

中国学术期刊文摘 2015年13期


无人驾驶飞机(Unmanned Aerial Vehicle,UAV),简称“无人机”,是具有自主程序控制、可进行无线遥控飞行的空中飞行器,可与遥控人员协作完成半自主控制,也可在无人驾驶、控制的状态下自主操作.无人机主要包括飞机机体、飞控系统、数据链系统、发射回收系统、电源系统等,其相关技术涉及隐身、飞行控制、动力、数据链、发射与回收等方面.无人机系统的主要特点有:(1)机体灵活性好,体积小、重量轻.(2)可担负多载荷任务并进行远距离、长时间续航.(3)隐身性能好,生存能力强,费用低廉.(4)安全系数高,自主控制能力强.






截至2015年5月25日,中国知网(CNKI)和Web of Science(WOS)的数据报告显示,以“无人驾驶飞机或无人机(Unmanned Aerial Vehicle,UAV)”为词条可以检索到的期刊文献分别为1565与2976条,本专题将相关数据按照:研究机构发文数、作者发文数、期刊发文数、被引用频次进行排行,结果如下.



无人驾驶飞机(Unmanned Aerial Vehicle,UAV),简称“无人机”,是具有自主程序控制、可进行无线遥控飞行的空中飞行器,可与遥控人员协作完成半自主控制,也可在无人驾驶、控制的状态下自主操作.无人机主要包括飞机机体、飞控系统、数据链系统、发射回收系统、电源系统等,其相关技术涉及隐身、飞行控制、动力、数据链、发射与回收等方面.无人机系统的主要特点有:(1)机体灵活性好,体积小、重量轻.(2)可担负多载荷任务并进行远距离、长时间续航.(3)隐身性能好,生存能力强,费用低廉.(4)安全系数高,自主控制能力强.






截至2015年5月25日,中国知网(CNKI)和Web of Science(WOS)的数据报告显示,以“无人驾驶飞机或无人机(Unmanned Aerial Vehicle,UAV)”为词条可以检索到的期刊文献分别为1565与2976条,本专题将相关数据按照:研究机构发文数、作者发文数、期刊发文数、被引用频次进行排行,结果如下.








根据Web of Science统计数据,以无人机或无人驾驶飞机(Unmanned Aerial Vehicle,UAV)为词条可以检索到的高被引论文排行结果如下.



基于Web of Science检索结果,利用Histcite软件选取LCS(Local Citation Score,本地引用次数)TOP 30文献作为节点进行分析,得到本领域推荐的经典文献如下.

Thermal and Narrowband Multispectral Remote Sensing for Vegetation Monitoring From an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

Berni,Jose A.J; Zarco-Tejada,Pablo J; Suarez,Lola; et al.

来源出版物:IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing,2009,47(3): 722-738

Assessment of unmanned aerial vehicles imagery for quantitative monitoring of wheat crop in small plots

Lelong,Camille C.D; Burger,Philippe; Jubelin,Guillaume; et al.

来源出版物:SENSORS,2008,8(5): 3557-3585联系邮箱:Lelong,Camille C.D;

An Automated Technique for Generating Georectified Mosaics from Ultra-High Resolution Unmanned Aerial Vehicle(UAV)Imagery,Based on Structure from Motion(SfM)Point Clouds

Turner,Darren; Lucieer,Arko; Watson,Christopher

来源出版物:Remote Sensing,2012,4(5): 1392-1410

Acquisition,Orthorectification,and Object-based Classification of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle(UAV)Imagery for Rangeland Monitoring

Laliberte,Andrea S; Herrick,Jeffrey E; Rango,Albert; et al.

来源出版物:Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing,2010,76(6): 661-672

联系邮箱:Laliberte,Andrea S;

Point Cloud Generation from Aerial Image Data Acquired by a Quadrocopter Type Micro Unmanned Aerial Vehicle and a Digital Still Camera

Rosnell,Tomi; Honkavaara,Eija

来源出版物:SENSORS,2012,12(1): 453-480联系邮箱:Rosnell,Tomi;




1. 北京航空航天大学自动化科学与电气工程学院,飞行器控制一体化技术国防科技重点实验室,北京 100191

2. 沈阳飞机设计研究所,飞行控制部,沈阳 110035

3. 北京临近空间飞行器系统工程研究所,总体二室,北京 100076

4. 空军装备研究院,综合计划处,北京 100085


未来信息技术的一个必然发展趋势是智能化,而这种智能化实现的有效途径应是向自然界中多种形式的智能行为学习和模拟.自然界中的许多自适应优化现象不断给人以启示:生物体和自然生态系统可通过自身的演化就使许多在人类看起来高度复杂的优化问题得到完美的解决[1].近些年来,一些与经典的数学规划原理截然不同的、试图通过模拟自然生态系统机制以求解复杂问题的仿生智能(bio-inspired intelligence,BI)方法相继出现(如遗传算法、蚁群优化、微粒群优化、人工免疫、人工蜂群优化、文化进化、情感计算、DNA计算等),大大丰富了现代优化技术,也为那些传统最优化技术难以处理的组合优化问题提供了切实可行的解决方案[2].伴随着模拟自然与生物机理为特征的仿生智能计算时代的悄然兴起,一些仿生智能技术已在经典NP-C问题的求解和实际应用中显示出强大的生命力和进一步发展的潜力.


无人作战飞机(unmanned combat aerial vehicle,UCAV)是一种有动力、可控制、能携带多种任务设备、执行多种任务,并能重复使用的无人作战飞行器,也是一种充分利用信息技术革命成果而发展的高性能信息化武器装备平台.无人作战飞机不仅可广泛用于通讯、气象、灾害监测、农业、地质、交通等多个民用领域,而且还可应用于智能监控和侦察、人工干扰、诱饵、网点通信、对敌防空压制、攻击机/巡航导弹防御、目标攻击、空空作战、边境巡逻等军事领域.

无人作战飞机系统的每个组成部分都是一个高技术的复杂子系统,而且各个组成部分相互之间具有很强的依赖性和协调性.因此,高技术密集性和“系统之系统(system of systems)”是无人作战飞机系统的两个重要特征.无人作战飞机不仅在民用方面大显身手,而其所具有的重量轻、低成本、零伤亡、机动性高、隐蔽性好和适应性强等特点,使其可适应长时间、大纵深作战,甚至可成为空中作战武器平台,支持海、陆、空、天、电五维一体的未来高技术战争.因此,由于无人作战飞机在未来军事斗争中具有突出的地位和作用,近几年来各军兵种对无人机系统的需求十分旺盛,目前已有多种型号的无人作战飞机列入了“杀手锏”装备发展计划.当前,以美国为首的西方各国都投入大量的人力、财力和物力进行无人作战飞机的研究,美、英、法、德等国相继抛出其无人机研究方案和技术验证报告.美国国防高级研究计划局分别与空军、海军联合研制X-45A空军无人作战飞机和X-47A海军无人作战飞机.美国国防部在2005年8月8日发布的无人机路线图《无人飞行器系统路线图2005—2030》中,把无人作战飞机置于优先发展的位置(图1)[4].2007年12月18日,美国国防部又发布了《无人飞行器系统路线图2007—2032》[5],与2005版的主要区别是对无人系统收集的数据进行更加完善的标记来改进作战指挥员之间侦查、监视和情报任务的传播方式.



