

中国学术期刊文摘 2015年17期



数据来源:Web of Science文献出版时间:2014.1—2015.5检索时间:2015.6.5



被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物CA-A Cancer Journal forSiegel,Rebecca; Ma,Jiemin;1522Cancer Statistics,2014Clinicians Zou,Zhaohui; et al.2 014,64(1): 9-29CA-A Cancer Journal forSiegel,Rebecca; DeSantis,139Colorectal cancer statistics,2014Clinicians Carol; Jemal,Ahmedin2 014,64(2): 104-117 112 Survival,Durable Tumor Remission,and Long-Term Safety in Patients With Advanced Melanoma Receiving Nivolumab Topalian,Suzanne L.; Sznol,Mario; McDermott,David F.; et al. Journal of Clinical Oncology 2014,32(10): 1020CA-A Cancer Journal forDeSantis,Carol; Ma,Jiemin;107Breast Cancer Statistics,2013Clinicians Bryan,Leah; et al.2 014,64(1): 52-62 91 Cancer survival in Europe 1999-2007 by country and age: results of EUROCARE-5-a population-based study De Angelis,Roberta; Sant,Milena; Coleman,Michel P.; et al. Lancet Oncology 2014,15(1): 23-34Afatinib versus cisplatin plus gemcitabine forfirst-line treatment of Asian patients with advancedWu,Yi-Long; Zhou,Caicun;Lancet Oncology 82non-small-cell lung cancer harbouring EGFRHu,Cheng-Ping; et al. 2014,15(2): 213-222 mutations(LUX-Lung 6): an open-label,randomised phase 3 trial79 Cancer Treatment and Survivorship Statistics,2014 DeSantis,Carol E.; Lin,Chun Chieh; Mariotto,Angela B.; et al. CA-A Cancer Journal for Clinicians 2014,64(4): 252-271Acquired Resistance and Clonal Evolution in Shi,Hubing; Hugo,Willy;Cancer Discovery 79 2014,4(1): 80-93 76 The Genetic Landscape of Clinical Resistance to RAF Inhibition in Metastatic MelanomaMelanoma during BRAF Inhibitor TherapyKong,Xiangju; et al.Van Allen,Eliezer M.; Wagle,Nikhil; Sucker,Antje; et al. Cancer Discovery 2014,4(1): 94-109Safety and efficacy of vemurafenib inBRAF(V600E)and BRAF(V600K)McArthur,Grant A.; Chapman,Lancet Oncology 65mutation-positive melanoma(BRIM-3): extendedPaul B.; Robert,Caroline; et al. 2014,15(3): 323-332 follow-up of a phase 3,randomised,open-labelstudy


被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Risk of Geographic Atrophy in the Comparison ofGrunwald,Juan E.; Daniel,Ophthalmology 30Age-related Macular Degeneration Treatments TrialsEbenezer; Huang,Jiayan; et al.2014,121(1): 150-161Intravitreal Aflibercept Injection for NeovascularSchmidt-Erfurth,Ursula;Ophthalmology 30Age-related Macular Degeneration Ninety-Six-WeekKaiser,Peter K.; Korobelnik,2014,121(1): 193-201 Results of the VIEW StudiesJean-Francois; et al.20 A Comparison of Lamellar and Penetrating Keratoplasty Outcomes A Registry Study Coster,Douglas J.; Lowe,Marie T.; Keane,Miriam C.; et al. Ophthalmology 2014,121(5): 979-987Intravitreal Aflibercept Injection for Macular EdemaKorobelnik,Jean-Francois;Ophthalmology 20Resulting from Central Retinal Vein OcclusionHolz,Frank G.; Roider,Johann;2014,121(1): 202-208 One-Year Results of the Phase 3 GALILEO Studyetal.19 Expert Panel Recommendations for the Use of Anti-Tumor Necrosis Factor Biologic Agents in Patients with Ocular Inflammatory Disorders Levy-Clarke,Grace; Jabs,Douglas A.; Read,Russell W.;et al. Ophthalmology 2014,121(3): 785A Randomized,Controlled Trial of Corneal CollagenWittig-Silva,Christine; Chan,Ophthalmology 17Cross-Linking in Progressive KeratoconusElsie; Islam,Fakir M. A.; et al.2014,121(4): 812-821 Three-Year Results17 Anterior Capsulotomy Integrity after Femtosecond Laser-Assisted Cataract Surgery Abell,Robin G.; Davies,Peter E. J.; Phelan,David; et al. Ophthalmology 2014,121(1): 17-24RADIANCE: A Randomized Controlled Study ofWolf,Sebastian; Balciuniene,Ophthalmology 16Ranibizumab in Patients with ChoroidalVilma Jurate; Laganovska,2014,121(3): 682 Neovascularization Secondary to Pathologic MyopiaGuna;etal.16 In Vivo 3-Dimensional Corneal Epithelial Thickness Mapping as an Indicator of Dry Eye: Preliminary Clinical Assessment Kanellopoulos,Anastasios John; Asimellis,George American Journal of Ophthalmology 2014,157(1): 63-68Intravitreal Aflibercept Injection for Macular EdemaHeier,Jeffrey S.; Clark,W.Ophthalmology 15Due to Central Retinal Vein OcclusionLloyd; Boyer,David S.;et al.2014,121(7): 1414


被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Perovskite solar cells with a planar heterojunction234structure prepared using room-temperature solutionLiu,Dianyi; Kelly,Timothy L.Nature Photonicsprocessing techniques2014,8(2): 133-138127 2014,8(7): 506-514 125 Perovskite solar cells employing organic charge-transport layersThe emergence of perovskite solar cellsGreen,Martin A.; Ho-Baillie,Nature PhotonicsAnita; Snaith,Henry J.Malinkiewicz,Olga; Yella,Aswani; Lee,Yong Hui; et al. Nature Photonics 2014,8(2): 128-132Hao,Feng; Stoumpos,86 2014,8(6): 489-494 76 Unravelling the mechanism of photoinduced charge transfer processes in lead iodide perovskite solar cellsLead-free solid-state organic-inorganic halideNature Photonicsperovskite solar cellsConstantinos C.; Duyen HanhCao; et al.Marchioro,Arianna; Teuscher,Joel; Friedrich,Dennis; et al. Nature Photonics 2014,8(3): 250-25571 2014,22(6): 7249-7260 68 Efficient blue organic light-emitting diodes employing thermally activated delayed fluorescenceMolybdenum disulfide(MoS2)as a broadbandZhang,H.; Lu,S. B.; Zheng,J.;Optics Expresssaturable absorber for ultra-fast photonicset al.Zhang,Qisheng; Li,Bo; Huang,Shuping; et al. Nature Photonics 2014,8(4): 326-332Plasmon-induced hot-electron generation at67 2014,8(2): 95-103 57 Optical waveguides in crystalline dielectric materials produced by femtosecond- laser micromachiningnanoparticle/metal-oxide interfaces for photovoltaicClavero,CesarNature Photonicsand photocatalytic devicesChen,Feng; Vazquez de Aldana,J. R. Laser & Photonics Reviews 2014,8(2): 251-27554Temporal solitons in optical microresonatorsHerr,T.; Brasch,V.; Jost,J. D.;Nature Photonicset al.2014,8(2): 145-152


