

中国人兽共患病学报 2016年4期

邢永才, 王大燕


邢永才, 王大燕




Research progress on surveillance related to avian influenza activity in the Poyang Lake Region of China

Supported by the NIH Multinational Cooperation Project(No.1R01AI101028-01A1)










鄱阳湖地区拥有大面积水域,水是禽流感病毒的重要传播途径,尤其是在秋冬季[21]。禽流感病毒进入野鸟中优先感染肠道细胞,并且在粪便中具有很高的病毒载量,野鸟排泄物释放的禽流感病毒能污染水体和环境[21],容易使环境中的其他宿主在进食和饮水过程中被感染[8]。为了更好的理解禽流感病毒在天然水域中的持续存在情况,Zhang等人针对2个亚型禽流感病毒(pN1和H9N2)在中国不同水温的候鸟栖息地(洞庭湖、鄱阳湖、青海湖、长江流域)的动力学进行了研究,显示温度越低病毒存活的时间越久,表明温度是环境中影响禽类病毒存活的主要因素[21]。禽流感病毒在22 ℃的水中能存活4 d,0 ℃的水中存活多达30 d[11]。候鸟在11月份到次年的3月份在此地越冬,病毒在环境中存活的时间长,增加了环境中其他物种感染禽流感病毒的风险。






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Corresponding author:Wang Da-yan, Email:


XING Yong-cai, WANG Da-yan



Abstract:The Poyang Lake, the largest freshwater lake in China, is an important habitat for migratory birds. The region is rich in biological resources and wetlands and has much intensive paddy cultivation and poultry farming. The free-range model of domestic poultry farming and the lacking of biosecurity measures result in the frequent contacts between wild birds and poultry. The interaction between wild birds and poultry plays an important role in the spread of avian influenza virus (AIV). Various subtypes of AIV circulate in this area. Poyang Lake area located in the East Asia-Australia flyway of migratory birds, so the avian influenza virus (AIV) could spread to other countries or continents by migratory birds. The frequent poultry trading may also facilitate interspecies transmission and further gene reassortment. In addition, long-distance transportation or dealing of poultry and trafficking of wild birds also promote the wide-spread of AIV. Here, we summarizes the prevalence and geographic distribution of local AIV in Poyang Lake region and the factors contributing to its dissemination: frequent contact between poultry and wild birds in Poyang Lake area increases the risk of spread of avian influenza virus; Poyang Lake has a large area of water, water is an important way to the spread influenza virus, especially in autumn and winter; Duck plays an important role in the spread of avian flu virus and many subtypes of avian influenza virus are circulating in Poyang Lake area. Long-term surveillance could help us to monitor the evolution of AIV in this region and better understand its epidemiology, for early warning and AIV prevention.

Keywords:avian influenza virus; Poyang Lake; wild birds; migratory; surveillance