目前在高智能化自主无人作战飞机控制方面存在的主要问题就是无人作战飞机的自主控制性问题,这也是目前困扰各国军工科研人员的头等难题,目前的芯片处理速度还不够快,软件尤其是高度自适应的软件也没有,导致目前无人作战飞机的智能化存在处理速度慢、可靠性低等瓶颈问题[7],总的来说,无人战机的高智能自主控制是一项艰巨的工程,只有在容错技术、行为智能和自适应推理系统(如神经网络)取得突破的前提下,无人作战飞机的智能化才能成为现实.而人工脑(artificial brain)、群体智能、仿生硬件等交叉学科领域的仿生智能新技术为无人作战飞机的高度智能化工程实现提供了可行的技术途径.此外,多无人作战飞机/无人作战车异构分布协同控制也是一个新兴的战略性研究领域.






人工脑结合人工智能及控制工程理论,从人工生命的观点,用计算机作为手段再现脑的思维决策过程,用“人工脑”控制器能够使无人作战飞机具有更高的智能化.人工脑采取了两方面的实现方式:类似生命的模型(life-like modeling)和社会模型(social modeling),包括传统的用于神经系统的学习模型,如人工神经网络.人工脑控制器主要完成两方面的功能:一是控制的功能,它控制无人作战飞机的各种动作;另一个是学习的功能,首先掌握基本的生存知识和技能,然后从外界环境中学习到相关的具体知识.当然,在控制无人作战飞机飞行运动过程中也要学习和获得知识.












群体智能的上述优点已使其成为信息处理领域的一个重要研究方向.群体智能以其分布性、简单性、灵活性和健壮性在组合优化问题、知识发现、通信网络、机器人等研究领域显示出的潜力和优势,使得群体智能成为无人作战飞机控制领域一个研究新热点.据媒体报道,美国五角大楼正在资助一个称为虫群战略(swarm strategy)的群体智能研究项目,研究内容主要涉及用群体智能等技术来指挥协调无人飞行器和地面车辆的运动.








由于复杂作战态势评估的输入数据和知识库数据都含有不确定性,解决它需要从不完全、不确定的或者不精确的知识和信息中做出推理,完成对当前战场态势的解释,所以,不确定、不完全的知识如何表示,如何推理是实现态势评估所必须完成的关键所在.基于概率知识表达的Bayesian网络成为人工智能中非精确知识表达与推理领域近十几年来研究的热点,Bayesian网络(bayesian network,BN)是一种用网络拓扑来表示客观随机事件的因果关系,以Bayesian概率理论为推理基础的处理不确定性因素的工具[9].Bayesian网络具有很严密的数学依据和理论基础,其思想符合人类思考、理解、学习和抽象的过程,而且其网络结构能够很好的响应结构的改变.在不确定性问题的处理上,Bayesian网络显得非常可靠和有效.Bayesian网络的计算模型化已经成为建设决策知识系统的一个重要部分,并被称为智能软件,广泛应用于“诊断与故障检测、医疗诊断、交通管理、军事目标自动识别、数据挖掘、作战意图自动估计、信息融合”等方面.在使用Bayesian网络进行事件推理之前,首先应确定Bayesian网络结构,即根据数据进行Bayesian网络学习.而Bayesian网络结构的确定是一个被证明了的NP-hard问题,使用启发式算法是解决NP-hard问题很好的途径.可将Bayesian算法和群智能优化结合,使用群智能元启发方式指导了搜索过程.

每群智能个体使用增量式的方法构筑网络,如图6所示,定义G0为初始状态,下标0表示G为空图[10],Gh表示当前状态有h条边,智能个体每一步就是从当前某状态Gh增加一条有向边 xi←xj到新的状态Gh+1,即Gh+1= Gh∪{xi←xj},在终止状态时,已找不到新的边使G所对应的Bayesian网络打分值更高.



仿生硬件早期也称为演化硬件(evolvable hardware,EHW)[3],是一种能根据外部环境的变化而自主地、动态地改变自身的结构和行为以适应其生存环境的硬件电路,它可以像生物一样具有硬件自适应、自组织和自修复特性.早在20世纪60年代,计算机之父Neumann[11]就提出了研制具有自繁殖与自修复能力通用机器的伟大构想.1992年,日本学者Garis[12]和瑞士联邦工学院的科学家们同时提出了将FPGA的结构可重配置特性与进化算法相结合的方案,标志着仿生硬件这一新兴研究领域的正式诞生.随后仿生硬件的研究得到了迅猛发展,很多国内外学者投身其中.同时,鉴于这一新兴研究领域可望在空间探索和国防应用中产生巨大影响,美国航空航天局(national aeronautics and space administration,NASA)和国防部(department of defense,DoD)对仿生硬件也表现出极大的兴趣[13],并于1999年召开了首届NASA/DoD仿生硬件专题讨论会,之后每年都要举行一次类似的讨论会,以促进仿生硬件的理论研究和应用开发,其研究目标是研制用于航天飞机、宇宙飞船、空间探测器、人造卫星、战略飞机、核潜艇的自适应与自修复电子系统和测控系统.





































来源出版物:武汉大学学报(工学版),2004,37(6): 67-70




为了满足遥感应用对大比例尺、高分辨率的低空数字航空影像的需求,中国测绘科学研究院研制了无人机遥感监测系统UAVRS II.该系统运用了以下关键技术:①以面阵CCD数码相机、单轴稳定平台作为机载遥感设备;②研制了遥感设备控制系统,依据实时的传感器参数,控制遥感设备的姿态和曝光间隔;③地面监控系统是该遥感系统的重要组成部分,集3S技术和相关技术于一体;④利用一个两步法的相机检校方法对数字相机实施了标定;⑤利用大倾角空中三角测量、半自动匹配等技术开发了影像后处理软件.实验结果表明以该系统实施的航空摄影和数据后处理获得了预期的效果.


来源出版物:测绘通报,2005,(5): 11-14






来源出版物:飞航导弹,2005,(2): 23-27






来源出版物:系统仿真学报,2004,16(1): 20-34






来源出版物:系统工程与电子技术,2004,26(3): 418-422




本文主要研究利用数字畸变模型和附加参数的光束法平差对非量测数码相机进行内方位元素和畸变差的测定.分别运用两种检校方法对UAVRS Ⅱ无人机遥感系统机载非量测数码相机进行检校实验,并采用统一比例尺的方法进行精度比较.实验结果表明两种方法检校精度接近,证明了该面阵数码相机的畸变基本符合系统畸变规律,只存在极少量的随机畸变,也进一步证明了利用数字畸变模型纠正数码相机畸变差的可行性.


来源出版物:测绘科学,2005,30(1): 105-112联系邮箱:崔红霞,




提出了一种无人机自主着陆位置姿态的单目视觉测量方法,建立了机载摄像机的运动和投影模型.设计了新型双圆图案着陆平面靶标,采用双圆的8个公切点,产生21个具有透视投影不变性的特征点,并提出了在复杂背景中全自动双圆特征的图像提取新方法及标记特征点的方案,实验表明,768×576像素大小的图像,特征提取及标记耗时小于9 ms.仿真试验表明,摄像机距离靶标10 m左右,噪声偏差达到1.5像素时,单轴位置RMS误差小于6 cm,单轴姿态RMS误差小于0.7°,所提出的算法具有很强的抗噪声能力,能够满足无人机自主着陆位置姿态实时测量的要求.


来源出版物:航空学报,2005,26(3): 344-348






来源出版物:电光与控制,2005,12(5): 24-27






来源出版物:飞航导弹,2006(10): 9-14




无人机的航迹规划对发挥无人机的自主飞行和执行任务中起着至关重要的作用.在分析VORONOI图的性质基础上,以无人机仿真环境中作战想定与任务规划成员为背景研究基于 VORONOI图的航迹规划技术.重点讨论了如何根据威胁分布的VORONOI图建模,计算航路代价,航迹搜索和航迹优化.最后总结了算法的优缺点,提出算法的改进新方法.


