Invisible Pirates,Nowhere to Go or Having Other Secrets


中国船检 2016年4期

Reporter Shi Jingli

Recently, a piece of information which was released on RSA Conference 2016 attracted the attention of global information security experts,the pirates “search” valuable cargoes more quickly than before: a group of pirates hijacked a container filled with valuable cargoes. But the modus operandi was different from before, they neither hijacked the ship,nor took the crews as hostage, instead they boarded the vessel, mastered the cargo list via hacker, and located the container by bar code and stole it, and then left.The analysis revealed that after uploading to the server through the software bug, and by remote accessing to the server, the pirates downloaded the delivery order of this shipping company. Obviously, with the help of high-tech and internet tools, pirates start to upgrade their way of plunder. By using high technology, they become the “new pirates” who are playing the “Internet Plus”.

The International Maritime Organization (IMO) told reporter, when the fl eet comes into the high risk sea area,taking appropriate measures to protect themselves is very important. When the ship is in high risk sea area,they should do the following in advance: first, updating the hijack events in this area in time, collecting all the information about the movements of pirates in case of need, and making an emergency communication plan.Second, ensuring the safety of crew is the first thing to be considered, if the pirates opened fire, the crew should be avoided trapping in the hull, and considering equipped with bulletproof equipment for the crew. Third,pay attention to the height of the freeboard, preventing the pirates board on ships at the lowest point of the draft line. Fourth, the ship trough the high risk area should sail at full speed, at least 18 knots. Fifth, ensuring all nonlethal weapons can be used. Sixth, ensuring all fi re pump and the engine running regularly, so that the ship can through the high risk area at full speed. Seventh, using the physical barriers, for example, setting up the barbed wire and electric fence out of the ship to prevent the pirates board. Eighth, ensuring the Automatic Identification System (AIS), radar and other important navigation equipment is running normally.

At 95thmaritime safety committee meeting (MSC95),BIMCO, ICS, INTERTANKO and INTERCARGO jointly submitted a detailed report of “the method of improving maritime security—the industry guidance for onboard cyber security”, the guidance will include how to minimize the risk of cyber attack through access management, how to protect the ship system and develop the emergency plan to best address accidents in case of occurrence.