作者单位:100048 北京,解放军总医院第一附属医院、全军骨科研究所、北京市骨科植入医疗器械工程技术研究中心
康复医学 ( rehabilitation medicine ) 是针对伤病导致的功能障碍进行研究及治疗,以最大限度减轻患者的残障,促进其生活自理并早日重返社会为目的的科学[1]。康复医学与临床医学有着密切的联系,但也有自己本身的特点。临床医学是针对原发伤病进行治疗,以逆转或阻止疾病的进程为目的;而康复医学则侧重于预防和减轻伤病导致的残障,促进功能的最大恢复[2]。康复医学与临床医学两者只有紧密结合,才符合现代医学生物-心理-社会模式的要求,才能适应当代社会发展的需要。
纵观其发展历程,康复医学与临床医学,特别是骨科学有着密切的联系。现代康复医学是在第二次世界大战以后发展壮大起来的,这与二战后四肢脊柱战创伤伤病员的增多及骨科治疗的发展不无关系[3]。骨科是研究四肢、脊柱运动系统疾病的学科,各类骨科伤病或多或少都会引起肢体的功能障碍;康复医学是研究功能障碍的预防、评定 ( 诊断 ) 及治疗的学科。两者的有机结合,不仅是治疗疾病的需要,更是社会发展的需要[4]。在欧美发达国家,骨科疾病的治疗早已按照生物-心理-社会的现代医学模式进行。骨科医师,康复医师和康复治疗师各自为政的旧医学模式已经转变为团队治疗 ( team approach ) 的新模式,骨科医师、康复医师、康复治疗师和护士组成一个治疗小组 ( team work ),共同查房并制订患者手术和康复方案,骨科手术治疗和功能康复有机地整合在一起,使患者更好、更快、更全面、更有效地康复,并重返社会[5]。康复治疗贯穿综合医院骨科围手术期全程,入院后术前即对患者进行相关康复指导,术后更是强调早期康复,例如在美国梅奥医院,对于全膝关节置换术后患者,术后 2 h 即开始在康复师的指导下进行膝关节主动屈伸功能训练,术后当天即可借助步行器下床行走。不仅如此,康复治疗还完全覆盖各级医院-社区-家庭,出院时医师开具康复处方,安排患者在社区康复中心继续接受康复治疗,如德国的患者术后免费接受 5~10 次康复治疗,其目的就是鼓励其继续康复,以巩固疗效,防止复发,促进早日恢复工作,回归社会。实践证明,这种骨科康复一体化的康复模式有着明显的优越性和强大的生命力,可以明显缩短患者术后的康复时间,降低住院费用,更快速地改善功能,并最终降低致残率,提高治疗效果[6-9]。
针对于此,迫切需要参照先进国家经验,结合我国实际,建立规范合理的骨科康复新模式和科学的康复临床路径。2013 年,北京市科委组织全市 9 家三级甲等医院以及二级医院、社区卫生服务站等各级医疗机构,开展实施了骨科常见疾病术后康复模式和临床路径研究,通过所有参与单位的不懈努力,该课题目前已顺利完成,相信课题的研究成果可以为探索建立适合我国国情的康复模式提供有益的参考,为我国康复医学早日达到世界先进水平做出贡献。
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( 本文编辑:王萌 )
. 骨科康复 Orthopedic rehabilitation .
New rehabilitation pattern in team is the premise of the improvement
Hou Shu-xun. Orthopaedic Institute of CPLA, the fi rst Af fi liated Hospital of PLA General Hospital, Beijing, 100048, PRC
【Abstract】Rehabilitation medicine is the science to alleviate the patient's disability and promote self-care and early return to the society by the research and treatment of dysfunction caused by injuries. Rehabilitation medicine is closely linked to the clinical medicine with its own characteristics, focusing on the prevention and mitigation of the dysfunction to maximum the recovery. Only closely integrated, can they be consistent with modern medicine pattern biology-psychology-sociology to meet the needs. Orthopaedics is a discipline on the research of limbs and spinal diseases, and orthopedic injuries can cause dysfunction of limbs. Rehabilitation medicine is the research of dysfunction prevention, assessment ( diagnosis ) and treatment. Combination of the two is not only the need of treatment, but the need of social development. In the developed countries in Europe and US, the treatment of orthopedic disorders has already followed bio - psycho - social model of modern medicine. Fragmented treatment of the old medical model by orthopedic surgeons, rehabilitation doctors and rehabilitation therapists has been transformed into a new model in team approach. Orthopedic surgeons, rehabilitation physicians, nurses, and rehabilitation therapists are organized as a team to go the rounds of the wards and individualize rehabilitation schedule, achieving better, faster, more comprehensive and more effective rehabilitation and reintegration into society. After the reform and opening up, the domestic clinical medicine in orthopedics has made tremendous progress and surgical techniques and instruments have been close to or reached the international advanced level with the deepening international exchanges and its continuous development. However, orthopedic rehabilitation has lagged behind in the postoperative recovery speed and extent, patient's ability to work, quality of life, and other aspects with a big gap. To address it, a standard, reasonable new model and scienti fi c clinical pathway are in urgent need, combing the experience of advanced countries and China's reality. 2013, Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Commission organizes the city’s 9 hospitals of class 3 grade 1, hospitals of class 2, community health service stations and other medical institutions at all levels to carry out the research of rehabilitation pattern and clinical pathway. With tireless efforts of all participants, the project has been successfully completed. I believe the research outcomes can provide reference for the exploration of rehabilitation model suitable for China, and make contributions to list China in the advanced level of the world.
【Key words】Rehabilitation; Clinical medicine; Critical pathways; Patient care management
( 收稿日期:2016-03-02 )
基金项目:北京市科技计划项目 ( D13110700490000 )