

高中生学习·高三版 2015年10期



点1] [非谓语动词作定语(现在分词与过去分词混淆)]

例1  (2015年高考新课标Ⅱ卷) The adobe dwellings (土坯房)      (build) by the Pueblo Indians of the American Southwest are admired by even the most modern of architects and engineers.

解析  built。本句主语为the adobe dwellings,谓语是are admired,故空处不需要谓语动词。这里用过去分词作定语表示一个被动的、已完成的动作。

例2  (2015年高考新课标Ⅰ卷) Abercrombie & Kent, a travel company in Hong Kong, says it regularly arranges quick getaways here for people       (live) in Shanghai and Hong Kong.

解析  living。live与people之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,故用现在分词的主动形式作后置定语。

分析  例1容易错在搞不清楚主被动关系,写成现在分词building,或者写成不定式的形式如to be built等。

点拨  现在分词表示主动与进行;过去分词表示被动与完成;不定式常表示将来。可以用简单的例子理清非谓语动词作定语的区别。如:

The bridge being built is named Stone in honor of the hero.  (正在修建的)

The bridge built is named Stone in honor of the hero.  (己经修建了的)

The bridge to be built is named Stone in honor of the hero.  (将要修建的)


点2] [非谓语动词作主语(不定式和动名词混淆)]

例3  (2014年高考新课标Ⅰ卷) It took years of work       (reduce) industrial pollution and clean the water.

解析  to reduce。句型为it took ... to do sth.,it作形式主语,真正的主语是to reduce industrial pollution and clean the water。

例4  (2013年高考新课标Ⅱ卷)Have tea in the late afternoon provides a bridge between lunch and dinner, which might not be served until 8 oclock at night.

解析  Have—Having。having tea在这里是动名词短语作主语。

分析  例1容易错在未能看出it作形式主语;例2容易错在由于句子主语太长,修饰成分太多,发现不了动名词作主语。

点拨  1. 不定式作主语一般指具体的一次行为或将来的动作;而动名词作主语一般属于抽象的泛指概念,强调事物本身。如:

To be invited to the palace hall would be exciting.

Being invited to the palace made her very excited.

2. 不定式和动名词二者都存在it 作形式主语的情况,要烂熟于心。


It is good manners to do sth.

It is difficult/important/impossible for sb. to do sth.

It is nice/wise/stupid of sb. to do sth.

It takes sb some time to do sth.


It is no use doing sth.

It is a waste of time doing sth.


点3] [非谓动词作宾语(介词和动词后的动名词)]

例5  (2015高考新课标Ⅱ卷) After looks at the toy for some time, he turned around and found his parents were missing.

解析  looks—looking。动名词作介词after的宾语。

例6  (2014年新课标Ⅱ卷) Still, the boy kept       (ride). He was carrying something over his shoulder and shouting.

解析  riding。keep doing表示继续做某事。

例7 The wildest trip for a free flyer is falling “head down”. Falling “head down” requires a great deal of control, which means       (travel) not only fast but also steadily.

解析  traveling。mean doing表示“意味着……”。

分析  例5可归为介词后的动名词作宾语。同学们容易错在于没有识别介词after,不知道介词后面跟名词或动名词作宾语的用法。

例6和例7可归为动词后的动名词作宾语。错处在于对常见动词接动名词作宾语的搭配没有概念,或者和接不定式的动词混淆。比如keep后接了to ride, mean后面接了to do(表达的是“打算做”,而非“意味着”)。

点拨  1. 总结介词及介词短语:about,without,of,on,look forward to,be used to(习惯于),apologize for,have difficulty in,be busy in,object to等等。

2. 总结归纳以下三类动词和动词短语:

只接不定式作宾语的: decide,determine,want,hope,pretend,choose,plan,afford,happen等。

只接动名词作宾语的:admit,allow,dislike,enjoy,avoid,consider,delay,escape,excuse,finish,imagine,keep,mind,miss,practice,risk,resist,suggest,suffer,cant help(情不自禁),give up,feel like,keep on,get down to,lead to,see to等。


forget/remember/regret to do


forget/remember/regret doing



点4] [非谓语动词作状语(不定式与分词混淆)]

例8  (2015年高考新课标Ⅱ卷)When a new day breaks, the walls have given up their heat and are now cold enough       (cool) the house during the hot day ...

解析   to cool。be adj. enough to do sth.表示“……到足以……”,不定式短语作结果状语。

例9  Recently a survey has been done find out the reading interests of senior middle school students.

