Species contributions to PM2.5mass concentrations: Revisiting common assumptions forestimating organic mass
Turpin,BJ; Lim,HJ
2013年2月,全国科学技术名词审定委员会将PM2.5的中文名称命名为细颗粒物,指环境空气中空气动力学当量直径小于等于2.5 μm的颗粒物,它能较长时间悬浮于空气中,其在空气中含量浓度越高,就代表空气污染越严重.其来源分为自然源和人为源两种,危害较大的是后者,主要是各种工业过程、供热过程中燃煤、燃气或燃油排放的烟尘.细颗粒物因粒径小,并且富含大量有毒、有害物质且在大气中的停留时间长、输送距离远,因而对人体健康和大气环境质量的影响非常大.
截止到2014年12月4日,根据中国知网(CNKI)和Web of Science数据报告显示,有关PM2.5与雾霾研究的期刊文献分别为944与1984条,本文将相关数据按照:机构发文数、作者发文数、期刊发文数、被引用频次进行排行,结果如下.
(数据来源:Web of science)
来源出版物:环境科学研究,2000,13(1): 1-5
摘要:报告了1995—1996年在中国的广州、武汉、兰州、重庆4大城市8个采样点PM2.5、PM2.5~10和PM10的监测结果.结果表明,1995年PM2.5年均值浓度为57~160 g/m3,比美国1997年颁布的标准值(15 μg/m3)高2.8~9.7倍.PM10年日均值为95~273 μg/m3.除武汉市1个对照点外,其余7个监测点的PM10均超过我国空气质量二极标准(100 μg/m3)28%~173%,比美国标准(50 μg/m3)超过更多,说明污染是相当严重的.用XRF分析了PM2.5、PM2.5~10中42种化学元素,结果表明,燃煤、燃油和其它工业污染的元素As、Pb、Se、Zn、Cu、CI、Br、S在这些颗粒物中有明显富集,特别是在PM2.5中的富集倍数达数十倍至数万倍,对人体健康有很大危害.
来源出版物:中国环境监测,2001,17(7): 1-6
来源出版物:中国环境科学,1999,29(2): 133-137
来源出版物:中国环境科学,2002,22(4): 47-50
来源出版物:环境科学研究,2005,18(5): 1-5
来源出版物:气象学报,2006,64(2): 221-228联系邮箱:王京丽,;
摘要:在连续2年进行累积1周同步采样的基础上,对北京市城区和居住区2个采样点环境空气中PM2.5的浓度及其时间变化特征进行了分析.PM2.5周平均浓度的变化范围为37~346 g/m3,年均浓度接近或超过PM10的二级年均标准.PM2.5浓度具有明显的季节变化特征,即冬季最高,夏季最低.2个采样点PM2.5浓度的周变化与季节变化均相似.PM2.5与PM10、TSP的比值均在冬季最高,春季最低,反映采暖燃烧源对细颗粒物的贡献较大,而沙尘天气对粗颗粒物的贡献较大;其年均值分别为55%和29%.
来源出版物:中国环境科学,2002,22(6): 506-510
摘要:北京市区2003.01.16—04.30 PM10和PM2.5的监测结果表明,虽然ρ(PM10),ρ(PM2.5)的变化幅度较大,但是其变化趋势非常相似.PM10,PM2.5质量浓度的日变化呈双峰特征分布.ρ(PM2.5)ρ(PM10)的平均值为56.6%,说明可吸入颗粒物(PM10)中细粒子(PM2.5)的含量大于粗粒子(PM2.5~10).
来源出版物:环境科学研究,2004,17(1): 45-47
摘要:目的:探讨大气颗粒物污染对人群健康的影响.方法:用Poisson广义相加模型对上海市A城区大气PM10、PM2.5的日平均污染浓度与居民日死亡数进行相关回归分析,并控制了时间长期趋势、气象、季节、一周日效应混杂因素的影响.结果:当大气PM10、PM2.5浓度上升10 μg/m3时,总死亡数分别上升0.53%(0.22%~0.85%)、0.85%(0.32%~1.39%).结论:大气粗细颗粒物污染具有潜在的急性人群健康危害.
来源出版物:卫生研究,2004,33(3): 293-297
来源出版物: 清华大学学报(自然科学版),2002,42(12): 1605-1608联系邮箱:贺克斌,
Species contributions to PM2.5mass concentrations: Revisiting common assumptions forestimating organic mass
Turpin,BJ; Lim,HJ
In virtually all published literature wherein closure between gravimetric and chemical measurements is tested,the concentration of particulate organics is estimated by multiplying the measured concentration of organic carbon(micrograms carbon/cubic meter air)by a factor of 1.2-1.4. This factor,which is an estimate of the average molecular weight per carbon weight for the organic aerosol,stems from very limited theoretical and laboratory studies conducted during the 1970s. This investigation suggests that 1.4 is the lowest reasonable estimate for the organic molecular weight per carbon weight for an urban aerosol and that 1.4 does not accurately represent the average organic molecular weight per carbon weight for a nonurban aerosol. Based on the current evaluation,ratios of 1.6±0.2 for urban aerosols and 2.1±0.2 for nonurban aerosols appear to be more accurate. Measurements are recommended. Literature values also suggest that 1.2 g/cm3is a reasonable estimate for the organic aerosol density. This quantity is needed to convert between geometric and aerodynamic sizedistributions(e.g.,to predict aerosol optical properties and understand cloud nucleating properties).
los-angeles; dicarboxylic-acids; urban atmosphere; united-states; water mass; air basin; aerosol; visibility; particles; coast
来源出版物:Aerosol Science and Technology,2001,35(1): 602-610
The characteristics of PM2.5in Beijing,China
He,KB; Yang,FM; Ma,YL; et al.
Abstract: Weekly PM2.5samples were simultaneously collected at a residential(Tsinghua University)and a downtown(Chegongzhuang)site in Beijing from July 1999 through September 2000. The ambient mass concentration and chemical composition of the PM2.5were determined. Analyses included elemental composition,water-soluble ions,and organic and elemental carbon. Weekly PM2.5mass concentrations ranged from 37 to 357 μg/m3,with little difference found between the two sites. Seasonal variation of PM2.5concentrations was significant,with the highest concentration in the winter and the lowest in the summer. Spring dust storms had a strong impact on the PM2.5. Overall,organic carbon was the most abundant species,constituting no less than 30% of the total PM2.5mass at both sites. Concentrations of organic and elemental carbon were 35% and 16% higher at Tsinghua University than at Chegongzhuang. Ammonium,nitrate and sulfate were comparable at the sites,accounting for 25%-30% of the PM2.5mass.
Keywords: PM2.5; Beijing; chemical composition; organic carbon; elemental carbon; sulfate; nitrate; urban aerosol; seasonal variation;emissions
来源出版物:Atmospheric Environment,2001,35(29): 4959-497
Source apportionment of PM2.5in the southeastern United States using solvent-extractable organic compounds as tracers
Zheng,M; Cass,GR; Schauer,JJ; et al.
