Zhou Guotai Senior PLA Logistics Officer Zhou Guotai under Investigation
Zhou Guotai, a senior officer of the Peoples Liberation Armys general logistics department is under investigation for “suspected severe discipline violations,” the PLA announced.
Zhou, former deputy head of the departments material and oil department, was put under investigation by the discipline agency of the general logistics department, according to a press release published on the official PLA website.
Zhou is the latest high ranking officer in the PLA to be investigation for disciplinary violations. Earlier in the year, China named about 15 generals and other top officials who were being investigated for corruption. President Xi Jinpings anticorruption campaign has seen some of the most powerful Chinese generals disgraced, including the late Xu Caihou and Guo Boxiong.
Several critics have voiced suspicion that the PLAs logistics department is likely to be riddled with corrupt officers due to the large amount of money and contracts that it handles. In August, the former deputy head of the PLAs General Logistics department, Gu Junshan, was handed a suspended death sentenced after he was found guilty of bribery, embezzlement and misuse of public funds.
The details of the crimes that Zhou is accused of committing have not been made public. However, the case has reportedly been handed over to military prosecutors.