截至2015年9月25日,中国知网(CNKI)和Web of Science(WOS)的数据报告显示,以“机器人(Robot)”为词条检索到的期刊文献分别为19345为与20750条,本专题将相关数据按照:研究机构发文数、作者发文数、期刊发文数、被引用频次进行排行,结果如下。
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Tracking control of non-linear systems using sliding surfaces, with application to robot manipulators
Slotine, JJ; Sastry, SS
Abstract:A methodology of feedback control is developed to achieve accurate tracking in a. class of non-linear, time-varying systems in the presence of disturbances and para meter variations. The methodology uses in its idealized form piecewise continuous feedback control, resulting in the state trajectory sliding along a time-varying sliding surface in the state space. This idealized control law achieves perfect tracking; however, non-idealities in its implementation result in the generation of an undesirable high-frequency component in the state trajectory. To rectify this, it is shown how continuous control laws may be used to approximate the discontinuous control law to obtain robust tracking to within a prescribed accuracy without generating undesirable high-frequency signal. The method is applied to the control of a two-link manipulator handling variable loads in a flexible manufacturing system environment. A new adaptive robot control algorithm is derived, which consists of a PD feedback part and a full dynamics feedfor ward compensation part, with the unknown manipulator and payload parameters being estimated online. The algorithm is computationally simple, because of an effective exploitation of the structure of manipulator dynamics. In particular, it requires neither feedback of joint accelerations nor inversion of the estimated inertia matrix. The algorithm can also be applied directly in Cartesian space. A framework for the analysis and control of manipulator systems with respect to the dynamic behavior of their end-effectors is developed. First, issues related to the description of end-effector tasks that involve constrained motion and active force control are discussed. A real-time obstacle avoidance approach for mobile robots has been developed and implemented. It permits the detection of unknown obstacles simultaneously with the steering of the mobile robot to avoid collisions and advance toward the target. The novelty of this approach, entitled the virtual force field method, lies in the integration of two known concepts: certainty grids for obstacle representation and potential fields for navigation. This combination is especially suitable for the accommodation of inaccurate sensor data as well as for sensor fusion and makes possible continuous motion of the robot with stopping in front of obstacles. This navigation algorithm also takes into account the dynamic behavior of a fast mobile robot and solves the local minimum trap problem. Experimental results from a mobile robot running at a maximum speed of 0.78 m/s demonstrate the power of the algorithm. We present a new methodology for exact robot motion planning and control that unifies the purely kinematic path planning problem with the lower level feedback controller design. Complete information about the freespace and goal is encoded in the form of a special artificial potential function-a navigation function-that connects the kinematic planning problem with the dynamic execution problem in a provably correct fashion. The navigation function automatically gives rise to a bounded-torque feedback controller for the robot's actuators that guarantees collision-free motion and convergence to the destination from almost all intial free configurations. Since navigation functions exist for any robot and obstacle course, our methodology is completely general in principle. However, this paper is mainly concerned with certain constructive techniques for a particular class of motion planning problems. Specifically, we present a formula for navigation functions that guide a point-mass robot in a generalized sphere world. The simplest member of this family is a space obtained by puncturing a disc by an arbitrary number of smaller disjoint discs representing obstacles. The other spaces are obtained from this model by a suitable coordinate transformation that we show how to build. Our constructions exploit these coordinate transformations to adapt a navigation function on the model space to its more geometrically complicated (but topologically equivalent) instances. The formula that we present admits sphere-worlds of arbitrary dimension and is directly applicable to configuration spaces whose forbidden regions can be modeled by such generalized discs. We have implemented these navigation functions on planar scenarios, and simulation results are provided throughout the paper. Objective: In patients with stroke, the authors tested whether additional sensorimotor training of the paralyzed or paretic upper limb delivered by a robotic device enhanced motor outcome. Methods: Fifty-six patients with stroke and hemiparesis or hemiplegia received standard poststroke multidisciplinary rehabilitation, and were randomly assigned either to receive robotic training (at least 25 hours) or exposure to the robotic device without training. Outcomes were assessed by the same masked raters, before treatment began and at the end of treatment, with the upper extremity component of the Fugl-Meyer Motor Assessment, the Motor Status score, the Motor Power score, and Functional Independence Measurement. Result: The robot treatment and control group had comparable clinical characteristics, lesion size, and pretreatment impairment scores. By the end of treatment, the robot-trained group demonstrated improvement in motor outcome for the trained shoulder and elbow (Motor Power score, p < 0.001; Motor Status score, p < 0.01) that did not generalize to untrained wrist and hand. The robot-treated group also demonstrated significantly improved functional outcome (Functional Independence Measurement-Motor, p < 0.01). Conclusion: Robot-delivered quantitative and reproducible sensorimotor training enhanced the motor performance of the exercised shoulder and elbow. The robot-treated group also demonstrated improved functional outcome. When added to standard multidisciplinary rehabilitation, robotics provides novel therapeutic strategies that focus on impairmentbook=7,ebook=11reduction and improved motor performance. This paper first describes the problem of goals nonreachable with obstacles nearby when using potential field methods for mobile robot path planning. Then, new repulsive potential functions are presented by taking the relative distance between the robot and the goal into consideration, which ensurers that the goal position is the global minimum of the total potential. A mobile robot is one of the well-known nonholonomic systems. The integration of a kinematic controller and a torque controller for the dynamic model of a nonholonomic mobile robot has been presented. In this paper, an adaptive extension of the controller is proposed. If an adaptive tracking controller for the kinematic