

风景园林 2015年9期


去年9月,我曾参加在巴塞罗那举办的第8届国际景观双年展(8th International Biennial of Landscape Architecture),在3天的论坛和讨论期间,最重要的议程是评选罗莎-芭芭景观奖(Rosa Barba International Landscape Prize)。11位来自世界各地入围该奖的主持设计师分别登台介绍设计,在此基础上,评委会评选出最终的获胜方案。罗莎-芭芭景观奖只有10余年的历史,最早主要面向加泰罗尼亚地区的设计师,后来成为全欧洲的景观奖,现在已是国际重要的景观奖。











Last September, I attended the 8th International Biennial of Landscape Architecture in Barcelona. We decided on the Rosa Barba International Landscape Prize through three days discussion. There were eleven chief designers from all over the world presenting their works, and then the jury selected the final winning work. Rosa Barba International Landscape Prize is more than 10 years of history. Initially, it only focused on the designers of the Catalonia region and gradually became a landscape award over Europe. Now, it is a global significant landscape award.

Since the 21st century, various landscape awards have sprung up around the world, Rosa Barba International Landscape Prize is one of them. In the ten years, with rapid development of China,every industry grows fast. Providing a prize becomes an important mean to promote the progress of industry, so it is with landscape architecture. Moreover, some international landscape prizes are also open to Chinese designers. In this way, quite a lot landscape architecture awards suddenly appear in China.

Currently, almost each international organization, each national professional association or local specialist association grant their own awards, even the media also has professional awards. Setting award aims to recognize excellent design, the outstanding team or individuals in a particular field. Award plays the role of a model and demonstrates the development of the industry.

What is the excellent design? How to be a model let others learn and for reference? Who is the outstanding designer, and how to lead the industry for further development? For the judges, the value orientation differences and the understanding differences towards the landscape always easily result in the different answers to these questions, which finally determine the influences and the value of the award.

Landscape architecture project would relate with many fields. It requires the design team have a more comprehensive ability,but it still cannot be all-encompassing for any of awards. That's why we provide a prize awarded normally for one very special advantage or reward the outstanding contributions made by someone. For example, some awards given to who is ingenious and creative thinking; some require problem solving skills; some should emphasize eco-friendly design and its sustainability; and some only focus on aesthetics and artistic characters of the work. It is impossible for one design work to include all of the awards. Often you gain this, but lose another prize.

Providing a prize would consolidate the current designer's leadership and discover new talents to promote the growth of new generation designers. Besides, award-winning designers would win influences and more job opportunities, and help its works improve recognition. Thus, attending competitions and winning the award are crucial for all the designers to improve themselves.

Absolutely, the award-winning work and its designer should be and must be the best among groups. However, the winner work is still chosen and decided by human. More exactly, is approval and assessment procedure very reasonable? Are all the judges eligible,and really objective and fair? All the issues mentioned would affect the result. No one would deny that, the final result could be different if we change a new jury.

To be honest, I have attended many landscape competitions. Some of our team-works win and some fail. I am also honored to be judge in many Landscape Awards. In some case, the awardwinning work is exactly what I decide but sometimes the result also surprises me much. To brief, if an award is not widely participation, it must be hard to select a real outstanding work and the winning designer is hard to generally recognize by the industry. This award is bound to lose influence, lose public attentions or unsustainable.

To distinctly be categorized as an 'Award', there should be a clear process of nominations, award criteria and appropriate judging process, which is very important. The award-winning work will be a model which plays the leading role in the industry. The designer's thoughts and ideas may greatly influence the development of industry. Meanwhile, it would bring influence,public attentions and good reputation to an “Award”. The Rosa Barba International Landscape Prize I raised at the beginning is a good example. They make effort to pick out the real excellence in a certain field every time. That's why the Rosa Barba Prize grows to a world-level prize within 10 years.

In 2015, China Exploration and Design Association of Landscape Design set their “2015 Annual Awards”, which is featured in this issue of Landscape Architecture. Hopefully,China Exploration and Design Association of Landscape Design Annual Awards would be an influential award leading industry development.

WANG Xiang-rong September 18, 2015


The Redemption Hope and Persistence of Life on Shaw shank