Abstract: A chemical mass balance(CMB)receptor model using particle-phase organic compounds as tracers is applied to apportion the primary source contributions to fine particulate matter and fine particulate organic carbon concentrations in the southeastern United States to determine the seasonal variability of these concentrations. Source contributions to particles with aerodynamic diameter less than or equal to 2.5 mum(PM2.5)collected from four urban and four rural/suburban sites in AL,FL,GA,and MS during April,July,and October 1999 and January 2000 are calculated and presented. Organic compounds in monthly composite samples at each site are identified and quantified by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry and are used as molecular markers in the CMB model. The major contributors to identified PM2.5organic carbon concentrations at these sites in the southeastern United States include wood combustion(25%-66%),diesel exhaust(14%-30%),meat cooking(5%-12%),and gasoline-powered motor vehicle exhaust(0%-10%),as well as smaller but statistically significant contributions from natural gas combustion,paved road dust,and vegetative detritus. The primary sources determined in the present study when added to secondary aerosol formation account for on average 89% of PM2.5mass concentrations,with the major contributors to PM2.5mass as secondary sulfate(30±6%),wood combustion(15±12%),diesel exhaust(16±7%),secondary ammonium(8±2%),secondary nitrate(4±3%),meat cooking(32%),gasoline-powered motor vehicle exhaust(2±2%),and road dust(2±2%). Distinct seasonality is observed in source contributions,including higher contributions from wood combustion during the colder months of October and January. In addition,higher percentages of unexplained fine organic carbon concentrations are observed in July,which are likely due to an increase in secondary organic aerosol formation during the summer season.
Keywords: air-pollution sources; chemical-composition; secondary aerosols; emissions; system; ozone; identification; atmosphere; particles; products
来源出版物:Environmental Science & Technology,2002,36(11): 2361-2371
PM10and PM2.5source apportionment in the Barcelona Metropolitan area,Catalonia,Spain
Querol,X; Alastuey,A; Rodriguez,S; et al.
Abstract: Levels of total suspended particles,PM10,PM2.5and PM I were continuously monitored at an urban kerbside in the Metropolitan area of Barcelona from June 1999 to June 2000. The results show that hourly levels of PM2.5and PM I are consistent with the daily cycle of gaseous pollutants emitted by traffic,whereas TSP and PM 10 do not follow the same trend,at least in the diurnal period. The PM2.5/PM10ratio is dependent on the traffic emissions,whereas additional contribution sources for the >10 mum fraction must be taken into account in the diurnal period. Different PM10and PM2.5source apportionment techniques were compared. A methodology based on the chemical determination of 83% of both PM10and PM2.5masses allowed us to quantify the marine(4% in PM 10 and <1% in PM2.5),crustal(26% in PM10and 8% in PM2.5)and anthropogenic(54% in PM10and 73% in PM2.5)loads. Peaks of crustal contribution to PM10(up to 44% of the PM10mass)were recorded under Saharan air mass intrusions. A different seasonal trend was observed for levels of sulphate and nitrate,probably as a consequence of the different thermodynamic behaviour of these PM species and the higher summer oxidation rate of SO2.
Keywords: PM10; PM2.5; source apportionment; receptor modelling; road traffics; Saharan dust; Spain
来源出版物:Atmospheric Environment,2001,35(36): 6407-6419
Chemical characterisation of PM2.5,PM10and coarse particles at urban,near-city andrural sites in Switzerland
Hueglin,C; Gehrig,R; Baltensperger,U; et al.
Abstract: Daily PM2.5and PM10samples were taken from April 1998 to March 1999 at urban kerbside,urban background,near-city,and rural sites in Switzerland. The samples were analysed for mass,water soluble ions,trace elements,as well as elemental and organic carbon. The present paper focuses on the variation of element concentration between different site types and on the chemical mass closure of atmospheric particulate matter.
Information on emission sources of trace elements is obtained by evaluation of the element abundances at sites that represent different pollution levels. The abundances of Ba,Ca,Ce,Cu,Fe,La,Mo,Mn,Pb,Sb,and Rh are gradually decreasing from urban kerbside to urban background,near-city and rural sites,indicating that road traffic is a main source of these elements. On the other hand,the abundances of Al,As,Cd,K,and V are similar for the different site types,which implies that emission sources are either spatially uniformly distributed(e.g. mineral dust),or there are no important regional emission sources and the ambient concentration of these elements might be dominated by long-range transport.
When performing a mass closure,the annual average of the sum of aerosol chemical components was 22%-27% for PM10 and 8%-15% for PM2.5lower than the PM mass. A drying procedure applied to a subset of PM10samples and model calculations for PM2.5samples according to their inorganic composition were used to estimate the contribution of retained water to the unaccounted mass at 50% RH. The obtained average water content was 10.6% for PM10and 13%-23% for PM2.5,clearly indicating that water is a major contributor to the unaccounted mass. Furthermore,a pronounced seasonal variation was observed with relatively lower water content in the colder season,indicating that the inorganic salts were mainly crystalline in winter,whereas they were probably dissolved during the rest of the year.
Keywords: PM10; PM2.5; trace elements; water content; mass closure
来源出版物:Atmospheric Environment,2005,39(4): 637-651
Speciation and origin of PM10and PM2.5in selected European cities
Querol,X; Alastuey,A; Ruiz,CR; et al.
Abstract: PM characteristics of seven selected regions within the European Union(EU)were analysed and compared. Results of levels and speciation studies of PM10and PM2.5(with at least one year of data coverage from 1998 to 2002)at regional,urban background and kerbside sites were assessed. Based on the examples selected,PM10levels(annual mean)ranged from 19 to 24 μg m-3at regional background sites,from 28 to 42 μg m-3at urban background,and from 37 to 53 μg m-3at kerbside sites. PM2.5levels varied from 8 to 20 μg m-3at regional background sites,20 to 30 μg m-3at urban background and 25 to 40 μg m-3at kerbside sites. The ratio PM2.5/PM10is highly dependent on the type of site and varied widely between different EU regions. Source apportionment results showed that,on an annual average,the natural contribution(mineral and marine)at EU regional sites was in the range of 4-8 μg m-3in PM10decreasing in PM2.5,but contributions up to 19 μg m-3were reported for specific locations. At urban sites,carbonaceous aerosols and secondary inorganic compounds accounted for a major fraction of PM10,and especially of the PM2.5mass. Quantitative data on the contributions of the regional background,city background and local traffic to the mean annual levels of PM10,PM2.5and major components were supplied. Climatic differences,long-range transport processes and winter traffic peculiarities(the latter in northern countries)contributed to the increase of PM10and PM2.5masses. At kerbside sites,an important dust contribution to PM2.5is highlighted.
Keywords: PM10; PM2.5; EU; urban; road traffic; source apportionment; regional contribution
来源出版物:Atmospheric Environment,2004,38(38): 6547-6555联系邮箱:Querol,X;
The water-soluble ionic composition of PM2.5in Shanghai and Beijing,China
Yao,XH; Chan,CK; Fang,M; et al.
Abstract: A year-long field study to characterize the ionic species in PM2.5was carried out in Shanghai and Beijing,China,in 1999-2000. Weekly samples of PM2.5were collected using a special low flow rate(0.41 min-1)sampler. In Shanghai,SO42-NO3-and NH4+were the dominant ionic species,which accounted for 46%,18% and 17% of the total mass of ions respectively. Local SO2emissions were an important source SO42-in PM2.5because the SO42-concentration was correlated with the SO2concentration(r=0.66). The relatively stable SO42-/SO2mass ratio over a large range of temperatures suggests that gas-phase oxidation of SO2played a minor role in the formation of SO42-. The sum of SO42-and NO3-was highly correlated with NH4+(r=0.96),but insufficient ammonium was present to totally neutralizethe aerosol. In Beijing,SO42-,NO3-and NH4+were also the dominant ionic species,constituting 44%,25% and 16% of the of total mass of water-soluble ions,respectively. Local SO2emissions were an important source of SO42-in the winter since SO42-was correlated with SO2(r=0.83). The low-mass SO42-/SO2ratio(0.27)during winter,which had low humidity,suggests that gas-phase oxidation of SO2was a major route of sulfate formation. In the summer,however,much higher mass ratios of SO42-/SO2(5.6)were observed and were ascribed to in-cloud sulfate formation. The annual average ratio of NO3-/SO42-was 0.4 and 0.6 in Shanghai and in Beijing,respectively,suggesting that stationary emissions were still a dominant source in these two cities.