被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Bird-building collisions in the United States:13Estimates of annual mortality and speciesLoss,Scott R.; Wil,Tom; Loss,CondorvulnerabilitySara S.; et al.2014,116(1): 8-2312 2014,156(1): 1-22 9 Species taxonomy of birds: Which null hypothesis? Gill,Frank B. Auk 2014,131(2): 150-161The decline of Afro-Palaearctic migrants and anVickery,Juliet A.; Ewing,Ibisassessment of potential causesSteven R.; Smith,Ken W.; et al.7Common montane birds are declining in northernLehikoinen,Aleksi; Green,Journal of Avian BiologyEuropeMartin; Husby,Magne; et al.2014,45(1): 3-14 7 Cytokine expression in phytohaemagglutinin-induced skin inflammation in a galliform bird Vinkler,Michal; Svobodova,Jana; Gabrielova,Barbora; et al. Journal of Avian Biology 2014,45(1): 43-506First global census of the Adelie PenguinLynch,H. J.; LaRue,M. A.Auk2014,131(4): 457-466 6 Divergent post-breeding distribution and habitat associations of fledgling and adult Black-footed Albatrosses Phoebastria nigripes in the North Pacific Gutowsky,Sarah E.; Tremblay,Yann; Kappes,Michelle A.; et al. Ibis 2014,156(1): 60-72Trends in territory occupancy,distribution andBird Conservation5density of the Bearded Vulture Gypaetus barbatusKrueger,Sonja C.; Allan,DavidInternationalmeridionalis in southern AfricaG.; Jenkins,Andrew R.; et al.2014,24(2): 162-177 5 Habitat use and diet of Skylarks(Alauda arvensis)wintering in an intensive agricultural landscape of the Netherlands Geiger,Flavia; Hegemann,Arne; Gleichman,Maurits; et al. Journal of Ornithology 2014,155(2): 507-5185Food availability and fuel loss predict ZugunruheEikenaar,Cas; Bairlein,FranzJournal of Ornithology2014,155(1): 65-70


被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物50OARSI guidelines for the non-surgicalMcAlindon,T. E.; Bannuru,R.Osteoarthritis and Cartilagemanagement of knee osteoarthritisR.; Sullivan,M. C.; et al.2014,22(3): 363-388Patient-specific Guides Do Not ImproveClinical Orthopaedics and24Accuracy in Total Knee Arthroplasty: AVictor,Jan; Dujardin,Jan;Related ResearchProspective Randomized Controlled TrialVandenneucker,Hilde; et al.2014,472(1): 263-271 19 Altered Tibiofemoral Contact Mechanics Due to Lateral Meniscus Posterior Horn Root Avulsions and Radial Tears Can Be Restored with in Situ Pull-Out Suture Repairs LaPrade,Christopher M.;Jansson,Kyle S.; Dornan,Grant;et al. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery-American Volume 2014,96A(6): 471-47919Improved femoral component rotation in TKAHeyse,Thomas J.; Tibesku,Kneeusing patient-specific instrumentationCarsten O.2014,21(1): 268-271 18 The clinical use of bone morphogenetic proteins revisited: a novel biocompatible carrier device OSTEOGROW for bone healing Vukicevic,Slobodan;Oppermann,Hermann; Verbanac,Donatella; et al. International Orthopaedics 2014,38(3): 635-647Journal of Orthopaedic17Bone regenerative medicine: classic options,Oryan,Ahmad; Alidadi,Soodeh;novel strategies,and future directionsMoshiri,Ali; et al.Surgery and Research2014,9 17 Adult Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells Delivered via Intra-Articular Injection to the Knee Following Partial Medial Meniscectomy A Randomized,Double-Blind,Controlled Study Vangsness,C. Thomas,Jr.; Farr,Jack,II; Boyd,Joel; et al. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery-American Volume 2014,96A(2): 90-98Belmont,Philip J.,Jr.; Goodman,Journal of Bone and Joint17Thirty-Day Postoperative Complications andMortality Following Total Knee ArthroplastyGens P.; Waterman,Brian R.; etSurgery-American Volumeal.2014,96A(1): 20-26 16 Biomechanical Consequences of a Complete Radial Tear Adjacent to the Medial Meniscus Posterior Root Attachment Site In Situ Pull-out Repair Restores Derangement of Joint Mechanics Padalecki,Jeffrey R.; Jansson,Kyle S.; Smith,Sean D.; et al. American Journal of Sports Medicine 2014,42(3): 699-707Efficacy of Platelet-Rich Plasma for ChronicMishra,Allan K.; Skrepnik,American Journal of Sports16Tennis Elbow A Double-Blind,Prospective,Multicenter,Randomized Controlled Trial of 230Nebojsa V.; Edwards,Scott G.; etMedicinePatientsal.2014,42(2): 463-471


被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Jama Otolaryngology-Head40Current Thyroid Cancer Trends in the UnitedStatesDavies,Louise; Welch,H. Gilbert& Neck Surgery2014,140(4): 317-322Biological impact of auditory expertise across27the life span: Musicians as a model of auditoryStrait,Dana L.; Kraus,NinaHearing Researchlearning2014,308(SI): 109-121 17 Effectiveness of Subcutaneous Immunotherapy for Allergic Rhinoconjunctivitis and Asthma: A Systematic Review Erekosima,Nkiruka;Suarez-Cuervo,Catalina;Ramanathan,Murugappan; et al. Laryngoscope 2014,124(3): 616-627Otolaryngology-Head and16AAO-HNSF CORE Grant Acquisition IsEloy,Jean Anderson; Svider,Associated with Greater Scholarly ImpactPeter F.; Folbe,Adam J.; et al.Neck Surgery2014,150(1): 53-60 15 Examining neural plasticity and cognitive benefit through the unique lens of musical training Moreno,Sylvain; Bidelman,Gavin M. Hearing Research 2014,308(SI): 84-97Can nonlinguistic musical training change the15way the brain processes speech? The expandedPatel,Aniruddh D.Hearing ResearchOPERA hypothesis2014,308(SI): 98-108 15 Impact of mentoring medical students on scholarly productivity Svider,Peter F.; Husain,Qasim;Mauro,Kevin M.; et al. International Forum of Allergy & Rhinology 2014,4(2): 138-142Examining the Electro-Neural Interface ofLong,Christopher J.; Holden,Jaro-Journal of the14 2014,15(2): 293-304 14 Using resting state functional connectivity to unravel networks of tinnitusCochlear Implant Users Using Psychophysics,Timothy A.; McClelland,GaryAssociation for Research inCT Scans,and Speech UnderstandingH.; et al.OtolaryngologyHusain,Fatima T.; Schmidt,Sara A. Hearing Research 2014,307(SI): 153-16214Tonotopic mapping of human auditory cortexSaenz,Melissa; Langers,Dave R.Hearing ResearchM.2014,307(SI): 42-52


被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Vegetation History and11Towards mapping the late QuaternaryGiesecke,Thomas; Davis,vegetation change of EuropeBasil; Brewer,Simon; et al.Archaeobotany2014,23(1): 75-86The eusuchian crocodylomorph10Allodaposuchus subjuniperus sp nov.,a newPuertolas-Pascual,E.; Canudo,Historical Biologyspecies from the latest Cretaceous(upperJ. I.; Moreno-Azanza,M.2014,26(1): 91-109Maastrichtian)of Spain10 Paleoecology of Early Pennsylvanian vegetation on a seasonally dry tropical landscape(Tynemouth Creek Formation,New Brunswick,Canada)Bashforth,Arden R.; Cleal,Christopher J.; Gibling,Martin R.; et al. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 2014,200 : 229-263Hirnantian(latest Ordovician)delta C-139chemostratigraphy in southern Sweden andBergstroem,Stig M.; Eriksson,Gffglobally: a refined integration with theMats E.; Young,Seth A.; et al.2014,132(2): 355-386graptolite and conodont zone successions 9 Rapid and sustained surface ocean acidification during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum Penman,Donald E.; Hoenisch,Baerbel; Zeebe,Richard E.; et al. Paleoceanography 2014,29(5): 357-368Selective extinction of Triassic marine reptilesPalaeogeography9 2014,400(SI): 9-16 9 Ectothermic vertebrates from the late Middle Miocene of Gratkorn(Austria,Styria)during long-term sea-level changes illuminatedKelley,Neil P.; Motani,Palaeoclimatologyby seawater strontium isotopesRyosuke; Jiang,Da-yong; et al.PalaeoecologyBoehme,Madelaine; Vasilyan,Davit Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments 2014,94(1): 21-40Prieto,Jerome; Angelone,Palaeobiodiversity and9The small mammals from Gratkorn: anoverviewChiara; Casanovas-Vilar,Isaac;Palaeoenvironmentset al.2014,94(1): 135-162 9 Phosphatized Acanthomorphic Acritarchs and Related Microfossils from the Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation at Weng'an(South China)and Their Implications for Biostratigraphic Correlation Xiao,Shuhai; Zhou,Chuanming; Liu,Pengju; et al. Journal of Paleontology 2014,88(1): 1-67Report on the 5th International Meeting of theReboulet,Stephane; Szives,8IUGS Lower Cretaceous Ammonite WorkingCretaceous ResearchGroup,the Kilian Group(Ankara,Turkey,31stOttilia; Aguirre-Urreta,Beatriz;2014,50 : 126-137August 2013)etal.


