

中国学术期刊文摘 2015年19期

Electrokinetic Remediation-Basics and Technology Status

Acar,YB; Gale,RJ; Alshawabkeh,AN; et al.

Electrokinetic remediation 1.Pilot-scale tests with lead-spiked kaolinite

Acar YB; Alshawabkeh,AN

Electroremediation of contaminated soils

Page,MM; Page,CLL

The use of chelating agents in the remediation of metal-contaminated soils: A review

Lestan,Domen; Luo,Chun-ling; Li,Xiang-dong



(中国科学院南京土壤研究所中国科学院土壤环境与污染修复重点实验室 南京210008)











截至2015年8月1日,中国知网(CNKI)和Web of Science(WOS)的数据报告显示,以“土壤污染(soil pollution)、土壤修复(soil remediation)”为词条可以检索到的期刊文献分别为1119与10247条,本专题将相关数据按照:研究机构发文数、作者发文数、期刊发文数、被引用频次进行排行,结果如下。






根据中国知网(CNKI)数据报告,以“土壤污染(soil pollution)、土壤修复(soil remediation)”为词条可以检索到的高被引论文排行结果如下。


根据Web of Science统计数据,以“土壤污染(soil pollution)、土壤修复(soil remediation)”为词条可以检索到的高被引论文排行结果如下。



基于Web of Science检索结果,利用Histcite软件选取LCS(Local Citation Score,本地引用次数)TOP 30文献作为节点进行分析,得到本领域推荐的经典文献如下。

来源出版物:Annual Review of Plant Physiology and Plant Molecular Biology,1998,49: 643-668

Electrokinetic Remediation-Basics and Technology Status

Acar,YB; Gale,RJ; Alshawabkeh,AN; et al.

Abstract: Electrokinetic remediation,variably named as electrochemical soil processing,electromigration,electrokinetic decontamination or electroreclamation uses electric currents to extract radio nuclides,heavy metals,certain organic compounds,or mixed inorganic species and some organic wastes from soils and slurries. An overview of the principals of the electrokinetic remediation technique in soils is presented. The types of waste and media in which the technology could potentially be applicable are outlined and some envisioned environmental uses of conduction phenomena in soils under electric fields are presented. The current status of the electrokinetic remediation technique and its limitations are discussed through a review of the bench-scale and pilot-scale tests. The recent findings of research on different techniques that may improve the technology's effectiveness are mentioned and the status of ongoing efforts in wide-scale implementation and commercialization of the technique in the USA are described.

Keywords: removal; electroosmosis; contaminants; soils

来源出版物:Journal of Hazardous Materials,1995,40(2): 117-137

Electrokinetic remediation 1.Pilot-scale tests with lead-spiked kaolinite

Acar YB; Alshawabkeh,AN

Abstract: The feasibility and efficiency of transporting lead under electric fields are investigated at pilot scale in three 1 t Georgia kaolinite specimens spiked with lead nitrate solution and at an electrode spacing of 72 cm. Enhancement methods such as cathode depolarization and/or catholyte neutralization techniques are not used in processing. A constant direct current density of 133 mu mA/cm2is applied. Twoof the tests are conducted on specimens spiked with lead at concentrations of 856 mg/kg and 1533 mg/kg. The third test is conducted on a 1:1 mixture of compacted kaolinite/sand spiked with lead at a concentration of 5322 mg/kg. Lead was transported toward the cathode and precipitated at its hydroxide solubility value within the basic zone in direct contact with the cathode compartment. Subsequent to 2950 h of processing and an energy expenditure of 700 kWh/m3,55% of the lead removed across the soil was found precipitated within the last 2 cm close to the cathode,15% was left in the soil before reaching this zone,20% was found precipitated on the fabric separating the soil from the cathode compartment,and 10% was unaccounted. Heavy metals and species that are solubilized in the anodic acid front can be efficiently transported by electromigration under an electrical field applied across electrodes placed in soils.

Keywords: Removal; Electroosmosis

来源出版物:Journal of Geotechnical Engineering-Asce,1996,122(3): 173-185

Electroremediation of contaminated soils

Page,MM; Page,CLL

Abstract: This paper presents a comprehensive review of the literature on electroremediation of soils. Laboratory studies of the technique are outlined,mechanisms of contaminant transport discussed,and major factors affecting the decontamination process examined. Enhancement techniques and hybrid processes are considered and examples of field trials and commercial applications described.