来源出版物:系统仿真学报,2006,18(S2): 159-165


Decentralized overlapping control of a formation of unmanned aerial vehicles

Stipanovic,DM; Inalhan,G; Teo,R; et al.

来源出版物:Automatica,2004,40(8): 1285-1296


Visually guided landing of an unmanned aerial vehicle

Saripalli,S; Montgomery,JF; Sukhatme,GS; et al.

来源出版物:IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation,2003,19(3): 371-380


Thermal and Narrowband Multispectral Remote Sensing for Vegetation Monitoring From an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

Berni,Jose A.J; Zarco-Tejada,Pablo J; Suarez,Lola; et al.


Evolutionary algorithm based offline/online path planner for UAV navigation

Nikolos,IK; Valavanis,KP; Tsourveloudis,NC; et al.

来源出版物:IEEE Transactions on Systems Man and Cybernetics Part B-Cybernetics,2003,33(6): 898-912


A practical visual servo control for an unmanned aerial vehicle

Guenard,Nicolas; Hamel,Tarek; Mahony,Robert

来源出版物:IEEE Transactions on Robotics,2008,24(2): 331-340联系邮箱:Guenard,Nicolas;


Imaging from an unmanned aerial vehicle: agricultural surveillance and decision support

Herwitz,SR; Johnson,LF; Dunagan,SE; et al.

来源出版物:Computers and Electronics in Agriculture,2004,44(1): 49-61联系邮箱:Herwitz,SR;


Output Feedback Control of a Quadrotor UAV Using Neural Networks

Dierks,Travis; Jagannathan,Sarangapani

来源出版物:IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks,2010,21(1): 50-66


Texture and Scale in Object-Based Analysis of Subdecimeter Resolution Unmanned Aerial Vehicle(UAV)Imagery

Laliberte,Andrea S; Rango,Albert

来源出版物:IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing,2009,47(3): 761-770联系邮箱:Laliberte,AS;


A Survey of Motion Planning Algorithms from the Perspective of Autonomous UAV Guidance

Goerzen,C; Kong,Z; Mettler,B

来源出版物:Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems,2010,57(1-4): 65-100


Assessment of unmanned aerial vehicles imagery for quantitative monitoring of wheat crop in small plots

Lelong,Camille C.D; Burger,Philippe; Jubelin,Guillaume; et al.




随着数字摄影测量技术的发展,低空无人机摄影方式得到了很大的重视.在灾害应急领域,可帮助获得受灾地区高质量的正射影像图、DEM和全景图等产品,及时获取灾区的准确信息,为救灾减灾提供方便.考虑到无人机摄影不同于常规摄影方式,需要在提高大量数据的处理速度的前提下,保证处理成果的精度符合应用要求.以高分辨率遥感影像一体化测图系统(Pixel Grid)为依托,介绍对灾情发生后获得的影像数据进行快速处理的相关方法、实现技术及应用.

数字摄影测量;无人机;应急响应;Pixel Grid;数据处理

来源出版物:测绘通报,2013,(5): 62-65





来源出版物:航空学报,2013,34(2): 343-351联系邮箱:庄毅,





来源出版物:飞航导弹,2013(7): 69-72





来源出版物:控制与决策,2013,28(2): 274-278



随着我国低空空域对民用的开放,无人机(Unmanned aerial vehicles,UAVs)的应用将是一个巨大的潜在市场.目前,如何对轻便的无人机获取的图像进行全自动处理,是一项急需解决的瓶颈技术.本文将探索如何将近年来在视频、图像领域获得巨大成功的三维重建技术应用到无人机图像处理领域,对无人机图像进行全自动的大场景三维重建.本文首先给出了经典增量式三维重建方法Bundler在无人机图像处理中存在的问题,然后通过分析无人机图像的辅助信息的特点,提出了一种基于批处理重建(Batch reconstruction)框架下的鲁棒无人机图像三维重建方法.多组无人机图像三维重建实验表明:本文提出的方法在算法鲁棒性、三维重建效率与精度等方面都具有很好的结果.


来源出版物:自动化学报,2013,39(6): 834-845





来源出版物:仪器仪表学报,2014,35(7): 1451-1458联系邮箱:段海滨,





来源出版物:武汉大学学报(信息科学版),2014,39(5): 505-513联系邮箱:李明,










来源出版物:飞航导弹,2014,(3): 42-46





来源出版物:控制理论与应用,2014,31(3): 375-385联系邮箱:莫松,





来源出版物:电光与控制,2014,21(1): 1-6





来源出版物:测绘通报,2015(3): 27-31联系邮箱:毕凯,





来源出版物:系统工程与电子技术,2015,37(3): 577-582





来源出版物:西北工业大学学报,2015,33(1): 26-32



为了减少机载激光雷达(Li DAR)系统中系统误差和随机误差造成的航带间三维(3D)空间偏移,提高数据精度,选取基于数据驱动的“六参数”航带平差方法,实现无人机机载激光雷达系统的航带拼接.在分析了机载激光扫描系统的数据特征的基础上利用改进的3D正态分布变换(3D-NDT)进行航带配准,得到航带间的变换关系参数.通过具体实验对常见的迭代最近点(ICP)算法与3D正态分布变换算法进行比较,验证了该方法实现航带拼接,具有速度快、精度高、稳健性好等特点,非常适合于工程实际应用.


来源出版物:中国激光,2015,42(1): 0114002联系邮箱:裴海龙,



针对固定翼无人机(unmanned aerial vehicles,UAVs)自主着陆过程中的航迹角跟踪控制问题,提出了一种非线性增益递归滑模控制方法.通过引入一个新的非线性增益函数,并设计含有积分项的递归滑模面,在保证航迹角跟踪控制精度的同时有效改善了控制系统的动态品质,克服了常规动态面控制(dynamic surface control,DSC)方法对于量测噪声敏感、容易引起执行器饱和的缺点.理论证明了所得航迹角跟踪控制系统所有状态半全局一致最终有界,航迹角跟踪误差可以收敛至原点的指定小邻域,且对于非时变干扰和常值指令不存在稳态跟踪误差.在YF-22模型机上进行的数值仿真验证了本文方法的优越性.


来源出版物:系统科学与电子技术,2015,37(2): 379-384

Lightweight unmanned aerial vehicles will revolutionize spatial ecology

Anderson,Karen; Gaston,Kevin J

来源出版物:Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment,2013,11(3): 138-146


Comparison of Parallel Genetic Algorithm and Particle Swarm Optimization for Real-Time UAV Path Planning

Roberge,Vincent; Tarbouchi,Mohammed; Labonte,Gilles

来源出版物:IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics,2013,9(1): 132-141联系邮箱:Roberge,Vincent;

Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization and Genetic Algorithm for Multi-UAV Formation Reconfiguration

Duan,Haibin; Luo,Qinan; Ma,Guanjun; et al.

来源出版物:IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine,2013,8(3): 16-27

Unmanned aerial vehicles as innovative remote sensing platforms for high-resolution infrared imagery to support restoration monitoring in cut-over bogs

Knoth,Christian; Klein,Birte; Prinz,Torsten; et al.

来源出版物:Applied Vegetation Science,2013,16(3): 509-517联系邮箱:Kleinebecker,T;

Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles(UAV)for High-Resolution Reconstruction of Topography: The Structure from Motion Approach on Coastal Environments

Mancini,Francesco; Dubbini,Marco; Gattelli,Mario; et al.

