Eight Best Ways to Organize Your Apps


英语学习(上半月) 2015年9期

Louise Williams

Our tablets and mobile phones are amazingly agile in running a wide array of apps.1. 我们的平板电脑和手机都能灵活运行各种各样的应用软件。tablet: 即tablet computer,平板电脑;agile: 敏捷的,灵活的。Just head over to your app store of choice, jump on some WiFi and the downloading frenzy can begin.2. 奔向你的应用程序商店,连上无线网络,就可以疯狂下载了。frenzy: 狂乱,疯狂。Your phone probably defaults to3. default to: 默认,预设。storing those little icons all over your home screens. While this is a fantastic resource, it can lead to a hot mess4. a hot mess: 一团乱,一团糟。. Fortunately,you don’t have to live through the chaos5. chaos: 混乱,紊乱。. Here are some ideas about how to organize all those incredible6. incredible: 惊人的,极多的。applications.

1. Action Categories7. 按功能分类。

If you need to look something up in Wikipedia and listen to your iTunes, why not center your organization on these concepts? All you need to do is create folders which reflect the best action word associated with the apps.8. 你只需要创建一个文件夹,并用最能反映相关软件功能的关键词来命名该文件夹。folder: 文件夹。

2. Color Coding9. 按颜色编组。coding: 编码。


If you are a really visual learner, your best organizational scheme10. scheme: 计划,方案。might center around color. We all know Snapchat features a primarily yellow icon and facebook is largely blue.11. 我们都知道,Snapchat图标的主色调为黄色,而facebook图标主要颜色为蓝色。Snapchat: 一款由斯坦福大学两位学生开发的一款“阅后即焚”照片分享应用; primarily: 主要地。Thus we can drag Facebook next to twitter and Snapchat alongside Apple Maps and BAM12. BAM: Back Administration Module,后台管理模块。color code achieved. This is a great method for those of us who relate first to the application image rather than its function.

3. Frequency Used

We all have a few apps we rely on almost everyday.If you want to minimize time spent searching for icons and maximize time spent getting the information you love to have, organization by frequency is a great option. One way to accomplish this is by assigning each home screen to a level of frequency.13. 想要实现这点,一个办法就是按照(应用的)使用频率来布置每页桌面。assign:分配,布置。The first screen can include the items you use everyday. Swipe14. swipe: 滑动(屏幕)。once and find the items used a few times a week. Swipe another time and find the lesser used apps.

4. Themed Rows15. 按主题分行。

Remember back in college when your favorite club would have themed meetings?Everyone would come dressed in their pajamas or favorite Hawaiian shirts? Well, you can relive some of those fond memories by organizing your apps around central themes.16. 你可以根据主题来整理应用软件,重温当初的美好回忆。relive: 再体验,重温。Instead of pajama days, you can assign each row its own theme. For example, you may have a maps row,a social media row and a knowledge base17. knowledge base: 知识库。row.

5. Break out the Widgets18. widget: 窗口小部件。

Widgets, primarily used on Android, are a great way to quickly access a lot of information. By plopping19. plop: 随意地放下。a widget onto one of your home screens,you can creatively manage space. Widgets are a great organizational tool for those who want to collect key information without additional clicks.

6. One Central Home Screen with Folders

One of the great things about modern phones and tablets is their flexibility20. flexibility: 可变性,灵活性。with number of home screens. If you like to swipe a lot, you can have multiple screens. However, if you prefer a simpler start point, you can center everything on one screen and fit everything in via folders.

7. SmartBar21. Smartbar: 智能导航栏,智能菜单条。

This android tool combines several features in an easy to access centralized manner. Rather than having to click through to find the app you need to perform the needed task on your phone, you can simply access it in a click or two with SmartBar.With this tool set up on your home screen, you can organize the applications you want around this powerful feature.

8. Hand Position

Another simple method of organizing your applications is ease of use when holding.Everyone prefers to hold their phone in a slightly different way. Given this particular position is likely to be the configuration22. configuration: 配置,布局。used to open most applications, it can be a useful organizational tool. Simply place the apps you use most often closest to the finger you use most of operate the phone. Whether this is your thumb or index finger23. index finger: 食指。, this organizational scheme can increase the speed at which you operate your phone.


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