摘要 采用田间试验研究不同氮肥用量对吉林省东部(冲积土)、中部(黑土)、西部(淡黑钙土)不同类型土壤玉米产量的影响。结果表明:在不同类型土壤上,玉米产量均随氮肥用量的增加呈先增后降的趋势,根据玉米产量(y)和施氮量(x)拟合,结合当年玉米价格和肥料投入,得出吉林省东部(冲积土)、中部(黑土)、西部(淡黑钙土)最高产量氮肥用量和最佳经济产量的氮肥用量分别为203.3 kg/hm2、169.6 kg/hm2、173.2 kg/hm2和185.5 kg/hm2、149.0 kg/hm2、156.7 kg/hm2。综合考虑提高玉米产量和效益等因素,在吉林省东部(冲积土)适宜氮肥用量为185.5 kg/hm2,中部(黑土)适宜氮肥用量为149.0 kg/hm2、西部(淡黑钙土)适宜氮肥用量为156.7 kg/hm2。另外,土壤碱解氮含量与需氮量之间为负相关。
关键词 氮肥效应;玉米产量;土壤类型;吉林长春
中图分类号 S513;S143.1 文献标识码 A 文章编号 1007-5739(2015)18-0009-02
Research of Nitrogen Fertilizer Effect on Maize Under Different Types of Soil in Jilin Province
YANG Jian1,2 LIU Xiao-xiao1,2 FAN Hui-mei1,2
(1 Institute of Agricultural Quality Standards and Testing Technology,Jilin Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Changchun Jilin 130033;
2 Risk Assessment Lab of Agri-products Quality and Safety(Changchun),Agriculture Ministry of P.R.C)
Abstract Field experiment was conducted to study the effect of different nitrogen fertilizer application on the maize yield under different types of soil in east of Jilin Province(alluvial soil),middle(black),west(light chernozem).The results showed that maize yield all along with the increase of nitrogen fertilizer increased under different types of soil,according to the maize yield(y)and nitrogen fertilizer application(x)fitting,combined with the price of maize and fertilizer inputs,it was concluded that the nitrogen fertilizer application of the highest yield and best economic yield were 203.3 kg/hm2,169.6 kg/hm2,173.2 kg/hm2 and 185.5 kg/hm2,149.0 kg/hm2,156.7 kg/hm2 on eastern Jilin Province(alluvial soil),middle(black) and west(light chernozem)respectively.Considering factors such as improved maize yield and benefit comprehensively,the suitable for nitrogen fertilizer was 185.5 kg/hm2 in eastern Jilin Province(alluvial soil),149.0 kg/hm2 in central(black),156.7 kg/hm2 in west(light chernozem).There was closely linear negative correlation between soil alkaline hydrolysis N content and N application rate can put forward the suitable for nitrogen fertilizer by the related patterns of soil under different alkaline hydrolysis nitrogen levels.
Key words fertilizer response of nitrogen;maize yield;soil type;Changchun Jilin
玉米生产在吉林省农业生产中占有极其重要的地位,是吉林省种植面积最大的粮食作物,产量占全国的12.5%,为2 578.8万t[1]。吉林省玉米生产对我国粮食安全至关重要。
摘要 采用田间试验研究不同氮肥用量对吉林省东部(冲积土)、中部(黑土)、西部(淡黑钙土)不同类型土壤玉米产量的影响。结果表明:在不同类型土壤上,玉米产量均随氮肥用量的增加呈先增后降的趋势,根据玉米产量(y)和施氮量(x)拟合,结合当年玉米价格和肥料投入,得出吉林省东部(冲积土)、中部(黑土)、西部(淡黑钙土)最高产量氮肥用量和最佳经济产量的氮肥用量分别为203.3 kg/hm2、169.6 kg/hm2、173.2 kg/hm2和185.5 kg/hm2、149.0 kg/hm2、156.7 kg/hm2。综合考虑提高玉米产量和效益等因素,在吉林省东部(冲积土)适宜氮肥用量为185.5 kg/hm2,中部(黑土)适宜氮肥用量为149.0 kg/hm2、西部(淡黑钙土)适宜氮肥用量为156.7 kg/hm2。另外,土壤碱解氮含量与需氮量之间为负相关。
关键词 氮肥效应;玉米产量;土壤类型;吉林长春
中图分类号 S513;S143.1 文献标识码 A 文章编号 1007-5739(2015)18-0009-02
Research of Nitrogen Fertilizer Effect on Maize Under Different Types of Soil in Jilin Province
YANG Jian1,2 LIU Xiao-xiao1,2 FAN Hui-mei1,2
(1 Institute of Agricultural Quality Standards and Testing Technology,Jilin Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Changchun Jilin 130033;
2 Risk Assessment Lab of Agri-products Quality and Safety(Changchun),Agriculture Ministry of P.R.C)
Abstract Field experiment was conducted to study the effect of different nitrogen fertilizer application on the maize yield under different types of soil in east of Jilin Province(alluvial soil),middle(black),west(light chernozem).The results showed that maize yield all along with the increase of nitrogen fertilizer increased under different types of soil,according to the maize yield(y)and nitrogen fertilizer application(x)fitting,combined with the price of maize and fertilizer inputs,it was concluded that the nitrogen fertilizer application of the highest yield and best economic yield were 203.3 kg/hm2,169.6 kg/hm2,173.2 kg/hm2 and 185.5 kg/hm2,149.0 kg/hm2,156.7 kg/hm2 on eastern Jilin Province(alluvial soil),middle(black) and west(light chernozem)respectively.Considering factors such as improved maize yield and benefit comprehensively,the suitable for nitrogen fertilizer was 185.5 kg/hm2 in eastern Jilin Province(alluvial soil),149.0 kg/hm2 in central(black),156.7 kg/hm2 in west(light chernozem).There was closely linear negative correlation between soil alkaline hydrolysis N content and N application rate can put forward the suitable for nitrogen fertilizer by the related patterns of soil under different alkaline hydrolysis nitrogen levels.
Key words fertilizer response of nitrogen;maize yield;soil type;Changchun Jilin
玉米生产在吉林省农业生产中占有极其重要的地位,是吉林省种植面积最大的粮食作物,产量占全国的12.5%,为2 578.8万t[1]。吉林省玉米生产对我国粮食安全至关重要。