来源出版物:Remote Sensing,2013,5(12): 6880-6898联系邮箱:Mancini,Francesco;

Direct Georeferencing of Ultrahigh-Resolution UAV Imagery

Turner,Darren; Lucieer,Arko; Wallace,Luke

来源出版物:IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing,2014,52(5): 2738-2745


Automatic Car Counting Method for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Images

Moranduzzo,Thomas; Melgani,Farid

来源出版物:IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing,2014,52(3): 1635-1647


A Novel UAV-Based Ultra-Light Weight Spectrometer for Field Spectroscopy

Burkart,Andreas; Cogliati,Sergio; Schickling,Anke; et al.

来源出版物:IEEE Sensors Journal,2014,14(1): 62-67联系邮箱:Burkart,Andreas;

High-resolution monitoring of Himalayan glacier dynamics using unmanned aerial vehicles

Immerzeel,WW; Kraaijenbrink,PDA; Shea,JM; et al.

来源出版物:Remote Sensing of Environment,2014,150: 93-103联系邮箱:Immerzeel,WW;

A Lightweight Hyperspectral Mapping System and Photogrammetric Processing Chain for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

Suomalainen,Juha; Anders,Niels; Iqbal,Shahzad; et al.

来源出版物:Remote Sensing,2014,6(11): 11013-11030联系邮箱:Suomalainen,Juha;

UAV Remote Sensing for Urban Vegetation Mapping Using Random Forest and Texture Analysis

Feng,Quanlong; Liu,Jiantao; Gong,Jianhua

来源出版物:Remote Sensing,2015,7(1): 1074-1094联系邮箱:Gong,Jianhua;

UAV circumnavigating an unknown target under a GPS-denied environment with range-only measurements


来源出版物:Automatica,2015,55: 150-158联系邮箱:CAO Yong-can;

Survey on the novel hybrid aquatic-aerial amphibious aircraft: Aquatic unmanned aerial vehicle(AquaUAV)

Yang,Xingbang; Wang,Tianmiao; Liang,Jianhong

来源出版物:Progress in Aerospace Sciences,2015,74: 131-151联系邮箱:Yang,Xingbang;

Overview and Current Status of Remote Sensing Applications Based on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles(UAVs)


来源出版物:Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing,2015,81(4): 281-329


来源出版物:Automatica,2015,53: 111-119联系邮箱:Abdessameud,Abdelkader;


Two critical limitations for using current satellite sensors in real-time crop management are the lack of imagery with optimum spatial and spectral resolutions and an unfavorable revisit time for most crop stress-detection applications. Alternatives based on manned airborne platforms are lacking due to their high operational costs. A fundamental requirement for providing useful remote sensing products in agriculture is the capacity to combine high spatial resolution and quick turnaround times. Remote sensing sensors placed on unmanned aerial vehicles(UAVs)could fill this gap,providing low-cost approaches to meet the critical requirements of spatial,spectral,and temporal resolutions. This paper demonstrates the ability to generate quantitative remote sensing products by means of a helicopter-based UAV equipped with inexpensive thermal and narrowband multispectral imaging sensors. During summer of 2007,the platform was flown over agricultural fields,obtaining thermal imagery in the 7.5-13 μm region(40 cm resolution)and narrowband multispectral imagery in the 400-800 nm spectral region(20 cm resolution). Surface reflectance and temperature imagery were obtained,after atmospheric corrections with MODTRAN. Biophysical parameters were estimated using vegetation indices,namely normalized difference vegetation index,transformed chlorophyll absorption in reflectance index/optimized soil-adjusted vegetation index,and photochemical reflectance index(PRI),coupled with SAILH and FLIGHT models. As a result,the image products of leaf area index,chlorophyll content(C(ab)),and water stress detection from PRI index and canopy temperature were produced and successfully validated. This paper demonstrates that results obtained with a low-cost UAV system for agricultural applications yielded comparable estimations,if not better,than those obtained by traditional manned airborne sensors.

Multispectral; narrowband; radiative transfer modeling; remote sensing; stress detection; thermal; unmanned aerial system(UAS); unmanned aerial vehicles(UAVs)

This paper outlines how light Unmanned Aerial Vehicles(UAV)can be used in remote sensing for precision farming. It focuses on the combination of simple digital photographic cameras with spectral filters,designed to provide multispectral images in the visible and near-infrared domains. In 2005,these instruments were fitted to powered glider and parachute,and flown at six dates staggered over the crop season. We monitored ten varieties of wheat,grown in trial micro-plots in the South-West of France. For each date,we acquired multiple views in four spectral bands corresponding to blue,green,red,and near-infrared. We then performed accurate corrections of image vignetting,geometric distortions,and radiometric bidirectional effects. Afterwards,we derived for each experimental micro-plot several vegetation indexes relevant for vegetation analyses. Finally,we sought relationships between these indexes and field-measured biophysicalparameters,both generic and date-specific. Therefore,we established a robust and stable generic relationship between,in one hand,leaf area index and NDVI and,in the other hand,nitrogen uptake and GNDVI. Due to a high amount of noise in the data,it was not possible to obtain a more accurate model for each date independently. A validation protocol showed that we could expect a precision level of 15% in the biophysical parameters estimation while using these relationships.

imagery; multispectral; precision farming; UAV

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles(UAVs)are an exciting new remote sensing tool capable of acquiring high resolution spatial data. Remote sensing with UAVs has the potential to provide imagery at an unprecedented spatial and temporal resolution. The small footprint of UAV imagery,however,makes it necessary to develop automated techniques to geometrically rectify and mosaic the imagery such that larger areas can be monitored. In this paper,we present a technique for geometric correction and mosaicking of UAV photography using feature matching and Structure from Motion(SfM)photogrammetric techniques. Images are processed to create three dimensional point clouds,initially in an arbitrary model space. The point clouds are transformed into a real-world coordinate system using either a direct georeferencing technique that uses estimated camera positions or via a Ground Control Point(GCP)technique that uses automatically identified GCPs within the point cloud. The point cloud is then used to generate a Digital Terrain Model(DTM)required for rectification of the images. Subsequent georeferenced images are then joined together to form a mosaic of the study area. The absolute spatial accuracy of the direct technique was found to be 65-120 cm whilst the GCP technique achieves an accuracy of approximately 10-15 cm.

UAV; Structure from Motion(SfM); rectify; georeferencing; mosaicking; point cloud; Digital Terrain Model(DTM)

The use of unmanned aerial vehicles(UAVs)for natural resource applications has increased considerably in recent years due to their greater availability,the miniaturization of sensors,and the ability to deploy a UAV relatively quickly and repeatedly at low altitudes. We examine in this paper the potential of using a small UAV for rangeland inventory,assessment and monitoring. Imagery with a ground resolved distance of 8 cm was acquired over a 290 ha site in southwestern Idaho. We developed a semi-automated orthorectification procedure suitable for handling large numbers of small-footprint UAV images. The geometric accuracy of the orthorectified image mosaics ranged from 1.5 m to 2 m. We used object-based hierarchical image analysis to classify imagery of plots measured concurrently on the ground using standard rangeland monitoring procedures. Correlations between image-and ground-based estimates of percent cover resulted in r-squared values ranging from 0.86 to 0.98. Time estimates indicated a greater efficiency for the image-based method compared to ground measurements. The overall classification accuracies for the two image mosaics were 83 percent and 88 percent. Even under the current limitations of operating a UAV in the National Airspace,the results of this study show that UAVs can be used successfully to obtain imagery for rangeland monitoring,and that the remote sensing approach can either complement or replace some ground-based measurements. We discuss details of the UAV mission,image processing and analysis,and accuracy assessment.