model with unknown parameters exists, an adaptive tracking controller for the dynamic model with unknown parameters can be designed by using an adaptive backstepping approach. A design example for a mobile robot with two actuated wheels is provided. In this design, a new kinematic adaptive controller is proposed, then a torque adaptive controller is derived by using the kinematic controller. This brief proposes a sliding-mode control method for wheeled-mobile robots in polar coordinates. A new sliding-mode control method is proposed for mobile robots with kinematics in two-dimensional polar coordinates. In the proposed method, two controllers are designed to asymptotically stabilize the tracking errors in position and heading direction, respectively. By combining these controllers together, both asymptotic posture (position and heading direction) stabilization and trajectory tracking are achieved for reference trajectories at global regions except the arbitrary small region around the origin. In particular, constraints on the desired linear and angular velocities as well as the posture of the mobile robot are eliminated unlike the previous studies based on kinematics expressed in polar coordinates. Accordingly, arbitrary trajectories including a circle and a straight line in various forms can be followed even with large initial tracking errors and bounded disturbances. The stability and performance analyzes are performed and also simulations are included to confirm the effectiveness of the proposed scheme. We describe an implemented architecture that integrates a map representation into a reactive, subsumption-based mobile robot. As an alternative to hybrid methods, which separate the reactive and traditional planning parts of the control system, we present a fully integrated reactive system that removes the distinction between the control program and the map. Our method was implemented and tested on a mobile robot equipped with a ring of sonars and a compass, and programmed with a collection of simple, incrementally designed behaviors. The robot performs collision-free navigation, dynamic landmark detection, map construction and maintenance, and path planning. Given any known landmark as a goal, the robot plans and executes the shortest known path to it. If the goal is not reachable, the robot detects failure, updates the map, and finds an alternate route. The topological representation primitives are designed to suit the robot's sensors and its navigation behavior, thus minimizing the amount of stored information. Distributed over a collection of behaviors, the map itself performs constant-time localization and linear-time path planning. The approach we present is qualitative and tolerant of sensor inaccuracies, unexpected obstacles, and course changes. It extends the repertoire of integrated reactive systems to tasks requiring spatial modeling and user interaction.
来源出版物:International Journal of Control, 1983, 38(2): 465-492
On the adaptive-control of robot manipulators
Slotine, JJE; Li, WP
来源出版物:International Journal of Robotics Research, 1987, 6(3): 49-59
A unified approach for motion and force control of robot manipulators: The operational space formulation
Khatib, O
The fundamentals of the operational space formulation are then presented, and the unified approach for motion and force control is developed. The extension of this formulation to redundant manipulator systems is also presented, constructing the end-effector equations of motion and describing their behavior with respect to joint forces. These results are used in the development of a new and systematic approach for dealing with the problems arising at kinematic singularities. At a singular configuration, the manipulator is treated as a mechanism that is redundant with respect to the motion of the end-effector in the subspace of operational space orthogonal to the singular direction.
来源出版物:IEEE Journal of Robotics and Automation, 1987, 3(1): 43-53
Real-time obstacle avoidance for fast mobile robots
Borenstein, J; Koren, Y
来源出版物:IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 1989, 19(5): 1179-1187
Exact robot navigation using artificial potential functions
Rimon, E; Koditschek, DE
Keywords:time obstacle avoidance; mobile robots; manipulators; motion robotics; robot; aids; stroke; motor recovery GNRON problem; new repulsive potential function; potential field adaptive backstepping; adaptive tracking control; dynamic model; nonholonomic mobile robot polar coordinates; posture stabilization; sliding-mode control; trajectory tracking; wheeled-mobile robots
来源出版物:IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, 1992, 8(5): 501-518
A novel approach to stroke rehabilitation: Robot-aided sensorimotor stimulation
Volpe, BT; Krebs, HI; Hogan, N; et al.
来源出版物:Neurology, 2000, 54(10): 1938-1944
New potential functions for mobile robot path planning
Ge, SS; Cui, YJ
来源出版物:IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, 2000, 16(5): 615-620
Adaptive tracking control of a nonholonomic mobile robot
Fukao, T; Nakagawa, H; Adachi, N
来源出版物:IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, 2000, 16(5): 609-615
Sliding-mode tracking control of nonholonomic wheeled mobile robots in polar coordinates
Chwa, D
来源出版物:IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 2004, 12(4): 637-644
Integration of representation into goal-driven behavior-based robots
Mataric, MJ
来源出版物:IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, 1992, 8(3): 304-312
文献编号本领域经典文章题目第一作者来源出版物1 Tracking control of non-linear systems using sliding surfaces, with application to robot manipulators Slotine, JJ International Journal of Control, 1983, 38 (2): 465-492 2On the adaptive-control of robot manipulators Slotine, JJE International Journal of Robotics Research, 1987, 6(3): 49-59 3 A unified approach for motion and force control of robot manipulators: The operational space formulation Khatib, O IEEE Journal of Robotics and Automation, 1987, 3(1): 43-53 4Real-time obstacle avoidance for fast mobile robots Borenstein, J IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 1989, 19(5): 1179-1187 5 Exact robot navigation using artificial potential functions Rimon, E IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, 1992, 8(5): 501-518 6 A novel approach to stroke rehabilitation: Robot-aided sensorimotor stimulation Volpe, BT Neurology, 2000, 54(10): 1938-1944 7New potential functions for mobile robot path planning Ge, SS IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, 2000, 16(5): 615-620 8 Adaptive tracking control of a nonholonomic mobile robot Fukao, T IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, 2000, 16(5): 609-615 9 Sliding-mode tracking control of nonholonomic wheeled mobile robots in polar coordinates Chwa, D IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 2004, 12(4): 637-644 10 Integration of representation into goal-driven behaviorbased robots Mataric, MJ IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, 1992, 8(3): 304-312