Keywords: soil pollution; contaminants; transportation; reviews

来源出版物:Journal of Environmental Engineering-Asce,2002,128(3): 208-219

The use of chelating agents in the remediation of metal-contaminated soils: A review

Lestan,Domen; Luo,Chun-ling; Li,Xiang-dong

Abstract: This paper reviews current remediation technologies that use chelating agents for the mobilization and removal of potentially toxic metals from contaminated soils. These processes can be done in situ as enhanced phytoextraction,chelant enhanced electrokinetic extraction and soil flushing,or ex situ as the extraction of soil slurry and soil heap/column leaching. Current proposals on how to treat and recycle waste washing solutions after soil is washed are discussed. The major controlling factors in phytoextraction and possible strategies for reducing the leaching of metals associated with the application of chelants are also reviewed. Finally,the possible impact of abiotic and biotic soil factors on the toxicity of metals left after the washing of soil and enhanced phytoextraction are briefly addressed.

Keywords: metal; chelant; phytoextraction; soil washing; metal leaching

来源出版物:Environmental Pollution,2008,153(1): 3-13联系邮箱:Li,Xiang-dong;




(中国科学院南京土壤研究所中国科学院土壤环境与污染修复重点实验室 南京210008)








































从2000、2004和2008年连续3届的土壤污染与修复国际会议主题与交流情况来看[44,46],在污染土壤修复决策上,它已从基于污染物总量控制的修复目标发展到基于污染风险评估的修复导向;在技术上,已从物理修复、化学修复和物理化学修复发展到生物修复、植物修复和基于监测的自然修复,从单一的修复技术发展到多技术联合的修复技术、综合集成的工程修复技术;在设备上,从基于固定式设备的离场修复发展到移动式设备的现场修复;在应用上,已从服务于重金属污染土壤、农药或石油污染土壤、持久性有机化合物污染土壤的修复技术发展到多种污染物复合或混合污染土壤的组合式修复技术;已从单一厂址场地走向特大城市复合场地(mega city site),从单项修复技术发展到融大气、水体监测的多技术多设备协同的场地土壤—地下水综合集成修复;已从工业场地走向农田耕地,从适用于工业企业场地污染土壤的离位肥力破坏性物化修复技术发展到适用于农田耕地污染土壤的原位肥力维持性绿色修复技术。



























来源出版物:土壤通报,2004,35(3): 366-370


宝山堇菜(Viola baoshanensis)——一种新的镉超富集植物


摘要:通过野外调查和温室试验,发现并证实宝山堇菜(Viola baoshanensis)是一种Cd超富集植物。自然条件下,宝山堇菜地上部Cd平均含量为1168 mg/kg,变化范围为465~2310 mg/kg;地下部Cd平均含量为981 mg/kg,变化范围为233~1846 mg/kg。地上与地下部Cd含量比值变化范围0.41~2.22,平均为1.32。Cd生物富集系数变化范围为0.75~5.2,平均为2.38。营养液培养试验研究表明,宝山堇菜地上部Cd含量随生长介质中Cd浓度的增加而呈线性增加。营养液Cd浓度为50 mg/L时,地上部Cd平均含量达到4825 mg/kg,在Cd浓度为30 mg/L时,生物量达到最大值;地上与地下部Cd含量的比值变化范围为1.14~2.22,平均为1.67,显示宝山堇菜不仅可以超量吸收Cd,而且可以从地下向地上部有效输送。宝山堇菜的发现将为Cd超富集植物的生理、生化、遗传和进化及其在Cd污染土壤修复方面的研究提供新的重要材料。

关键词:超富集植物;Cd;宝山堇莱(Viola baoshanensis);植物修复

来源出版物:科学通报,2003,48(19): 2046-2049






来源出版物:生态学杂志,2005,24(12): 1499-1502






来源出版物:环境保护,2002(6): 21-23






来源出版物:环境污染治理技术与设备,2002,3(8): 36-40






来源出版物:化学进展,2009,21(2/3): 558-565


重金属污染土壤的植物修复研究I. 金属富集植物Brassica juncea对铜、锌、镉、铅污染的响应


摘要:用来修复污染土壤的理想植物应具有高的生物量并能忍耐和积累污染物。印度芥菜(Bras sicajuncea)能富集多种重金属且生物量较大。本文研究了Zn、Cd、Cu、Pb 4种重金属对印度芥菜生长的影响,特别是重金属对印度芥菜地上部生物量的影响。结果表明,在含Cu 250 mg/kg、Pb 500 mg/kg或Zn 500 mg/kg的污染土壤上,印度芥菜能够忍耐,正常生长。印度芥菜在含Cd 200 mg/kg的土壤上发生镉毒而出现失绿黄化症状,Cd与中等浓度的Zn、Cu、Pb共存时毒害更为严重。这种植物适合Cu、Zn、Pb中等污染土壤的修复。