The objective of this investigation was to develop and investigate methods for point cloud generation by image matching using aerial image data collected by quadrocopter type micro unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV)imaging systems. Automatic generation of high-quality,dense point clouds from digital images by image matching is a recent,cutting-edge step forward in digital photogrammetric technology. The major components of the system for point cloud generation are a UAV imaging system,an image data collection process using high image overlaps,and post-processing with image orientation and point cloud generation. Two post-processing approaches were developed: one of the methods is based on Bae Systems’ SOCET SET classical commercial photogrammetric software and another is built using Microsoft(R)’s Photosynth(TM)service available in the Internet. Empirical testing was carried out in two test areas. Photosynth processing showed that it is possible to orient the images and generate point clouds fully automatically without any a priori orientationinformation or interactive work. The photogrammetric processing line provided dense and accurate point clouds that followed the theoretical principles of photogrammetry,but also some artifacts were detected. The point clouds from the Photosynth processing were sparser and noisier,which is to a large extent due to the fact that the method is not optimized for dense point cloud generation. Careful photogrammetric processing with self-calibration is required to achieve the highest accuracy. Our results demonstrate the high performance potential of the approach and that with rigorous processing it is possible to reach results that are consistent with theory. We also point out several further research topics. Based on theoretical and empirical results,we give recommendations for properties of imaging sensor,data collection and processing of UAV image data to ensure accurate point cloud generation.

unmanned aerial vehicle; photogrammetry; point cloud; small sensor digital camera; calibration

Decentralized overlapping feedback laws are designed for a formation of unmanned aerial vehicles. The dynamic model of the formation with an information structure constraint in which each vehicle,except the leader,only detects the vehicle directly in front of it,is treated as an interconnected system with overlapping subsystems. Using the mathematical framework of the inclusion principle,the interconnected system is expanded into a higher dimensional space in which the subsystems appear to be disjoint. Then,at each subsystem,a static state feedback controller is designed to robustly stabilize the perturbed nominal dynamics of the subsystem. The design procedure is based on the application of convex optimization tools involving linear matrix inequalities. As a final step,the decentralized controllers are contracted back to the original interconnected system for implementation.

decentralized control; robustness; reliability; information flows; large-scale systems

We present the design and implementation of a real-time,vision-based landing algorithm for an autonomous helicopter. The landing algorithm is integrated with algorithms for visual acquisition of the target(a helipad)and navigation to the target,from an arbitrary initial position and orientation. We use vision for precise target detection and recognition,and a combination of vision and Global Positioning System for navigation. The helicopter updates its landing target parameters based on vision and uses an onboard behavior-based controller to follow a path to the landing site. We present significant results from flight trials in the field which demonstrate that our detection,recognition,and control algorithms are accurate,robust,and repeatable.

autonomous helicopter; autonomous landing; unmanned aerial vehicle; vision-based navigation


An evolutionary algorithm based framework,a combination of modified,breeder genetic algorithms incorporating characteristics of classic genetic algorithms,is utilized to design an offline/online path planner for unmanned aerial vehicles(UAVs)autonomous navigation. The path planner calculates a curved path line with desired characteristics in a three-dimensional(3-D)rough terrain environment,represented using B-Spline curves,with the coordinates of its control points being the evolutionary algorithm artificial chromosome genes. Given a 3-D rough environment and assuming flight envelope restrictions,two problems are solved: i)UAV navigation using an offline planner in a known environment,and,ii)UAV navigation using an online planner in a completely unknown environment. The offline planner produces a single B-Spline curve that connects the starting and target points with a predefined initial direction. The online planner,based on the offline one,is given on-board radar readings which gradually produces a smooth 3-D trajectory aiming at reaching a predetermined target in an unknown environment; the produced trajectory consists of smaller B-Spline curves smoothly connected with each other. Both planners have been tested under different scenarios,and they have been proven effective in guiding an UAV to its final destination,providing near-optimal curved paths quickly and efficiently.

3-D path planning; B-splines; evolutionary algorithms; navigation; UAV

An image-based visual servo control is presented for an unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV)capable of stationary or quasi-stationary flight with the camera mounted onboard the vehicle. The target considered consists of a finite set of stationary and disjoint points lying in a plane. Control of the position and orientation dynamics is decoupled using a visual error based on spherical centroid data,along with estimations of the linear velocity and the gravitational inertial direction extracted from image features and an embedded inertial measurement unit. The visual error used compensates for poor conditioning of the image Jacobian matrix by introducing a nonhomogeneous gain term adapted to the visual sensitivity of the error measurements. A nonlinear controller,that ensures exponential convergence of the system considered,is derived for the full dynamics of the system using control Lyapunov function design techniques. Experimental results on a quadrotor UAV,developed by the French Atomic Energy Commission,demonstrate the robustness and performance of the proposed control strategy.

aerial robotic vehicle; experiments; image-based visual servo(IBVS); underactuated systems

In September 2002,NASA’s solar-powered Pathfinder-Plus unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV)was used to conduct a proof-of-concept mission in US national airspace above the 1500 ha plantation of the Kauai Coffee Company in Hawaii. While in national airspace,the transponder-equipped UAV was supervised by regional air traffic controllers and treated like a conventionally piloted aircraft. High resolution color and multispectral imaging payloads,both drawing from the aircraft's solar power system,were housed in exterior-mounted environmental pressure pods. A local area network(LAN)using unlicensed radio frequency was used for camera control and downlink of image data at rates exceeding 5 Mbit s-1. A wide area network(WAN)allowed a project investigator stationed on the US mainland to uplink control commands during part of the mission. Images were available for enhancing,printing,and interpretation within minutes of collection. The color images were useful for mapping invasive weed outbreaks and for revealing irrigation and fertilization anomalies. Multispectral-imagery was related to mature fruit harvest from certain fields with significant fruit display on the tree canopy exterior. During 4 h “loitering” above the plantation,ground-based pilots were able to precisely navigate the UAV along pre-planned flightlines,and also perform spontaneous maneuvers under the direction of the project scientist for image collection in cloud-free zones. Despite the presence of ground-obscuring cumulus cloud cover of ca. 70% during the image collection period,the UAV's maneuvering capability ultimately enabled collection of cloud-free imagery throughout most of the plantation. The mission demonstrated the capability of a slow-flying UAV,equipped with downsized imaging systems and line-of-sight telemetry,to monitor a localized agricultural region for an extended time period. The authors suggest that evolving long-duration(weeks to months)UAVs stand to make a valuable future contribution to regional agricultural resource monitoring.

unmanned aerial vehicle; Pathfinder-Plus UAV; multispectral imaging; local area network; ripeness monitoring; weed mapping;fertigation; coffee

In this paper,a new nonlinear controller for a quadrotor unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV)is proposed using neural networks(NNs)and output feedback. The assumption on the availability of UAV dynamics is not always practical,especially in an outdoor environment. Therefore,in this work,an NN is introduced to learn the complete dynamics of the UAV online,including uncertain nonlinear terms like aerodynamic friction and blade flapping. Although a quadrotor UAV is underactuated,a novel NN virtual control input scheme is proposed which allows all six degrees of freedom(DOF)of the UAV to be controlled using only four control inputs. Furthermore,an NN observer is introduced to estimate the translational and angular velocities of the UAV,and an output feedback control law is developed in which only the position and the attitude of the UAV are considered measurable. It is shown using Lyapunov theory that the position,orientation,and velocity tracking errors,the virtual control and observer estimation errors,and the NN weight estimation errors for each NN are all semiglobally uniformly ultimately bounded(SGUUB)in the presence of bounded disturbances and NN functional reconstruction errors while simultaneously relaxing the separation principle. The effectiveness of proposed output feedback control scheme is then demonstrated in the presence of unknown nonlinear dynamics and disturbances,and simulation results are included to demonstrate the theoreticalconjecture.

