

风景园林 2015年8期




土地是人类活动最坚实的舞台,它无处不在,地球上几乎大部分土地都留下了人类干预的痕迹,因此呈现出多元化的文化景观是各个国家的国土景观中占地面积最广阔的组成,特别是在已有5 000年历史,国土面积辽阔,人口众多的中国。









Although the concept of cultural landscape begins at the late 19th century, it had already existed over the course of gradual progress of human development before the 19th century.

Since human appeared on this piece of land, the human civilization developed with great evolution. Culture with regional landscape identity emerges in the interaction between land and human. After decades of years, cultural landscape gradually derive from regional landscape, recording a close relationship between human and the land we live on, and reflecting the everlastingconnection between us.

The land is everywhere on earth, all human activities are based on the land and we have left our trace on almostevery piece of the land on earth. Therefore the largest part of the national landscape is always the distinctive diversified cultural landscape, especially in China, a nation with long history over five thousand years, the vast land area and huge population.

In the pre-industrial age, to survive, human must widely use the land for agricultural activity and farming.In this way, the cultural landscape initially originated from the old agricultural landscape. This could also be proved by the evolution towards a Latin word “culture”.The original meaning of the word “culture” is "farming,cultivation and reclamation". Then, the meaning extendedto "educating people and collective wisdom", initially turned into the concept of "culture" we own today. To some extent, cultural landscape refers to the “second nature”, the productive nature, or the modified nature after human productive interference.

“Human live with the nature”, "human intervention” and “superposition of landscape” are three key points for understanding the cultural landscape. Cultural landscape represents the combined masterpiece of the interaction between nature and human driven by the elements of economy, culture and society. It is constantly influenced by and evolved with human activities, to reflect the bond connection between human and the nature.

Over the course of thousands years of human interference on the process of nature, current cultural landscape we see is the outcome of the overlaid landscape from different periods. To put it in another way, cultural landscape is the comprehensive earth-surface superposing artificial landscape constantly upon the natural landscape, using specific regional culture as the main body, natural environment as the medium, for meeting the need of human survival, producing and living.

But the formation and creation of cultural landscape is not always determined by human. Generally, cultural landscape was not intentionally created for enjoyment or as permanent landscape heritage. It is the vivid witness of the human's living state of specific historical period. It fully communicates “the harmony of man with nature”.

We define cultural landscape heritage as the evaluation system to assess and label cultural landscapes for better protection and further continuation. To some extent, in term of the long history natural landscape, no matter how non-subjective the evaluation system is, our evaluation is more or less affected by contemporary aesthetics and values.

Cultural landscape heritage is a part of the cultural landscape. No matter how people evaluate it, cultural landscape is natural landscape created by long time human culture such as the typical villages in the north of China and well-known Jiangnan Watertown. They are famous cultural landscape in China even if they are not listed as the cultural landscape heritage.

The conservation and development of cultural landscape should be taken long-term vision towards it. Cultural landscape is derived from human life, thus the best way to keep it lasting is to maintain the origin human lifestyle on the landscape. Only in this way could the cultural landscape develop towards sustainability. This issue of Landscape Architecture is exactly based on this topic.

WANG Xiang-rong August 18, 2015