来源出版物:土壤,2000(2): 71-74






来源出版物:生态环境,2004,13(2): 234-242






来源出版物:化工进展,2000(4): 10-12




摘要:通过田间试验研究施用磷肥对砷超富集植物蜈蚣草(Pterisvittata. L)生长和砷污染土壤修复效率的影响。结果表明,适量施用磷肥促进蜈蚣草的生长,显著提高其生物量,但过量施用磷肥对植物产量无贡献。随着磷肥施用量的增加,蜈蚣草地上部砷含量呈先增加后减少的趋势,理论上在施磷量为340 kg·hm-2时,砷含量可达最高(1622 mg·kg-1)。磷的含量与施磷量呈极显著的正相关关系。施磷量为200 kg·hm-2的砷累积量最高,是不施磷处理砷累积量的24倍及600 kg·hm-2施磷量砷累积量的12倍。种植蜈蚣草7个月后,土壤总砷均有不同程度的下降,施磷量为200 kg·hm-2的土壤中砷含量下降50 mg·kg-1,土壤修复效率最高(7.84%)。对照和600 kg·hm-2施磷量处理的土壤修复效率分别为2.31%和6.63%。理论上达到最大土壤修复效率所需施磷量为369 kg·hm-2。施用磷肥可以维持土壤有效态砷含量在蜈蚣草种植前后变化不大,保证蜈蚣草下个生育期对砷的吸收。这些结果说明施用磷肥是蜈蚣草等砷超富集植物在现场修复中的必要手段,优化施磷技术可大大提高砷污染土壤的修复效率。


来源出版物:环境科学学报,2004,24(3): 455-462



Salt,DE; Smith,RD; Raskin I

Abstract: 参见本期“经典文献推荐”栏目。


Phytoremediation-A Novel Strategy for the Removal of Toxic Metals from the Environment Using Plants

Salt,DE; Blaylock,M; Kumar,NPBA; et al.

Abstract: Toxic metal pollution of waters and soils is a major environmental problem,and most conventional remediation approaches do not provide acceptable solutions. The use of specially selected and engineered metal-accumulating plants for environmental clean-up is an emerging technology called phytoremediation. Three subsets of this technology are applicable to toxic metal remediation:(1)Phytoextraction the use of metal-accumulating plants to remove toxic metals from soil;(2)Rhizofiltration the use of plant roots to remove toxic metals from polluted waters; and(3)Phytostabilization the use of plants to eliminate the bioavailability of toxic metals in soils. Biological mechanisms of toxic metal uptake,translocation and resistance as well as strategies for improving phytoremediation are also discussed.

Keywords: heavy-metals; binding peptides; cadmium-binding; zinc tolerance; lemna-minor; soil; accumulation; transport; selenium; tobacco

来源出版物:Bio-Technology,1995,13(5): 468-474


Advanced oxidation processes for organic contaminant destruction based on the Fenton reaction and related chemistry

Pignatello,JJ; Oliveros,E; MacKay,A

Abstract: Fenton chemistry encompasses reactions of hydrogen peroxide in the presence of iron to generate highly reactive species such as the hydroxyl radical and possibly others. In this review,the complex mechanisms of Fenton and Fenton-like reactions and the important factors influencing these reactions,from both a fundamental and practical perspective,in applications to water and soil treatment,are discussed. The review covers modified versions including the photoassisted Fenton reaction,use of chelated iron,electro-Fenton reactions,and Fenton reactions using heterogeneous catalysts. Sections are devoted to nonclassical pathways,by-products,kinetics and process modeling,experimental design methodology,soil and aquifer treatment,use of Fenton in combination with other advanced oxidation processes or biodegradation,economic comparison with other advanced oxidation processes,and case studies.

