

地震工程学报 2015年3期


朱爽, 周伟

(中国地震局第一监测中心,天津 300180)

摘要:利用陆态网GNSS连续站及流动站观测数据处理结果,从坐标时间序列、基线时间序列、速度场、形变场等方面分析岷县漳县地震前后青藏高原东北缘地区GPS形变场变化,得出以下结论:岷县漳县地震前GNSS测站时间序列没有明显变化,震前异常不突出;地震引起不同测点不同程度的永久性同震位移,最大值达到16 mm;地震前后基线变化不明显,未发现明显的前兆异常;阿拉善及附近的祁连构造带存在顺时针运动的迹象,即运动方向由东侧的南西向逐渐变到西部的北西向,运动大小的范围基本保持在7 mm/a之内;区域主压应变优势方向为东北-西南向,最大主压应变区呈带状分布于研究区域南部。

关键词:岷县漳县地震; GNSS; 时间序列; 速度场; 应变场






Regional Crustal Deformation Analysis before and

after the Minxian-Zhangxian Earthquake

ZHU Shuang, ZHOU Wei


Abstract:With the establishment of the Crustal Movement Observation Network of China (CMONOC) and the China Tectonic Environment Monitoring Network (CMTEMN),earthquake coseismic displacement can be obtained through global navigation satellite system (GNSS) data processing and analysis.The calculated results can provide basic research data for further study on seismic dynamics characteristics and determination of future earthquake trends.Using the GNSS data processing results from CMTEMN and CMONOC,together with the coordinate time series from the continuous observation stations,the baseline time series between two stations and the velocity and deformation fields were investigated in this study.In addition,the global positioning system deformation field of the northeastern margin of the Qinghai-Tibet plateau before and after the Minxian-Zhangxian Earthquake was analyzed.The results showed that the coordinate time series of the GNSS stations showed no noticeable change before the Minxian-Zhangxian Earthquake,and there were no prominent anomalies before the earthquake.The earthquake caused different levels of permanent co-seismic displacement of various stations,the maximum of which was as much as 16 mm This GSMX station,which is near the epicenter in the Lintan-Dangchang fault,exhibited a noticeable coseismic displacement.The GSWD station had no coseismic displacement.Similarly, the GSLX station,which was far from the epicenter,also experienced no displacement.The strain change of the three stations proved that the east-west strain was primarily linear,and there was no noticeable imminent anomaly before the earthquake removal of the coseismic step.The north-south strain exhibited a cycle and a half phenomenon,which was related to a corresponding year cycle in a single point,so this was not an obvious imminent anomaly prior to the earthquake.In addition to the obvious linear change,the north-east shear strain showed specific cycles,but no obvious anomalies before the quake,and these were restored to their original displacement after the quake.The GNSS baseline length change was based on the unity of the reference frame,so it was unaffected by the reference benchmark,therefore,it would objectively reflect the dynamic changes of the relative motion between two stations.Therefore,the GNSS baseline time series analysis was used to extract the crust movement microdynamic information as one of the direct routes.In this study,three stations close to the epicenter formed a triangular mesh,crossing the epicenter and the Lintan-Dangchang fault zone.Using the GSWD station as a reference, the statistical baseline series of the GSMX and GSLX stations were analyzed,and the results showed that there was no significant change of the baseline before and after the earthquake and no obvious anomalies;In addition,the long baseline time series across the Lintan-Dangchang fault was calculated employing six stations on either side of the seismogenic tectonic,forming five baselines.The results were same with the short baseline,before the earthquake,the baseline did not exhibit an obvious precursory change phenomenon,and the baseline change caused by the earthquake was not obvious in totality.There were signs of a clockwise motion near the Alashan and Qilian structural belt,where the direction of movement was south west on the east side and north west on the west side.The magnitude of the movement was within 7,which may explain why the push movement to the north in the western region was greater in the eastern area.In addition,due to the extrusion of the Ordos block in the east of the research area,the direction of movement of the edge of the block at the southeastern end in this region was to the southwest and its velocity was approximately 5 mm/a,The movement of the block was diminished in the western portion.The primary direction of the principal compressive strain from 2011 to 2013 was from the SE to NW,the region of maximum strain exhibited zonal distribution and was located in the southern part of the research area.

Key words: the Minxian-Zhangxian Earthquake; GNSS(global navigation satellite system); time series analysis; velocity field; strain field





首先,收集陆态网2010年至2014年年积日346日连续站观测数据,2011、2013年陆态网流动观测数据,结合中国周边77个IGS站的相应数据,统一利用GAMIT/GLOBK软件进行GNSS解算,得到测站坐标及卫星轨道的单日松弛解。解算策略如下:截止卫星高度角为15°;基线处理模式为RELAX(松驰解);卫星钟差模型为精密星历误差的钟差参数;接收机钟差改正模型为伪距计算出的钟差;电离层延迟模型为LC-HELP;对流层模型为Saastamoinen模型;光压模型为BERNE;固体潮改正为IERS03;测站坐标约束为0.010 m,0.010 m,0.010 m ;对流层参数设置为13。然后利用QOCA软件对上述多个单日松弛解结果进行融合,选取分布于全球的47个GPS测站作为框架点,经过平差计算得到ITRF2005框架下的速度场。最后通过基准变换将观测结果转换为区域无旋转下的速度场。在解算过程中为减小2011年3月11日日本9.0级地震影响,首先利用GPS连续观测数据计算得到该地震引起的远场同震位移,然后利用该结果对速度求解过程中的同震影响进行扣除。在此基础之上,利用多核函数法得到该区域的应变场信息。


