

时代英语·高二 2015年5期


What is your favorite color? Do you like yellow, orange, or red? If you do, you must be an optimist, a leader, an active person who enjoys life, people and excitement. Do you prefer gray and blue? Then you are probably quiet, shy and you would rather follow than lead. If you love green, you are strong-minded and determined. You wish to succeed and want other people to see you are successful. At least this is what psychologists(心理学家)tell us, and they should know, because they have been seriously studying the meaning of color preference(爱好)and the effect that colors have on human beings. They tell us that we dont choose our favorite color as we grow up. If you happen to love brown, you did so as soon as you opened your eyes, or at least as soon as you could see clearly.

A yellow room makes us feel more cheerful and more comfortable than a dark green one, and a red dress brings warmth and cheer to the saddest winter day. On the other hand, black is depressing. Light and bright colors make people not only happier but more active. It is a fact that factory workers work better, harder, and have fewer accidents when their machines are painted orange rather than black or dark gray.

Remember, then, that if you feel low, you can always brighten your day or your life with a new shirt or a few colorful things. Remember also that you will know your friends and your enemies better when you find out what colors they like and dislike. And dont forget that anyone can guess a lot about your character when you choose a piece of handkerchief.

1. What color does one probably like if he is used to following others?

A. Red. B. Blue.

C. Orange. D. Yellow.

2. What can we learn about color preference from the text?

A. It changes as you grow.

B. It came with your birth.

C. It can be chosen as you like.

D. It was decided when you first saw colors.

3. What is the topic of Paragraph 2?

A. Colors affect our mood.

B. Warm colors give us energy.

C. Bright colors make our rooms warm.

D. We should keep away from dark colors.

4. What can we learn from the last paragraph?

A. Colors can help us make friends.

B. Friends and enemies like different colors.

C. We can judge a person by the colors he likes.

D. You can know one better through his color preference.


AIDS is now generally believed to be caused by HIV which was originally spread to humans from chimps(黑猩猩)from West Africa.

The first known cases of AIDS occurred in the United States in the early 1980s, among a number of homosexual(同性恋的)men in New York and California. At that time, the illness was seen to be connected with cancer and seemed unable to be treated. Before long, it became clear that these men were suffering from this rare illness.

In 1999, scientists claimed to have found out the origins of the HIV, which they said had developed from a virus found in monkeys from West Africa. Some claimed the virus was spread to humans through hunting and possibly eating of the chimps. Another theory was that it was spread through something grown in chimp kidney(肾脏)cells and then given to around a million people in different countries in the late 1950s.

Later, studies suggested the virus was first present in humans in West Africa as far back as 1931. In the 1980s, scientific journals carried evidence that AIDS arrived in the US through Haiti, which led to a large number of US Haitian immigrants losing their jobs and being driven out from their homes. Although scientists would continue to say the disease arrived in Haiti when workers returned home from working in Africa, they said that none of the people who first spread it would have known they were infected.

Since HIV/AIDS took hold, a number of causes have led to their rapid spread, including the sharing of needles by drug addicts and medical patients in poor countries, and the use of blood carrying the HIV virus in medical practice.

