

综合智慧能源 2016年12期


Abstract:In this paper,power curves of different types of draught fans are accurately and rapidly measured using laser radar anemoscope.After that,a quantity standard disposal to the power and a comparative analysis of power curves refer to IEC 61400-12-1—2015 criterion are conducted,which confirm the optimal draught fan type and provide a reference for draught fan performance evaluation and wind power unit selection.

Keywords:laser radar anemoscope;draught fan;power curve;quantity standard disposal

2016-12-01 Discussion on the calcu lation formula of deflection at effective cantilever end of gantry crane

HU Ting1,YAN Yuping2(1.Huadian Zhengzhou Mechanical Design Institute Company Limited,Zhengzhou 450015,China;2.Zhengzhou Railway Vocational&Technical College,Zhengzhou 450015,China)

Taking 1250 kN gantry crane as an example,this paper calculates the deflection ateffective cantilever end using two methods,one is the theoretical calculation formula of defection in Crane Design Manual,and the other is finite element software.The result shows that the theoretical deflection value is smaller than the value obtained by finite element software.By derivation,it is found that displacements of shear deformation and tensile deformation are not considered in the theoretical calculation formula.A fter that,this paper calculates the defection using the derived formula and its result is incredibly close to that of finite element calculation,which shows that the derived formula has great practicality.

gantry crane;deflection;effective cantilever end;finite element analysis;theoretical formula

2016-12-06 Study on electric motor protection scheme of high voltage variab le-frequency system

YANG Qingsong,LIYuping,ZHANG W ei,KANG Feng,LI Jin(Nanjing SAC Automation Company Limited,Nanjing 211100,China)

Abstract:For the characteristics of high voltage variable-frequency electric motor transformation,a differential protection is formed using double criterions of phasor differential and sampled values differential based on frequency tracking.This paper introduces the configuration scheme of variable-frequency electric motor protection,and expounds the frequency tracking method that combining zero-crossing detection algorithm and Fourier algorithm.After that,a simulation experiment of developed protection device is conducted,and the result shows that this device could provide rapid and reliable protection for variable-frequency electricmotor under different frequencies.

Keywords:high voltage variable-frequency electric motor;protection;frequency tracking;sampled values differential;zerocrossing detection

2016-12-09 Electromagnetic ultrasonic guidedwave technology application on steel rope testing

YU Shum in,LIU Xuefang(Huadian Zhengzhou Mechanical Design Institute Company Limited,Zhengzhou 450015,China)

Abstract:Due to the structure and different service environment,steel rope test is difficulty.The principle of electromagnetic ultrasonic guided-wave technology was introduced.Application of electromagnetic ultrasonic guided-wave technology on steel rope testwas test verified.Because of ultrasonic will spread in steel rope as guided-wave,the ultrasonic signal of defections will be immediately indicated.Long distance and fast steel rope testwill be fulfilled.

Keywords:steel rope;electromagnetic ultrasonic guided-wave;guided-wave detection system;wavelet analysis

2016-12-12 Thermal power project cable and cab le tray settlem entm ethod study

YAN Tao,HE Shengli(Huadian Laizhou Power Generation Company Limited,Laizhou 261441,China)

Abstract:Cable lying and cable tray installation is an important process in thermal power plant construction.There is always big difference between design quantity and real work quantity.Based on practical experience,a design material and site measurement incorporated settlementmethod was indicated.The difficulty of cable and cable tray settlement was solved.Audit risk was avoided.Building costwas reduced.

Keywords:thermal power project;cable;cable tray;work quantity;sitemeasurement;settlement

2016-12-15 Intelligent substation information security strategy discuss

YAO Liang1,2,ZOU Lei1,2,HAN Zhiyong1,2(1.Guodian Nanjing Automation Company Limited,Nanjing210032,China;2.Nanjing Guodian Nanzi Grid Automation Company Limited,Nanjing 211153,China)

Abstract:There are two kinds of massage signal of intelligent substation,process layermassage and control layermassage.Information security to follow the“safe partition,network,horizontal isolation,longitudinal certification”princip le,through encryption,digital signatures,the virtual network,such as firewall and intrusion detection technology,rely on the active defense with passive defense,build up two lines of defense of the information security protection,enhance the information availability,confidentiality,integrity,and non-repudiation.