Keywords: sulfate; nitrate; dicarboxylic acids; seasonal variation; correlation analysis
来源出版物:Atmospheric Environment,2002,36(26): 4223-4234
Concentration and chemical composition of PM2.5in Shanghai for a 1-year period
Ye,BM; Ji,XL; Yang,HZ; et al.
Abstract: Weekly PM2.5samples were collected in Shanghai,China at two sites,Tongji University and Hainan Road. Sampling started in March 1999 and was conducted for 1 year. The ambient mass concentration and chemical composition of the PM2.5were determined. Chemical analyses included elemental composition,water-soluble ions,and organic and elemental carbon. Weekly PM2.5mass concentrations ranged from 21 to 147 μg/m3,with annual average concentrations of 57.9 and 61.4 μg/m3at the two sites,respectively. Seasonal variation of PM2.5concentrations was significant,with the highest concentrations observed from mid-November through December and the lowest from June through September. Ammonium sulfate and nitrate accounted for 41.6% of the PM2.5mass with sulfate alone accounting for 23.4% of the PM2.5mass. Carbonaceous material accounted for 41.4% of the PM2.5mass,with 73% of that mass being organic,as defined by the TOR analysis method. Crustal components averaged 9.6% of the PM2.5mass. Potassium,which was 95% water soluble,accounted for 2.7% of the PM2.5mass.
Keywords: particulate matter; PM2.5; composition; Shanghai; China; sources; seasonal variation
来源出版物:Atmospheric Environment,2003,37(4): 499-510
Cytotoxicity and induction of proinflammatory cytokines from human monocytes exposed to fine(PM2.5)and coarse particles(PM10-2.5)in outdoor and indoor air
Monn,C; Becker,S
Abstract: Increased incidence of mortality and morbidity due to cardiopulmonary complications has been found to associate with elevated levels of particulate air pollution(particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter < 10 mu m,PM10and <2.5 mu m,PM2.5). Lung injury and an imbalance of inflammatory mediators are proposed causative mechanisms,while the toxic constituents may be acidity,transition metals,organic,and biogenic materials. To compare the ability of inhalable fine particles(PM2.5),and coarse particles(PM10-2.5)to cause cell injury and cytokine production in monocytes,dichotomous Andersen samplers were used to collect size-fractionated PM10for in vitro testing of the particle extracts,Particles from both outdoor and indoor air were collected onto Teflon filters,on nine separate occasions,Each filter was water extracted and each extract assessed for ability to cause cell death,as well as interleukin(IL)-6 and IL-8 production in human monocytes,Significant toxicity and cytokine production was induced by outdoor PM10-2.5,but not by outdoor PM2.5or the particles collected indoors. Outdoor PM10-2.5induced 20 times the amounts of IL-6 and IL-8 than the fine particles. Cytotoxicity was inhibited by deferoxamine,a chelator of transition metals,while cytokine production was not,On the other hand,lipopolysaccharide binding protein(LBP)completely inhibited cytokine induction by PM10-2.5,suggesting that gram-negative bacteria and/or endotoxins are components of PM10-2.5. The effective proinflammatory effects of endotoxin on macrophages may upset lung homeostasis while metals-induced cytotoxicity/necrosis may set up inflammation independent of macrophage-derived cytokines.
Keywords: PM10; PM2.5; monocytes; IL-6; IL-8; endotoxin; lipopolysaccharide; indoor air pollution; outdoor air pollution; fine particles;coarse particles
来源出版物:Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology,1999,155(3): 245-252
PM2.5chemical source profiles for vehicle exhaust,vegetative burning,geological material,and coalburning in Northwestern Colorado during 1995
Watson,JG; Chow,JC; Houck,JE
Abstract: PM2.5(particles with aerodynamic diameters less than 2.5 mum)chemical source profiles applicable to speciated emissions inventories and receptor model source apportionment are reported for geological material,motor vehicle exhaust,residential coal(RCC)and wood combustion(RWC),forest fires,geothermal hot springs; and coal-fired power generation units from northwestern Colorado during 1995. Fuels and combustion conditions are similar to those of other communities of the inland western US. Coal-fired power station pro-files differed substantially between different units using similar coals,with the major difference being lack of selenium in emissions From the only unit that was equipped with a dry limestone sulfur dioxide(SO2)scrubber. SO2abundances relative to fine particle mass emissions in power plant emissions were seven to nine times higher than hydrogen sulfide(H2S)abundances from geothermal springs,and one to two orders of magnitude higher than SO2abundances in RCC emissions,implying that the SO2abundance is an important marker for primary particle contributions of non-aged coal-fired power station contributions. The sum of organic and elemental carbon ranged from 1% to 10%,of fine particle mass in coal-fired power plant emissions,from 5% to 10% in geological material,>50% in forest fire emissions,>60% in RWC emissions,and >95% in RCC acid vehicle exhaust emissions. Water-soluble potassium(K+)was most abundant in vegetative burning profiles. K+/K ratios ranged from 0.1 in geological material profiles to 0.9 in vegetative burning emissions,confirming previous observations that soluble potassium is a good marker for vegetative burning.
Keywords: PM2.5; source profile; chemical mass balance; coal-fired power plant; receptor model
来源出版物:Chemo Sphere,2001,43(8): 1141-1151
摘要:针对电除尘细颗粒物(PM2.5)排放控制,提出利用电除尘指数指导电除尘本体和电源设计选型技术的原理和方法,并介绍电除尘改造的应用案例.通过优化电除尘指数、采用三相高压电源开展电除尘改造和选型.通过电除尘和脱硫塔除雾器的同步改造,可以实现烟囱出口颗粒物排放浓度低于5 mg/m3,同时,PM2.5(直径2.5 μm 以下的颗粒物)排放浓度低于2.5 mg/m3.示范工程还表明当电除尘器出口PM10(直径10 μm 以下的颗粒物)排放在6~30 mg/m3时,PM2.5占PM10比例为6%至20%;当PM10排放在5~15 mg/m3时,PM2.5排放可低于2.5 mg/m3.
来源出版物:科技导报,2014,32(33): 23-33联系邮箱:闫克平,
来源出版物:科技导报,2014,32(33): 61-66联系邮箱:易红宏,
来源出版物:科技通报,2014,10(10): 37-39
摘要:目的:建立了王水水浴消解-原子荧光法同时测定细颗粒物PM2.5中痕量砷和汞的方法.方法:将采集有PM2.5的滤膜剪碎后,于具塞比色管中王水水浴消解2 h,加入10%抗坏血酸溶液-硫脲混合溶液作还原剂和掩蔽剂,用原子荧光光度计测试.结果方法检出限低,砷和汞的检出限分别为0.032 μg/L、0.005 μg/L.实际样品汞加标回收率在87.7%~102.3%之间,砷加标回收率在90.0%~110.4%之间.结论:相对于电热板加热消解,该方法前处理过程简便温和、耗时短、易操作,有效防止待测元素的挥发损失,提高了方法的精密度和准确度,适用于PM2.5中痕量砷和汞的测定.该方法可为相关标准的建立提供参考依据.