Lyapunov method; neural network(NN); observer; output feedback; quadrotor unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV)

Imagery acquired with unmanned aerial vehicles(UAVs)has great potential for incorporation into natural resource monitoring protocols due to their ability to be deployed quickly and repeatedly and to fly at low altitudes. While the imagery may have high spatial resolution,the spectral resolution is low when lightweight off-the-shelf digital cameras are used,and the inclusion or texture measures can potentially increase the classification accuracy. Texture measures have been used widely in pixel-based image analysis,but their use in an object-based environment has not been well documented. Our objectives were to determine the most suitable texture measures and the optimal image analysis scale for differentiating rangeland vegetation using UAV imagery segmented at multiple scales. A decision tree was used to determine the optimal texture features for each segmentation scale. Results indicated the following: 1)The error rate of the decision tree was lower; 2)prediction success was higher; 3)class separability was greater; and 4)overall accuracy was higher(high 90% range)at coarser segmentation scales. The inclusion of texture measures increased classification accuracies at nearly all segmentation scales,and entropy was the texture measure with the highest score in most decision trees. The results demonstrate that UAVs are viable platforms for rangeland monitoring and that the drawbacks of low-cost off-the-shelf digital cameras can be overcome by including texture measures and using object-based image analysis which is highly suitable for very high resolution imagery.

Object-based classification; rangelands; scale; texture; unmanned aircraft

A fundamental aspect of autonomous vehicle guidance is planning trajectories. Historically,two fields have contributed to trajectory or motion planning methods: robotics and dynamics and control. The former typically have a stronger focus on computational issues and real-time robot control,while the latter emphasize the dynamic behavior and more specific aspects of trajectory performance. Guidance for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles(UAVs),including fixed- and rotary-wing aircraft,involves significant differences from most traditionally defined mobile and manipulator robots. Qualities characteristic to UAVs include non-trivial dynamics,three-dimensional environments,disturbed operating conditions,and high levels of uncertainty in state knowledge. Otherwise,UAV guidance shares qualities with typical robotic motion planning problems,including partial knowledge of the environment and tasks that can range from basic goal interception,which can be precisely specified,to more general tasks like surveillance and reconnaissance,which are harder to specify. These basic planning problems involve continual interaction with the environment. The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of existing motion planning algorithms while adding perspectives and practical examples from UAV guidance approaches.

Autonomous; UAV; Guidance; Trajectory; Motion planning; Optimization; Heuristics; Complexity; Algorithm


Ecologists require spatially explicit data to relate structure to function. To date,heavy reliance has been placed on obtaining such data from remote-sensing instruments mounted on spacecraft or manned aircraft,although the spatial and temporal resolutions of the data are often not suited to local-scale ecological investigations. Recent technological innovations have led to an upsurge in the availability of unmanned aerial vehicles(UAVs)-aircraft remotely operated from the ground-and there are now many lightweight UAVs on offer at reasonable costs. Flying low and slow,UAVs offer ecologists new opportunities for scale-appropriate measurements of ecological phenomena. Equipped with capable sensors,UAVs can deliver fine spatial resolution data at temporal resolutions defined by the end user. Recent innovations in UAV platform design have been accompanied by improvements in navigation and the miniaturization of measurement technologies,allowing the study of individual organisms and their spatiotemporal dynamics at close range.

remotely-sensed data; aircraft systems; UAV; scale; temperature; photography; vegetation; imagery; biodiversity; camera

The development of autonomous unmanned aerial vehicles(UAVs)is of high interest to many governmental and military organizations around the world. An essential aspect of UAV autonomy is the ability for automatic path planning. In this paper,we use the genetic algorithm(GA)and the particle swarm optimization algorithm(PSO)to cope with the complexity of the problem and compute feasible and quasi-optimal trajectories for fixed wing UAVs in a complex 3D environment,while considering the dynamic properties of the vehicle. The characteristics of the optimal path are represented in the form of a multiobjective cost function that we developed. The paths produced are composed of line segments,circular arcs and vertical helices. We reduce the execution time of our solutions by using the“single-program,multiple-data” parallel programming paradigm and we achieve real-time performance on standard commercial off-the-shelf multicore CPUs. After achieving a quasi-linear speedup of 7.3 on 8 cores and an execution time of 10 s for both algorithms,we conclude that by using a parallel implementation on standard multicore CPUs,real-time path planning for UAVs is possible. Moreover,our rigorous comparison of the two algorithms shows,with statistical significance,that the GA produces superior trajectories to the PSO.

Genetic algorithm(GA); path planning; particle swarm optimization(PSO); parallel computing; unmanned aerial vehicles(UAVs)

Given the initial state of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle(UAV)system and the relative state of the system,the continuous inputs of each flight unit are piecewise linear by a Control Parameterization and Time Discretization(CPTD)method. The approximation piecewise linearization control inputs are used to substitute for the continuous inputs. In this way,the multi-UAV formation reconfiguration problem can be formulated as an optimal control problem with dynamical and algebraic constraints. With strict constraints and mutual interference,the multi-UAV formation reconfiguration in 3-D space is a complicated problem. The recent boom of bio-inspired algorithms has attractedmany researchers to the field of applying such intelligent approaches to complicated optimization problems in multi-UAVs. In this paper,a Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization and Genetic Algorithm(HPSOGA)is proposed to solve the multi-UAV formation reconfiguration problem,which is modeled as a parameter optimization problem. This new approach combines the advantages of Particle Swarm Optimization(PSO)and Genetic Algorithm(GA),which can find the time-optimal solutions simultaneously. The proposed HPSOGA will also be compared with basic PSO algorithm and the series of experimental results will show that our HPSOGA outperforms PSO in solving multi-UAV formation reconfiguration problem under complicated environments.

formation flight control; evolutionary; model; spacecraft; vehicles; robots; teams

Can UAV-based NIR remote sensing support restoration monitoring of cut-over bogs by providing valid information on species distribution and surface structure? Location Restored polders of the Uchter Moor,a bog complex in NW Germany. Methods We used autonomously flying quadrocopters,supplied with either a panchromatic or colour infrared calibrated small frame digital camera to generate high resolution images of the restored bog surface. We performed a two-step classification process of automatic image segmentation and object-based classification to distinguish between four pre-defined classes(waterlogged bare peat,Sphagnum spp.,Eriophorum vaginatum and Betula pubescens. An independent validation procedure was performed to evaluate the accuracy of the classification. Results A set-up composed of decision rules for reflectance,geometry and textural features was applied for identification of the four classes. The presented classification revealed an overall accuracy level of 91%. Most reliable attribution was obtained for waterlogged bare peat and Sphagnum-covered surfaces,revealing producer accuracies of 95% and 91%,respectively. Lower but still feasible accuracy levels were obtained for Eriophorum vaginatum and Betula pubescens individuals(89% and 84%,respectively). Conclusions UAV-based NIR remote sensing is a promising tool for monitoring the restoration of cut-over bogs and has the potential to significantly reduce laborious field surveys. UAVs may increasingly play a significant role in future ecological monitoring studies,since they are small in size,highly flexible,easy to handle,non-emissive and available at a comparatively low cost.