被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物82The Treatment-Naive Microbiome inGevers,Dirk; Kugathasan,Cell Host & MicrobeNew-Onset Crohn's DiseaseSubra; Denson,Lee A.; et al.2014,15(3): 382-392Pullan,Rachel L.; Smith,40 2014,7 31 Microbes,Microbiota,and Colon Cancer Sears,Cynthia L.; Garrett,Wendy S.Global numbers of infection and disease burdenParasites & Vectorsof soil transmitted helminth infections in 2010Jennifer L.; Jasrasaria,Rashmi;et al.Cell Host & Microbe 2014,15(3): 317-32830A View to a Kill: The Bacterial Type VIHo,Brian T.; Dong,Tao G.;Cell Host & MicrobeSecretion SystemMekalanos,John J.2014,15(1): 9-21 28 The FLS2-Associated Kinase BIK1 Directly Phosphorylates the NADPH Oxidase RbohD to Control Plant Immunity Li,Lei; Li,Meng; Yu,Liping;et al. Cell Host & Microbe 2014,15(3): 329-338Reassessment of the taxonomic status ofAmblyomma cajennense(Fabricius,1787)withthe description of three new species,26Amblyomma tonelliae n. sp,AmblyommaNava,Santiago; Beati,Lorenza;Ticks and Tick-Borne Diseasesinterandinurn n. sp and Amblyomma patinoi n.Labruna,Marcelo B.; et al.2014,5(3): 252-276sp.,and reinstatement of Amblyomma mixtumKoch,1844,and Amblyomma sculptumBerlese,1888(Ixodida: Ixodidae)21 Outbreak of Ebola Virus Disease in Guinea:Where Ecology Meets Economy Bausch,Daniel G.; Schwarz,Lara Plos Neglected Tropical Diseases 2014,8(7)CYCLOPS,A DNA-Binding Transcriptional20Activator,Orchestrates Symbiotic Root NoduleSingh,Sylvia; Katzer,Katja;Cell Host & MicrobeDevelopmentLambert,Jayne; et al.2014,15(2): 139-152 20 Malaria-Induced NLRP12/NLRP3-Dependent Caspase-1 Activation Mediates Inflammation and Hypersensitivity to Bacterial Superinfection Ataide,Marco A.; Andrade,Warrison A.; Zamboni,Dario S.; et al. Plos Pathogens 2014,10(1)Histone Deacetylase Inhibitor Romidepsin19Induces HIV Expression in CD4 T Cells fromWei,Datsen George; Chiang,Plos PathogensPatients on Suppressive Antiretroviral TherapyVicki; Fyne,Elizabeth; et al.2014,10(4)at Concentrations Achieved by Clinical Dosing


被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Pathology-Mechanisms of51MicroRNAs in CancerDi Leva,Gianpiero; Garofalo,Michela; Croce,Carlo M.Disease2014,9 : 287-314Galon,Jerome; Mlecnik,46Towards the introduction of the 'Immunoscore'Journal of Pathologyin the classification of malignant tumoursBernhard; Bindea,Gabriela;et al.2014,232(2): 199-209 43 Programmed death ligand-1 expression in non-small cell lung cancer Velcheti,Vamsidhar;Schalper,Kurt A.; Carvajal,Daniel E.; et al. Laboratory Investigation 2014,94(1): 107-116Annual Review of Pathology:39Oxygen Sensing,Hypoxia-Inducible Factors,and Disease PathophysiologySemenza,Gregg L.Mechanisms of Disease2014,9 : 47-71 34 Recommendations for Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor 2 Testing in Breast Cancer American Society of Clinical Oncology/College of American Pathologists Clinical Practice Guideline Update Wolff,Antonio C.; Hammond,M. Elizabeth H.; Hicks,David G.; et al. Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine 2014,138(2): 241-256GATA3: A Multispecific But Potentially UsefulMiettinen,Markku; McCue,American Journal of Surgical32Marker in Surgical Pathology A SystematicAnalysis of 2500 Epithelial and NonepithelialPeter A.; Sarlomo-Rikala,PathologyTumorsMaarit; et al.2014,38(1): 13-22 26 Glioblastoma: From Molecular Pathology to Targeted Treatment Cloughesy,Timothy F.;Cavenee,Webster K.;Mischel,Paul S. Annual Review of Pathology:Mechanisms of Disease 2014,9 : 1-25Doyle,Leona A.; Vivero,24Nuclear expression of STAT6 distinguishesModern Pathologysolitary fibrous tumor from histologic mimicsMarina; Fletcher,ChristopherD. M.; et al.2014,27(3): 390-395 24 Validation and Implementation of Targeted Capture and Sequencing for the Detection of Actionable Mutation,Copy Number Variation,and Gene Rearrangement in Clinical Cancer Specimens Pritchard,Colin C.; Salipante,Stephen J.; Koehler,Karen; et al. Journal of Molecular Diagnostics 2014,16(1): 56-67Gendron,Tania F.; Belzil,23Mechanisms of toxicity in C9FTLD/ALSVeronique V.; Zhang,Acta NeuropathologicaYong-Jie; et al.2014,127(3): 359-376


被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Electronic Cigarettes and Conventional45Cigarette Use Among US Adolescents ADutra,Lauren M.; Glantz,Jama PediatricsCross-sectional StudyStanton A.2014,168(7): 610-617Trends in the Parent-Report of Health CareVisser,Susanna N.;Journal of the American35Provider-Diagnosed and MedicatedAcademy of Child andAttention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder:Danielson,Melissa L.; Bitsko,Adolescent PsychiatryUnited States,2003-2011Rebecca H.; et al.2014,53(1): 34-46 33 Prevalence and Trends in Obesity and Severe Obesity Among Children in the United States,1999-2012 Skinner,Asheley Cockrell;Skelton,Joseph A. Jama Pediatrics 2014,168(6): 561-566Barriers to Human Papillomavirus VaccinationHolman,Dawn M.; Benard,33Among US Adolescents A Systematic ReviewVicki; Roland,Katherine B.;Jama Pediatricsof the Literatureetal.2014,168(1): 76-82 26 Electronic Cigarette Use Among Korean Adolescents: A Cross-Sectional Study of Market Penetration,Dual Use,and Relationship to Quit Attempts and Former Smoking Lee,Sungkyu; Grana,Rachel A.; Glantz,Stanton A. Journal of Adolescent Health 2014,54(6): 684-69022Effective Messages in Vaccine Promotion: ANyhan,Brendan; Reifler,PediatricsRandomized TrialJason; Richey,Sean; et al.2014,133(4): E835-E842 21 Acetaminophen Use During Pregnancy,Behavioral Problems,and Hyperkinetic Disorders Liew,Zeyan; Ritz,Beate;Rebordosa,Cristina; et al. Jama Pediatrics 2014,168(4): 313-320Night glucose control with MD-Logic artificial21pancreas in home setting: a single blind,Nimri,Revital; Muller,Ido;Pediatric Diabetesrandomized crossover trial-interim analysisAtlas,Eran; et al.2014,15(2): 91-99 21 Optimal Oxygenation of Extremely Low Birth Weight Infants: A Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review of the Oxygen Saturation Target Studies Saugstad,Ola Didrik; Aune,Dagfinn Neonatology 2014,105(1): 55-63Evaluation and Treatment of FunctionalJournal of Pediatric18Constipation in Infants and Children:Tabbers,M. M.; DiLorenzo,Evidence-Based Recommendations FromC.; Berger,M. Y.; et al.Gastroenterology and NutritionESPGHAN and NASPGHAN2014,58(2): 258-274