来源出版物:中国卫生检验杂志,2014,24(20): 2918-2920
摘要:目的:研究维生素C对PM2.5致人肺癌A549细胞周期阻滞的影响.方法:用设定浓度的PM2.5(50、100和200 μg/ml)单独或联合20 μg/ml维生素C分别处理A549细胞24 h.用MTT比色法检测细胞活力,荧光探针检测细胞内活性氧,试剂盒检测MDA和SOD变化,用流式细胞仪检测细胞的周期时相,用Western blot检测细胞周期调控蛋白GADD45α的表达量.结果:与空白对照组相比,PM2.5(50、100和200 μg/ml)可降低细胞活力,提高ROS和MDA含量,降低SOD酶活,并在100和200 μg/ml浓度组提高GADD45α蛋白表达量,使A549细胞阻滞在G2期.而20 μg/ml维生素C可显著抑制上述损伤指标的升高,提高SOD酶活性,降低G2期细胞阻滞.结论本实验初步证明PM2.5可引起A549细胞氧化损伤并导致细胞发生G2期阻滞,维生素C抗氧化剂可有效抑制这一过程的发生,对细胞起到保护作用.
来源出版物:毒理学杂志,2014,28(5): 393-396
摘要:PM2.5是大气污染的主要物质.通过对贵阳市的太慈桥、市环保站、冶金厅、鸿边门、马鞍山、小河区、金阳新区、乌当区、桐木岭9个监测点进行监测,获取2013年12月9日至2014年1月21日的PM2.5日均浓度数据,以及2014年1月7日0时到2014年1月20日23时共336 h的时均浓度数据,通过指标统计和计算,参考世界卫生组织的空气质量准则,结合地理信息系统技术,对贵阳市冬季PM2.5浓度变化的时空特征,进行定量和定性分析,分析污染物浓度变化及其各相关驱动因素之间的关系.结果表明,冬季贵阳PM2.5日均浓度的平均值为85.8 μg/m3,日均浓度的最大值和最小值分别是主城区太慈桥96.1 μg/m3和远郊区桐木岭67.8 μg/m3,全距达28.3 μg/m3.日均浓度和时均浓度的抽样平均误差分别为4.11 μg/m3和1.8 μg/m3.时均浓度变化趋势包括了单峰型、双峰型、递减型、递增型和U型等类型,它们表现出的类似趋势是:在清晨6:00降低到最低值,并在21:00左右升高到最大值.贵阳PM2.5浓度变化受气象条件、土地利用、工业污染、扬尘、汽车尾气和燃煤为主的能源结构的影响,它们表现出复杂的相关性.
来源出版物:灾害学,2014,29(4): 63-68
来源出版物:灾害学,2014,29(4): 230-234
来源出版物:中国环境科学,2014,34(11): 2490-2496
Aircraft engine exhaust emissions and other airport-related contributions to ambient air pollution: A review
Masiol,Mauro; Harrison,Roy M.
Abstract: Civil aviation is fast-growing(about +5% every year),mainly driven by the developing economies and globalisation. Its impact on the environment is heavily debated,particularly in relation to climate forcing attributed to emissions at cruising altitudes and the noise and the deterioration of air quality at ground-level due to airport operations. This latter environmental issue is of particular interest to the scientific community and policymakers,especially in relation to the breach of limit and target values for many air pollutants,mainly nitrogen oxides and particulate matter,near the busiest airports and the resulting consequences for public health. Despite the increased attention given to aircraft emissions at ground-level and air pollution in the vicinity of airports,many research gaps remain. Sources relevant to air quality include not only engine exhaust and non-exhaust emissions from aircraft,but also emissions from the units providing power to the aircraft on the ground,the traffic due to the airport ground service,maintenance work,heating facilities,fugitive vapours from refuelling operations,kitchens and restaurants for passengers and operators,intermodal transportation systems,and road traffic for transporting people and goods in and out to the airport. Many of these sources have received inadequate attention,despite their high potential for impact on air quality. This review aims to summarise the state-of-the-art research on aircraft and airport emissions and attempts to synthesise the results of studies that have addressed this issue. It also aims to describe the key characteristics of pollution,the impacts upon global and local air quality and to address the future potential of research by highlighting research needs.
Keywords: Aviation Atmospheric pollution; Emissions; LTO cycles; Particulate matter; Oxides of nitrogen
来源出版物:Atmospheric Environment,2014,95: 409-455联系邮箱:R.M. Harrison;
PM2.5in China: Measurements,sources,visibility and health effects,and mitigation
David Y.H Pui; Sheng-Chieh Chen; Zhili Zuo
Abstract: Concern over the health effects of fine particles in the ambient environment led the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to develop the first standard for PM2.5(particulate matter less than 2.5 μm)in1997. The Particle Technology Laboratory at the University of Minnesota has helped to establish the PM2.5standard by developing many instruments and samplers to perform at mospheric measurements. In this paper,we review various aspects of PM2.5,including its measurement,source apportionment,visibility and health effects,and mitigation. We focus on PM2.5studies in China and where appropriate,compare them with those obtained in the U.S. Based on accurate PM2.5sampling,chemical analysis,and source apportionment models,the major PM2.5sources in China have been identified to be coal combustion,motor vehicle emissions,and industrial sources. Atmospheric visibility has been found to correlate well with PM2.5concentration. Sulfate,ammonium,and nitrate carried by PM2.5,commonly found in coal burning and vehicle emissions,are the dominant contributors to regional haze in China. Short-term exposure to PM2.5is strongly associated with the increased risk of morbidity and mortality from cardiovascular and respiratory diseases in China. The strategy for PM2.5mitigation must be based on reducing the pollutants from the two primary sources of coal-fired power plants and vehicle emissions. Although conventional Particulate Emission Control Devices(PECD)such as electrostatic precipitators in Chinese coal-fired power plants are generally effective for large particles,most of them may not have high collection efficiency of PM2.5. Baghouse filtration is gradually incorporated into the PECD to increase the PM2.5collection efficiency. By adopting stringent vehicle emissions standard such as Euro5 and 6,the emissions from vehicles can be gradually reduced over the years. An integrative approach,from collaboration among academia,government,and industries,can effectively manage and mitigate the PM2.5pollution in China.
Keywords: PM2.5in China; Atmospheric particle size distribution; PM2.5sampling; Chemical composition of PM2.5; Source apportionment models; PM2.5health impact; PM2.5mitigation; Coal-fired power plant; Particle emission control devices(PECD); Baghouse filtration;Integrative approach
来源出版物:Particuology,2014,13: 1-26联系邮箱: D.Y.H. Pui;
High secondary aerosol contribution to particulate pollution during haze events in China
Ru-Jin Huang; Yanlin Zhang; Carlo Bozzetti; et al.
Abstract: Rapid industrialization and urbanization in developing countries has led to an increase in air pollution,along a similar trajectory to that previously experienced by the developed nations. In China,particulate pollution is a serious environmental problem that is influencing air quality,regional and global climates,and human health. In response to the extremely severe and persistent haze pollution experienced by about 800 million people during the first quarter of 2013(refs 4,5),the Chinese State Council announced its aim to reduce concentrations of PM2.5(particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter less than 2.5 micrometres)by up to 25 percent relative to 2012 levels by 2017(ref. 6). Such efforts however require elucidation of the factors governing the abundance and composition of PM2.5,which remain poorly constrained in China. Here we combine a comprehensive set of novel and state-of-the-art offline analytical approaches and statistical techniques to investigate the chemical nature and sources of particulate matter at urban locations in Beijing,Shanghai,Guangzhou and Xi'an during January 2013. We find that the severe haze pollution event was driven to a large extent by secondary aerosol formation,which contributed 30-77 percent and 44-71 percent(average for all four cities)of PM2.5and of organic aerosol,respectively. On average,the contribution of secondary organic aerosol(SOA)and secondary inorganic aerosol(SIA)are found to be of similar importance(SOA/SIA ratios range from 0.6 to 1.4). Our results suggest that,in addition to mitigating primary particulate emissions,reducing the emissions of secondary aerosol precursors from,for example,fossil fuel combustion and biomass burning is likely to be important for controlling China's PM2.5levels and for reducing the environmental,economic and health impacts resulting from particulate pollution.