Keywords:intelligent substation;information security;active defense;positive defense

2016-12-18 AP1000 passive residual heat removal system comm on case failure study

ZHOU Lanyu1,QIShi2,ZHOU Tao2(1.University of South China,Hengyang 421001,China;2.School of Nuclear Science and Engineering,North China Electrical Power University,Beijing102206,China)

Abstract:Based on risk spectrum software,impact analysis of common case failure(CCF)of AP1000 passive residual heat removal system(PRHRS)was carried out by app lying multip le Greek letter model(MGL).Situation with and without CCF were both calculated.Without CCF,the PRHRS failure probability is9.559×10-6.With CCF,the PRHRS failure probability is 2.008×10-4.In this comparison,we can find that,without considering CCF,the PRHRS ismainly effected by heat exchanger leakage and IRWST failure.And,with considering CCF,themain cause of PRHRS failure is pneumatic valve CCF.

Keywords:multiple Greek lettermodel(MGL);passive residual heat removal system(PRHRS);common case failure(CCF);heatexchanger;in-containment refueling water storage tank(IRWST);pneumatic valve

2016-12-21 M ultip le-regression-based anchor cable dynamometer data correction and app lication

HOU Guangqiang1,PENG Hao2(1.Guizhou Wujiang Hy
draulic Power Developing Company Limited Silin Power Plant,Guiyang 565109,China;2.Guiyang Engineering Corporation Limited of POWERCHINA,Guiyang 550081,China)

Abstract:Pre-stress anchor cable is wide used in geotechnical reinforcement.Anchor cable dynamometer is used for effective pre-stress force long-term measurement.Existing anchor cable dynamometer data correction method was discussed.Incorporated with large quantity ofmeasured data,theapplication ofmultiple-regression-based anchor cable dynamometer data correction method was stated.The result of practical application examined the accuracy of thismethod,and it is able to reflect the real operation condition.

Keywords:anchor cable dynamometer;multiple regression;data correction;accuracy

2016-12-25 Combined cycle unit without startup boiler possibility analysis and application

LIShucai,WEI Jing,ZHANG Li(Shandong Electric Power Engineering Consulting Institute Corporation Lim ited,Jinan 250013,China)

Abstract:The applicability and possibility ofnotprovide start-up boiler was discussed based on gas-steam combined cycle unit shaft configuration.Combined with projectpractice,in the situation ofwithout start-up boiler or other external steam,the design and application of unit auxiliary steam system was studied.

Keywords:combined cycle unit;gas turbine;start-up boiler

2012-12-28 Adjustment of oxygen content deviation at econom izer outlet of a 330MW subcritical W-flame boiler

CHEN Hui,XUE Hai,HUANG Q ilong,DAIW eibao(Guodian Science and Technology Research Institute,Nanjing 210031,China)

Abstract:Taking the 330MW unit of YF Power Plant as an example,this paper analyzed the reasons of oxygen content deviation at boiler economizer outlet.And through some measures,such as primary air hot leveling,powder deviation adjustment,air distributionmode adjustment and separator baffle opening adjustment of coal mill,etc.,this paper solved the problem of large oxygen content deviation at boiler economizer outlet,which improved the combustion uniformity of furnace and the boiler efficiency is increased about 0.2 percentage point.

Keywords:W-flame boiler;oxygen content deviation;powder deviation;primary air hot leveling

2016-12-31 220 kV linebreaker incorrect action accident analysis

ZHANG Jianjie(Beijing Energy Investment Holding Company Limited Zhuhai Yuhai Power Company Limited,Zhuhai519000,China)

Abstract:Bases on an accidentof 220 kV line breaker incorrect action,by analyzing schematic diagram and record data,itwas indicated that the incorrect action was caused by breaker acted too fast that tripping circuit didn’t act.Protectivemeasurements were indicated.

Keywords:breaker;acceleration after breaker;operation box;tripping protection circuit

2016-12-33 Thick p late tee connector fusionthrough welding new p rocedure

HUANG Peibing,WAN Yueying,HU Lijuan(Jiangxi Hydropower Engineering Bureau,Nanchang 330096,China)

Abstract:Existing thick plate tee connector composite fusionthrough welding has obvious drawback.By study and improvement,a new welding procedure was indicated,which is high efficient,easy tomaintain quality and requires less craftsmanship.Keywords:thick plate;composite welds;fusion-through welding;ultrasonic test

2016-12-35 Long span portal type reclaimer peration analysis

ZHANG Jiuchang,YANG Gongxiao(Huadian Zhengzhou Mechanical Design Institute Company Limited,Zhengzhou 450015,China)

Abstract:Based on the case of inconsistence of design working condition and real working condition of Xuzhou Coal Mining Group Hami Energy Company Limited’s Hami Dananhu Mine East#5mine closed closed strip coal storage reclaimer,by introducing the working principle and theoretical calculation,the cause of low capacity was indicated.

