IEEE 20th Jubilee International Conference on
Intelligent Engineering Systems 2016
Authors are welcome to submit original and unpublished papers and attend the IEEE 20th Jubilee International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems 2016 (INES 2016) to be held on June 30-July 2 2016 in Hungary.
Topics include but not limited to:
Artificial Intelligence in Engineering : Reasoning, Learning, Decision Making, Knowledge Based Systems, Expert Systems;CAD/CAM/CAE Systems: Product Modeling, Shape Modeling, Manufacturing Process Planning;Communications Software and Systems in Engineering: Design Methodologies and Tools, Object-oriented, UML, Software Engineering;Computational Intelligence in Engineering: Machine Learning, Genetic Algorithms, Neural Nets, Fuzzy Systems, Fuzzy and Neuro-fuzzy Control;Intelligent Manufacturing Systems: Production Planning and Scheduling, Rapid Prototyping, Flexible Manufacturing Systems, Collaborative Engineering, Concurrent Engineering;Intelligent Mechatronics and Robotics Systems: Control, Perception and Recognition, Sensing and Sensor Data Fusion, Intelligent Sensors, Intelligent Motion Control, Service Robots Intelligent Signal Processing;Intelligent Transportation Systems: Navigation Systems, On-board Systems, Real-time Traffic Control;Man-Machine Systems: Human Computer Interaction, Multimedia Communications, Advanced Computer Graphics, Virtual Reality;Ontologies and Semantic Engineering: Ontology, Thesaurus, Disambiguation, Semantic Inference, Natural Language Interaction;Systems Engineering: Systems Analysis, Systems Methodology, Self-Organizing Systems, Systems Integration, Large Scale Systems, Systems Simulation, Diagnosis and Performance Monitoring;Web Engineering: Intelligent Information Retrieval and Recommendation, Textual and Visual Interaction and Interfaces, User Behavior Analysis and Modeling, Data Modeling, Information Visualization, Knowledge Acquisition.