来源出版物:Nature,2014,514(7521): 218-222
Mineral dust and NOXpromote the conversion of SO2to sulfate in heavy pollution days
Hong He; Yuesi Wang; Qingxin Ma
Abstract: Haze in China has been increasing in frequency of occurrence as well as the area of the affected region. Here,we report on a new mechanism of haze formation,in which coexistence with NOXcan reduce the Environmental capacity for SO2,leading to rapid conversion of SO2to sulfate because NO2and SO2have a synergistic effect when they react on the surface of mineral dust. Monitoring data from five severe haze episodes in January of 2013 in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei regions agreed very well with the laboratory simulation. The combined air pollution of motor vehicle exhaust and coal-fired flue gases greatly reduced the atmospheric environmental capacity for SO2,and the formation of sulfate was found to be a main reason for the growth of fine particles,which led to the occurrence of haze. These results indicate that the impact of motor vehicle exhaust on the atmospheric environment might be underestimated.
来源出版物: Scientific Reports,Scientific Reports4,Article number: 4172联系邮箱:Hong He,
Source apportionment of PM2.5in the harbour-industrial area of Brandish(Italy): Identification and estimation of the contribution of in-port ship emissions
Cesari,D; Genga,A; Ielpo,P; et al.
Abstract: Harbors are important for economic and social development of coastal areas but they also represent an anthropogenic source of emissions often located near urban centers and industrial areas. This increases the difficulties in distinguishing the harbour contribution with respect to other sources. The aim of this work is the characterization of main sources of PM2.5acting on the Brandish harbour-industrial area,trying to pinpoint the contribution of import ship emissions to primary and secondary PM2.5. Brandish is an important port-city of the Adriatic Sea considered a hot-spot for anthropogenic environmental pressures at National level. Measurements were performed collecting PM2.5samples and characterizing the concentrations of 23 chemical species(water soluble organic and inorganic carbon;major ions: O42-,NO3-,NH4+,CI-,C2O42-,Na+,K+,Mg2+,Ca2+; and elements: Ni,Cu,V,Mn,As,Pb,Cr,Sb,Fe,Al,Zn,and Ti). These species represent,on average,51.4% of PM2.5and were used for source apportionment via PMF. The contributions of eight sources were estimated: crustal(16.4±0.9% of PM2.5),aged marine(2.6±0.5%),crustal carbonates(7.7±0.3%),ammonium sulphate(273±0.8%),biomass burning fires(11.7±0.7%),traffic(16.4±1.7%),industrial(0.4±0.3%)and a mixed source oil combustion-industrial including ship emissions in harbour(15.3±1.3%). The PMF did not separate the in-port ship emission contribution from industrial releases. The correlation of estimated contribution with meteorology showed directionality with an increase of oil combustion and sulphate contribution in the harbour direction with respect to the direction of the urban area and an increase of the V/Ni ratio. This allowed for the use of V as marker of primary ship contribution to PM2.5(2.8±1.1%). The secondary contribution of oil combustion to non-sea-salt-sulphate,nssSO42-,was estimated to be 1.3 μg/m3(about 40% of total nssSO42-or 11% of PM2.5).
Keywords: PM2.5; Source apportionment; Ship and harbour emissions; Secondary sulphate; PMF
来源出版物:Science of the Total Environment,2014,497: 392-400联系邮箱:Cesari,D;
Phthalate diesters in Airborne PM2.5and PM10in a suburban area of Shanghai: Seasonal distribution and risk assessment
Ma,Jing; Chen,Liu-lu; Guo,Ying; et al.
Abstract: Concentrations of nine phthalate diesters in 24-h airborne PM2.5and PM10were determined from October 2011 to August 2012 in a suburban area in Shanghai,China. Dimethyl phthalate(DMP),diethyl phthalate(DEP),di-n-butyl phthalate(DBP),di-iso-butyl phthalate(DIBP),benzyl butyl phthalate(BzBP),and di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate(DEHP)were frequently detected in airborne particulate matter at sum concentrations of these six compounds ranging from 13.3 to 186 ng/m3,with an average value of 59.8 ng/m3in PM2.5,and from 10.1 to 445 ng/m3,with an average value of 132 ng/m3in PM10. DEHP,DBP,and DIBP were the major phthalate diesters found in PM samples. DEHP was found predominantly in coarse(size fraction of between PM2.5and PM10)particles,whereas DMP,DEP,DBP,DIBP,and BzBP were found predominantly in fine(PM2.5)particles. The concentrations of phthalates in PM during warm months(207 ng/m3for PM10,and 71.9 ng/m3for PM2.5,on average)were significantly higher than those during cold months(76.9 ng/m3for PM10and 50.4 ng/m3for PM2.5). Significant positive correlations were found between concentrations of total phthalates,DEHP,and BzBP,with the total mass and organic carbon content of PM. Based on the concentrations of DEHP,incremental lifetime cancer risks(ILCR)from inhalation exposure were estimated using a Monte Carlo simulation. Although the 95% probabilities for the ILCR values for the general population were below the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency(EPA)threshold of 10-6,our result is an underestimate of the actual health risk because we only considered the outdoor inhalation exposure to DEHP in this study.
Keywords: PM2.5; PM10; Phthalate diesters; Incremental lifetime cancer risks; Air pollution
来源出版物:Science of the Total Environment,2014,497: 467-474联系邮箱:Kannan,K;
Source contributions to primary and secondary inorganic particulate matter during a severe wintertime PM2.5pollution episode in Xi'an,China
Wang,Dexiang; Hu,Jianlin; Xu,Yong; et al.
Abstract: Average PM2.5concentrations of similar to 250 μg m-3and peak concentrations of similar to 500 μg m-3were observed in Xi'an,the largest city in Northwest China during an extreme event in January 2013. The source-oriented versions of the Community Multi-scale Air Quality(CMAQ)model with anthropogenic emissions from Emissions Database for Global Atmospheric Research(EDGAR)were used to study the source contributions of six different source categories including energy production,industries,transportation,residential activities,"other"(agriculture,biomass,waste burning,and biogenic sources),and windblown dust to primary and secondary inorganic PM2.5(nitrate and sulfate)during this episode. The model generally captured the variation and magnitude of PM2.5concentrations at monitoring sites. The monthly average concentration of the predicted PM2.5in Xi'an was >200 μg m-3,comparing favorably with the measurement of similar to 250 μg m-3. Predicted concentrations of elemental carbon(EC),organic aerosol(OA),sulfate,nitrate,and ammonium were 6,35,18,22,and 12 μg m-3,respectively. Chemically unresolved PM2.5components(PM2.5Other)were similar to 80 μg m-3. Industries and residential activities dominated EC,organic carbon(OC)and PM2.5Other,contributing 85%,95%,and 83%,respectively. Energy production(mainly coal combustion)was the dominating source for secondary nitrate,contributing 46%. Other local and upwind sources were also important,contributing 43% and 11% of total nitrate,respectively. Primary sulfate was similar to 10 μg m-3in vicinity surrounding point sources. Secondary sulfate from upwind sources was also important with concentrations of similar to 4-5 μg m-3. Secondary sulfate formed by SO2emitted from local sources was dominated by energy production. Based on the contributions of different sources to primary components and secondary nitrate and sulfate,the contributions of different sources to PM2.5total mass in Xi'an during the extremely polluted months are: energy 5%,industries 58%,transportation 2%,residential activities 16%,dust 4%,and other(including other components,inexplicit sources,and upwind sources)15%.