Keywords:closed strip coal storage equipment;reclaimer;theoretical calculation;bulk material storage

2016-12-37 Calculation of directional over-current protection sam p ling value based on network synchronization

ZHU Chongyang,ZHANG Hua(Nanjing State Power Automation Company Limited,Nanjing 211100,China)

Abstract:At present,distribution network is not dependent on the voltage,but through the current samp ling value method to calculate the direction of flow,for the sampling values at both ends of the synchronous high demands are put forward.Put forward by network transmission to adjust the current sampling values of synchronization algorithm,phase difference on both ends of the current are calculated,at the same time have the effect of direction over-current protection.This scheme not only can well solve the synchronization of sampling values,accurate judgment flow phase,but also avoid the hardware design is too complicated,reduce the use of direction over-current components.This plan has set up a file in the double circuit line distribution system to testand verify.

Keywords:synchronization of sample values;directional overcurrent protection;phase difference;phase synchronization;phase out of synchronism

2016-12-39 Fault treatment research based on distribution network autom ation

GU Yan,GUIM inqi(Suzhou Power Supply Company,Suzhou 215000,China)

Abstract:The experimental project of distribution network automation in Suzhou was briefly introduced.Basic function of OPEN3200 system was introduced.Typical distribution network failure treatment cases in Suzhou was studied.Meanwhile,the improvement suggestion for OPEN3200 system was indicated,which is fundamental for the construction and promotion of foll-owing distribution network automation.

Keywords:distribution network automation;failure treatment;OPEN3200

2016-12-42 A power plant’s 300MW thermal power unit induced fanand booster fan unification improvement study

DONG Jinlu,LIU Bin,DU Liang(Huadian Qingdao Power Generation Company Limited,Qingdao 266100,China)

Abstract:A fter ultra-low emission improvement,the joint operation of induced fan and booster fan of a power plant’s 300MW thermal power unit did not satisfy the use requirement.Hence,the unification of induced fan and booster fan was carried out.Authors adopted hot state test and performance curve to analyze working status and air and flue gas system resistance,and determined the unification plan.After removed booster fan,the comprehensive efficiency of new induced fan is significantly increases.Unit operation safetywas ensured.

Keywords:ultra-low emission;hot state test;performance curve;induced fan and booster fan unification

2016-12-45 Effect of environment factor to corrosion behavior on pure titanium in desu lfurized wet flue gas condensate

LIU Chunbo1,WANG Haitao1,WANG Zhengbin2,HU Hongxiang2,NIU Cong2(1.Huadian Zhengzhou Mechanical Design Institute Company Limited,Zhengzhou 450015,China;2.Institute of Metal Research,Chinese Academy of Science,Shenyang 110016,China)

Abstract:Due to fine corrosion resisting property,industrial pure titanium is considered as the idealmaterial for thermal power plant desulfurization wet stack anti-corrosion liner.Adapted corrosion electrochemistrymethod,the effect of environment factor to corrosion resisting property on TA2 pure titanium in simulated desulfurized wet flue gas condensate was studied.The result indicated that the corrosion resisting property of pure titanium wasmainly determined by pH and HF contentof the condensate.If pH ishigher than 3.0 or HF content is low enough,pure titanium is in self-passivation behavior,with high corrosion resisting property.In contrast,pure titanium is in activation-passivation behavior,corrosion resisting property is relatively poor.In addition,temperature and flow velocity of condensate increased corrosion rate.Other changes were caused by anodic passive film dissolution due to HF was accelerated.

Keywords:pure titanium;polarization curve;corrosion resisting property;desulfurized wet flue gas condensate;environmental factor

2016-12-50 300MW circu lating fluidized bed unit technically imp rove and operation op tim ization com bined

CHEN Jianxin(Yunnan Huadian Xunjiansi Power Company Limited,Mile 652309,China)

Abstract:To face national power green and new energy developing and the electric powermarket reform advancement,results in the sharply decrease of thermal power unit utilization time in Yunnan,the thermal power enterprise overall loses since 2015.In the severemarket competition environment,only dig company 2×300MW unit energy saving potential of circulating fluidized bed boiler,“internal control cost,efficiency increasing”to ensure that the unit important production leading econom ic indicators in this area,can effectively improve the thermal power enterprise’smarket competitiveness.

Keywords:fluidized bed unit;equipment technically improve;operation optim ization;energy-saving and cost-reducing

2016-12-53 Application of elevated cage-type dry fog dust remove system on stacker-reclaimer in coal dom e

DENG Ruyong,WANG Lei,YAN M in(China Guodian Corporation Jianbi Power Plant,Zhenjiang 212006,China)

Abstract:The present dust pollution situation of Guodian Jianbi Power Plant coal dome was introduced.The selection of coal dome stacker-reclaimer dust control improvement construction was discussed.The principle,structure and features of elevated cage-type dry fog dust remove system wasanalyzed.Practical result indicated that elevated cage-type dry fog dust remove system effectively controlled the inorganized dust emission in each process of coal conveying system.