Bog vegetation; Colour infrared; Eriophorum; Near-infrared; Object-based image classification; Sphagnum; UAV

The availability of high-resolution Digital Surface Models of coastal environments is of increasing interest for scientists involved in the study of the coastal system processes. Among the range of terrestrial and aerial methods available to produce such a dataset,this study tests the utility of the Structure from Motion(SfM)approach to low-altitude aerial imageries collected by Unmanned Aerial Vehicle(UAV). The SfM image-based approach was selected whilst searching for a rapid,inexpensive,and highly automated method,able to produce 3D information from unstructured aerial images. In particular,it was used to generate a dense point cloud and successively a high-resolution Digital Surface Models(DSM)of a beach dune system in Marina di Ravenna(Italy). The quality of the elevation dataset produced by the UAV-SfM was initially evaluated by comparison with point cloud generated by a Terrestrial Laser Scanning(TLS)surveys. Such a comparison served to highlight an average difference in the vertical values of 0.05 m(RMS=0.19 m). However,although the points cloud comparison is the best approach to investigate the absolute or relative correspondence between UAV and TLS methods,the assessment of geomorphic features is usually based on multi-temporal surfaces analysis,where an interpolation process is required. DSMs were therefore generated from UAV and TLS points clouds and vertical absolute accuracies assessed by comparison with a Global Navigation Satellite System(GNSS)survey. The vertical comparison of UAV and TLS DSMs with respect to GNSS measurements pointed out an average distance at cm-level(RMS=0.011 m). The successive point by point direct comparison between UAV and TLS elevations show a very small average distance,0.015 m,with RMS=0.220 m. Larger values are encountered in areas where sudden changes in topography are present. The UAV-based approach was demonstrated to be a straightforward one and accuracy of the vertical dataset was comparable with results obtained by TLS technology.

UAV; structure from motion; terrestrial laser scanning; digital surface model; beach dunes system

Micro-unmanned aerial vehicles often collect a large amount of images when mapping an area at an ultrahigh resolution. A direct georeferencing technique potentially eliminates the need for ground control points. In this paper,we developed a camera-global positioningsystem(GPS)module to allow the synchronization of camera exposure with the airframe's position as recorded by a GPS with 10-20 cm accuracy. Lever arm corrections were applied to the camera positions to account for the positional difference between the GPS antenna and the camera center. Image selection algorithms were implemented to eliminate blurry images and images with excessive overlap. This study compared three different software methods(Photoscan,Pix4D web service,and an in-house Bundler method). We evaluated each based on processing time,ease of use,and the spatial accuracy of the final mosaic produced. Photoscan showed the best performance as it was the fastest and the easiest to use and had the best spatial accuracy(average error of 0.11 m with a standard deviation of 0.02 m). This accuracy is limited by the accuracy of the differential GPS unit(10-20 cm)used to record camera position. Pix4D achieved a mean spatial error of 0.24 m with a standard deviation of 0.03 m,while the Bundler method had the worst mean spatial accuracy of 0.76 m with a standard deviation of 0.15 m. The lower performance of the Bundler method was due to its poor performance in estimating camera focal length,which,in turn,introduced large errors in the Z-axis for the translation equations.

Remote sensing; unmanned aerial vehicles(UAVs)

This paper presents a solution to solve the car detection and counting problem in images acquired by means of unmanned aerial vehicles(UAVs). UAV images are characterized by a very high spatial resolution(order of few centimeters),and consequently by an extremely high level of details which calls for appropriate automatic analysis methods. The proposed method starts with a screening step of asphalted zones in order to restrict the areas where to detect cars and thus to reduce false alarms. Then,it performs a feature extraction process based on scalar invariant feature transform thanks to which a set of keypoints is identified in the considered image and opportunely described. Successively,it discriminates between keypoints assigned to cars and all the others,by means of a support vector machine classifier. The last step of our method is focused on the grouping of the keypoints belonging to the same car in order to get a “one keypoint-one car”relationship. Finally,the number of cars present in the scene is given by the number of final keypoints identified. The experimental results obtained on a real UAV scene characterized by a spatial resolution of 2 cm show that the proposed method exhibits a promising car counting accuracy.

Car detection; feature extraction; scale invariant feature transform(SIFT); support vector machine(SVM); unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV)

A novel hyperspectral measurement system for unmanned aerial vehicles(UAVs)in the visible to near infrared(VIS/NIR)range(350-800 nm)was developed based on the Ocean Optics STS microspectrometer. The ultralight device relies on small open source electronics and weighs a ready-to-fly 216 g. The airborne spectrometer is wirelessly synchronized to a second spectrometer on the ground for simultaneous white reference collection. In this paper,the performance of the system is investigated and specific issues such as dark current correction or second order effects are addressed. Full width at half maximum was between 2.4 and 3.0 nm depending on the spectral band. The functional system was tested in flight at a 10-m altitude against a current field spectroscopy gold standard device Analytical Spectral Devices Field Spec 4 over an agricultural site. A highly significant correlation(r(2)>0.99)was found in reflection comparing both measurement approaches. Furthermore,the aerial measurements have a six times smaller standard deviation than the hand held measurements. Thus,the present spectrometer opens a possibility for low-cost but high-precision field spectroscopy from UAVs.

Hyperspectral sensors; remote sensing; unmanned aerial vehicles; vegetation; calibration

Himalayan glacier tongues are commonly debris covered and they are an important source of melt water. However,they remain relatively unstudied because of the inaccessibility of the terrain and the difficulties in field work caused by the thick debris mantles. Observations of debris-covered glaciers are therefore scarce and airborne remote sensing may bridge the gap between scarce field observations and coarse resolution space-borne remote sensing. In this study we deploy an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle(UAV)before and after the melt and monsoon season(May and October 2013)over the debris-covered tongue of the Lirung Glacier in Nepal. Based on stereo-imaging and the structure for motion algorithm we derive highly detailed ortho-mosaics and digital elevation models(DEMs),which we geometrically correct using differential GPS observations collected in the field. Based on DEM differencing and manual featuretracking we derive the mass loss and the surface velocity of the glacier at a high spatial accuracy. On average,mass loss is limited and the surface velocity is very small. However,the spatial variability of melt rates is very high,and ice cliffs and supra-glacial ponds show mass losses that can be an order of magnitude higher than the average. We suggest that future research should focus on the interaction between supraglacial ponds,ice cliffs and englacial hydrology to further understand the dynamics of debris-covered glaciers. Finally,we conclude that UAV deployment has large potential in glaciology and it may revolutionize methods currently applied in studying glacier surface features.

UAV; Photogrammetry; DEM differencing; Himalaya; Glacier dynamics; Climate change; Ice cliffs; Supra-glacial ponds

During the last years commercial hyperspectral imaging sensors have been miniaturized and their performance has been demonstrated on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles(UAV). However currently the commercial hyperspectral systems still require minimum payload capacity of approximately 3 kg,forcing usage of rather large UAVs. In this article we present a lightweight hyperspectral mapping system(HYMSY)for rotor-based UAVs,the novel processing chain for the system,and its potential for agricultural mapping and monitoring applications. The HYMSY consists of a custom-made pushbroom spectrometer(400-950 nm,9 nm FWHM,25 lines/s,328 px/line),a photogrammetric camera,and a miniature GPS-Inertial Navigation System. The weight of HYMSY in ready-to-fly configuration is only 2.0 kg and it has been constructed mostly from off-the-shelf components. The processing chain uses a photogrammetric algorithm to produce a Digital Surface Model(DSM)and provides high accuracy orientation of the system over the DSM. The pushbroom data is georectified by projecting it onto the DSM with the support of photogrammetric orientations and the GPS-INS data. Since an up-to-date DSM is produced internally,no external data are required and the processing chain is capable to georectify pushbroom data fully automatically. The system has been adopted for several experimental flights related to agricultural and habitat monitoring applications. For a typical flight,an area of 2-10 ha was mapped,producing a RGB orthomosaic at 1-5 cm resolution,a DSM at 5-10 cm resolution,and a hyperspectral datacube at 10-50 cm resolution.