Peripheral Vascular Disease外周血管疾病

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics-2014Go,Alan S.; Mozaffarian,658Update A Report From the American Heart Dariush; Roger,Veronique L.;CirculationAssociationetal.2014,129(3): E28-E2922013 ACC/AHA Guideline on the Treatment ofBlood Cholesterol to Reduce AtheroscleroticStone,Neil J.; Robinson,267Cardiovascular Risk in Adults A Report of theCirculationAmerican College of Cardiology/AmericanJennifer G.; Lichtenstein,2014,129(25): S1-S45 Heart Association Task Force on PracticeAlice H.; et al.Guidelines136 Executive Summary: Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics-2014 Update A Report From the American Heart Association Go,Alan S.; Mozaffarian,Dariush; Roger,Veronique L.;et al. Circulation 2014,129(3): 399-4112013 ACC/AHA Guideline on the Assessmentof Cardiovascular Risk A Report of theGoff,David C.,Jr.;123American College of Cardiology/American Lloyd-Jones,Donald M.;CirculationHeart Association Task Force on Practice2014,129(25): S49-S73Bennett,Glen; et al. Guidelines73 Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Management of Hypertension in the Community A Statement by the American Society of Hypertension and the International Society of Hypertension Weber,Michael A.; Schiffrin,Ernesto L.; White,William B.; et al. Journal of Clinical Hypertension 2014,16(1): 14-26Guidelines for the Prevention of Stroke inPatients With Stroke and Transient Ischemic68Attack A Guideline for HealthcareKernan,Walter N.; Ovbiagele,StrokeProfessionals From the American HeartBruce; Black,Henry R.; et al.2014,45(7): 2160-2236Association/American Stroke Association68 Treatment of Acute Venous Thromboembolism With Dabigatran or Warfarin and Pooled Analysis Schulman,Sam; Kakkar,Ajay K.; Goldhaber,Samuel Z.; et al. Circulation 2014,129(7): 764-7722013 AHA/ACC/TOS Guideline for theManagement of Overweight and Obesity inJensen,Michael D.; Ryan,66Adults A Report of the American College ofCirculationCardiology/American Heart Association TaskDonna H.; Apovian,Caroline2014,129(25): S102-S138 Force on Practice Guidelines and The ObesityM.; et al.Society66 2014 AHA/ACC Guideline for the Managemen t of Patients With Valvular Heart Disease A Report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines Nishimura,Rick A.; Otto,Catherine M.; Bonow,Robert O.; et al. Circulation 2014,129(23): E521-E6432013 AHA/ACC Guideline on LifestyleManagement to Reduce Cardiovascular Risk A60Report of the American College ofEckel,Robert H.; Jakicic,CirculationCardiology/American Heart Association TaskJohn M.; Ard,Jamy D.; et al.2014,129(25): S76-S99Force on Practice Guidelines

Pharmacology & Pharmacy药理学和药学

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Cancer nanotechnology: The impact of passive andAdvanced Drug Delivery89active targeting in the era of modern cancerBertrand,Nicolas; Wu,Jun;Xu,Xiaoyang; et al.Reviewsbiology2014,66 : 2-2577 2014,13(2): 140-156 47 Graphene-based nanomaterials for drug delivery and tissue engineeringPI3K and cancer: lessons,challenges andFruman,David A.; Rommel,Nature Reviews Drug DiscoveryopportunitiesChristianGoenka,Sumit; Sant,Vinayak; Sant,Shilpa Journal of Controlled Release 2014,173 : 75-88Hopkins,Andrew L.;46The role of ligand efficiency metrics in drugNature Reviews Drug DiscoverydiscoveryKeserue,Gyoergy M.;Leeson,Paul D.; et al.2014,13(2): 105-121 44 International Union of Pharmacology. LXXXIX. Update on the Extended Family of Chemokine Receptors and Introducing a New Nomenclature for Atypical Chemokine Receptors Bachelerie,Francoise;Ben-Baruch,Adit; Burkhardt,Amanda M.; et al. Pharmacological Reviews 2014,66(1): 1-7943 2014,13(5): 339-358 35 Alzheimer disease: Epidemiology,diagnostic criteria,risk factors and biomarkersTargeting bromodomains: epigenetic readers ofFilippakopoulos,Panagis;Nature Reviews Drug Discoverylysine acetylationKnapp,StefanReitz,Christiane; Mayeux,Richard Biochemical Pharmacology 2014,88(4): 640-65135 2014,76 : 27-50 35 Therapeutic opportunities of the IL-22-IL-22R1 systemTherapeutics of Alzheimer's disease: Past,presentAnand,R.; Gill,Kiran Dip;Neuropharmacologyand futureMahdi,Abbas AliSabat,Robert; Ouyang,Wenjun; Wolk,Kerstin Nature Reviews Drug Discovery 2014,13(1): 21-38G Protein-Coupled Receptor Oligomerization34Revisited: Functional and PharmacologicalFerre,Sergi; Casado,Vicent;Pharmacological ReviewsPerspectivesDevi,Lakshmi A.; et al.2014,66(2): 413-434


被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Perovskite solar cells with a planar heterojunction234structure prepared using room-temperature solutionLiu,Dianyi; Kelly,TimothyNature Photonicsprocessing techniquesL.2014,8(2): 133-138Morphological Control for High Performance,Eperon,Giles E.; Burlakov,Advanced Functional228Solution-Processed Planar HeterojunctionVictor M.; Docampo,Pablo;etMaterialsPerovskite Solar Cellsal.2014,24(1): 151-157 212 Solar cell efficiency tables(version 43)Green,Martin A.; Emery,Keith; Hishikawa,Yoshihiro;et al. Progress in Photovoltaics 2014,22(1): 1-9Jeon,Nam Joong; Noh,Jun182 2014,13(9): 1-9 139 Device Characteristics of CZTSSe Thin-Film Solar Cells with 12.6% EfficiencySolvent engineering for high-performanceNature Materialsinorganic-organic hybrid perovskite solar cellsHong; Kim,Young Chan; etal.Wang,Wei; Winkler,Mark T.;Gunawan,Oki; et al. Advanced Energy Materials 2014,4(7)127 2014,8(7): 506-514 125 Perovskite solar cells employing organic charge-transport layersThe emergence of perovskite solar cellsGreen,Martin A.; Ho-Baillie,Nature PhotonicsAnita; Snaith,Henry J. et al.Malinkiewicz,Olga; Yella,Aswani; Lee,Yong Hui; et al. Nature Photonics 2014,8(2): 128-13212425th Anniversary Article: Rise to Power -Krebs,Frederik C.; Espinosa,Advanced MaterialsOPV-Based Solar ParksNieves; Hosel,Markus; et al.2014,26(1): 29-39 111 Solar cell efficiency tables(version 44)Green,Martin A.; Emery,Keith; Hishikawa,Yoshihiro;et al. Progress in Photovoltaics 2014,22(7): 701-710Perovskite-Based Hybrid Solar Cells ExceedingConings,Bert; Baeten,Linny;10810% Efficiency with High Reproducibility Using aDe Dobbelaere,Christopher;Advanced MaterialsThin Film Sandwich Approachetal.2014,26(13): 2041-2046

