Suryanarayanan, CFO of Mphasis, says it was a strategic move to exit non-core businesses and keep it to just those verticals that bolster margins and enhance company’s digital and GRC offerings. Further, he added that the focus is now on direct business as HP is facing a slowdown.In the BFSI segment, we have very good client base and we want to build on our strengths in this space. All business houses today are realising that to keep pace with the competition they have to get closer to their client and this is possible only through digital solutions. So, we are helping our clients in digital transformation of their business.
Mphasis CFO, V Suryanarayanan
惠普旗下Mphasis公司最近出售了语音软件外包业务。CFO V Suryanarayanan解释说,“退出非核心业务是保留垂直业务、提高利润、主推数字和GRC(治理、风险与合规)业务的战略性举措。”他补充说,惠普正面临业务放缓,因此我们目前的重点是转向垂直业务。“在金融服务与保险行业,我们有着非常好的客户基础,因此想基于自己的优势在这个领域有进一步发展。今天的企业都意识到,要想跟得上竞争的脚步,就必须接近客户,而只有借助数字手段才能实现这一目标。而我们会帮助客户实现业务的数字转换。”
Frontier Communications CFO, John Jureller
John Jureller said that "we see really nice opportunities like that where some additional care and feeding can promote additional long-term opportunities for us." "We're seeing customers opting to begin to transition to higher speeds and we allow them to do that at their choice and at their pace," Jureller said. "When they do it is obviously more revenue for us and it creates a better customer experience, but we give them that flexibility."
Frontier Communications今年2月完成了对Verizon位于加州、佛罗里达州和德克萨斯州本地固网业务的收购,目前正在加速业务的融合。Frontier称主干网有足够的能力来支持更高的速度,不需要进行大量投资。CFO John Jureller表示,“客户正在有选择性地向更高的网速过度,我们尊重他们的选择。一旦他们选择了更高的网速,就会为我们带来更高的收入,同时为客户创造更好的客户体验,当然我们会为客户提供一定的灵活性。”
Twitter’s CFO,Anthony Noto
“They only have that 1.4 billion to report — there’s no other number,” Noto said, referring to the fact that Facebook users access the service mostly through its application and website. “We have other audience numbers that no one talks about. If you add them up, it’s a big number. ” Noto said he understands that investors don’t focus on Twitter’s wider audience because the company isn’t making money off it. But with new initiatives like Project Lightning,, Twitter could start to make those broader numbers more meaningful.
Twitter公司自上市以来用户数量增长放缓,因此遭到了投资者的猛烈抨击。近日,CFO Anthony Noto 给出了新的解释,并将Twitter与全球最大的社交网络进行对比。他指出,Facebook只有报告中的14亿用户,而且大多数是通过手机应用和网站进行访问的。“我们有相当一部分的用户数量没有被计算在内。如果把他们加进来,在某些方面甚至超过Facebook。”Noto表示他认为投资者之所以不关注更广泛的用户群体,是因为Twitter没有从这些用户身上获利。“但是有了Project Lightning等新举措,Twitter将使庞大的用户量数字更有意义。”