

世界建筑导报 2015年1期








尤尔根•马耶尔:迄今为止,“都市阳伞”项目仍然是我们最重要的项目。它坐落在21世纪新型城市空间的中心地带,是从考古学层面了解塞维利亚历史的重要地标。“都市阳伞”不仅有历史内涵,还包含了人们日常生活所必需的菜市场和商业区,提供用于举办各种活动的公共区域,并设有提升装置,可将游客们提升至楼顶观景台欣赏塞维利亚城市全景,这体现了一种“富于想象”的文化。所有这些不同的服务项目在白天和夜晚的不同时段分别开放并发挥不同作用。实际上塞维利亚与大多数西班牙城市一样,非常接近24小时的不夜城。每当您在城里转转,四处都充满生机勃勃的氛围。正如遮阳伞不仅仅在日间提供遮阳一样,随着“都市阳伞”为未来各类公共活动创造有利氛围,其夜间功能可能会变得更加重要。 除了“都市阳伞”,我们还参与了格鲁吉亚数项旨在塑造整个国家基础设施全新景观的项目。在这些成就的基础上,我们朝着高楼大厦和程序上更复杂的项目迈进。






尤尔根•马耶尔:当我还是个半大小伙时,我在报刊上看到了由埃里希·门德尔松(Erich Mendelsohn)设计的斯图加特Schocken百货商场的照片,这张照片便成为了我想要深入了解建筑学的契机。到现在我仍然对“形式”的发展历程充满好奇。在这里“形式”不仅是一个物理实体,而且也是社会结构的“仪式”、“惯例”和“界限”。建筑学需要找到对“形式”的空间响应。










高速公路休息区2009-2011格鲁吉亚哥里市摄影:Jesko M. Johnsson-Zahn

WAR: In our impression, Germany architecture is comparative rigor and accurate, while your works seem like a different picture, is that a common trend in German today?

Jürgen Mayer H. : I am mainly interested in how cultural phenomena condensate on architecture, frame new challenges in how we produce and look at architecture, and how we can speculate about the future role of architecture. German architecture has a reputation of efficiency and good management which are all very good values. And there are some extraordinairy offices that extend these characteristics by a unique conceptual and formal agenda.

WAR: The form of your work is always special,what is that according to? What do you want to express though your work?

Jürgen Mayer H. : We want to create curiousity and surprise for the potential of a building and it´s context. Since we always develop individual designs for specific programs, sites and clients, we don’t start with a special formal attention in mind. It is developed during the design process and is influenced by former experiences for sure. Some conceptual approaches are based on our research by architectural projects and art installations. We look closely at the site, critically rethink the program and try to extract something that is special to the specific site. We establish parameters as a skeleton or framework for each project. These are conceptual conditions rather than design driven compositions, based on a clients brief,contextual references and programmatic logistics.

WAR: Among your so many architecture works,which one are you most favored? Why?

Jürgen Mayer H. : So far still Metropol Parasol is the most important project for us. Based on an archaeological window into the history of Sevilla, the parasols cover the very heart of the city for a new urban place for the 21st century. Metropol Parasol covers history, hosts the everyday life in the food market or in commercial spaces, offers open public space for events and contemplation, and it refers to a ‘visionary’culture with rising structures to elevate visitors onto a panoramic Sevilla city view on the roof-scape. All these different programs are open and active at various times of day and night. Actually Sevilla as with most Spanish cities, is very close to a 24 hour urban space. Whenever you walk around in the city, there is a lively, energetic atmosphere. As much as the parasols provide shadow during the day, nigh-time might become even more important when Metropol Parasol creates an atmospheric cover to various forms of public activities still to be invented. Beyond Metropol Parasol we are involved in a number of projects in Georgia which shape a new infrastructural landscape for a entire country. Based on these achievements we move forward towards high-rises and more programmatically complex projects.

WAR: What was the most challenging aspect in designing the project?

Jürgen Mayer H. : The final project is based on a the competition entry we won in Summer 2004. We continually developed the scheme afterwards with the input of our engineers, feedback from the client and cultural comittees in Sevilla. The project was able to connect all different forces and interest groups as a mayor group achievement. The construction period was from 2005 to mid 2011. After some months of researching structural possibilities and comparing, timber, steel and glasfibre reinforced concrete structures,we decided to use our Mensa Moltke Project as the prototype. Metropol Parasol is realized with laminated wood plates and covered with a polyurethan skin. The timber construction of the parasols is made of Kerto laminated wood panels, produced by Finnforest, Germany.

WAR: Can you say something about the architecture education in German?

Jürgen Mayer H. : German education transformed a lot in the last couple of years due to international exchange programs. Today we find a wide range of pedagogical concepts and each school has it´s focus on different aspects, either more technical, conceptual or artistic. The overall education level is very solid and good base to start your career as an architect.

WAR: What made you choose the path of architecture? Can you describe an evolution in your mind from your first project until now?

JÜrgen Mayer: At some point in my late youth I saw the Schocken department store by Erich Mendelsohn in Stuttgart in a publication. It was a kind of surprise that drew me towards studying architecture. One of my curiosities is still to find out how "form" develops. Not only form as a physical reality but also formality,ritual and boundaries of social constructs. Architecture needs to find a spatial response to that.

WAR: Do you think the profession does require a more scientific spirit or creative?

Jürgen Mayer H. : It’s a combination of both. For example: We start working with all kinds of media. Designing and experimenting includes physical models, drawings by hand and computer and sometimes just walking in the woods, that’s a very creative phase. But for realization you need to know also a lot about building materials and building regulations. That´s when we activate our network of engineers,consultants, companies and constructions specialists.

WAR: In your opinion, how do new materials and technologies influence architecture ?

Jürgen Mayer H. : Communicating and mediating architecture with blogs, tutorials, forums etc. have influenced the architecture being produced today; built and unbuilt, moved to another level. It enhanced exchanging ideas and teaches how to stay critical towards your own design process.

One major investment in our work is looking at expanding the material of architecture, beyond say just building material. The influence of new media and new materials now expands our understanding of“space” as a platform for communication and sociocultural interactivity. We believe that architecture should work as an activator to move people from a passive mode of expectation to an involved level of participation and attention.

WAR: What is your knowledge in terms of the architectural practice in China?

Jürgen Mayer H. : We are currently involved in a master plan for a culture campus in Shekou. A fantastic project that explores new forms of co-designing with 4 teams. It has the potential to become a prototypical projects for future developments.

WAR: How do you like the role of the architect will change over the next twenty years?

Jürgen Mayer H. : We think architecture and also the role of architect’s should be seen as Activators. They can work as animators to overcome a passive consumption of space, but become involved and also responsible for how we use our public realm. Activators have to be seductive enough to provoke new forms of program and even flexibility of use and duration. This works better with logistics and computer technology, also when you want to communicate what is going on and how you create attention. In this case the development of communication technology returns people back into public space, offering transparency, networks and spontaneity to public life.

边境检查站摄影: Jesko M. Johnsson Zahn


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