Keywords: advanced oxidation technologies; aquifier remediation; electro-Fenton; photo-Fenton; soil remediation; waste treatment; water treatment

来源出版物:Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology,2006,36(1): 1-84


Nanoscale iron particles for environmental remediation: An overview


Abstract: Nanoscale iron particles represent a new generation of environmental remediation technologies that could provide cost-effectivesolutions to some of the most challenging environmental cleanup problems. Nanoscale iron particles have large surface areas and high surface reactivity. Equally important,they provide enormous flexibility for in situ applications. Research has shown that nanoscale iron particles are very effective for the transformation and detoxification of a wide variety of common environmental contaminants,such as chlorinated organic solvents,organochlorine pesticides,and PCBs. Modified iron nanoparticles,such as catalyzed and supported nanoparticles have been synthesized to further enhance the speed and efficiency of remediation. In this paper,recent developments in both laboratory and pilot studies are assessed,including:(1)synthesis of nanoscale iron particles(10-100 nm,>99.5% Fe)from common precursors such as Fe(II)and Fe(III);(2)reactivity of the nanoparticles towards contaminants in soil and water over extended periods of time(e.g.,weeks);(3)field tests validating the injection of nanoparticles into aquifer,and(4)in situ reactions of the nanoparticles in the subsurface.

Keywords: nanoparticles; iron; palladium; nanotechnology; groundwater; remediation

来源出版物:Journal of Nanoparticle Research,2003,5(3/4): 323-332


Sequestration of hydrophobic organic contaminants by geosorbents

Luthy,RG; Aiken,GR; Brusseau,ML; et al.

Abstract: The chemical interactions of hydrophobic organic contaminants(HOCs)with soils and sediments(geosorbents)may result in strong binding and slow subsequent release rates that significantly affect remediation rates and endpoints. The underlying physical and chemical phenomena potentially responsible for this apparent sequestration of HOCs by geosorbents are not well understood. This challenges our concepts for assessing exposure and toxicity and for setting environmental quality criteria. Currently there are no direct observational data revealing the molecular-scale locations in which nonpolar organic compounds accumulate when associated with natural soils or sediments. Hence macroscopic observations are used to make inferences about sorption mechanisms and the chemical factors affecting the sequestration of HOCs by geosorbents. Recent observations suggest that HOC interactions with geosorbents comprise different inorganic and organic surfaces and matrices,and distinctions may be drawn along these lines,particularly with regard to the roles of inorganic micropores,natural sorbent organic matter components,combustion residue particulate carbon,and spilled organic liquids. Certain manipulations of sorbates or sorbent media may help reveal sorption mechanisms,but mixed sorption phenomena complicate the interpretation of macroscopic data regarding diffusion of HOCs into and out of different matrices and the hysteretic sorption and aging effects commonly observed for geosorbents. Analytical characterizations at the microscale,and mechanistic models derived there from,are needed to advance scientific knowledge of HOC sequestration,release,and environmental risk.

Keywords: distributed reactivity model; humic substances; nonequilibrium sorption; aromatic-hydrocarbons; interfacial films; aquifer material; soils; sediments; water; chemicals

来源出版物:Environmental Science & Technology,1997,31(2): 3341-3347


Phytoremediation of soil metals

Chaney,RL; Malik,M; Li,YM; et al.

Abstract: The phytoremediation of metal-contaminated soils offers a low-cost method for soil remediation and some extracted metals may be recycled for value. Both the phytoextraction of metals and the phytovolatilization of Se or Hg by plants offer great promise for commercial development. Natural metal hyper accumulator phenotype is much more important than high-yield ability when using plants to remove metals from contaminated soils. The hyper tolerance of metals is the key plant characteristic required for hyper accumulation;vacuolar compartmentalization appears to be the source of hyper tolerance of natural hyper accumulator plants. Alternatively,soil Pb and Cr6+may be inactivated in the soil by plants and soil amendments(phytostabilization). Little molecular understanding of plant activities critical to phytore mediation has been achieved,but recent progress in characterizing Fe,Cd and Zn uptake by Arabidopsis and yeast mutants indicates strategies for developing transgenic improved phytore mediation cultivars for commercial use.

