

世界建筑 2015年1期





1 外景/Exterior view

孟加拉邦戈都国际会议中心(孟中友好会议中心)位于孟加拉国达卡市,是中国政府援建项目。该项目包括:1670人国际会议大厅,两个400人国际会议厅, 均带4国语言同声传译系统; 700人宴会厅、贵宾厅及谈判间、新闻发布中心、电视转播室、自由工作间、商务中心、大会秘书处、祈祷室、咖啡厅,以及相关的文件中心、工作间、翻译室、医疗中心、咖啡兼快餐厅等辅助功能用房。





项目信息/Credits and Data

主持建筑师/Principal Architect: 柴裴义/CHAI Peiyi建筑设计团队/Project Team: 叶依谦/YE Yiqian

Bangabandhu International Conference Center (BICC or Bangladesh Friendship Conference Center) is located in Dhaka, Bangladesh. It is a construction project aided by the Chinese government. BICC has a 1670-seat international conference hall, two 400-seat international conference halls, all of which are equipped with simultaneous interpretation system for up to four languages, and a banquet hall that accommodates 700 people. It also includes VIP lounge, negotiation room, news center, television broadcasting studio, free workroom, business center, secretariat of the conference, prayer room, coffee room, and related auxiliary functional rooms like document center, work studio, translation center, clinical center, café and snack bar etc.

Subtropical climate and Islamic architectural culture and traditions are the focus of the proposal.

By adopting ecological energy-saving measures like shading, anti-radiation and natural ventilation etc., about 20% of the energy consumption of BICC is saved. At the same time, instead of central air conditioner, vegetation and pools are applied to achieve natural ventilation in the atrium so that another 10% of energy consumption is saved. Therefore, after the adoption of various ecological energy-saving measures, about 25% to 30% of the total energy consumption can be saved in BICC, which provides its users with a comfortable and pleasant environment.

In order to echo the local traditional architectural culture, while modernism is adopted as the design basis, Islamic architectural styles are much considered in the image design and material selection. The roof of continuous steel-structured arches, the dome, the arch door and tracery decoration of the grand conference hall highlight the local characteristics of Islamic architecture.

The adoption of the common local split bricks and lattice bricks as flooring materials and internal and external finish displays a novel style in design at low cost.

2 外景/Exterior view

3 二层平面/Floor 1 plan

4 内景/Interior view




LIU Yichun: A huge cover responds to the local subtropical climate, which is also the main factor in determining the architectural form. The form is based on the rationality of the grid structure as well as the architects' personal interpretation of the local traditional architectural symbols. In this case, the climate factors are incorporated through contemplation on the space, so as to save energy and create a comfortable and pleasant environment. With cultural connotations, it is a method in architecture rather than in technique. The grand conference hall, with a round dome, further strengthens the local traditional spatial ambiance of the architecture, turning into the climax of the whole architectural space. Despite the language difference from the grid cover, the dome forms an inward arch on the grid structure, making the architecture an integral whole.

ZHANG Yue: The grey space under the huge roof is undoubtedly a rational choice in consideration of the sun and the rain at the southern foot of Himalayas. It provides an open public space for gathering and at the same time fulfils the functional requirements for shelter and ventilation. Through the interior space, grid structure and the symbolic details at the entrance, the building made its connection to Islamic culture.

5.6 内景/Interior view

7 东立面/East elevation

8 剖面/Section



1 东立面外景/Exterior view, east elevation



A block of the Paju Book City, the site is defined by four different edges: public green space on the north, major thoroughfare on the east, pedestrian and vehicle shared street on the south, pedestrian oriented shopping mall on the west. Housing the publisher Samho, the building has a four-fold program: offices, bookstore, concert hall plus gallery, and apartments for the owner and possibly a few others in the company. The analysis of these two sets of given conditions generates an architecture design of four components or four relatively independent two-story micro-structures: On the ground level, bookstore/Commercial Building on the west aligned with other retails, concert hall-gallery/Cultural Building on the east with an enclosed elevation toward the traffic lanes; stacked on the upper level and turned 90 degrees, Office Building on the street front south while Residential Building on the more private north side facing the landscape. The rotation of the upper buildings offers southern exposure to the offices and apartments and, together with two buildings bellow, forms an open center space, which brings urbanity inside the complex. Each micro-building is further distinguished by a distinct sectional organization and with the natural material that makes up the inner content of the "sandwich" glass curtain wall: earth, reed, cotton, and wood shavings for Cultural, Commercial, Residential and Office respectively.

2 概念图示/Concept diagram

3 北立面外景/Exterior view, north elevation

4 内街/Internal street

5 三层平面/Floor 2 plan6 四层平面/Floor 3 plan7 五层平面/Floor 4 plan8 首层平面/Floor 0 plan9 二层平面/Floor 1 plan




项目信息/Credits and Data

客户/Client: 三湖出版社/Samho

主持建筑师/Principal Architect: 张永和/Yung Ho Chang

建筑设计团队/Project Team: 刘向晖,杜鹃,张辉扬,Lucas Gallardo,尚荔/LIU Xianghui, DU Juan, ZHANG Huiyang, Lucas Gallardo, SHANG Li

结构咨询/Structural Consultant: 徐民生/XU Minsheng

合作建筑师/Associate Architect: 韩国履露斋建筑事务所/ Iroje Architects & Planners, Seoul, Korea

建筑面积/Floor Area: 2895m2

摄影/Photos: Jong Oh Kim

10.11 屋顶平台/Roof terrace

12 B-B剖面/B-B section

13 E-E剖面/E-E section

14 C-C剖面/C-C section

15 F-F剖面/F-F section


LONG Hao: By lifting the enclosing from 2D to 3D, the unexpected space is obtained. The design of the Samho Building, Paju, Korea, composes of four relatively independent boxes. The horizontal relevance produced by the space in the plane ingeniously extends vertically. The vertical gaps in the enclosing also connect the inner and the outer space. The four-box block forms a 3D channel for the air. However, the prominent outer walls of the boxes share the ingenuity equally with the amazing 3D space, which may distract the viewers' attention from this subtle enclosing.

QING Feng: It is another architectural project with urban characteristics coming out of the Atelier Feichang Jianzhu. Office, residence and commercial spaces correspond to the three main functions defined by the Athens Charter-work, habitation and leisure. The architect used the same strategy proposed by the Athens Charter: separate different functions into rather independent boxes, and connect them with multiple "traffic" routes. In a middle-size project like this, there is no need to worry about the segregation and degeneration of urban life. To give the architecture a manifest diversity and logic is the key value of its "urban" strategy.

BangGe BangDu International Conference Center, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2001

Architects: CHAI Peiyi/Beijing Institute of Architectural Design

Samho Building, Paju, R.O.Korea, 2006

Architects: Yung Ho Chang/Atelier Feichang Jianzhu

16 内景/Interior view


孟加拉 难民
2016澳大利亚国家证劵交易所高峰论坛圆满落幕 2016·4·25·上海国际会议中心