在震中附近有三个GNSS连续观测站,其中一个是位于震中西南约18 km处的GSMX(甘肃岷县)站,另一个是位于震中东北约68 km处的GSLX(甘肃陇西)站,此外还有一个位于震中东南约132 km处的GSWD(甘肃武都)站,见图1。

图1 点位分布图(圆点表示连续站,五角表示地震震中) Fig.1 Distribution of the stations (dot indicates continuous station,pentagon indicates earthquake's epicentre)

图2 三个测站时间序列变化 Fig.2 Time series variation of three stations

本文分析这三个测站在N、E、U三个方向上的坐标时间序列(图2)。可以看出,从长趋势来看,三个测站在E方向上的线性较好,变化稳定,在N方向上的变化具有一定的周期性,而在U方向上则有明显的年周期特征;从短趋势来看,只有距震中最近的GSMX站出现了16 mm左右的永久同震位移,而且仅在水平方向上;其余两个测站不仅在震前没有出现明显的异常变化,在震时也没有出现同震位移。说明该次地震的同震位移不仅量级较小,而且集中在较小的空间范围之内。因此从单个测站的坐标时间序列中很难发现震前的异常情况。


表 1 地震震源机制解结果


(2) 中国地震局地球物理研究所(IGPCEA,

(3) 中国地震局地质研究所(IGCEA,





图3 应变时间序列 Fig.3 Strain time series

图4 基线时间序列变化 Fig.4 Time series variation of baseline


图5 GSMX、GSLX相对于GSWD坐标在N、E、U方向上的变化 Fig.5 Coordinate change of GSMX、GSLX relative to GSWD in N、E、U directions



图6 长基线分布图 Fig.6  Distribution of long baseline

其中, GSLX(甘肃陇西)—GSMA(甘肃玛曲),GSLX(甘肃陇西)—GSMX(甘肃岷县),GSDX(甘肃定西)—GSMA(甘肃玛曲)三条基线是成稳定的挤压状态,GSLX(甘肃陇西)—SCSP(四川松潘),GSDX(甘肃定西)—GSWD(甘肃武都)成稳定的拉张状态,具体如图7所示。GSLX—GSMX由于GSMX站的同震位移引起了阶跃;GSLX—SCSP基线在震后的变化是由于SCSP测站时间序列的变化;结合其它基线变化情况可以看出在震前基线没有明显的前兆变化,地震引起的基线变化整体来看并不明显。



图8(a)为青藏高原东北缘相对于区域整体无旋转基准的区域水平运动结果。从图中可以看出,该区北部(阿拉善及附近的祁连构造带)存在顺时针运动的迹象,即运动方向由东侧的SW向逐渐变到S部的北西向,运动大小的范围基本保持在7 mm/a之内,这可能说明了研究区西部向北的推挤较东部更大。另外,该区东部由于受到鄂尔多斯块体的挤压,东南部西端由北北东向运动随着向东南地域的纵深其方向也有序的变化,到该区的东南端其优势运动方向已指向西南;运动大小也发生了变化,东端约5 mm/a,向西逐渐变小。这与2009—2011年的水平运动场相比[20],东北方向出现了一些明显的变化,但距离地震较近的地方发生只在量值上发生了较小变化,这可能与岷县漳县地震的发生背景有关。研究区西南地域的运动形态呈扇形展布,这种展布与物质逐渐向西北和东南两方向的运移是相辅相成的,而且西南端运动较大,可能与玉树地震的震后调整有关。

图7 长基线时间序列图 Fig.7 Time series of long baseline

图8 青藏高原东北缘地区2011—2013年水平运动场及主应变大小与方向 Fig.8 Horizontal movement field,principal strain and its orientaion in northeastern margin of the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau from 2011 to 2013



岷县漳县地震前GNSS单站时间序列没有明显变化,震前异常不突出;地震引起不同测点不同程度的永久性同震位移,最大值达到16 mm;地震前后基线变化不明显,未发现明显的前兆异常;青藏高原东北缘地区2011—2013年水平运动清晰有序,相对于2009—2011年的变化较小,地震并未引起运动场的明显变化,区域主压应变优势方向为东北—西南向,最大主压应变区呈带状分布于研究区域南部。GNSS测站的坐标变化情况还不能为地震提供明显的前兆信息,但从运动场的信息可以看出地震还是引起了运动场的一些变化,有待进一步研究。


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