Keywords:coal dome;stacker-reclaimer;dry fog dust remove system;fog cage;dust control

2016-12-56 Application analysis of pure ultrahigh m olecu lar weight polyethylene pipe fitting in wet desulfurization system

CHEN Kuan(Guangdong Yudean Group Jinghai Power Plant Company Limited,Jieyang 515223,China)

Abstract:Due to the slurry characteristics,slurry pipe in thermal power plantwet desulfurization system requireswell anti-corrosion and well wearproof property.By a two-year-long application and testof a new type ultra-highmolecularweight polyethylene(UHMWPE)material pipe and pipe fittings,its anti-corrosion and wearproof property was proved.It is able to replace conventional stainless steel pipe,rubber lining and plastic-lined pipe fittings in wet desulfurization.Considering its price advantage,thismaterialworth spreading.

Keywords:wet desulfurization;ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene(UHMWPE);pipe fitting;anti-corrosion;wearproof

2016-12-59 600MW unit desulfurization device auxiliary power supply system imp rovement design

WANG Dongya,ZHANG Guiping,L IN Zhenyu(Guangdong Zhuhai Jinwan Power Plant Company Limited,Zhuhai 519000,China)

Abstract:During the environmental protection improvement reconstruction of Guangdong Zhuhai Jinwan Power Company’s No.3 unit,existing equipment were sufficiently utilized.Auxiliaries power supply system was improvement designed.By changingconnectionmethod and improving auxiliaries power supply protection system,desulfurization system was effectively spared.The reliability of desulfurization system was significantly increased.The stability of unit was ensured after gas bypass was eliminated.

Keywords:environmental protection improvement;auxiliary power;desulfurization

2016-12-62 Com p lex terrain w ind turbine generator free stream wind speed test method study based on laser radar anem oscope

ZHANG Wei1,LEIYang1,DU Chengrong2(1.Huadian E-lectric Power Research Institute,Hangzhou 310030,China;2.Zhejiang Yunda Wind Power Company Limited,Hangzhou 310026,China)

Abstract:Free stream wind speed is one of the most important parameters of wind turbine generator power curve evaluation,post-warranty acceptance and operation.Traditionalmethod is to use anemometer tower with the drawback of long test term,high test cost and difficult construction,especially in complex terrain.Based on IEC 61400-12-1—2015 standard,utilizing of high accuracy,wide range and easy to installation laser radar anemoscope,a series of free stream wind speed measure method that suit for complex terrain was indicated.After taking tests of free stream wind speed by airborne radar anemoscope in different distance,free stream wind speed can be determined based on wind speed variation trend.The accuracy and reliability of wind speed can be verified by land laser radar anemoscope.Based on the experiment carried out in awind power plant in Yunnan,the testmethod is effective.

Keywords:free stream wind speed;complex terrain;laser radar anemoscope;wind turbine generator;testmethod

2016-12-67 Study on the influence rules of w ind turbine revolving speed to gear box vibration

WANG Tianpin1,KONG Detong2,LIU Q ingchao2(1.Yunnan Branch of Huadian Fuxin Energy Company Limited,Kunming 650228,China;2.Huadian Electric Power Research Insti-tute,Hangzhou 310030,China)

Abstract:Gear box is the main actuator for wind turbine unit and its state monitoring is essential for the safety operation of wind turbine unit.Because that wind turbine unit is greatly influenced by wind speed fluctuation,its revolving speed changes in real time,which increases the difficulty ofgearbox statemonitoring.Through analyzing the gear box vibration signals of two units for a certain wind power plant,this paper revealed the linear relationship between vibration signals and revolving speed.And after that,it proposes the solution of converting the vibration signals under arbitrary speed to rated speed,which effectively reduces the influence of revolving speed to vibration signals,improves the trend ofmonitoring indictors,and provides effectivemonitoring indictors for gear box statemonitoring.

Keywords:wind turbine unit;gear box;condition monitoring;vibration signal;revolving speed

2016-12-70 Com parative study and app lication of draught fan power curves based on laser radar anemoscope

LEI Yang1,MA Dong1,DU Chengrong2(1.Huadian Electric Power Research Institute,Hangzhou 310030,China;2.ZhejiangWindey Company Limited,Hangzhou 310026,China)

