

国际人才交流 2015年5期

文、译 / Anastasia Sukhoretskaya


A Story of One Tea Pilgrim

文、译 / Anastasia Sukhoretskaya

亚历山大的LAOS TEA 门店


“I say let the world go to hell, but I should always have my tea.” states one of the characters in Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s novel“Notes from Underground”. Believe it or not, tea is a story, with its tellers and listeners. It can be romantic and warming like red tea, soothing and calming like green tea, or mysterious and refreshing like pu-erh tea. People drink tea differently in various countries, and choose different kinds of tea due to their preferences. The only thing doesn’t change - drinking tea is an international habit. China, being a Mecca for tea lovers, has attracted many a tea pilgrim, who, in pursuit of the fragrant beverage, drove here in stocks. Alexander Zhiryakov, one of the tea pilgrims, has been living in Beijing since 2008, and it was tea that got him to this place. However, it’s not China where he grows his tea. It is Laos, Phongsali.


On a fine April morning we met with Alexander Zhiryakov, a Moscow-born tea pilgrim, production director in the Buddhist Temple near Caishikou subway station in Beijing to talk about tea production, tea consumption in the world, nation’s tea preferences and other topics all wrapped around tea. We took a seat. As a tea connoisseur, he dragged the thermos and a coupleof bowls out of his rucksack, and poured the Laos tea into them.“I was every bit successful middle-class man working for an American company in Moscow, ”Alexander, now a prosperous businessman, started. “At that time I frequented the Moscow tea clubs where tea lovers gathered to have a chat and drink tea. ”he proceeded. The atmosphere and talks about mysterious China captivated him so much that eventually he decided to venture into China. He was 25 when he started the two-year language program at Peking University. When the course was finished, Alexander returned to Moscow only to leave it for China again. The idea about tea making first occurred to him in Moscow, developed in Beijing and bloomed in Laos. During his travel around East Asia, he ended up in Laos, as a matter of chance. He was shepherded by his friend around the Lao villages where he had a chance to sample their tea. Surprisingly, grown and cultivated in the right climate and zero pollution environment, the tea didn’t taste that delicious. “It is the right fermentation process that makes the tea taste good. ” Alexander found out. And that’s where the idea about having a tea factory in Laos got its beginnings.



Q: Do you own the tea farms in Laos?

A∶ No, Laos is a socialistic country and as a foreigner you cannot own the land. Tea plantations belong to the villages. It is called municipal property. We cooperate with the villagers and ask them to collect tea leaves so that after they are finished we send the trucks and take the leaves to the factory. We rent a middlesize factory in Laos. Anyway, it is not easy to negotiate with the locals. Every decision is made collectively in Laos, and if you are talking business with a villager, you talk with the whole village, not just him alone.

问: 你们把茶出口到哪些国家?

答: 美国、欧洲、俄罗斯、中国台湾。事实上,不同国家的人喜欢不同的茶。例如,美国人喜欢喝冰茶和袋装茶。我们曾经在法国和台湾卖茶叶,结果很有意思。法国和台湾都有自己独特的茶文化。我们把一模一样的茶叶样品寄给他们。在台湾,他们盛赞这些茶叶样品,而法国人却不满意这些茶叶。原来,区别在于泡茶的方法。台湾人喜欢泡几次茶,而法国人只泡一次。不同的泡茶方法影响茶的味道。此外,在中国流行的茶类像大红袍、铁观音在西方国家并不受欢迎。

Q: To which countries do you export your tea?

A∶ The USA, Europe, Russia, Chinese Taiwan. Actually, tea preferences are not the same in different country. For instance, tea culture in the States is different from the Chinese or Russian. The Americans like drinking ice tea and packeted tea. We had a very interesting experience in selling tea in France and Taiwan. After the tea is gathered and processed, we give it a number and send to tea dealers in different countries. France and Taiwan have both their own unique tea culture. We send them the same tea samples. In Taiwan they praise it, in France they grade the tea very low, or vice versa. It turned out, the difference lies in the way they brew tea. The Taiwanese like to drink tea in several brews, while the French brew the tea only once which adds a different flavor to the same tea leaves. Besides, the French like it sweet, while the Taiwanese prefer it bitter as they believe in the health-giving qualities of tea in accordance with the Chinese medicine. Moreover, the tea popular in China like Da Hong Pao tea or Tie Guan Yin tea do not enjoy the same popularity in the Western countries.

