lnfluential Factors of House-purchasing lntention in Work construction Sites among Migrant Workers with a Case of lnvestigations on 203 Migrant Workers from Jiangxi Province
Wen LlU,Yanzhi WANG
School of Economists and Management,Jiangxi Agricultural University,Nanchang 330045,China
lnfluential Factors of House-purchasing lntention in Work construction Sites among Migrant Workers with a Case of lnvestigations on 203 Migrant Workers from Jiangxi Province
Wen LlU*,Yanzhi WANG
School of Economists and Management,Jiangxi Agricultural University,Nanchang 330045,China
The research selected 13 factors from individual and family characters,construction site characters and work characters and analyzed the influences on the willingness of purchasing houses on construction sites with Logistic regression model.The results showed that gender,age differences,personality,willingness on family land conversion,management of enterprises on construction sites,relatives and friends on construction lands,and Job satisfaction were approved by significant testing,but marital status,annual household income,the rate of migrant worker in a household,transportation in work city,and corporate reputation were not approved by significant testing.
Migrant worker;House-purchasing willingness in work construction sites;Influential factors;Logistic regression analysis;Jiangxi Province
H ouse is a basic appeal among residents,especially for migrant workers in low social strata who are engaged in creating social benefits for cities.However,they are notoriously marginalized without access to all social welfare benefits.On basis of interviews,it is obvious that most migrant workers express satisfaction with present housing on construction sites[1],because most migrant workers rent houses in ruralurban fringe featured by good location,convenient transportation,and cheap rent.What’s more,migrant workers own homesteads and houses in rural areas and they are usually highly paid in cities,so that they are willing to give up living in self-owned houses.Still,the truth is that there are large gaps between migrant workers and urban residents in terms of house area and quality[2].At present,most migrant workers choose to live in cities for ever after long-term efforts and decide to buy houses on construction sites[3-4]. Therefore,it is of significance for migrant workers to settle in cities and enjoy achievements of the reform and opening up,as well as for China to improve urbanization to explore the willingness of migrant workers in purchasing houses on construction sites and the way to stimulate migrant workers to buy the houses.Much more researches are available on the aspects,conducted by Deng et al.[5],Qiu et al.[6],Cheng et al.[7]and Cao et al.[8].The research selected 13 items in 4 classifications (Table 1)and established models concerning the influence on migrant workers’intention in purchasing house on construction site from the perspectives of economics and non-economics.
The Source of Data
The sample data are from questionnaire survey on returning home and activities of migrant workers fromJiangxi Province by Economics Research Association of Jiangxi Agricultural University.The research mainly covers 88 villages or towns from 35 counties ordistricts in Jiangxi Province,as follows:Ganzhou City including Xingguo County,Xinfeng County,Yongfeng County,Quannan County,Dingnan County,Xunwu County,Nankang District,Yudu County,and Chongyi County;Yichun City including Yuanzhou District,Fengcheng City,Zhangshu City,Gao’an City,Tonggu County,Jing’an County,and Shanggao County;Fuzhou City including Linchuan District,Nancheng County,Jinxi County,and Guangchang County;Pingxiang City including Lianhua County; Shangrao City including Guangfeng District,Yanshan County,Poyang County,Yugan County,and Wuyuan County;Nanchang City including Xinjian District;Ji'an City including Jishui County,Suichuan,and Anfu County;Xinyu City including Fenyi County;Jingdezhen City including Fuliang County;Jiujiang City including Pengze County;Yingtan City including Yujiang County and Guixi City.Totaling 205 questionnaires were completed by face-to-face interview and 203 questionnaires were used in the research.
Table 1 The definition and code of variables
Basic Conditions
Definition of variable
Statistical description and analysis Explained variable
As shown in Table 2,35%migrant workers showed intention in purchasing house and floating population generally keeps lower restricted by hukou system and economic development. Table 3 showed description and analysis on explained variables.
The Empirical Research on Migrant Workers’lntention in Purchasing Houses
Research hypotheses
H1:Migrant worker individual has significant effects on house purchasing willingness.
H2:Migrant worker family has significant effects on house purchasing willingness.
H3:The characteristics of construction site show positive correlation with house purchasing intention of migrant workers.
H4:Work satisfaction shows positive correlation with house purchasing willingness of migrant workers.
Construction of model
With Logistic model,when Y is a dependent variable,if the value is 1,it means individuals show purchasing intention and if the value is 0,it means they do not want to buy.The independent variables influencing Y are recorded x1,x2,…,xm.Assuming that migrant worker i is willing to buy a house and the probability is pi,1-pirefers to the probability that migrant workers do not want to buy.Then,a nonlinear function can be established with X(x1,x2,…,xm),as follows:a linear model can be concluded by logarithmic transformation ofas follows:
Table 2 The description and analysis on explained variables
where β0is a constant term;m is the number of variable;the plus-minus sign and value of βjrepresent the effects of Xion the direction and degree of migrant workers in buying house.
The results of empirical analysis with model
Regression analysis was performed on sample data with stata11.0(Table 4).It can be concluded from the model that the variables total 203;the value of LR is 52.830 (P 0.000<1%);the fitting degree(Pseudo R2)is 0.200.
Table 3 The description and analysis on explained variables
Table 4 The assessment results of the model
Conclusion and Discussion
The lower proportion that migrant workers willing to purchase houses on construction sites
Among the 203 interviewed migrant workers,only 35%showed the intention to buy.