5. When AIDS was first known in America, ___ .

A. it had affected West Africa

B. people paid no attention to it

C. it was thought to be a deadly disease

D. people had known where it came from

6. What does the author mainly talk about in Paragraph 3?

A. The treatment of AIDS.

B. The origins of the HIV.

C. The harm of AIDS.

D. The signs of HIV.

7. Why were many US Haitian immigrants driven out of the US in the 1980s?

A. They were very poor.

B. They spread AIDS on purpose.

C. They were believed to carry the HIV.

D. They made many Americans lose jobs.

8. What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A. AIDS spread rapidly.

B. HIV patients often share needles.

C. People know how to keep AIDS away.

D. AIDS patients are mainly from poor countries.


account barber bend circle direct

electric intellect respect satisfy stress

1. Now let me introduce Mrs White, who is as ____ as she is beautiful.

2. Its a very ____ feeling when youve done a good job.

3. Research has shown that the act of writing about an event has helped individuals deal with ____ times.

4. Both of us worked in the electric shop, and I eventually became the chief ____ .

5. The laws of the country we are in should be ____ .

6. Be careful! There is a sharp ____ on the road.

7. One complete ____ track appears in the lower part of the photograph.

8. The old man offered to help the policeman ____ the traffic.


1. The factory, include its machines, was burnt last night. ___

2. I was reading a book when an old man comes to see me. ___

3. Although Jane is rich and elegant, she is never particular with food or clothes. ___

4. The sandstorm made us to realize the importance of protecting the environment. ___

1. 因为有我最喜爱的明星出演,我特别想看这部新电影。

2. 他意识到自己能活着是非常幸运的,并且感到帮助他人是他一生的使命。

3. 我平均每个星期花五小时读报。

4. 我们不应该认为他们的服务是理所当然的,我们应该尊敬他们。


Its such a common event that you probably never asked yourself why you sleep. 1 In fact, for sleep researchers, its one of the biggest unanswered questions in the field.

Stop and think about it for a second. 2 Is it because we get tired? But we sleep every night, even when we have had plenty of rest. There are, no doubt, several different answers to this question, but lets just consider one general purpose of sleep: 3 Human beings are creatures that are normally active during daylight hours, when our senses function most effectively. 4 We cant see objects well, our color vision is entirely lost, and we dont have the smelling or hearing sharpness of other animals. So it actually does make sense to have us stay where we are during the dangerous period when night-waking animals are walking here and there. And one sure way to make sure we dont fall down everywhere and get lost or eaten is to have us not move for seven or eight hours, rising again only when the light is back and our survival chances are better.

Its not the only reason that we sleep. 5 Perhaps even the most important one.

A. Why should we sleep?

B. Sleep as a survival approach.

C. At night, humans do rather poorly.

D. That will put human beings in a terrible situation.

E. But in terms of evolution, it may have been one of the first reasons.

F. But from a scientific point of view, this is far from an ordinary matter.

G. Would you have an animal come into long periods of unconsciousness every twenty-four hours?

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Over the course of a few days when I was in a nursing home to recover, I started to really appreciate the housekeeper, an elderly lady who didnt speak English. Every morning at 6:30 she would try to get into my room 1 so she wouldnt disturb me. However, every time I would 2 and see her. She would try to 3 and at the same time gave an amazing smile. 4 , I would be just waiting to see her come in and give that wonderful smile.

I 5 from a nurse that there was an employee 6

program. I asked her to write a(an) 7 card for my housekeeper and put it up. About ten minutes later, another nurse came into my room and told me that the housekeeper was out in the hall 8 her eyes out. Had I done something wrong or inappropriate(不得体的)? Then the nurse 9 to tell me that the housekeeper had worked there for thirty years and had never 10 a reward card.

It 11 me like a ton of bricks. Just a few simple words made such a 12 .

From that day forward I tried to admire someone every day for the 13 things they showed. The results were 14 . People came in with smiles, they talked more, they laughed more, and they enjoyed life more. 15 , it seems the more I tried to praise others, the 16 I got.

Im out of nursing home now and almost 17 recovered. I thank my housekeeper for helping me see just how unbelievably 18 life is.

Do yourself a favor and tell your 19 ones just how much they 20 to you. It can make the world of difference with both them and you.

1. A. quickly B. quietly C. aimlessly D. early

2. A. wake B. stand C. sit D. go

3. A. leave B. hide C. explain D. apologize

4. A. Eventually B. Gradually C. Suddenly D. Accidentally

5. A. knew B. learned C. found D. got

6. A. award B. price C. reward D. present

7. A. invitation B. congratulation

C. appreciation D. appointment

8. A. laughing B. shouting C. screaming D. crying

9. A. went on B. came up C. set out D. got up

10. A. accepted B. received C. created D. afforded

11. A. beat B. knocked C. hit D. touched

12. A. difference B. profit C. mistake D. contribution

13. A. pretty B. cute C. happy D. good

14. A. disappointing B. interesting

C. amazing D. embarrassing

15. A. However B. Therefore C. Meanwhile D. Otherwise

16. A. less B. fewer C. worse D. better

17. A. hardly B. fully C. really D. rarely

18. A. dangerous B. beautiful C. tough D. enthusiastic

19. A. known B. aged C. worried D. loved

20. A. bring B. take C. give D. mean


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