Unmanned Aerial Vehicle(UAV); hyperspectral mapping system; agriculture; remote sensing; photogrammetry

Unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV)remote sensing has great potential for vegetation mapping in complex urban landscapes due to the ultra-high resolution imagery acquired at low altitudes. Because of payload capacity restrictions,off-the-shelf digital cameras are widely used on medium and small sized UAVs. The limitation of low spectral resolution in digital cameras for vegetation mapping can be reduced by incorporating texture features and robust classifiers. Random Forest has been widely used in satellite remote sensing applications,but its usage in UAV image classification has not been well documented. The objectives of this paper were to propose a hybrid method using Random Forest and texture analysis to accurately differentiate land covers of urban vegetated areas,and analyze how classification accuracy changes with texture window size. Six least correlated second-order texture measures were calculated at nine different window sizes and added to original Red-Green-Blue(RGB)images as ancillary data. A Random Forest classifier consisting of 200 decision trees was used for classification in the spectral-textural feature space. Results indicated the following:(1)Random Forest outperformed traditional Maximum Likelihood classifier and showed similar performance to object-based image analysis in urban vegetation classification;(2)The inclusion of texture features improved classification accuracy significantly;(3)classification accuracy followed an inverted U relationship with texture window size. The results demonstrate that UAV provides an efficient and ideal platform for urban vegetation mapping. The hybrid method proposed in this paper shows good performance in differentiating urban vegetation mapping. The drawbacks of off-the-shelf digital cameras can be reduced by adopting Random Forest and texture analysis at the same time.

UAV; vegetation mapping; urban landscape; random forest; texture analysis

One typical application of unmanned aerial vehicles(UAVs)is the intelligence,surveillance,and reconnaissance mission,where the objective is to improve situation awareness through information acquisition. For example,an efficient way to gather information regarding a target is to deploy UAV in such a way that it orbits around this target at a desired distance. Such a UAV motion is called circumnavigation. The objective of this paper is to design a control algorithm such that this circumnavigation mission is achieved under a GPS-denied environment when only range measurement is used. The control algorithm is constructed in two steps. The first step is to design a control algorithm by assuming the availability of both range and range rate measurements,where the associated control input isalways bounded. The second stevis to further eliminate the use of range rate measurement by using an estimated range rate,obtained via a sliding-mode estimator based on range measurement,to replace actual range rate measurement. Such a controller design technique is applicable in other UAV navigation and control missions when a GPS-denied environment is considered.

UAV; Autonomy; Joint estimation and control; Sliding-mode estimator; GPS-denied environment

The aquatic unmanned aerial vehicle(AquaUAV),a kind of vehicle that can operate both in the air and the water,has been regarded as a new breakthrough to broaden the application scenario of UAV. Wide application prospects in military and civil field are more than bright,therefore many institutions have focused on the development of such a vehicle. However,due to the significant difference of the physical properties between the air and the water,it is rather difficult to design a fully-featured AquaUAV. Until now,majority of partially-featured AquaUAVs have been developed and used to verify the feasibility of an aquatic-aerial vehicle. In the present work,we classify the current partially-featured AquaUAV into three categories from the scope of the whole UAV field,i.e.,the seaplane UAV,the submarine-launched UAV,and the submersible UAV. Then the recent advancements and common characteristics of the three kinds of AquaUAVs are reviewed in detail respectively. Then the applications of bionics in the design of AquaUAV,the transition mode between the air and the water,the morphing wing structure for air-water adaptation,and the power source and the propulsion type are summarized and discussed. The tradeoff analyses for different transition methods between the air and the water are presented. Furthermore,it indicates that applying the bionics into the design and development of the AquaUAV will be essential and significant. Finally,the significant technical challenges for the AquaUAV to change from a conception to a practical prototype are indicated.

Bionics; Aquatic-aerial operation; Aquatic unmanned aerial vehicle(AquaUAV); Air-water transition; Water-air transition;Morphing structure

Remotely Piloted Aircraft(RPA)is presently in continuous development at a rapid pace. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles(UAVs)or more extensively Unmanned Aerial Systems(UAS)are platforms considered under the RPAs paradigm. Simultaneously,the development of sensors and instruments to be installed onboard such platforms is growing exponentially. These two factors together have led to the increasing use of these platforms and sensors for remote sensing applications with new potential. Thus,the overall goal of this paper is to provide a panoramic overview about the current status of remote sensing applications based on unmanned aerial platforms equipped with a set of specific sensors and instruments. First,some examples of typical platforms used in remote sensing are provided. Second,a description of sensors and technologies is explored which are onboard instruments specifically intended to capture data for remote sensing applications. Third,multi-UAVs in collaboration,coordination,and cooperation in remote sensing are considered. Finally,a collection of applications in several areas are proposed,where the combination of unmanned platforms and sensors,together with methods,algorithms,and procedures provide the overview in very different remote sensing applications. This paper presents an overview of different areas,each independent from the others,so that the reader does not need to read the full paper when a specific application is of interest.

structure-from-motion; sagebrush steppe ecosystems; synthetic-aperture radar; wireless sensor network; narrow-band indexes;antarctic moss beds; laser-scanning data; water-stress index; leaf-area index; high-resolution

Image-based tracking control of VTOL unmanned aerial vehicles

Abdessameud,Abdelkader; Janabi-Sharifi,Farrokh

This paper addresses the image-based control problem of vertical take-off and landing(VTOL)unmanned aerial vehicles(UAVs). Specifically,we propose a control scheme allowing the aircraft to track a moving target captured by an onboard camera where the orientation and angular velocity of the vehicle are assumed available for feedback. The proposed approach relies on appropriate image features,defined based on perspective image moments along with a useful projection,and the design of a bounded adaptive translational controller without linear velocity measurements in the presence of external disturbances. Estimates of the target’s acceleration and the disturbances as well as some auxiliary variables are used to simplify the control design and guarantee the stability of the overall closed loop system. Simulation examples are provided to show the effectiveness of the proposed theoretical results.

Image-based control; Unmanned aerial vehicles; VTOL; Target tracking

本领域经典文章题目第一作者来源出版物1Thermal and Narrowband Multispectral Remote Sensing for Vegetation Monitoring From an Unmanned Aerial VehicleBerni,Jose A. JIEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing,2009,47(3): 722-738 2 Assessment of unmanned aerial vehicles imagery for Lelong,Camille quantitative monitoring of wheat crop in small plots C. D SENSORS,2008,8(5): 3557-3585 3 An Automated Technique for Generating Georectified Mosaics from Ultra-High Resolution Unmanned Aerial Vehicle(UAV)Imagery,Based on Structure from Motion(SfM)Point Clouds Turner,DarrenRemote Sensing,2012,4(5): 1392-1410 Acquisition,Orthorectification,and Object-based 4 Classification of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle(UAV)Laliberte,Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Imagery for Rangeland Monitoring Andrea S Sensing,2010,76(6): 661-672 5 Point Cloud Generation from Aerial Image Data Acquired by a Quadrocopter Type Micro Unmanned Aerial Vehicle and a Digital Still Camera Rosnell,TomiSENSORS,2012,12(1): 453-480



Global analyses of sea surface temperature, sea ice, and night marine air temperature since the latenineteenth century