Keywords: Xi'an; Source apportionment; Particulate matter; WRF/CMAQ; EDGAR
来源出版物:Atmospheric Environment,2014,97: 182-194
Production-based emissions,consumption-based emissions and consumption-based health impacts of PM2.5carbonaceous aerosols in Asia
Takahashi,Kei; Nansai,Keisuke; Tohno,Susumu; et al.
Abstract: This study determined the production-based emissions,the consumption-based emissions,and the consumption-based health impact of primary carbonaceous aerosols(black carbon: BC,organic carbon: OC)in nine countries and regions in Asia(Indonesia,Malaysia,the Philippines,Singapore,Thailand,China,Taiwan,South Korea,and Japan)in 2008. For the production-based emissions,sectoral emissions inventory of BC and OC for the year of 2008 based on the Asian international input output tables(AIIOT)was compiled including direct emissions from households. Then,a multiregional environmental input output analysis with the 2008 AIIOT which was originally developed by updating the table of 2000 was applied for calculating the consumption-based emissions for each country and region. For the production-based emissions,China had the highest BC and OC emissions of 4520 Gg-C in total,which accounted for 75% of the total emissions in the nine countries and regions. For consumption-based emissions,China was estimated to have had a total of 4849 Gg-C ofBC and OC emissions,which accounted for 77% of the total emissions in the Asia studied. We also quantified how much countries and regions induced emissions in other countries and regions. Furthermore,taking account of the source receptor relationships of BC and OC among the countries and regions,we converted their consumption-based emissions into the consumption-based health impact of each country and region. China showed the highest consumption-based health impact of BC and OC totaling 111×103premature deaths,followed by Indonesia,Japan,Thailand and South Korea. China accounted for 87% of the sum total of the consumption-based health impacts of the countries/regions,indicating that China's contribution to consumption-based health impact in Asia was greater than its consumption-based emissions. By elucidating the health impacts that each country and region had on other countries and from which country the impacts were received,we demonstrated that the characteristics of the consumption-based health impact varied significantly by country and region. We also determined the difference in the health.
Keywords: Premature deaths; Organic carbon; Black carbon; Consumption-based accounting; Multiregional input-output analysis;Source-receptor relationship
来源出版物:Atmospheric Environment,2014,97: 406-415联系邮箱:Takahashi,K;
Impact of long-range transport of aerosols on the PM2.5composition at a major metropolitan area in the northern Kyushu area of Japan
Kaneyasu,Naoki; Yamamoto,Shigekazu; Sato,Kei; et al.
Abstract: In view of the recent rapid economic growth and accompanying energy consumption in the East Asian region,particularly in China,there is much concern about the effects of emitted particulate pollutants on human health. We have thus investigated the impact of long-range transport of aerosols on urban air quality in the upwind areas of Japan by comparing the PM2.5composition collected for multiple years in Fukuoka,a representative metropolis in the Kyushu area,and in Fukue Island,located 190 km southwest of Fukuoka. Daily averaged PM2.5concentrations in Fukuoka and Fukue were almost identical. PM2.5concentrations at these sites were dominated by sulfate and particulate organics,and their fluctuation patterns were similar except for organics in the warm season. In contrast,those of nitrate and elemental carbon differed substantially between the sites. In addition,the ratios of Pb/Zn and Cd/Pb in Fukuoka were close to the reported values in Beijing. Non-sea-salt sulfate concentration in Fukuoka measured in this study and reported in the past measurements apparently coincided with the decadal SO2emission change in China reported in a recent emission inventory. Therefore,we conclude that even in a city as large as Fukuoka,the PM2.5concentration in the northern part of the Kyushu area is primarily dominated by the inflow of long-range transported aerosols throughout the year,except in the summer,rather than local air pollution emitted at each site.
Keywords: PM2.5; Long-range transport; East Asia; Sulfate; Metallic element; NAAQS
来源出版物:Atmospheric Environment,2014,97: 416-425联系邮箱:Kaneyasu,N;
PAHs in PM2.5in Zhengzhou: concentration,carcinogenic risk analysis,and source apportionment
Wang,Jia; Geng,Ning Bo; Xu,Yi Fei; et al.
Abstract: Ambient air samples were collected at two different locations between 2011 and 2012 in Zhengzhou,China in order to assess the concentration level,health risks,as well as the sources of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons(PAHs)in particulate matter(PM2.5). The mean annual levels of PM2.5observed at industry site and residential site were 172±121 and 160±72 μg m-3,respectively,which were about five times the annual value of proposed PM2.5standard(35 μg m-3)in China. The PM2.5in all daily samples(n=47)exceeds the proposed PM2.5standard in China(75 μg m-3)at both industrial and residential sites. Seasonal variations of PM2.5showed a clear trend of winter > autumn> spring > summer at both sites. The total concentrations of 16 PM2.5-associated PAHs ranged from 61±51 to 431±281 and 38±25 to 254±189 ng m-3,with mean value of 176±233 and 111±146 ng m-3at industry and residential sites,respectively. The major species were fluoranthene,pyrene,chrysene,benzo[b]fluoranthene and benzo[k]fluoranthene,and the concentration levels of PAHs in PM2.5were higher in winter than those of other seasons at both sites. The annual mean values of toxicity equivalency concentrations of a(16)PAHs in PM2.5were 22.8 and 13.5 ng m-3in industry and residential area,respectively. In this study,the risk level of adult citizens through inhalation exposure to PAHs was calculated. The average estimates of lifetime inhalation cancer risks were approximately 8.9×10-7and 6.3×10-7for industry and residential sites,respectively. The main sources of 16 PAHs from both diagnostic ratios and principle component analysis identified as vehicular emissions and coal combustion.
Keywords: PM2.5; PAHs; Exposure assessment; Lifetime inhalation cancer risk
来源出版物: Environmental Monitoring and Assessment,2014,186(11): 7461-7473联系邮箱:Zhang,RQ;
Effect of exposure to PM2.5on blood pressure: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Liang,Ruijuan; Zhang,Biao; Zhao,Xiaoyi; et al.
Abstract: Background: Comprehensive studies have confirmed that particulate matter air pollution could trigger myocardial infarction,heart failure and reduce heart rate variability; however,its effect on blood pressure(BP)remains controversial. Therefore,we did a systematic review and meta-analysis to investigate the association and its magnitude between exposure to PM2.5and BP.
Methods: The databases of PubMed,Ovid Medline and Embase between 1948 and 15 November 2013 were searched to identify the studiesexploring the association between particulate matters(diameter < 2.5 μm)(PM2.5)and BP. Selection was performed by screening abstracts and titles and then reviewing the full text of potentially eligible studies. We extracted descriptive and quantitative information from each study and used a random-effects model to calculate BP change and 95% confidence interval(95% CI)for each increment of 10 μg/m3in PM2.5. Meta-regression and subgroup analyses were conducted to explore the source of heterogeneity and the impact of possible confounding factors.Results: Of 1028 identified articles,after screening and reviewing in detail,22 studies were included in our meta-analysis. The overall analysis suggested that BP was positively related to PM2.5exposure with an elevation of 1.393 mmHg,95% CI(0.874-1.912)and 0.895 mmHg,95% CI(0.49-1.299)per 10 μg/m3increase for SBP and DBP,respectively. Long-term exposure showed the strongest associations with BP. And for short-term effect,the largest magnitude was seen at the lag of the previous 5 days average prior to BP measurement. Subgroup analyses yielded consistent results with the overall analyses. Meta-regression of SBP did not identify any significant potential causes of heterogeneity. For DBP,study design,the method of BP monitoring,publication year,study design,study period and sample size were significant modifiers of the relationship between DBP and PM2.5.