Physics,Atomic,Molecular & Chemical物理,原子分子和化学

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Snaith,Henry J.; Abate,Journal of Physical Chemistry152Anomalous Hysteresis in Perovskite Solar CellsAntonio; Ball,James M.; etLettersal.2014,5(9): 1511-1515High Photoluminescence Efficiency andDeschler,Felix; Price,Journal of Physical Chemistry75Optically Pumped Lasing in Solution-ProcessedMichael; Pathak,Sandeep; etLettersMixed Halide Perovskite Semiconductorsal.2014,5(8): 1421-1426 65 Chloride Inclusion and Hole Transport Material Doping to Improve Methyl Ammonium Lead Bromide Perovskite-Based High Open-Circuit Voltage Solar Cells Edri,Eran; Kirmayer,Saar;Kulbak,Michael; et al. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2014,5(3): 429-433Juarez-Perez,Emilio J.;Journal of Physical Chemistry58Role of the Selective Contacts in the PerformanceWussler,Michael;of Lead Halide Perovskite Solar CellsFabregat-Santiago,Francisco;Letterset al.2014,5(4): 680-685 55 Bilayer Phosphorene: Effect of Stacking Order on Bandgap and Its Potential Applications in Thin-Film Solar Cells Dai,Jun; Zeng,Xiao Cheng Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2014,5(7): 1289-1293Ogomi,Yuhei; Morita,Journal of Physical Chemistry51CH3NH3SnxPb(1-x)I3Perovskite Solar CellsCovering up to 1060 nmAtsushi; Tsukamoto,Syota; etLettersal.2014,5(6): 1004-1011 47 Solid-State Mesostructured Perovskite CH3NH3PbI3Solar Cells: Charge Transport,Recombination,and Diffusion Length Zhao,Yixin; Nardes,Alexandre M.; Zhu,Kai Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2014,5(3): 490-494Organometallic Halide Perovskites: Sharp OpticalJournal of Physical Chemistry44Absorption Edge and Its Relation to PhotovoltaicDe Wolf,Stefaan; Holovsky,Jakub;Moon,Soo-Jin;etal.LettersPerformance2014,5(6): 1035-1039 43 Slow Dynamic Processes in Lead Halide Perovskite Solar Cells. Characteristic Times and Hysteresis Sanchez,Rafael S.;Gonzalez-Pedro,Victoria;Lee,Jin-Wook; et al. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2014,5(13): 2357-2363Suarez,Belen;Journal of Physical Chemistry43Recombination Study of Combined Halides(Cl,Br,I)Perovskite Solar CellsGonzalez-Pedro,Victoria;LettersRipolles,Teresa S.; et al.2014,5(10): 1628-1635

Physics,Condensed Matter凝聚态物理

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Morphological Control for High Performance,Eperon,Giles E.; Burlakov,228Solution-Processed Planar HeterojunctionVictor M.; Docampo,Pablo;Advanced Functional MaterialsPerovskite Solar Cellsetal.2014,24(1): 151-157Jeon,Nam Joong; Noh,Jun182 2014,13(9): 897-903 139 Device Characteristics of CZTSSe Thin-Film Solar Cells with 12.6% EfficiencySolvent engineering for high-performanceNature Materialsinorganic-organic hybrid perovskite solar cellsHong; Kim,Young Chan; etal.Wang,Wei; Winkler,Mark T.;Gunawan,Oki; et al. Advanced Energy Materials 2014,4(7)12425th Anniversary Article: Rise to Power -Krebs,Frederik C.; Espinosa,Advanced MaterialsOPV-Based Solar ParksNieves; Hosel,Markus; et al.2014,26(1): 29-39 108 Perovskite-Based Hybrid Solar Cells Exceeding 10% Efficiency with High Reproducibility Using a Thin Film Sandwich Approach Conings,Bert; Baeten,Linny;De Dobbelaere,Christopher;et al. Advanced Materials 2014,26(13): 2041-2046Wehrenfennig,Christian;108High Charge Carrier Mobilities and Lifetimes inAdvanced MaterialsOrganolead Trihalide PerovskitesEperon,Giles E.; Johnston,Michael B.; et al.2014,26(10): 1584-1589 107 Compositional investigation of potassium doped Cu(In,Ga)Se-2 solar cells with efficiencies up to 20.8% Jackson,Philip; Hariskos,Dimitrios; Wuerz,Roland; et al. Physica Status Solidi-Rapid Research Letters 2014,8(3): 219-22225th Anniversary Article: Bulk Heterojunction107Solar Cells: Understanding the Mechanism ofHeeger,Alan J.Advanced MaterialsOperation2014,26(1): 10-28 101 Low-Temperature Processed Electron Collection Layers of Graphene/TiO2Nanocomposites in Thin Film Perovskite Solar Cells Wang,Jacob Tse-Wei; Ball,James M.; Barea,Eva M.; et al. Nano Letters 2014,14(2): 724-730Effect of Annealing Temperature on FilmDualeh,Amalie; Tetreault,93Morphology of Organic-Inorganic HybridNicolas; Moehl,Thomas; etAdvanced Functional MaterialsPervoskite Solid-State Solar Cellsal.2014,24(21): 3250-3258

Physics,Fluids & Plasmas物理,流体与等离子体

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物35Degree mixing in multilayer networks impedesWang,Zhen; Wang,Lin; Perc,Physical Review Ethe evolution of cooperationMatjaz2014,89(5)26Review of the National Ignition CampaignLindl,John; Landen,Otto;Physics of Plasmas2009-2012Edwards,John; et al.2014,21(2)23 Progress on the application of ELM control schemes to ITER scenarios from the non-active phase to DT operation Loarte,A.; Huijsmans,G.;Futatani,S.; et al. Nuclear Fusion 2014,54(3)212014,89(6)20 Adjoint Equations in Stability Analysis Luchini,Paolo; Bottaro,AlessandroNonautonomous matter waves in a spin-1Shen,Yu-Jia; Gao,Yi-Tian;Physical Review EBose-Einstein condensateZuo,Da-Wei; et al.Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics 2014,46: 4932014,46: 379-406 18 Scaled Brownian motion as a mean-field model Annual Review of Fluid20Surface Acoustic Wave MicrofluidicsYeo,Leslie Y.; Friend,JamesR.M echanicsfor continuous-time random walks Thiel,Felix; Sokolov,Igor M. Physical Review E 2014,89(1)Communications in Nonlinear18An image encryption scheme based on rotationScience and Numericalmatrix bit-level permutation and block diffusionZhang,Yushu; Xiao,DiSimulation2014,19(1): 78-82 17 Creation of two-dimensional composite solitons in spin-orbit-coupled self-attractive Bose-Einstein condensates in free space Sakaguchi,Hidetsugu; Li,Ben; Malomed,Boris A. Physical Review E 2014,89(3)17Evolution of extortion in structured populationsSzolnoki,Attila; Perc,MatjazPhysical Review E2014,89(2)


被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Computer Physics93micrOMEGAs_3: A program for calculating darkBelanger,G.; Boudjema,F.;matter observablesPukhov,A.; et al.Communications2014,185(3): 960-9852014,185(8): 2250-2300 35 Degree mixing in multilayer networks impedes the evolution of cooperation Alloul,Adam; Christensen,Computer Physics FEYNRULES 2.0-A complete toolbox for 81tree-level phenomenologyN eil D.; Degrande,Celine; etCommunicationsal.Wang,Zhen; Wang,Lin; Perc,Matjaz Physical Review E 2014,89(5)Tribello,Gareth A.; Bonomi,Computer Physics33 2014,185(2): 604-613 32 Supersymmetry in Lorentzian Curved Spaces and HolographyPLUMED 2: New feathers for an old birdMassimiliano; Branduardi,CommunicationsDavide; et al.Cassani,Davide; Klare,Claudius; Martelli,Dario; et al. Communications in Mathematical Physics 2014,327(2): 577-602Communications in30 2014,325(2): 367-419 29 Top plus plus : A program for the calculation of the top-pair cross-section at hadron collidersGauge Theories Labelled by Three-ManifoldsDimofte,Tudor; Gaiotto,Davide; Gukov,SergeiMathematical PhysicsCzakon,Michal; Mitov,Alexander Computer Physics Communications 2014,185(11): 2930-2938Heikinheimo,Matti;27Physical naturalness and dynamical breaking ofModern Physics Letters Aclassical scale invarianceRacioppi,Antonio;Spethmann,Christian; et al.2014,29(15)22 SARAH 4: A tool for(not only SUSY)model builders Staub,Florian Computer Physics Communications 2014,185(6): 1773-179021Nonautonomous matter waves in a spin-1Shen,Yu-Jia; Gao,Yi-Tian;Physical Review EBose-Einstein condensateZuo,Da-Wei; et al.2014,89(6)


