A Milestone in Sino-U.S.Relations
Chinese President Xi Jinpings state visit to the United States in late September at the invitation of his U.S. counterpart, Barack Obama, marked a milestone in bilateral relations.
The achievements of Xis visit attest to the substantial progress the two countries have made in building a new model of major-country relations. China and the U.S.s constructive management of mutually sensitive issues entails more pragmatic cooperation in various fields between the two countries, in different regions and globally, which brings benefits to their peoples and those of the world as a whole.
Xi and Obama pledged in June 2013 to build a new model of major-country relations. Under this framework, dialogue mechanisms, including the China-U.S. Strategic and Economic Dialogue (S&ED) and China-U.S. High-Level Consultation on People-to-People Exchange (CPE), have made remarkable achievements, such as extending the validity of business and short-term tourist visas to 10 years, and agreeing to notify one another of major military operations. Still more breakthroughs in critical mechanisms and issues are nevertheless necessary.
The two countries have different ideologies, political systems, culture, and development levels. Nor do they see eyeto-eye over such issues as the South China Sea and cyber security. Xis visit nonetheless implies that the two countriesmain focus is on long-term interests and the ability to manage their differences in a constructive manner through mutual trust. Dialogues on major issues of common interests, therefore, will continue. There are good prospects for the two countries sound and healthy development.
Senior associate at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Vikram Nehru observed that it is important to differentiate between the two sides differences and areas of common interest and endeavor, as there is now “a positive track of cooperation between the two countries.”
Certain U.S. diplomats expressed doubt in the 1970s, when China and the U.S. normalized relations, that China could be of any benefit to America. The four decades since show that they could not have been more wrong. During this time Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba made its debut on the New York Stock Exchange; a Chinese enterprise acquired the world famous hotel Waldorf Astoria New York; and Chinese products have become an essential part of American peoples lives. Today, the two countries are regarded as a community of interests.endprint
The U.S., the largest developed, and China, the largest developing country in the world generate through their economic complementarity and converged interests an annual trade value of more than US $550 billion, and contribute almost 50 percent of the worlds economy. Meanwhile, substantial progress in China-U.S. investment treaty negotiations are expected to deepen bilateral economic and trade cooperation.
Xis visit in September showcased the significance of the bilateral relationship and the importance of the two top leaders exchanging of in-depth views. Even more reliable and effective high-level communication channels between the two sides will be established in the future.
During his U.S. visit, Xi Jinping delivered speeches at the United Nations and on several other public occasions. At the same time, the world witnessed through his extensive contact with American people from all walks of life how China adheres to the path of peaceful development and supports the purposes and principles of the UN Charter. China moreover strives to maintain security, development, and human rights. It upholds multilateralism and endeavors to make the international order more just and equitable. The presidents visit has also revealed Chinas sincere resolve to enhance benign development of bilateral relations and forge a harmonious environment for further cooperation.endprint