

天津外国语大学学报 2016年2期


An Appraisal Analysis of Chinese and American Bereavement Narratives

LI Xiao-wei

Abstract: Bereavement narrative refers to the first-person account of the loss of a loved one by death. This paper takes a cross-linguistic analysis of the attitudinal resources in the Chinese and American bereavement narratives online. The quantitative analysis indicated that there is a statistically significant difference in the use of attitudinal resources between Chinese and English narratives, that Chinese narrators used more Affect resources to express their grief over the loss of a loved one, emphasizing the connections between family members, while American narrators employed more Appreciation resources to express their evaluation of death as a choice or right.

Key words: bereavement narrative; discourse analysis; appraisal theory; attitude system; comparative analysis

The Genre of Obituary and the Evaluation of the Deceased: A Critical Discourse Analysis of the Obituaries in People’s Daily


Abstract: To complement the synchronic studies of obituaries in the field of linguistics, this paper takes a diachronic perspective to observe changes in the generic structures of obituaries and their relations with the ideologies in the relevant historical period. Firstly, applying Swales’ genre analysis to the observation of the generic structures of obituaries published in People’s Daily during 1949-2015, the paper discovers that the move structure of the obituaries remains unchanged except for addition or deletion of “steps” in certain moves. The paper then proceeds with using Fairclough’s model of critical discourse analysis to interpret these changes in “steps”. It concludes that the evaluative way of the deceased, the attitudes towards the reporting itself, as well as the view of life and death are seen changing in the obituaries.

Key word: obituary; genre analysis; discourse and change; critical discourse analysis

Crisis Assessment Discourse in Hotline Psychological Counseling and Related Training

GAO Yi-hong,LIU Feng-qin

Abstract: Crisis assessment in psychological counseling refers to the evaluation of clients’ suicide probability. The speech used in this process is crisis assessment discourse. This action research attempted to explore hotline counselors’ crisis assessment situation and difficulties, verbal expressions used in professional crisis assessment, and crisis assessment training. Two questionnaires were conducted on hotline volunteer counselors and professional counselors, focusing respectively on crisis assessment difficulties, and the verbal expressions used. Findings revealed cultural appropriateness as a major challenge in crisis assessment, and common patterns of crisis assessment discourse regarding suicidal thoughts,intentions, plans and actions. Based on these findings, group training was conducted for volunteer counselors. It was proposed that members of the professional counseling culture should achieve desensitization of suicidal discourse. Verbal expressions for crisis assessment at four levels were introduced, and an actual counseling case was analyzed. Preliminary feedback showed that the training served to improve counselors’ awareness and skills of crisis assessment.

Key words: psychological counseling; hotline; crisis assessment; discourse; training; action research

A Corpus-based Contrastive Study of the Translators’ Styles in Two Chinese Versions of Nineteen Eighty-Four

LI Ke-li

Abstract: This paper adopts a corpus-based approach to compare the translation styles of Dong Leshan and Lau Shiumingin the translation of Nineteen Eighty-Four. With the combination of quantitative and qualitative analysis, the data of the STTR, wordlist, mean word length and hypotactic level of the two versions are collected and analyzed, together with illustrated examples, to reveal the different translation styles of the two translators in terms of the choice of words and sentence building. This study offers a new perspective to the comparative study of Chinese versions of Nineteen Eighty-Four.

Key words: Nineteen Eighty-Four; corpus linguistics; Dong Leshan; Lau Shiuming; translator’s style

A Corpus-based Study of Translating Style of Tang Sheng Based on the Translated Novels in Chinese Literature from 1951 to 1966

HAN Jiang-hong,HAO Jun-fen

Abstract: This paper tries to find out Tang Sheng’s translating style through the study of the formal markers and non-formal markers of her translating texts. In terms of formal markers, Tang’s works shows a preference of words of less syllables as its phonological marker, the portion of common words is appreciably higher than that of a general text as its registerial marker. As to non-formal marker, Tang tends to employ omission yet seldom amplification while translating. Tang’s translations reveal a generally concise style, which is impressively influenced by her oral interpreting experience.

Key words: Tang Sheng; Chinese Literature; translating style; style markers

Connector Usage in Spoken English of Chinese Learners Based on the Use of though

SHI Jian-gang,SHAO Bin

Abstract: This paper, based on the comparable data from three spoken English corpora, explores the use of though in learner speech. The results suggest that compared with English natives, Chinese learners tend to apply avoidance of the use of linking adverbial though, overuse the initial position of subordinator though and incorrectly use though together with but in one sentence. The results demonstrate learners’ inadequate mastery of the usage of though and other connectors. Based on the disparities in linguistic systems and degree of markedness between learners’ L1 and L2, the paper analyses the underlying causes for the inadequacy from the perspective of L1 transfer.

Key words: spoken English; corpus; Chinese learners of English; L1 transfer

A Survey on Japanese Teachers’ Cognition on Cooperative Learning in China

ZHAO Dong-qian

Abstract: A survey is held to find out how Japanese teachers understand cooperative learning in China. This paper analyses six factors and the current situation of Japanese teachers’ cognition on cooperative learning, and presents the difference between cooperative learning and group work, and teachers’ settled cognition about students. At last, the research summarizes the achievements and makes the future tasks clear, and suggests to investigate the cooperative learning’s influence on students’ learning ability, valuation system and how to apply cooperative learning in the future.

Key words: Japanese teacher; cooperative learning; a survey on cognition; learning ability; evaluation system

On the Description of Dreams in Tanizaki Short Story

Zhang Neng-quan

Abstract: Tanizaki used to describe a dream-like mentality in which people write short stories, express themes. Its aesthetic value of art lies in breaking the dream reality and fantasy boundaries, expand the delicate real characters and bizarre psychological mystery, reveal character and mental potential awareness course, the performance of the deep affection of the world, so that works in spiritual matters figures show an image, vivid artistic effect, having qualities of modern stream of consciousness novel. His description of dreams occupies an important place,and it not only forms special implies of his novels,but also very important method to arrange the plots of novels,to enrich the implication ofhis writings and to deepen the nature of his character.

Key words: Tanizaki; Short Story; Dreams; Artistic Effect

A Study of the Peasant-workers in Korean Novels in Industrial Period

SHEN Yong-hao

Abstract: In the 1960’s, the Korean Park Chung-Hee government assimilated some capitals of Japan and America, and set a series of economic policy. The policies strongly pushed the country’s development of industrialization and achieved a miracle for the economic development. However, during the whole process of development, the governent stressed industrial construction and neglected, or even destroyed the rural economic order. Therefore, the rural economic development was retarded and the peasants became poor. A lot of them were forced to give up farm work and became industrial workers or peddlers on the streets. Most of the peasants lived on the verge of the city, working hard and getting pooly paid. They were victims of the wrong economic policies during the process of industrialization in Korea.

Key words: Korea; industrialization; peasant-workers

A Review of Studies on Death Discourses

WANG Jing-yun

This paper reviews death discourse studies in the past decade, from various discourse research perspectives. These perspectives include pragmatics, narrative study, genre analysis, multimodal discourse analysis, sociolinguistic studies of euphemism, and discursive psychology. The research contents not only include interpretations of death discourse in real situations, especially in medical contexts, but also involve text representation of death theme. The researches cover two dimensions: sense construction of death and sense transmission of death. Challenges and future research directions are also discussed.

death discourses; pragmatics; narrative study; genre analysis; multimodal discourse analysis; euphemism;discursive psychology