被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物482Detection of B-Mode Polarization at DegreeAde,P. A. R.; Aikin,R. W.;Physical Review LettersAngular Scales by BICEP2Barkats,D.; et al.2014,112(24)First Results from the LUX Dark Matter328 2014,112(9)92 Strain-Induced Gap Modification in Black PhosphorusExperiment at the Sanford Underground ResearchAkerib,D. S.; Araujo,H. M.;Physical Review LettersFacilityBai,X.; et al.Rodin,A. S.; Carvalho,A.;Castro Neto,A. H. Physical Review Letters 2014,112(17)70 2014,10(5): 394-398 65 Spin and pseudospins in layered transition metal dichalcogenidesParity-time-symmetric whispering-galleryPeng,Bo; Oezdemir,SahinNature PhysicsmicrocavitiesKaya; Lei,Fuchuan; et al.Xu,Xiaodong; Yao,Wang;Xiao,Di; et al. Nature Physics 2014,10(5): 343-35065Bell nonlocalityBrunner,Nicolas; Cavalcanti,Reviews of Modern PhysicsDaniel; Pironio,Stefano; et al.2014,86(2)64 Cavity optomechanics Aspelmeyer,Markus;Kippenberg,Tobias J.;Marquard,Florian Reviews of Modern Physics 2014,86(4): 1391-1452Physics Reports-Review63 2014,544(1): 1-122 63 Quantum simulation Georgescu,I. M.; Ashhab,S.;Nori,FrancoThe structure and dynamics of multilayer networksBoccaletti,S.; Bianconi,G.;Criado,R.; et al.Section of Physics LettersReviews of Modern Physics 2014,86(1)Search for Low-Mass Weakly Interacting Massive63Particles Using Voltage-Assisted CalorimetricAgnese,R.; Anderson,A. J.;Physical Review LettersIonization Detection in the SuperCDMSAsai,M.; et al.2014,112(4)Experiment


被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物329Review of Particle Physics Particle Data GroupOlive,K. A.; Agashe,K.;Chinese Physics CAmsler,C.; et al.2014,38(9)Journal of Physics G-Nuclear33Error estimates of theoretical models: a guideDobaczewski,J.; Nazarewicz,W.; Reinhard,P-Gand Particle Physics2014,41(7)30 Thermal and flow analysis of microchannel heat sink(MCHS)cooled by Cu-water nanofluid using porous media approach and least square method Hatami,M.; Ganji,D. D. Energy Conversion and Management 2014,78 : 347-358Heikinheimo,Matti;27Physical naturalness and dynamical breaking ofModern Physics Letters Aclassical scale invarianceRacioppi,Antonio;Spethmann,Christian; et al.2014,29(15)27 Economic-environmental energy and reserve scheduling of smart distribution systems: A multiobjective mathematical programming approach Zakariazadeh,Alireza; Jadid,Shahram; Siano,Pierluigi Energy Conversion and Management 2014,78 : 151-164Energy Conversion and25Multi-objective scheduling of electric vehicles inZakariazadeh,Alireza; Jadid,smart distribution systemShahram; Siano,PierluigiManagement2014,79 : 43-53 23 Progress on the application of ELM control schemes to ITER scenarios from the non-active phase to DT operation Loarte,A.; Huijsmans,G.;Futatani,S.; et al. Nuclear Fusion 2014,54(3)Effect of antioxidant on the performance and 2014,79 : 265-272 22 Energy management in a microgrid with distributed energy resources Fattah,I. M. Rizwanul;Energy Conversion and22emission characteristics of a diesel engine fueledMasjuki,H. H.; Kalam,M.Managementwith palm biodiesel blendsA.; et al.Zhang,Linfeng; Gari,Nicolae; Hmurcik,Lawrence V. Energy Conversion and Management 2014,78 : 297-305Towards a More Complete and Accurate20Experimental Nuclear Reaction Data LibraryOtuka,N.; Dupont,E.;Nuclear Data Sheets(EXFOR): International Collaboration BetweenSemkova,V.; et al.2014,120(SI): 272-276Nuclear Reaction Data Centres(NRDC)

Physics,Particles & Fields物理,粒子和场

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物329REVIEW OF PARTICLE PHYSICS ParticleOlive,K. A.; Agashe,K.;Chinese Physics CData GroupAmsler,C.; et al.2014,38(9)The automated computation of tree-level and 95next-to-leading order differential cross sections,Alwall,J.; Frederix,R.;Journal of High Energy Physicsand their matching to parton shower simulationsFrixione,S.; et al.2014,(7)85 Dark matter constraints from observations of 25 Milky Way satellite galaxies with the Fermi Large Area Telescope Ackermann,M.; Albert,A.;Anderson,B.; et al. Physical Review D 2014,89(4)812014,(2)77 Towards an understanding of foreground emission in the BICEP2 regionDELPHES 3: a modular framework for fastde Favereau,J.; Delaere,C.;Journal of High Energy Physicssimulation of a generic collider experimentDemi,P.; et al.Flauger,Raphael; Hill,J. Colin; Spergel,David N. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2014,(8)65Status of three-neutrino oscillation parameters,Capozzi,F.; Fogli,G. L.; Lisi,Physical Review Dcirca 2013E.; et al.2014,89(9)53 The universal Higgs fit Giardino,Pier Paolo;Kannike,Kristjan; Masina,Isabella; et al. Journal of High Energy Physics 2014,(5)Astrophysical and dark matter interpretations ofAbazajian,Kevork N.; Canac,51extended gamma-ray emission from the GalacticNicolas; Horiuchi,Shunsaku;Physical Review DCenteretal.2014,90(2)50 A joint analysis of Planck and BICEP2 B modes including dust polarization uncertainty Mortonson,Michael J.;Seljak,Uros Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2014,(10)The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: temperatureJournal of Cosmology and50and gravitational lensing power spectrumDas,Sudeep; Louis,Thibaut;Astroparticle Physicsmeasurements from three seasons of dataNolta,Michael R.; et al.2014,(4)


被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Protective effects of melatonin in reducingGarcia,Joaquin J.;34oxidative stress and in preserving the fluidity ofLopez-Pingarron,Laura;Journal of Pineal Researchbiological membranes: a reviewAlmeida-Souza,Priscilla; et2014,56(3): 225-233al.322014,57(2): 131-146 32 Actin Dynamics,Architecture,and Mechanics in Cell MotilityMelatonin: a well-documented antioxidant withZhang,Hong-Mei; Zhang,Journal of Pineal Researchconditional pro-oxidant actionsYiqiangBlanchoin,Laurent;Boujemaa-Paterski,Rajaa;Sykes,Cecile; et al. Physiological Reviews 2014,94(1): 235-26329Dendritic Spines: The Locus of Structural andSala,Carlo; Segal,Physiological ReviewsFunctional PlasticityMenahem2014,94(1): 141-188 26 Effects of obesity,diabetes and exercise on Fndc5 gene expression and irisin release in human skeletal muscle and adipose tissue: in vivo and in vitro studies Kurdiova,Timea; Balaz,Miroslav; Vician,Marek; et al. Journal of Physiology-London 2014,592(5): 1091-110725Thyroid Hormone Regulation of MetabolismMullur,Rashmi; Liu,Physiological ReviewsYan-Yun; Brent,Gregory A.2014,94(2): 355-382 24 Mitochondrial Reactive Oxygen Species(Ros)and Ros-Induced Ros Release Zorov,Dmitry B.;Juhaszova,Magdalena;Sollott,Steven J. Physiological Reviews 2014,94(3): 909-950Ullsperger,Markus;24Neurophysiology of Performance Monitoring andPhysiological ReviewsAdaptive BehaviorDanielmeier,Claudia;Jocham,Gerhard2014,94(1): 35-79 22 Committee report: Publication guidelines and recommendations for studies using electroencephalography and magnetoencephalography Keil,Andreas; Debener,Stefan; Gratton,Gabriele; et al. Psychophysiology 2014,51(1): 1-21The mitochondrial calcium uniporter complex:21molecular components,structure andMarchi,Saverio; Pinton,Journal of Physiology-Londonphysiopathological implicationsPaolo2014,592(5): 829-839