解析  find out前加to。这里是不定式作目的状语。

例10  A boy trembled in the cold winter,

(wrap) his arms around himself on a bus stop bench.

解析  wrapping。句子已有谓语动词trembled,且空前没有连词,所以要填非谓语动词。wrap与逻辑主语之间是主动关系,故用现在分词wrap作伴随状语。

分析  对不定式、分词作状语没有概念,将它们相互混淆。

点拨  非谓语作状语要把握大原则,用典型例子帮助区分:

1. 不定式作状语表示目的/结果/原因等。

He got up very early in order not to be late.  (表示目的)

He work up only to find himself in hospital.  (only to do表示意料之外的结果)

We were very excited to hear the news. (表示原因)

2. 非谓语动词作伴随状语,通常用分词:与逻辑主语是主动关系,用现在分词;与逻辑主语是被动关系,用过去分词。

Whistling the merry tune, Jack fixed the tire.

Looked at in this way, the situation doesnt seem so disappointing.


点5] [非谓语动词作表语、作宾语补足语(过去分词与现在分词、不定式混淆)]

例11  (2014年高考新课标Ⅱ卷) There were many people waiting at the bus stop, and some of them looked very anxious and       (disappoint).

解析  disappointed。look disappointed是系表结构,表示“看起来失望”。

例12  However, what still makes me puzzling is how to make my dream to go to the top university come true.

解析  puzzling—puzzled。表示“感到困惑的”应用puzzled,表示“令人困惑的”用puzzling。

例13  To make matters worse, it is not a complete set, as I found one book missed.

解析  missed—missing。missing在此处意为“不见了”,等同于gone,作宾语补足语。而missed意为“错过了的”,在此处词意不符。

例14  Our goal is      (meet) the internationally agreed targets for water and sanitation by 2015, and to build the foundation for further progress in the years beyond.

解析  to meet。此处to meet作is的表语。

分析  例11中把disappointed写成disappointing, 例12中puzzling未能识别出错误,例13也没改出来。原因在于对形容词化的过去分词与现在分词的词义理解不清。

点拨  例11、12、13表面上考分词,实际上是考形容词。表示感觉、状态的现在分词和过去分词作表语时,现在分词表示“令人……的”,指主语或被修饰的词给人的感觉;过去分词表示”感到……”,指主语或被修饰的词本身的感觉。

2. 熟悉某些特定的名词,如wish, hope, goal, purpose, aim, dream, plan等词作主语,用不定式作表语说明主语的性质或内容,常表示将来的行为。如:

Our dream is to find an ideal job in a big company.


点5] [非谓语动词作表语、作宾语补足语(过去分词与现在分词、不定式混淆)] [易错

点6] [非谓语动词作宾语补足语(不定式、过去分词与现在分词混淆)]

例15  (2012年高考全国卷Ⅰ) Meanwhile, I found out that with more patience I must make my toys to last.

解析  删掉last前的to。make sb. do sth.里的make意为“使”,其后跟不带to的不定式作宾语补足语。

例16   As we started to go out, I turned around and saw them all       (watch) us.

解析  watching。see sb doing意为“看见某人在做某事”。

例17   Several years ago, in one place of interest, I saw rubbish throwing away everywhere, such as waste paper, plastic bags.

解析  throwing—thrown。see sth. done的意思是“看见……被……”,此处垃圾被丢,所以应填throw的过去分词thrown作宾语补足语。

分析  例15容易错在不知道make/let/have sb. do sth.这一结构,没有看出来句中多了一个to;例17容易错在对see sb do/doing/done不能区分,辨别不了其中的差异,做题全凭感觉。

点拨  1. 非谓语动词作宾语补足语时:不定式表示动作全过程;现在分词表示主动或进行;过去分词表示被动或完成。例如:

We heard her often sing next door. (主动,完成)

We heard her singing next door. (主动,进行)

We heard the song sung by her next door. (被动,完成)

We heard the song being sung next door. (被动,进行)

2. 对常见非谓语作宾语补足语的词,做到心中有数。

在“四看”(see,look at,watch,notice),“二听”(hear,listen to),“一感觉”(feel)以及使役动词(1et,make,have)后用动词不定式作宾语补足语时,通常省略to。又如如keep后既可接现在分词作宾语,也可接过去分词作宾语补足语;help后可接带to的不定式或不带to的不定式做宾语补足语; leave,find,get,feel,have等词后不定式、现在分词、过去分词都可做宾语补足语。



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