体验共鸣之旅 创见美好未来
□文/本刊记者 胡欣
中国青年友好使者代表团是韩国国际交流财团主办的两国青年交流活动,已经连续举办七个年头了。此次访问的主题为“迈向创新 共鸣之旅”。在韩访问期间,代表团先后访问了首尔、水原、京畿道、济州岛等地的政府部门和知名企业。团员们对韩国在环境治理、经济技术革新、文化传承推广等方面印象深刻,对韩国也有了更加全面深入、真实的了解。
环保:从垃圾堆变身“dream park”
此次中国青年友好使者代表团访问行程中,有一处参观点是韩国首都圈垃圾填埋地。正当我们质疑垃圾堆有什么好看的时候,车子缓缓驶入了填埋现场,颠覆了我们对垃圾填埋臭气熏天、污水横流的固有印象,呈现在眼前的是鸟语花香、绿意盎然的公园,一如它的名字“Dream Park”——梦幻公园。
From June 1stto 8th,2015,as a representative of Chongqing’s young civil servants and one of the 180 team members in China Youth Envoy of Friendship Delegation(CYEFD),I paid an 8-day visit to Korea with team members that came from Beijing,Shandong,Tianjin,Sichuan and other fi ve provinces.
CYEFD is sponsored by Korean Foundation for International Communication. It is an activity for young people from the two countries to communicate and this is its seventh year. This year’s topic is “Travelling and Innovation”. During the visit,our delegation went to local governments and enterprises in Seoul,Suwon,Gyeonggi-do and Jeju Island. Team members were impressed by Korea’s environment management,innovation in economy and technology and cultural inheritance,thus having a deeper and more real understanding of Korea.
The early summer in Korea is very lovely,different from the damp and hot weather in Chongqing. It is undoubtedly a great opportunityf for me,a media worker dealing with foreign affairs,to be able to see in person the “Han River Miracle”,which was achieved by developing export-oriented economy. When the trip was about to end,Zhou Huajian’s song Friend was displayed at the ceremony “Friends accompany you all your life,the good old days are gone…”. Some pictures captured during the trip were displayed on the screen. all good memories in the past eight days flashed in front of my eyes,making fresh again what I have seen - Korea’s achievements in innovation,sustainable development and culture inheritance.
Samsung Innovation Museum
Korea’s capital circle landfill site
Innovation: the New Drive to Korea’s Economic Increase
Korea has a small land area and poor resources. What have made it to achieve such great economic accomplishment?We found the answer in Samsung Innovation Museum and Kyungpook Innovative Economy Center.
Samsung Innovation Museum displays the past,present and future of electronic industry. It covers from inventions by Michael,Faraday,Thomas,Edison,Graham and Bell,the evolution of telephones and televisions,to modern mobile devices and smart families. The museum is highly technological. The introduction screen adopts installation art and uses a hood to surround visitors,giving them a 360 degree experience. all the exhibits are displayed behind theinteractive glass walls. Visitors could see introductions of the exhibits from the glass walls and could touch and select for further introduction. The museum gathers some electronic innovations in the history. These innovations laid a foundation for science and technology,and are helpful to the development and improvement of products.
Kyungpook Innovative Economy Center was set up in 2014. This entrepreneurship guidance organization was proposed by government,and was operated by Samsung. anyone or any organization who meets the demands could apply to the center for using mature experience from big companies. The big companies would provide help like allowing to use their patents for free and give the startup capital to support them. Some team members said this center is similar to but not the same as the business incubator in China. China’s incubators lack in experienced and market-minded companies to participate in them. Starting up a business should not be just a saying; it needs necessary guidance and informing. We should learn from Korea’s big companies’ pattern.
Environment Protection: From Garbage Heaps to “Dream Park”
One of the delegation’s visit sites is Korea’s capital circle landfi ll site. Just as we doubted the meaning of visiting landfi ll site,the car drove us into the site. Our impression of bad smell and waste water were overturned by the green garden with the birds’ twittering and the fragrance of fl owers. This park’s name is “Dream Park”.
We were told that there are four landfi lls,covering an area of 16 million square meters,equivalent to 2,800 soccer pitches. The total landfi ll amounts to 228 million tons and is expected to expire in 2044.
“Guess whether the trees are authentic or fake?” The staff asked us on the palms outside the window. The palms’ trunks are used to collect marsh gas. Previous marsh gas coming from burying process has been disposed by burning. Now,dense pipelines are used to collect the marsh gas to put the 50,000kw power station into motion. The power generated here are enough for a year’s use for 180,000 people in Gyeonggido. Starting from March 2007,it was put into commercial operation. Private companies led to set up power stations and they recouped the capital outlay by operation.
The wild garden in the landfill was used to be an open coal ash storage area. Now there are 860,000 square meters of pampas grass,daisy garden and natural wetland for public relaxation. The first landfill was completed in October 2000. Sports park,fl ight sports park,golf course and a gymnasium were built after that. In 2014,it was served as a course for the asian Games.
Korea’s capital circle landfill is not only a landfill of garbage. It is secure landfi ll and green landfi ll with the concept of green principle. The once disgusted landfill now has been transformed into Korea’s ecological garden. It reaches the harmony of people and nature.
Inheritance: Value on National Tradition and Cultural Education
You can definitely feel Korean’s sense of national pride when talking with them. Their pride comes from their country’s success in economy,as well as the pride for their history and culture.
although not as large as China’s historical relics,Koreans value much on the relics. When visiting the Seokguram,we took 20 minutes to climb but when we arrived,we found that it was not allowed to watch at a close distance. all the Seokgurams were protected by glass. We could barely see anything from the glass. although we were a little disappointed,we could see Korean’s serious attitude on the protection of historical relics.
What attracted me more are the culture shows. For example,the Suwon Hwaseong Fortress has traditional martial art show - 24 skills show. It is a set of 24 skills of martial arts combined from the martial arts coming from North Korea,Chinese martial arts and Japanese arts. It has high historical value,artistic value and fitness value. Performances are conducted along the ancient rite. The clothes and weapons were examined closely to put into use and had attracted much attention.
There are many museums in Korea. The content and display were vivid and easy to take in. They use multimedia,modern methods of sound,light and electricity to become interactive. In the museum of former house of Korea Park Chung Hee,former president of Korea,dome fi lm were showing his life story. Visitors lied on their backs and were surrounded by the screen. The screen was like the sky. No matter from which angle of view,visitors could all see the complete image clearly with dimensional sound. We were touched by the history sences.
Most of the museums and historical sites are free to youngsters. We could always see student groups led by their teachers or parents to learn their history and culture. They got to know the history and modern life in Korea via videos and exhibits. They didn’t repudiate their traditional history; instead,they carried the advantages of their traditional culture forward. Their collectivism,nationalism,patriotism,hardworking character and team spirit inject great spiritual drive to Korea’s economy development.
Traveling in Korea and Creating a Bright Future——Impression ofVisiting Korea with CYEFD
□Written by Hu Xin