[摘要] 目的 评估SDSR教学模式在眼科学见习教学中的实践与应用效果。 方法 选择2014~2015学年第一学期在西安交通大学第一附属医院(以下简称“我院”)见习的2012级四年制护理学专业本科生(16名)作为SDSR教学组,采用SDSR教学;选择采用传统教学的2013~2014学年第一学期在我院见习的2011级四年制护理学专业本科生(19名)作传统教学组。采用KAP法评价授课效果,比较两组的授课效果。 结果 与传统教学组比较,SDSR教学组学生的学习积极性较高;SDSR教学组学生对教学的满意度[(94.05±4.19)比(80.05±7.19)分)]、知识掌握[(92.00±4.90)比(85.50±7.20)分]和实践技能[(95.00±6.49)比(82.50±5.19)分]均明显优于传统教学组,差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。 结论 SDSR教学模式是眼科学见习教学的有效手段,提升了见习教学质量。
[关键词] SDSR教学模式;眼科学;临床教学
[中图分类号] R05 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-7210(2015)09(a)-0049-05
[Abstract] Objective To assess the effect of SDSR in ophthalmic clinical teaching. Methods In the First Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University College of Medicine, 16 probationary students of Grade 2012 four-year undergraduates majoring nursing at the first term 2014-2015 academic year were selected as SDSR group, they were taught with SDSR; 19 probationary students of four-year undergraduates majoring nursing at the first term 2013-2014 academic year were selected as traditional group, they were taught with traditional teaching method. KAP was used to evaluate the teaching effect, the teaching effect of two groups was compared. Results Compared to traditional group, students in SDSR group had more learning initiative, and satisfied with knowledge [(92.00±4.90) vs (85.50±7.20) scores], attitude [(94.05±4.19) vs (80.05±7.19) scores] and practice [(95.00±6.49) vs (82.50±5.19) scores] of students in SDSR group were better than those of students in traditional group, the differences were statistically significant (P < 0.05). Conclusion SDSR is an effective means in ophthalmic teaching, and it enhances the quality of trainee teaching.
[Key words] SDSR; Ophthalmology; Clinical teaching
1 对象与方法
1.1 研究对象
选择2014~2015学年在西安交通大学第一附属医院(以下简称“我院”)眼科见习的16名2012级四年制护理学专业本科生作为SDSR教学组,另选择2013~2014学年在我院眼科见习的19名2011级四年制护理学专业本科生,作为传统教学组。两组学生在性别、年龄、既往学习课程及学习成绩等方面比较,差异无统计学意义(P > 0.05),具有可比性。
1.2 方法
1.2.1 SDSR教学组 自学 课前预先知会学生见习内容,同时提供讨论素材(临床病例),让入选学生预习相关知识,并查阅相关资料分组讨论总结,形成小组讨论提纲。如眼外伤是危害健康、致残、致盲的主要眼病之一,严重影响视功能。给患者本身及其家庭、社会造成沉重负。课前嘱托学生提炼眼外伤(眼球穿通伤、眼挫伤、化学性眼外伤)的致伤特点和预防措施。