Keywords: transgenic tobacco plants; vulgaris moench garcke; Thlaspi-Caerulescens J; contaminated soils; Arabidopsis-Thaliana; binding peptides; C-presl; cadmium; phytochelatins; ZINC

来源出版物:Current Opinion in Biotechnology,1997,8(3): 279-284


Phytoextraction of toxic metals: A review of biological mechanisms


Abstract: Remediation of sites contaminated with toxic metals is particularly challenging. Unlike organic compounds,metals cannot be degraded,and the cleanup usually requires their removal. However,this energy-intensive approach can be prohibitively expensive. Inaddition,the metal removing process often employs stringent physicochemical agents which can dramatically inhibit soil fertility with subsequent negative impacts on the ecosystem. Phytoremediation has been proposed as a cost-effective,enviromnental-friendly alternative technology. A great deal of research indicates that plants have the genetic potential to remove many toxic metals from the soil. Despite this potential,phytoremediation is yet to become a commercially available technology. Progress in the field is hindered by a lack of understanding of complex interactions in the rhizosphere and plant-based mechanisms which allow metal translocation and accumulation in plants. In this paper,four research areas relevant to metal phytoextraction from contaminated soil are reviewed. The review concludes with an assessment of the current status of technology deployment and suggestions for future phytoremediation research.

Keywords: hyper accumulate or thlaspi-caerulescens; hexavalent chromium reduction; gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase;genetically-engineered plants; escherichia-coli atcc-33456; zinc-transporter genes; arabidopsis-thaliana; Indian mustard; heavy-metals;contaminated soils

来源出版物:Journal of Environmental Quality,2002,31(1): 109-120


Bioremediation of Soil Contaminated with Poly nuclear Aromatic-Hydrocarbons(Pa Hs): A Review

Wilson,SC; Jones,KC

Abstract: Poly nuclear aromatic hydrocarbons(PAHs)constitute a group of priority pollutants which are present at high concentrations in the soils of many industrially contaminated sites. Criteria established for the removal or treatment or both of soils contaminated with PAHs vary widely within and between nations. The bioremediation of contaminated soils with in-situ,on-site,and bioreactor techniques is reviewed,together with the factors affecting PAHs degradation. Current in-situ remediation techniques are considered ineffective for the removal of most PAHs from contaminated soil. On-site ‘land farming' methods have been used successfully(and within a reasonable period of time)to degrade only those PAHs with three or fewer aromatic rings. Bioreactors have proved most effective for soil remediation,since conditions for enhanced degradation can be achieved most readily. However,bioreactors are still at the development stage,and further research is required to optimize their efficiency and economy for routine use. Degradation of the more recalcitrant high-molecular-weight PAHs in contaminated soil has not been particularly successful to date. Further research needs are identified to help develop bioremediation into a more cost-effective technology. The importance of full site assessments and treatability studies for successful application in the field is emphasized.

Keywords: biological treatment processes; bench-scale evaluation; phanerochaete-chrysosporium; microbial-degradation; organic contaminants; fuel spills; denitrification conditions; denitrifying conditions; phase bioremediation; incite biotreatment

来源出版物:Environmental Pollution,1993,81(3): 229-249


Electrokinetic soil remediation-critical overview

Virkutyte,J; Sillanpaa,M; Latostenmaa,P

Abstract: In recent years,there has been increasing interest in finding new and innovative solutions for the efficient removal of contaminants from soils to solve groundwater,as well as soil,pollution. The objective of this review is to examine several alternative soil-remediating technologies,with respect to heavy metal remediation,pointing out their strengths and drawbacks and placing an emphasis on electrokinetic soil remediation technology. In addition,the review presents detailed theoretical aspects,design and operational considerations of electrokinetic soil-remediation variables,which are most important in efficient process application,as well as the advantages over other technologies and obstacles to overcome,The review discusses possibilities of removing selected heavy metal contaminants from clay and sandy soils,both saturated and unsaturated. It also gives selected efficiency rates for heavy metal removal,the dependence of these rates on soil variables,and operational conditions,as well as a cost-benefit analysis. Finally,several emerging in situ electrokinetic soil remediation technologies,such as Lasagna(TM),Elektro-Klean(TM),electro bioremediation,etc.,are reviewed,and their advantages,disadvantages and possibilities in full-scale commercial applications are examined.

Keywords: electrokinetic soil remediation; heavy metals

来源出版物:Science of the Total Environment,2002,289(1-3): 97-121


Electrokinetic Remediation-Basics and Technology Status

Acar,YB; Gale,RJ; Alshawabkeh,AN; et al.

