saturation,and strong adsorbability.By using short-core(temporary plugging)acidizing flow meter,some evaluation on the core permeability damage of coal rocks caused by fracturing fluid with active water,linear gel,gel,and clean fracturing fluid was carried out.Result shows that the active water has the minimum level of damage which is 9.82%to the core permeability;meanwhile,the damage level of the clean fracturing fluid is 43.49%,81%for the gel and gel breaking fracturing fluid,and 89.3%for the linear gel one,individually.Therefore,their damage levels to coal bed are,in order,active water<clean fracturing fluid<gel and gel breaking fluid<leaner gel.The selected active-water fracturing fluid was applied to 10 wells,resulting in the maximum sand ratio no more than 30%,and the average sand ratio of 15%in single well.That means its sand-carrying capacity can meet the requirement of fracturing operation.The success rate is approximately 100%.

KEY WORDS:CBM,permeability,fracturingfluid,activewater,damageevaluation,application

Application of Self-Diverting Acid System to Zhao 51 Block,Sulige Gasfield

CHEN Ruoming1,WANG Sukai1,ZHENG Kexiang1,YIN Fuliang2and RAN Zhaohui3
(1.Drilling Engineering Technology Research Institute,CNPC Xibu Drilling Engineering Company Limited;2.Engineering Technology Company,PetroChina Xinjiang Oilfield Company;3.Sulige Gasfield Project Management Team,CNPC Xibu Drilling Engineering Company Limited).NATURAL GAS EXPLORATION&DEVELOPMENT.v.39 no.4,pp.56-58,12/25/2016

ABSTRACT:In Zhao 51 block,Sulige gasfield,the Lower Paleozoic Ordovician Majiagou Formation is one with complicated lithologies dominated by carbonates interbedded with evaporites.It is a typical“three-low”reservoir of low porosity,low permeability,and low pressure.Conventional acid system has the problems of overquick etching reaction,short operating range of fractureacidizing,and uneven improvement of high-and low-permeability reservoir,resulting in inefficient acid fracturing.So,a new system of surfactant self-diverting acid is developed.At 90℃,the viscosity of residual acid of this system is over 150 mPa·s;gel breaking occurs automatically when acid encounters oil and gas in formation;and the viscosity of flowback fluid is less than 5 mPa·s. The acid system was applied to a well in Zhao 51 block showing evident diverting effect.The gas testing production reached 6×104m3/d,which increased 2 times compared with adjacent well just adopting conventional acid fracturing.That is the highest record of acid fracturing production of single well in this block.

KEY WORDS:Sulige gasfield,Zhao 51 block,carbonate rock,acid fracturing,self-diverting acid,application

Staged Fracturing Using Cementing Sliding Sleeve for Horizontal Wells in Tight Sandstone Gas Reservoirs

SHEN Beibei
(Engineering and Technology Research Institute,Sinopec North China Company).NATURAL GAS EXPLORATION&DEVELOPMENT.v.39 no.4,pp.59-63,12/25/2016

ABSTRACT:Daniudi gasfield of Ordos Basin is a typical tight sandstone gas reservoir with low porosity and permeability.Horizontal well with staged fracturing is the key technology for economical and efficient development.In order to solve the problems of uncontrollable fracture starting position and the secondary fracturing difficulties during open-hole packer staged fracturing, we analyzed the applicability of cementing sliding sleeve staged fracturing technology.This study describes the operation principle,tool sets,and characteristics.Moreover,we carried out field application and after-fracturing analysis.Results show that the technology not only can realize fixed-point fracturing,but also has high efficiency with fracturing completed for 10 intervals in one day.Furthermore,adopting annular fracturing,it has advantages of low friction of operation, good performance of tools,and high success ratio of fracturing.It is worth to be popularized to Daniudi gasfield or other tight reservoirs.

KEY WORDS:Daniudi gasfield,tight sandstone reservoir,horizontal well,cementing sliding sleeve,coiled tubing,staged fracturing

Application of KCl Polysulfonate Drilling-Fluid System to Horizontal Wells,Yanchang Gasfield

ZHANG Yongli1,2,WU Gaoxiang2,WANG Yandong2,ZHANG Fei2and WU Beibei2

(1. Xi’an Shiyou University;2.Oil and Gas Exploitation Company,Shaanxi Yanchang Petroleum(Group)Co.,Ltd.).NATURAL GAS EXPLORATION&DEVELOPMENT.v.39 no.4,pp.64-67,12/25/2016

ABSTRACT:Most gas reservoirs in Ordos Basin are mainly sandstone ones with low porosity and permeability.Horizontal-well technology is usually adopted to enlarge drainage area,explore full potential of reservoir,increase single-well production,and further improve development benefits.Horizontal-well drilling for Yanchang gasfield began in 2011.But,many complicated accidents such as lost circulation and borehole collapse often occurred.Along with the long period and high cost of drilling,the development benefits were not obvious.According to the analysis on geology,engineering condition,and drilling-fluid technical difficulties,aiming at the problems of borehole instability and lost circulation,we compared the inhibition and plugging property of polysulfonate drilling fluid with those of KCl polysulfonate drilling fluid.Results show that the latter possesses the better inhibition and plugging property.Field application to two wells also indicates that the KCl polysulfonate drilling-fluid system has the advantages of prevention of collapse and lost circulation.This system may shorten drilling period,avoid complicated accidents, and bring about obvious economical benefits.

KEY WORDS:Yanchang gasfield,formation,easy collapse and lost circulation,KCl polysulfonate drilling-fluid system,borehole stability,lost circulation prevention,plugging

Elastic-Plastic Cement Slurry System for Tight Sandstone Reservoirs and Its Application to E’nan Oilfield

YANG Dazu and LIU Yongsheng
(Engineering and Technology Research Institute,Sinopec North China Company).NATURAL GAS EXPLORATION&DEVELOPMENT.v.39 no.4,pp.68-71,12/25/ 2016

ABSTRACT:Most reservoirs in E'nan oilfield belong to tight sandstone ones with low porosity and permeability.Horizontal-well casing cementation and completion along with large-scale fracturing are generally adopted to realize their effective development.In order to improve the capability of cement sheath bearing an impact force from large-scale fracturing and maintain the integrity of cement sheath,not only the excellent toughness but also the good elastoplasticity of cement stone are required.Thus,the MFR,an elastic-plastic material,is developed,and its performance tested.Based on the laboratory test,the optimum rational dosage of MFR is 1%~3%.The formula of elastic-plastic cement slurry system is optimized.As the result,cement stone in this formula has the properties of suitable elastic modulus and high bending strength(with fracturetoughness increased by 44.8%),and can meet the demands of horizontal-well cementation.This cement slurry system has been applied to 139.7 mm production casing in HH73P92 well,testing result of VDL shows a high cementing quality.

KEY WORDS:tight reservoir,horizontal well,well cementation,elastoplasticity,cement slurry system

Application Scenarios of Big Data in City Gas Industry

(Chengdu City Gas Co.,Ltd.).NATURAL GAS EXPLORATION&DEVELOPMENT.v.39 no.4,pp.72-75,12/25/2016