Basically coinciding with hypotheses of different factors with Logistic regression analysis
Significance testing was approved involving age differences,gender,personality,intention on family land conversion,business management levelon construction sites,relatives and friends,cultural environment on construction sites,and satisfaction on work among migrant workers.
Age differences The age differences refer to the differences between individual and group ages,which is significant(minus)at 1%.These indicate that provided others constant,the higher the differences,the lower willingness.Besides,the analysis results of the model are the same as predictions,possibly because old migrant workers do not want to buy houses on construction sites due to unstable work and young migrant workers are newgeneration migrant workers and requires time to improve themselves.As for the migrant workers in between,most are married and mature in many aspects such as economic strength and generally urgentto purchase houses.
The gender of migrant workers
According to genderclassification among interviewed migrant workers,the variables are significant and positive below 5%,which incorporates that provided others the same,male migrant workers are more willing to purchase houses than females,possibly because males are more capable and sensible.
The personality classification of migrantworkers Theresearch classified migrant workers into risktaking,middle and conservative types and the variable shows positive below 5%,which indicated that provided others the same,the closer to conservative type,the higher the intention of purchasing the houses,possibly because the objective of house purchasing is to keep stable living and advance descendants’education,as well as themselves.In contrast,the risktaking ones believe that they will lose more chances if buy houses and settle down.
The intention on family land conversion The research classified the variable into willingness and unwillingness and the variable proves positive below 1%,in consistent with previous predictions.These incorporated that provided others the same,migrant workers with willingness of land conversion are more willing to buy houses,possibly because rural land conversion is a revenue-maximization decision conductive to rural large-scale production.For example,if migrant workers purchase houses in cities,the probability is higher in terms of rural land conversion than that without the intention of purchasing houses and it is notable that land conversion benefits themselves as well as rural collectives.
Managementofenterprises on construction sites The variable is significant and shows negative below 5%.In other words,migrant workers believe the higher the management,the lower the intention of house purchasing,possibly because the higher localenterprise management,the higher employee’s career and finding job or starting a business in hometown would be ideal.What’s more,when the migrant workers return home,they make contributions to rural small and micro businesses in terms of advanced managementand capital. Therefore,the advanced management would improve migrant worker's quality and it can be concluded that migrant workers do not willing to buy houses upon enterprise management.
Relatives and friends on construction sites The variable is significant and positive below 5%,which coincides with previous predictions.These demonstrate that provided others the same,the more relatives and friends on construction sites,the higher the purchasing willingness,possibly because most migrant workers are introduced to the same construction site and the work is similar,so that the risks are relatively lower and it is convenient for taking care of each other. On the other hand,the concentration of activity sphere would improve their willingness in purchasing houses,for local relatives are a kind of references for purchasing.
Cultural environment of construction sites The variable is proved significant and positive below 5% ,which coincides with predictions in early stage.These indicated that provided others the same,the better the cultural environment,the more migrant workers willing to purchase houses,possibly because cultural environment has direct effects on descendant education,and influenced livelihood of local people.Besides,cultural environment would affect resident quality,which is conductive to creating a harmonious city life.In conclusion,cultural environment would be a kind of persuasion for migrant workers to purchase houses.
Job satisfaction among migrant workers The variable is proved significant and positive below 1%,which coincides with predictions in early stage.These indicated that provided others the same,the higher job satisfaction,the higher intention of purchasing houses.
Five variables such as marital status,annual household income,the rate of migrant worker in a household,transportation in work city,and corporate reputation were not pproved by significant testing.
Marital status The research divided marital status of migrant workers into married and unmarried.The variable is insignificant,possibly because the decision of purchasing house would be influenced by parents for unmarried ones.The concerned factors actually are similar to those of married migrant workers.Because it is a family decision,it would not be affected by the differences of marital status.
Annual household income The variable can be classified into three layers,including the one with annual income below 30 000 yuan,the one with annual income of 30 000-60 000 yuan,and the one over 60 000 yuan. It is obvious that it is too narrow to just take economic factor into consideration,possible because migrant workers are bounded-rational decision-makers who generally taking both economic and non-economic aspects into account such as social status,and hometown development.
The rate of migrant worker in a household The variable is computed as follows:the number of migrant worker/the number of family member,and it is possible that major labors are just the fixed ones who are decisionmakers.When they have high responsibility,they enjoy higherrightof speech.Therefore,the differences are small in purchasing houses for unmarried and married workers.
Transportation of construction sites The work employed by migrant workers is dominated manufacturingand the companies generally concentrate in the areas with convenient transportation.With regional coordinated development,transportation gap goes smaller between the central and eastern China,and road and railway would advance much closer.Besides,migrant workers are usually away from transportation such as water transport and spaceflight.
Corporate reputation With lots of similar industries,migrant workers are free in choosing other industry if not satisfied with the present one.
The research selected 13 variables on basis of availability and comparability,and the intention and practice of purchasing house is actually affected by multiple factors,which required further exploration in future.
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Responsible editor:Xiaoxue WANG
Responsible proofreader:Xiaoyan WU
刘文*,王彦之 (江西农业大学经济管理学院,江西南昌 330045)
Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (71363027);Humanities and Social Sciences of Ministry of Education (11YJA790088);Jiangxi Humanities and Social Sciences(10YJ17).
*Corresponding author.E-mail:lwlw74@126.com
Received:October 3,2015 Accepted:November 15,2015
修回日期 2015-11-15
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