Abstract: 参见本期“经典文献推荐”栏目。






来源出版物:环境化学,2013,32(5): 768-780联系邮箱:周启星,





来源出版物:农业环境科学学报,2013,32(3): 418-425联系邮箱:周启星,





来源出版物:应用生态学报,2014,25(1): 287-296联系邮箱:于明革,





来源出版物:农业环境科学学报,2014,33(1): 1-14联系邮箱:周启星,





来源出版物:农业环境科学学报,2015,34(3): 438-448联系邮箱:王宏镔,





来源出版物:生态学杂志,2015,34(3): 870-877联系邮箱:周启星,

Using biochar for remediation of soils contaminated with heavy metals and organic pollutants

ZHANG Xiao-kai; WANG Hai-long; HE Li-zhi; et al.

Abstract: Soil contamination with heavy metals and organic pollutants has increasingly become a serious global environmental issue in recent years. Considerable efforts have been made to remediate contaminated soils. Biochar has a large surface area,and high capacity to absorb heavy metals and organic pollutants. Biochar can potentially be used to reduce the bioavailability and leach ability of heavy metals and organic pollutants in soils through adsorption and other physicochemical reactions. Biochar is typically an alkaline material which can increase soil pH and contribute to stabilization of heavy metals. Application of biochar for remediation of contaminated soils may provide a new solution to the soil pollution problem. This paper provides an overview on the impact of biochar on the environmental fate and mobility of heavy metals and organic pollutants in contaminated soils and its implication for remediation of contaminated soils. Further research directions are identified to ensure a safe and sustainable use of biochar as a soil amendment for remediation of contaminated soils.

Keywords: biochar; black carbon; heavy metals; organic pollutants; remediation; soil contamination

来源出版物:Environmental Science and Pollution Research联系邮箱:WANG Hai-long;

Remediation of heavy metal(loid)s contaminated soils-To mobilize or to immobilize?

Bolan,Nanthi; Kunhikrishnan,Anitha; Thangarajan,Ramya; et al.

Abstract: Unlike organic contaminants,metal(loid)s do not undergo microbial or chemical degradation and persist for a long time aftertheir introduction. Bioavailability of metal(loid)s plays a vital role in the remediation of contaminated soils. In this review,the remediation of heavy metal(loid)contaminated soils through manipulating their bioavailability using a range of soil amendments will be presented. Mobilizing amendments such as chelating and desorbing agents increase the bioavailability and mobility of metal(loid)s. Immobilizing amendments such of precipitating agents and sorbent materials decrease the bioavailability and mobility of metal(loid)s. Mobilizing agents can be used to enhance the removal of heavy metal(loid)s though plant uptake and soil washing. Immobilizing agents can be used to reduce the transfer to metal(loid)s to food chain via plant uptake and leaching to groundwater. One of the major limitations of mobilizing technique is susceptibility to leaching of the mobilized heavy metal(loid)s in the absence of active plant uptake. Similarly,in the case of the immobilization technique the long-term stability of the immobilized heavy metal(loid)s needs to be monitored.

Keywords: metals; metalloids; bioavailability; mobility; soil amendments

来源出版物:Journal of Hazardous Materials,2014,266: 141-166

Use of phytoremediation and biochar to remediate heavy metal polluted soils: A review

Paz-Ferreiro,J; Lu,H; Fu,S; et al.

Abstract: Anthropogenic activities are resulting in an increase of the use and extraction of heavy metals. Heavy metals cannot be degraded and hence accumulate in the environment,having the potential to contaminate the food chain. This pollution threatens soil quality,plant survival and human health. The remediation of heavy metals deserves attention,but it is impaired by the cost of these processes. Phytoremediation and biochar are two sound environmental technologies which could be at the forefront to mitigate soil pollution. This review provides an overview of the state of the art of the scientific research on phytoremediation and biochar application to remediate heavymetal-contaminated soils. Research to date has attempted only in a limited number of occasions to combine both techniques,however we discuss the potential advantages of combining both,and the potential mechanisms involved in the interaction between phytoremediators and biochar. We identified specific research needs to ensure a sustainable use of phytoremediation and biochar as remediation tools.