问: 你们在老挝生产多少茶叶?

答: 我们生产茶叶不多,每年5到10吨。在中国和越南,茶的产量比较大,而老挝一年产量仅500吨,仅相当于中国的一个工厂。并且,由于茶生长在清洁的生态环境中,由人工采摘,价格偏高一些。大部分茶叶被发送到中国。在中国云南省,它跟云南普洱茶混合在一起。其余部分出口到别的国家。

Q: How much tea do you produce in Laos?

A∶ We have a rather small volume of tea production, from 5 to 10 tons per year. A lot of tea is produced in China and Vietnam, in Laos the whole annual production is only around 500 tons a year, the volume of one decent factory in China. And as tea is grown in the ecologically clean environment and all plucked by hand, the price is higher. A big part of our tea goes to China where it is mixed with Yunnan pu-erh tea. The rest of tea goes to other countries.



Q: What teas do you grow in Laos?

A∶ First, it’s raw tea for pu-erh, mao cha. We have green tea, red tea (or, as it is known in the West, black tea), white tea and puerh. Actually, we don’t produce pu-erh in Laos we only supply the raw material for it. We are short of pu-erh experts in Laos, that’s why we send the raw stuff to Yunnan for a further procession.

问: 为什么中国的红茶在其他的国家被称为黑茶呢?


Q: Why is the red tea in China known as black tea in other countries?

A∶ That’s historical issue. The Westerners judge the color of the tea by its leaf appearance, its either black or green. But the Chinese look at the color of the tea liqueur. So, in China they distinguish six main tea types, and in the West it’s only two.


答: 欧洲人和美国人喜欢喝红茶,亚洲人更喜欢绿茶。

Q: According to the preferences of you clients, what is the most popular tea among the teas you produce?

A∶ Europeans and Americans like drinking black tea, and the Asians more like green tea.



Q: What about tea production in other countries?

A∶ In Russia, its Southern regions, there are around 400 tons of tea, black and green, produced every year. Russia has good potential of growing tea. In France tea is not cultivated, the climate doesn’t suit∶ it’s too cold in the North and too droughty in the South. In the USA tea production is in the process of developing. They cultivate mostly oolong and black tea. In India, Kenya and Ceylon there are tea auctions to sell tea. The biggest tea auction is in Kolkata. The second biggest is in Mombasa, Kenia. Indian tea in general is cheaper than the Chinese, which makes it very marketable.


To top all the questions, I asked what Alexander’s favorite tea was. His answer was presumable∶ the one he made himself, high-mountain and grown in the blessed land of Laos. After our interview was finished, he left for another meeting and waved us goodbye. A tea story to be continued.



Beijing to Ban Smoking in Offices, Queues for Public Transport


这部《条例》被称为 “最全面控烟立法”,规定今后北京市所有“带顶的、带盖的”公共场所、工作场所和公共交通工具100%禁烟;同时,幼儿园、中小学校、文保单位、体育场、妇幼保健机构、儿童医院等室外公共场所也被列入全面禁烟范围。室外也对吸烟多有限制,如排队时禁止吸烟。违者将被处以个人最高200元,单位最高1万元罚款。

On June 1, Beijing will implement its strictest anti-smoking policy yet. The policy was passed back in November,2014 by the Beijing Municipal People’s Congress and bans smoking in indoor workplaces and restricts smoking in queues outdoors while waiting for public transportation. Individual violators will be fined up to 200 Yuan, and workplaces can be fined up to10,000 Yuan.


Shanghai Bans Use of Taxi Apps During Rush Hour


Recently, Shanghai will ban the use of taxi apps during the city’s peak traffic hours∶ 7∶30 to 9∶30, and 16∶30 to 18∶30. The Shanghai Municipal Traffic Commission previously carried out a similar order that included five major taxi companies. The taxi companies, representing one-fifth of the city’s taxis, have already implemented the ban.


29% of International Students in the US are Chinese


The US Department of Homeland Security released a report

on March 25 stating that there are currently 1.13 million foreign students in the United States. Most of the students are pursuing a college degree. This marks a 14% increase from the number of foreign students in the US last year, and a 50% increase from the number in 2010. Looking at the data from the report, it is clear that Chinese students were the largest group of international students with 331,371 people, or 29%.At Michigan State University, the number of foreign students specifically from China has increased by eight-fold over the span of nine years. The university now has nearly 4,000 Chinese students.


朝发夕至 乘着火车去老挝