Conclusion: Exposure to PM2.5had a statistically significant impact on BP and the magnitude of this effect may have substantially clinical implication.
Keywords: air pollution; blood pressure; meta-analysis
来源出版物:Journal of Hypertension,2014,32(11): 2130-2141联系邮箱:Fan,ZJ;
Impact of urbanization level on urban air quality: A case of fine particles(PM2.5)in Chinese cities
Han,Lijian; Zhou,Weiqi; Li,Weifeng; et al.
Abstract: We examined and compared PM2.5concentrations in urban and the surrounding regions,and further investigated the impact of urbanization on urban PM2.5concentrations at the Chinese prefectures. Annual PM2.5concentrations in most prefectures were greater than 10 μg/m3,the air quality guideline of the World Health Organization. Those prefectures were mainly distributed along the east coast and southeast of Sichuan province; The urban PM2.5concentrations(Urban(PM2.5))in 85 cities were greater than(>10 μg/m3)those in the surrounding area. Those cities were mainly located in the Beijing-Sichuan and Shanghai-Guangxi belts. In addition,Urban(PM2.5)was less than(<0 μg/m3)that in surrounding areas in only 41 prefectures,which were located in western China or nearby mega cities; Significant positive correlations were found between Urban(PM2.5)and urban population(R2=0.99,P<0.05),and between Urban(PM2.5)and urban second industry fraction(R2=0.71,P<0.05),suggesting that urbanization had considerable impact on PM2.5concentrations.
Keywords: Urbanization; Air pollution; Fine particulate matter(PM2.5); Chinese prefectures
来源出版物: Environmental Pollution,2014,194: 163-170联系邮箱:Zhou,WQ;
Using hourly measurements to explore the role of secondary inorganic aerosol in PM2.5during haze and fog in Hangzhou,China
Jansen,Roeland Cornelis; Shi Yang; Chen Jianmin; et al.
Abstract: This paper explores the role of the secondary inorganic aerosol(SIA)species ammonium,NH4+,nitrate,NO3-,and sulfate,SO42-,during haze and fog events using hourly mass concentrations of PM2.5measured at a suburban site in Hangzhou,China. A total of 546 samples were collected between 1 April and 8 May 2012. The samples were analyzed and classified as clear,haze or fog depending on visibility and relative humidity(RH). The contribution of SIA species to PM2.5mass increased to similar to 50% during haze and fog. The mass contribution of nitrate to PM2.5increased from 11% during clear to 20% during haze episodes. Nitrate mass exceeded sulfate mass during haze,while near equal concentrations were observed during fog episodes. The role of RH on the correlation between concentrations of SIA and visibility was examined,with optimal correlation at 60%-70% RH. The total acidity during clear,haze and fog periods was 42.38,48.38 and 45.51 nmol m-3,respectively,indicating that sulfate,nitrate and chloride were not neutralized by ammonium during any period. The nitrate to sulfate molar ratio,as a function of the ammonium to sulfate molar ratio,indicated that nitrate formation during fog started at a higher ammonium to sulfate molar ratio compared to clear and haze periods. During haze and fog,the nitrate oxidation ratio increased by a factor of 1.6-1.7,while the sulfur oxidation ratio increased by a factor of 1.2-1.5,indicating that both gaseous NO2and SO2were involved in the reduced visibility.
Keywords: haze; secondary inorganic aerosol; PM2.5; Yangtze River Delta
来源出版物:Advances in Atmospheric Sciences,2014,31(6): 1427-1434联系邮箱:Chen,JM;
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons(PAHs)in atmospheric PM2.5and PM10at a coal-based industrial city: Implication for PAH control at industrial agglomeration regions,China
Wu,Di; Wang,Zongshuang; Chen,Jianhua; et al.
Abstract: Eighteen polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons(PAHs)in PM2.5and PM10are identified and quantified at five sites of E'erduosi in 2005 by GC-MS. Total PAH concentrations in PM2.5and PM10are in the ranges of 0.58-145.01 ng m-3and 5.80-180.32 ng m-3for the five sites,decreasing as coal-chemical base site(ZGE)> heavy industrial site(QPJ)> residential site with heavy traffic(DS)> suburban site surrounded by grassland(HJQ)> background site(QGN)for both PM2.5and PM10. PAH concentrations in the coal-chemical base site are 250 and 31.1 times of those in the background site. Flu,Pyr,Chr,BbF,BeP,IND and BghiP are abundant for the coal-chemical base site,totally accounting for 75% of the PAH concentrations. 4,5 and 6 rings PAHs are dominant,accounting for 88.9%-94.2% and 90.5%-94.1% of PAHs in PM2.5and PM10,respectively. Combustion-derived PAH concentrations cover 42%-84% and 75%-82% of PAHs in PM2.5and PM10,indicating large amounts of combustion sources existed for them in E'erduosi. PAH compositions between PM2.5and PM10,are quite different from each other for sites with few human activities(HJQ and QGN)by coefficient of divergence analysis. Results obtained from principal component analysis and diagnostic ratios indicate that coal combustion,vehicle emission,wood combustion and industrial processes are the main sources for PAHs in E'erduosi. According to BaP equivalent concentration,the potential health risk of PAHs in PM2.5at the two industrial sites ZGE and QPJ are 537 and 460 times of those for the background site. And they are 4.3 and 3.7 times of those for the residential site. The potential PAH pollution in particles at other industrial agglomeration regions that occurred in China in recent years should be paid attention by the local government.
Keywords: Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons; PM2.5; PM10; Diagnostic ratios; Principal component analysis; Coal-based industrial city
来源出版物:Atmospheric Research,2014,149: 217-229联系邮箱:Wang,ZS;
Wild land fire management and air quality in the southern Sierra Nevada: Using the Lion Fire as a case study with a multi-year perspective on PM2.5impacts and fire policy
Schweizer,Don; Cisneros,Ricardo
Abstract: Management of fire is an important and controversial policy issue. Active fire suppression has led to a backlog of fuels,limited the ecological benefits of fire,and reduced short-term smoke impacts likely delaying these emissions to future generations over a larger spatial extent. Smoke impacts can be expected to increase as fire size and intensity increase and the fuel backlog is consumed; whether through reintroduction of fire under desirable conditions or through stand replacing fire. Land Management Agencies would like to increase the use of naturally ignited fires to burn during favorable conditions as a way to reduce catastrophic fires. This study provides information about the levels of air quality impacts expected from these types of fires and discusses some of the policy controversies of managed fire that propagate inconsistencies between agencies and enter the public discourse. The Lion Fire,a primarily low intensity 8370 ha fire that was extensively monitored for Particulate Matter less than 2.5 microns(PM2.5),is used to quantify impacts to air quality. PM2.5monitoring sites are used to assess exposure,public health impacts,and subsequently quantify annual air quality during a year with a fire that is within the historic normal fire size and intensity for this area. Ground level PM2.5impacts were found to be localized with 99% of the hourly Air Quality Index readings in the moderate or good category for the sites impacted by the fire. PM2.5concentrations at sites nearest the fire were below annual federal air quality standards for PM2.5with annual 98th percentile at the most impacted sites(Johnsondale,Kernville,and Camp Nelson)of 35.0,34.0,and 28.0 lig IT1-3 respectively. Smoke impacts to PM2.5concentrations were not found to reach the populated Central Valley. The findings suggest that this type of fire can be implemented with minimal public health impacts thus allowing an opportunity for air and fire managers to alter policy to allow additional burning in an area with severe anthropogenic air pollution and where frequent widespread fire is both beneficial and inevitable. The more extensive air quality impacts documented with large high intensity fire may be averted by embracing the use of fire to prevent unwanted high intensity burns. A widespread increase in the use of fire for ecological benefit may provide the resiliency needed in Sierra Nevada forests as well as be the most beneficial to public health through the reduction of single dose exposure to smoke and limiting impacts spatially.
