1 东立面细部/Detail of the east facade
项目信息/Credits and Data
客户/Client: 清华大学/Tsinghua University
建筑面积/Floor Area: 21,000m2
设计时间/Design Period: 2011.12-2015.09
建造时间/Construction Period: 2013.11-2015.09
摄影/Photos: 宋晔皓/SONG Yehao (Fig.1,3),孙菁芬/SUN Jingfen (Fig.2,6,8,9,12-14),金龙林/JIN Longlin (Fig.15)
2 西立面/West facade
4 总平面图/Site plan
3 建筑南立面细部/Detail of the south facade
5 首层平面/Floor 0 plan
6 三层内景/Interior view on the floor 2
7 剖面/Section
The project, with canteen, career center, food storage and processing facilities, is a comprehensive campus building for both students and professors. Located in the heart of Tsinghua University, the traditional red-brick area, this building will be a popular place for students gathering. The design aims to resolve the problem of large traffic flow, while at the same time respond to the surrounding campus context.
To protect the environment, we use porous sediment brick as exterior wall material, whose color and texture is very close to the surrounding traditional red brick, and give full play to the characteristics of masonry work.
Through section design, the project not only solved circulation problem at the east and south accesses, but also made the west and north entrances possible by using terrain altitude difference, so that people from every direction can reach this building conveniently. This design strategy gained best natural lighting and largest ventilation surface for the semi-underground B1 level.
To preserve the site’s existing vegetation, the building is located at the original structure and empty field, without destroying large green space on the south and east sides. The design has done its best to preserve important trees in the area, keeping a minimum distance of 4m between the borderline of the building and the trees.
Above the ground, the functions are divided by the east-west public corridor into two main parts: the canteen in the north section, and the career center in the south section. With staircases connecting to different levels, the public corridor is transformed into an atrium whose openable skylights create excellent thermal pressure ventilation.
Large areas of south-facing windows form a comfortable office space for the career center. Meanwhile, narrow openings, deep windows and sun visors are installed to prevent excessive summer heat and light from entering the room. As for the hall in the core area, skylights not only provide natural lighting, but also facilitate ventilation and cooling. In the west-facing canteen area, tall poplars, together with latticed brick walls and vertical shades, effectively reduce the negative impact of western exposure. □
8 二层平面/Floor 1 plan
9 三层平面/Floor 2 plan
1-餐厅/Dining room
2-公共通廊/Public corridor
3-门厅/Entrance hall
4-多功能厅/Multi-function hall
5-茶歇区/Tea break
12-户外树下平台/Sycamore tree terrace
15-学生活动厅/Student activity hall
16-就业服务大厅/Service hall of THCC
17-自选区/Buffet zone
20-上人屋面/Roof courtyard
21-会议室/ Meeting room
10 报告厅内景/Interior view of the hall
11 西入口室内/Interior view of the west entrance
12 大通廊内景/Interior view of the atrium
这栋建筑,我认为明显地受到了两位英国建筑家的影响,一位是迪恩·霍克斯(Dean Hawkes), 另一位是艾伦·肖特(Alan Short)。这两位剑桥大学教授与宋晔皓拥有的共通处,就是对环境的传统的认知。这样的设计观点和方法,注重更为现象和感知性的环境意识与想象,并且觉醒到,环境的新议程是将设计重新置于舞台中央的因缘。其中,那些远非单纯技术主导的所谓被动设计,营造出了更为适应性的舒适和与之匹配的弹性调控机制,以及甚为关键的与历史传统对话的场所感。
HAO Lin: Environmental tradition
From my view, Yehao's design is apparently influenced by two British scholar architects: Dean Hawkes and Alan Short. Both ares professors at Cambridge University, and both share Yehao's perception of the environmental tradition. The design mindset and methodology in common for such a school of thinking emphasize phenomenological and perceptional environmental consciousness and imagination. Viewed in this light, the environmental imperative becomes just another good reason to put design centre-stage. In this context, the socalled passive designs, far from being driven preoccupationally by technologies, have developed into a more adaptive comfort and associated control system with flexibility, as well as more importantly a place making nurturing a dialogue with the history and tradition.
JIANG Peiming: Good architectural creation originates from genuine respect for the physical environment. This project makes the best of topographical features, dexterously solving problems of circulation, illumination and ventilation of the semi-underground building. The designs of atrium and shading devices effectively solve ventilation, heat dissipation and western exposure. Meanwhile, both exterior and interior spaces are endowed with a more artistic disposition. Color scheme and plant-protection device well demonstrate the architect's special fondness of nature.
Student Center in Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 2015
Architects: SONG Yehao/Atelier SUP of THHSCG
13 二层南走廊内景/Interior view of the south corridor on the floor 1
14 会议室内景/Interior view of the meeting room
15 东侧大楼梯/Interior view of the east straight flight stairs