Keywords: arsenic contaminated soil; 2-year field experiment; straw-derived biochar; green waste compost; pteris-vittata l.; organic-matter;mine tailings; Cd uptake; hydrothermal carbonization; commercial phytoextraction

来源出版物:Solid Earth,2014,5(1): 65-76联系邮箱:Paz-Ferreiro,J;

Combining phytoextraction and biochar addition improves soil biochemical properties in a soil contaminated with Cd

LU Huan-ping; LI Zhi-an; FU Sheng-lei; et al.

Abstract: The main goal of phytoremediation is to improve ecosystem functioning. Soil biochemical properties are considered as effective indicators of soil quality and are sensitive to various environmental stresses,including heavy metal contamination. The biochemical response in a soil contaminated with cadmium was tested after several treatments aimed to reduce heavy metal availability including liming,biochar addition and phytoextraction using Amaranthus tricolor L. Two biochars were added to the soil: eucalyptus pyrolysed at 600 degrees C(EB)and poultry litter at 400 degrees C(PLB). Two liming treatments were chosen with the aim of bringing soil pH to the same values as in the treatments EB and PLB. The properties studied included soil microbial biomass C,soil respiration and the activities of invertase,beta-glucosidase,beta-glucosaminidase,urease and phosphomonoesterase. Both phytoremediation and biochar addition improved soil biochemical properties,although results were enzyme specific. For biochar addition these changes were partly,but not exclusively,mediated by alterations in soil pH. A careful choice of biochar must be undertaken to optimize the remediation process from the point of view of metal phytoextraction and soil biological activity.

Keywords: biochar; Cadmium; Amaranthus tricolor L.; phytoremediation; soil quality; soil enzymes

来源出版物:Chemosphere,2015,119: 209-216联系邮箱:LI Zhi-an;

Phytoremediation: Role of terrestrial plants and aquatic macrophytes in the remediation of radionuclides and heavy metal contaminated soil and water

Sharma,Sunita; Singh,Bikram; Manchanda,V. K

Abstract: Nuclear power reactors are operating in 31 countries around the world. Along with reactor operations,activities like mining,fuel fabrication,fuel reprocessing and military operations are the major contributors to the nuclear waste. The presence of a large number of fission products along with multiple oxidation state long-lived radionuclides such as neptunium(Np-237),plutonium(Pu-239),americium(Am-241/243)and curium(Cm-245)make the waste streams a potential radiological threat to the environment. Commonly high concentrations of cesium(Cs-137)and strontium(Sr-90)are found in a nuclear waste. These radionuclides are capable enough to produce potential health threat due to their long half-lives and effortless translocation into the human body. Besides the radionuclides,heavy metal contamination is also a serious issue. Heavy metals occur naturally in the earth crust and in low concentration,are also essential for themetabolism of living beings. Bioaccumulation of these heavy metals causes hazardous effects. These pollutants enter the human body directly via contaminated drinking water or through the food chain. This issue has drawn the attention of scientists throughout the world to device eco-friendly treatments to remediate the soil and water resources. Various physical and chemical treatments are being applied to clean the waste,but these techniques are quite expensive,complicated and comprise various side effects. One of the promising techniques,which has been pursued vigorously to overcome these demerits,is phytoremediation. The process is very effective,eco-friendly,easy and affordable. This technique utilizes the plants and its associated microbes to decontaminate the low and moderately contaminated sites efficiently. Many plant species are successfully used for remediation of contaminated soil and water systems. Remediation of these systems turns into a serious problem due to various anthropogenic activities that have significantly raised the amount of heavy metals and radionuclides in it. Also,these activities are continuously increasing the area of the contaminated sites. In this context,an attempt has been made to review different modes of the phytoremediation and various terrestrial and aquatic plants which are being used to remediate the heavy metals and radionuclide-contaminated soil and aquatic systems. Natural and synthetic enhancers,those hasten the process of metal adsorption/absorption by plants,are also discussed.

Keywords: radionuclides; heavy metals; terrestrial plants; macrophytes; chelating agents

来源出版物:Environmental Science and Pollution Research,2015,22(2): 946-962


Integrated phytobial remediation for sustainable management of arsenic in soil and water

Roy,Madhumita; Giri,Ashok K; Dutta,Sourav; ET AL.