Keywords: Smoke impacts; Wildland fire; Policy; Public health; Air quality
来源出版物:Journal of Environmental Management,2014,144: 265-278联系邮箱:Cisneros,R;
Source Apportionment Using Radiocarbon and Organic Tracers for PM2.5Carbonaceous Aerosols in Guangzhou,South China: Contrasting Local- and Regional-Scale Haze Events
Liu,Junwen; Li,Jun; Zhang,Yanlin; et al.
Abstract: We conducted a source apportionment and investigated the atmospheric behavior of carbonaceous aerosols during hazy and normal days using radiocarbon(C-14)and biomass burning/secondary organic aerosol(SOA)tracers during winter in Guangzhou,China. Haze episodes were formed either abruptly by local emissions or through the accumulation of particles transported from other areas. The average contributions of fossil carbon to elemental carbon(EC),water-insoluble organic carbon,and water-soluble organic carbon were 71±10%,40±6% and 33±3%,respectively. High contributions of fossil carbon to EC(80%-90%)were observed for haze samples that were substantially impacted by local emissions,as were the highest(lowest)ratios for NO3-/SO42-(OC/EC),which indicates that these particles mainly came from local vehicle exhaust. Low contributions of fossil carbon to EC(60%-70%)were found for haze particles impacted by regional transport. Secondary organic carbon(SOC)calculated using SOA tracers accounts for only similar to 20% of the SOC estimated by C-14,which is probably because some important volatile organic carbons are not taken into account in the SOA tracer calculation method and because of the large discrepancy in ambient conditions between the atmosphere and smog chambers. A total of 33±11% of the SOC was of fossil origin,a portion of which could be influenced by humidity.
Keywords: pearl river-delta; non-fossil sources; elemental carbon; background site; fine particles; chemical-compositions; atmospheric aerosol; climate; biomass; levoglucosan
来源出版物:Environmental Science & Technology,2014,48(20): 12002-12011联系邮箱:Li,J;
Interlab Comparison of Elemental Analysis for Low Ambient Urban PM2.5Levels
Kang,Choong-Min; Achilleos,Souzana; Lawrence,Joy; et al.
Abstract: There is growing concern about the accuracy of trace elemental analysis of ambient particulate matter(PM)samples. This has become important because ambient PM concentrations have decreased over the years,and the lower filter loadings result in difficulties in accurate analysis. The performance of energy-dispersive X-ray reflectance spectrometry was evaluated at Harvard School of Public Health using several methodologies,including intercomparison between two other laboratories. In reanalysis of standard films as unknown samples following calibration,the HSPH ED XRF measurements represented good performance: 2% errors in precision and 4% errors in accuracy. Replicate analysis of ambient air filters with low PM2.5levels indicated that S,K,Fe,and Ca showed excellent reproducibility,most other quantifiable elements were below 15% error,and the elements with larger percent of flagged measurements had less in precision. Results from the interlaboratory comparison demonstrated that most quantifiable elements,except Na and Al,were quite comparable for the three laboratories. Na performance could be validated from the stoichiometry of Na to Cl of indoor PM2.5filter samples.
Keywords: toxicological evaluation; particulate matter; air-pollution; united-states; particles; aerosols; speciation; metals
来源出版物:Environmental Science & Technology,2014,48(20): 12150-12156联系邮箱:Kang,CM;
A hybrid model for PM2.5forecasting based on ensemble empirical mode decomposition and a general regression neural network
Zhou,Qingping; Jiang,Haiyan; Wang,Jianzhou; et al.
Abstract: Exposure to high concentrations of fine particulate matter(PM2.5)can cause serious health problems because PM2.5contains microscopic solid or liquid droplets that are sufficiently small to be ingested deep into human lungs. Thus,daily prediction of PM2.5levels is notably important for regulatory plans that inform the public and restrict social activities in advance when harmful episodes are foreseen. A hybrid EEMD-GRNN(ensemble empirical mode decomposition-general regression neural network)model based on data preprocessing and analysis is firstly proposed in this paper for one-day-ahead prediction of PM2.5concentrations. The EEMD part is utilized to decompose original PM2.5data into several intrinsic mode functions(IMFs),while the GRNN part is used for the prediction of each IMF. The hybrid EEMD-GRNN model is trained using input variables obtained from principal component regression(PCR)model to remove redundancy. These input variables accurately and succinctly reflect the relationships between PM2.5and both air quality and meteorological data. The model is trained with data from January 1 to November 1,2013 and is validated with data from November 2 to November 21,2013 in Xi'an Province,China. The experimental results show that the developed hybrid EEMD-GRNN model outperforms a single GRNN model without EEMD,a multiple linear regression(MLR)model,a PCR model,and a traditional autoregressive integrated moving average(ARIMA)model. The hybrid model with fast and accurate results can be used to develop rapid air quality warning systems.
Keywords: PM2.5; Ensemble empirical mode decomposition; General regression neural network; Multiple linear regression; Principal components regression
来源出版物:Science of the Total Environment,2014,496: 264-274联系邮箱:Jiang,HY;
PM2.5,PM10and health risk assessment of heavy metals in a typical printed circuit noards manufacturing workshop
Zhou,Peng; Guo,Jie; Zhou,Xiaoyu; et al.
Abstract: A typical Printed Circuit Board(PCB)manufacturer was chosen as the object of this study. During PCB processing,fine particulate matter and heavy metals(Cu,Zn,Pb,Cr,Cd and Ni)will be released into the air and dust,which then impact workers' health and the environment. The concentrations of total suspended particle(TSP),PM10and PM2.5in the off-site were 106.3,90.0 and 50.2 μg/m3,respectively,while the concentrations of TSP,PM10and PM2.5in the workshops ranged from 36.1 to 365.3,from 27.1 to 289.8 and from 22.1 to 212.3 μg/m3,respectively. Almost all six of the heavy metals were detected in all of the particle samples except Cd. For each workshop,it was obvious that Zn was the most enriched metal in TSP,followed by Cu > Pb(Cr)> Ni > Cd,and the same trend was found for PM10and PM2.5. In the dust samples,Cu(which ranged from 4.02 to 56.31 mg/g)was the most enriched metal,followed by Zn,Cr,Pb,Ni and Cd,and the corresponding concentrations ranged from 0.77 to 4.47,0.37 to 1.59,0.26 to 0.84,0.13 to 0.44 and nd to 0.078 mg/g,respectively. The health risk assessment showed that noncancerous effects are unlikely for Zn,Pb,Cr,Cu,Cd and Ni. The carcinogenic risks for Cd and Ni were all lower than 10-6,except for Cr. This result indicates that carcinogenic risks for workers are relatively possible in the workshops. These findings suggest that this technology is advanced from the perspective of environmental protection in the waste PCB's recycling industry.
Keywords: Heavy metal; PM2.5; Dust; Risk assessment; PCB manufacturing
来源出版物:Journal of Environmental Sciences-China,2014,26(10): 2018-2026联系邮箱:Lin,KF;