Plant Sciences植物科学

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Characterization of polyploid wheat genomicWang,Shichen; Wong,48diversity using a high-density 90000 singleDebbie; Forrest,Kerrie; etPlant Biotechnology Journalnucleotide polymorphism arrayal.2014,12(6): 787-796462014,102(2): 275-301 39 ROS as key players in plant stress signalling Baxter,Aaron; Mittler,Ron;Suzuki,NobuhiroThe world-wide 'fast-slow' plant economicsJournal of Ecologyspectrum: a traits manifestoReich,Peter B.Journal of Experimental Botany 2014,65(5): 1229-124038Field high-throughput phenotyping: the new cropLuis Araus,Jose; Cairns,Trends in Plant Sciencebreeding frontierJill E.2014,19(1): 52-61 31 Going beyond nutrition: Regulation of potassium homoeostasis as a common denominator of plant adaptive responses to environment Anschutz,Uta; Becker,Dirk; Shabala,Sergey Journal of Plant Physiology 2014,171(9): 670-687Sevanto,Sanna; McDowell,30 2014,37(1): 153-161 29 Pentatricopeptide Repeat Proteins in Plants Barkan,Alice; Small,Ian Annual Review of Plant Biology 2014,65 : 415How do trees die? A test of the hydraulic failurePlant Cell and Environmentand carbon starvation hypothesesNate G.; Dickman,L. Turin;et al.28Aquaporins: Highly Regulated ChannelsChaumont,Francois;Plant PhysiologyControlling Plant Water RelationsTyerman,Stephen D.2014,164(4): 1600-1618 28 The Diversity,Biogenesis,and Activities of Endogenous Silencing Small RNAs in Arabidopsis Bologna,Nicolas G.;Voinnet,Olivier Annual Review of Plant Biology 2014,65 : 473-503A unified nomenclature of NITRATELeran,Sophie; Varala,27TRANSPORTER 1/PEPTIDE TRANSPORTERKranthi; Boyer,Trends in Plant Sciencefamily members in plantsJean-Christophe; et al.2014,19(1): 5-9

Polymer Science高分子科学

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物60Electroactive phases of poly(vinylidene fluoride):Martins,P.; Lopes,A. C.;Progress in Polymer ScienceDetermination,processing and applicationsLanceros-Mendez,S.2014,39(4): 683-70659Idealized powder diffraction patterns for celluloseCellulosepolymorphsFrench,Alfred D.2014,21(2): 885-896 44 Facile preparation and cell imaging applications of fluorescent organic nanoparticles that combine AIE dye and ring-opening polymerization Zhang,Xiqi; Zhang,Xiaoyong; Yang,Bin; et al. Polymer Chemistry 2014,5(2): 318-322412014,5(1): 25-36 37 Redox-responsive polymers for drug delivery:from molecular design to applicationsMulti-stimuli responsive polymers - the all-in-oneSchattling,Philipp; Jochum,Polymer ChemistrytalentsFlorian D.; Theato,PatrickHuo,Meng; Yuan,Jinying;Tao,Lei; et al. Polymer Chemistry 2014,5(5): 1519-152837Design and development of fluorescentChen,Mengjun; Yin,Progress in Polymer Sciencenanostructures for bioimagingMeizhen2014,39(2): 365-395 37 Dendrimer as nanocarrier for drug delivery Kesharwani,Prashant; Jain,Keerti; Jain,Narendra Kumar Progress in Polymer Science 2014,39(2): 268-307Bates,Christopher M.;35Block Copolymer LithographyMaher,Michael J.; Janes,MacromoleculesDustin W.; et al.2014,47(1): 2-12 35 Polymerizable aggregation-induced emission dye-based fluorescent nanoparticles for cell imaging applications Zhang,Xiaoyong; Zhang,Xiqi; Yang,Bin; et al. Polymer Chemistry 2014,5(2): 356-360Multi-scale multi-mechanism design of tough35hydrogels: building dissipation into stretchyZhao,XuanheSoft Matternetworks2014,10(5): 672-687

Primary Health Care初级卫生保健

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物The Development of Joint Principles: IntegratingBaird,Mac; Blount,15Behavioral Health Care into the Patient-CenteredAlexander; Brungardt,Annals of Family MedicineMedical HomeStacy; et al.2014,12(2): 183Understanding the Context of Health for PersonsBayliss,Elizabeth A.;12With Multiple Chronic Conditions: Moving FromBonds,Denise E.; Boyd,Annals of Family MedicineWhat Is the Matter to What MattersCynthia M.; et al.2014,12(3): 260-269 11 Marathon Maternity Oral History Project Exploring rural birthing through narrative methods Orkin,Aaron; Newbery,Sarah Canadian Family Physician 2014,60(1): 58-64Elwyn,Glyn; Dehlendorf,Shared Decision Making and Motivational 9Interviewing: Achieving Patient-Centered Care Christine; Epstein,RonaldAnnals of Family MedicineAcross the Spectrum of Health Care ProblemsM.; et al.2014,12(3): 270-275 9 Azithromycin and Levofloxacin Use and Increased Risk of Cardiac Arrhythmia and Death Rao,Gowtham A.; Mann,Joshua R.; Shoaibi,Azza; et al. Annals of Family Medicine 2014,12(2): 121-127Bodenheimer,Thomas;8The 10 Building Blocks of High-PerformingGhorob,Amireh;Annals of Family MedicinePrimary CareWillard-Grace,Rachel; et2014,12(2): 166-171al.8 Value-Based Financially Sustainable Behavioral Health Components in Patient-Centered Medical Homes Kathol,Roger G.; deGruy,Frank; Rollman,Bruce L. Annals of Family Medicine 2014,12(2): 172-1758 2014,31(1): 38-43 7 Barriers to Primary Care Physicians Prescribing BuprenorphineImpact of body mass index on prevalence ofBooth,Helen P.; Prevost,A.Family Practicemultimorbidity in primary care: cohort studyToby; Gulliford,Martin C.Hutchinson,Eliza; Catlin,Mary; Andrilla,C. Holly A.;et al. Annals of Family Medicine 2014,12(2): 128-133Peikes,Deborah N.; Reid,7Staffing Patterns of Primary Care Practices in theAnnals of Family MedicineComprehensive Primary Care InitiativeRobert J.; Day,Timothy J.;et al.2014,12(2): 142-149


被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物The RDoC framework: facilitating transition56from ICD/DSM to dimensional approachesWorld Psychiatrythat integrate neuroscience andCuthbert,Bruce N.2014,13(1): 28-35psychopathologyComorbid Depressive and Anxiety DisordersFusar-Poli,Paolo; Nelson,35in 509 Individuals With an At-Risk MentalSchizophrenia BulletinState: Impact on Psychopathology andBarnaby; Valmaggia,Lucia; et2014,40(1): 120-131Transition to Psychosisal.35 Trends in the Parent-Report of Health Care Provider-Diagnosed and Medicated Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder:United States,2003-2011 Visser,Susanna N.; Danielson,Melissa L.; Bitsko,Rebecca H.;et al. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 2014,53(1): 34-46The NIMH Research Domain Criteria30(RDoC)Project: Precision Medicine forInsel,Thomas R.American Journal of PsychiatryPsychiatry2014,171(4): 395-397 30 Nicotine content of electronic cigarettes,its release in vapour and its consistency across batches: regulatory implications Goniewicz,Maciej L.; Hajek,Peter; McRobbie,Hayden Addiction 2014,109(3): 500-507Acute electronic cigarette use: nicotine28delivery and subjective effects in regularDawkins,Lynne; Corcoran,PsychopharmacologyusersOlivia2014,231(2): 401-407 28 Cognitive-behavioural therapy for the symptoms of schizophrenia: systematic review and meta-analysis with examination of potential bias Jauhar,S.; McKenna,P. J.;Radua,J.; et al. British Journal of Psychiatry 2014,204(1): 20-29Long-Acting Injectable vs OralKishimoto,Taishiro;28Antipsychotics for Relapse Prevention inSchizophrenia BulletinSchizophrenia: A Meta-Analysis ofRobenzadeh,Alfred; Leucht,2014,40(1): 192-213Randomized TrialsClaudia; et al.27 Prenatal Poly(I:C)Exposure and Other Developmental Immune Activation Models in Rodent Systems Meyer,Urs Biological Psychiatry 2014,75(4): 307-315Genome-wide association study of alcohol27dependence: significant findings inGelernter,J.; Kranzler,H. R.;Molecular PsychiatryAfrican-and European-Americans includingSherva,R.; et al.2014,19(1): 41-49novel risk loci