Abstract: Arsenic(As),cited as the most hazardous substance by the U.S. Agency for Toxic Substance and Disease Registry(ATSDR,2005),is an ubiquitous metalloid which when ingested for prolonged periods cause extensive health effects leading to ultimate untimely death. Plants and microbes can help mitigate soil and groundwater. As problem since they have evolved elaborate detoxification machineries against this toxic metalloid as a result of their coexistence with this since the origin of life on earth. Utilization of the phytoremediation and bioremediation potential of the plants and microbes,respectively,is now regarded as two innovative tools that encompass biology,geology,biotechnology and allied sciences with cutting edge applications for sustainable mitigation of As epidemic. Discovery of As hyper accumulating plants that uptake and concentrate large amounts of this toxic metalloid in their shoots or roots offered new hope to As phytoremediation,solar power based nature's own green remediation. This review focuses on how phytoremediation and bioremediation can be merged together to form an integrated phytobial remediation which could synergistically achieve the goal of large scale removal of As from soil,sediment and groundwater and overcome the drawbacks of the either processes alone. The review also points to the feasibility of the introduction of transgenic plants and microbes that bring new hope for more efficient treatment of As. The review identifies one critical research gap on the importance of remediation of As contaminated groundwater not only for drinking purpose but also for irrigation purpose and stresses that more research should be conducted on the use of constructed wetland,one of the most suitable areas of application of phytobial remediation. Finally the review has narrowed down on different phytoinvestigation and phytodisposal methods,which constitute the most essential and the most difficult part of pilot scale and field scale applications of phytoremediation programs.

Keywords: arsenic; bioremediation; phytoremediation; rhizoremediation; hyper accumulation; transgenic; constructed wetland

来源出版物:Environment International,2015,75: 180-198

Remediation of Cr(VI)contaminated soil using long-duration sodium thiosulfate supported by micro-nano networks

HE Lu-lu; WANG Min; ZHANG Gui-long; et al.

Abstract: In this work,a long-duration remediation agent(LRA)on hexavalent chromium(Cr(VI))was developed using sodium thiosulfate(ST)supported by attapulgite(ATP)micro-nano networks induced through high-energy electron beam(HEEB)irradiation. The ATP networks could effectively reduce the leaching amount of Cr(VI)in soil. More importantly,the ATP networks could significantly control the leaching behavior of ST,and then prolong the duration and increase the reduction efficiency of ST on Cr(VI). As a result,LRA displayed high performance on controlling the migration of Cr(VI)and reducing Cr(VI)to Cr(III). Additionally,pot experiment indicated that LRA could effectively decrease the absorbed amount of Cr(VI)in corn,and reduce the inhibition effect of Cr(VI)on the growth of corn. Therefore,this work could provide a facile approach to remediate the Cr(VI)-contaminated soil and lower the harmful effect of Cr(VI)on crop.

Keywords: remediation; chromium; sodium thiosulfate; long-duration; networks

来源出版物:Journal of Hazardous Materials,2015,294: 64-69联系邮箱:CAI Dong-qing;


Contaminated soils and waters pose a major environmental and human health problem,which may be partially solved by the emerging phytoremediation technology. This cost-effective plant-based approach to remediation takes advantage of the remarkable ability of plants to concentrate elements and compounds from the environment and to metabolize various molecules in their tissues. Toxic heavy metals and organic pollutants are the major targets for phytore mediation. In recent years,knowledge of the physiological and molecular mechanisms of phytore mediation began to emerge together with biological and engineering strategies designed to optimize and improve phytoremediation. In addition,several field trials confirmed the feasibility of using plants for environmental cleanup. This review concentrates on the most developed subsets of phytore mediation technology and on the biological mechanisms that make phytoremediation work.

decontamination; hyperaccumulator; phytoextraction; phytodegradation; heavy metals

文章题目第一作者来源出版物1PhytoremediationSalt,DEAnnual Review of Plant Physiology and Plant Molecular Biology,1998,49: 643-668 2 Electrokinetic remediation: Basics and Technology Journal of Hazardous Materials,1995,40(2):Status Acar,YB 117-137 3 Electrokinetic remediation.1.Pilot-scale tests with Journal of Geotechnical Engineering-Asce,lead-spiked kaolinite Acar YB 1996,122(3): 173-185 4 Electroremediation of contaminated soils Page,MM Journal of Environmental Engineering-Asce,2002,128(3): 208-219 5 The use of chelating agents in the remediation of metal-contaminated soils: A review Lestan,Domen Environmental Pollution,2008,153(1): 3-13


Salt,DE; Smith,RD; Raskin I


第12话 完美生物