【Abstract】New Education Movement was a great movement on education in Britain which developed in America as Progressive Movement in Education.As the author of The Place of Science in Education,W.Bateson,in certain periods,criticizes from Rousseau onwards educationists whose propositions on education revealed flaws that children are all in the same type.Taking what Dr Blakeslee had researched as evidences,he developed his ideas on offering the greatest possible variety instead of specifically exclusive provision for those who show sole aptitude.Thus Bateson concludes that right course should make provision for all sorts in specific age before meeting the need of aptitudes and tastes of children.This article is going to analyze authors thoughts revealed in his essay,explore the relationship between his ideas and the New Education Movement ideas and retain some valuable reflections on science education.
【Key words】the New Education Movement; W.Bateson; science education; reflections.
1.The background of the essay
Before we make any comments on the idea,what should be gotten home to is the background and trend of education from late 19th century to early 20th century.In the period,the New Education Movement rose and developed in Europe,in which anti-traditional education theories and approaches were extensively proposed based on seven principles with the core of the free development of children according to their interests.Experimental pedagogy,as one of main theories during the movement,also intensively affected the field.From another aspect,fundamentalists were objected by Darwinists and modernists who insisted on introducing science into schools.
It is manifested that author is favor of most ideas and theories in the New Education Movement.His ideas reflect combining claims of naturalistic education,experimental pedagogy,elite education and modernism.Though being of propriety and bold critique to traditional holdings,these ideas reveal the limitation of his era.
2.Positive spheres in the essay
Rousseau and onwards educationists are straightly doubted by him for their tending to some metaphysical or theological conception of human equality.Looking into Rousseau.s theories on children development and naturalistic education,it is obvious that children development stages in the natural education tends to be mechanical and rigid because all the children.s aptitudes and efficiency develop in any stages to different extent.These abilities also vary from age as well as influence from outer environment.According to Bateson,Rousseau improperly regarded children as in the same type who can apply his stage theory accordingly regardless of their own specialties in a certain period.Although Rousseau claimed that nature persons are formed by natural regulation of childrens both physical and mental development,he failed to notice the variety during the process.Criticizing these preceding theories,Bateson was seen a critique on them that we should arrange right course to make some provision for all sorts.The idea can be inspirable from the aspect of respecting childrens personality so that they can pursue what they are interested in and realize their aptitudes after certain age.
3.Negative spheres in the essay
On the other hand,Bateson.s ideas on distinguishing scientific from unscientific persons and teaching,though he criticizes Rousseaus metaphysical or theological conception of human equality,tend to be metaphysical as well.Can children be only separated into scientific ones and unscientific ones? Are scientific thoughts and thinking pattern definitely impossible for children who grew up to be unscientific? Although people in 19th century were still veiled in religious epistemology,since educationists and scientists like Bateson insisted that science should be introduced into schools,they would have been sure that scientific knowledge and thinking can be taught and trained.However they,at least Bateson,seemed to willingly leave children naturally develop themselves at early stages.As a result,paradox arose.If schools can consciously arrange some scientific courses or teach children how to scientifically think when they yet know what scientific thinking is.In spite of choosing unscientific professions,they are still equipped with scientific property.On the other aspect,though they choose to pursue one of professions after 16 years old,undifferentiated courses can be continued for there is no contradictory between professional courses and scientific courses.So why cannot our courses make provision for children who,from very young,are actually able to develop both of them? Thus,it hard to agree on what Bateson criticizes Rousseaus metaphysical conception because he goes even beyond.
All in all,the episode reflects Bateson.s innovative viewpoints on science education and course arrangement.On the other hand,because of the limitation of his era,he fails to further his ideas on epistemology.Anyhow,we can learn a lot from Batesons view on science education even from the prospective of today.After all,valuable ideas are shiny in any eras.
[1]William Bateson,the Place of Science of Education.