被引频次作者文章题目来源出版物From Stress to Inflammation and MajorSlavich,George M.; Irwin,Psychological Bulletin 30Depressive Disorder: A Social SignalMichael R. 2014,140(3): 774-815 Transduction Theory of DepressionEvaluation of neurofeedback in ADHD: The Arns,Martijn; Heinrich,Biological Psychology 30 2014,95(SI): 108-115 28 Oxytocin Pathways and the Evolution oflong and winding roadHartmut; Strehl,UteHuman Behavior Carter,C. Sue Annual Review of Psychology 2014,65 : 17-39The default network and self-generatedAndrews-Hanna,Jessica R.;Year in Cognitive Neuroscience 26thought: component processes,dynamicSmallwood,Jonathan; Spreng,2014,1316 : 29-52 control,and clinical relevanceR.Nathan25 Response,remission and drop-out rates following high-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation(rTMS)for treating major depression: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized,double-blind and sham-controlled trials Berlim,M. T.; van den Eynde,F.; Tovar-Perdomo,S.; et al. Psychological Medicine 2014,44(2): 225-239Psychobiological Mechanisms Underlying theSocial Buffering of theHostinar,Camelia E.; Sullivan,Psychological Bulletin 25Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenocortical Axis:Regina M.; Gunnar,Megan R. 2014,140(1): 256-282 A Review of Animal Models and HumanStudies Across Development24 Marital Quality and Health: A Meta-Analytic Review Robles,Theodore F.; Slatcher,Richard B.; Trombello,Joseph M.; et al. Psychological Bulletin 2014,140(1): 140-187Toward a Theory of Distinct Types ofSharma,Leigh; Markon,Psychological Bulletin 22"Impulsive" Behaviors: A Meta-Analysis ofKristian E.; Clark,Lee Anna 2014,140(2): 374-408 Self-Report and Behavioral Measures22 Committee report: Publication guidelines and recommendations for studies using electroencephalography and magnetoencephalography Keil,Andreas; Debener,Stefan;Gratton,Gabriele; et al. Psychophysiology 2014,51(1): 1-21Allman,Melissa J.; Teki,Properties of the Internal Clock: First- andAnnual Review of Psychology21Sundeep; Griffiths,Timothy D.;Second-Order Principles of Subjective Time2014,65 : 743-771 et al.


被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Carayon,Pascale; Wetterneck,20Human factors systems approach toApplied Ergonomicshealthcare quality and patient safetyTosha B.; Rivera-Rodriguez,A.Joy; et al.2014,45(1): 14-2512Fundamentals of systems ergonomics/humanApplied ErgonomicsfactorsWilson,John R.2014,45(1): 5-13 11 Crossing levels in systems ergonomics: A framework to support 'mesoergonomic' inquiry Karsh,Ben-Tzion; Waterson,Patrick; Holden,Richard J. Applied Ergonomics 2014,45(1): 45-54Human Performance Consequences of StagesOnnasch,Linda; Wickens,7and Levels of Automation An IntegratedChristopher D.; Li,Huiyang; etHuman FactorsMeta-Analysisal.2014,56(3): 476-488 6 Effects of Mental Fatigue on the Development of Physical Fatigue: A Neuroergonomic Approach Mehta,Ranjana K.;Parasuraman,Raja Human Factors 2014,56(4): 645-656Self-controlled practice: Autonomy protects5 2014,15(5): 505-510 5 The impact of sit-stand office workstations on worker discomfort and productivity: A reviewperceptions of competence and enhancesChiviacowsky,SuzetePsychology of Sport and Exercisemotor learningKarakolis,Thomas; Callaghan,Jack P. Applied Ergonomics 2014,45(3): 799-806Perroni,Fabrizio; Cignitti,5Physical fitness profile of professional ItalianApplied Ergonomicsfirefighters: Differences among age groupsLamberto; Cortis,Cristina; etal.2014,45(3): 456-461 5 Representing distributed cognition in complex systems: how a submarine returns to periscope depth Stanton,Neville A. Ergonomics 2014,57(3): 403-418Davis,Matthew C.; Challenger,5Advancing socio-technical systems thinking:Applied ErgonomicsA call for braveryRose; Jayewardene,DharshanaN. W.; et al.2014,45(2): 171-180


被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Evaluation of neurofeedback in ADHD: The Arns,Martijn; Heinrich,Biological Psychology 30long and winding roadHartmut; Strehl,Ute2014,95(SI): 108-115The default network and self-generatedAndrews-Hanna,Jessica R.;Year in Cognitive Neuroscience 26thought: component processes,dynamicSmallwood,Jonathan; Spreng,2014,1316 : 29-52 control,and clinical relevanceR.Nathan22 Committee report: Publication guidelines and recommendations for studies using electroencephalography and magnetoencephalography Keil,Andreas; Debener,Stefan;Gratton,Gabriele; et al. Psychophysiology 2014,51(1): 1-21Cook,Richard; Bird,Geoffrey;Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21Mirror neurons: From origin to functionCatmur,Caroline; et al.2014,37(2): 177-192 15 Unconscious influences on decision making:A critical review Newell,Ben R.; Shanks,David R. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 2014,37(1): 1Daily profile in two circadian markersCorbalan-Tutau,Dolores;Physiology & Behavior 13"melatonin and cortisol" and associationsAntonio Madrid,Juan; Nicolas,2014,123 : 231-235 with metabolic syndrome componentsFrancisco; et al.12 Differences in negativity bias underlie variations in political ideology Hibbing,John R.; Smith,Kevin B.; Alford,John R. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 2014,37(3): 297Chimps of a feather sit together: chimpanzeeMassen,Jorg J. M.; Koski,Evolution and Human Behavior 12friendships are based on homophily inSonja E. 2014,35(1): 1-8 personality11 The auditory novelty system: An attempt to integrate human and animal research Escera,Carles; Malmierca,Manuel S. Psychophysiology 2014,51(2): 111-123Memory detection with the ConcealedMeijer,Ewout H.; Selle,Information Test: A meta analysis of skin Psychophysiology 10Nathalie Klein; Elber,Lotem; et conductance,respiration,heart rate,and P3002014,51(9):


被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物27A longitudinal study of electronic cigaretteEtter,Jean-Francois; Bullen,Addictive BehaviorsusersChris2014,39(2): 491-494Response,remission and drop-out ratesfollowing high-frequency repetitive25transcranial magnetic stimulation(rTMS)forBerlim,M. T.; van den Eynde,Psychological Medicinetreating major depression: a systematicF.; Tovar-Perdomo,S.; et al.2014,44(2): 225-239review and meta-analysis of randomized,double-blind and sham-controlled trials18 Lessons learned from the psychosis high-risk state: towards a general staging model of prodromal intervention Fusar-Poli,P.; Yung,A. R.;McGorry,P.; et al. Psychological Medicine 2014,44(1): 17-24Does Theory Influence the Effectiveness ofPrestwich,Andrew; Sniehotta,16Health Behavior Interventions?Falko F.; Whittington,Craig; etHealth PsychologyMeta-Analysisal.2014,33(5): 465-474 16 Trends in use of electronic nicotine delivery systems by adolescents Camenga,Deepa R.;Delmerico,Jennifer; Kong,Grace; et al. Addictive Behaviors 2014,39(1): 338-340The Role of the DSM-5 Personality TraitAnnual Review of Clinical16 2014,10 : 477-501 15 An overview of problematic Internet use Spada,Marcantonio M. Addictive Behaviors 2014,39(1): 3-6Model in Moving Toward a Quantitative andKrueger,Robert F.; Markon,Empirically Based Approach to ClassifyingKristianE.PsychologyPersonality and Psychopathology14Brain Networks in Schizophreniavan den Heuvel,Martijn P.;Neuropsychology ReviewFornito,Alex2014,24(1): 32-48 14 Bilingualism Does Not Alter Cognitive Decline or Dementia Risk Among Spanish-Speaking Immigrants Zahodne,Laura B.; Schofield,Peter W.; Farrell,Meagan T.; et al. Neuropsychology 2014,28(2): 238-246The Behavioral Economics of Substance UseBickel,Warren K.; Johnson,Annual Review of Clinical14Disorders: Reinforcement Pathologies andMatthew W.; Koffarnus,PsychologyTheir RepairMikhail N.; et al.2014,10 : 641-677


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