新目标英语八年级(下)Unit 10 STEP BY STEP随堂通


中学生英语 2015年6期

新目标英语八年级(下)Unit 10 STEP BY STEP随堂通

Section A



( )1.Have you ever been to the Summer Palace?

( )2.How much is this red T-shirt?

( )3.How far is it from school?

( )4.How long have you been learning English?

( )5.Where is Jenny?


A.Fifty-seven yuan.

B.Since I was 12 years old.

C.No,I haven’t.

D.Ten minutes by subway.

E.She has gone to India.


1.His grandparents keep the chickens in the back_______(院子).

2.My father bought my little sister a toy_______(熊)last week.

3.The children are playing_______(棋盘)games in the classroom.

4.Dick is now studying in a famous_______(初级的)high school.

5.The old man thought for a_______(一会儿)and told him something.


1.These flowers are beautiful and smell s_______.

2.Tim likes playing both sports and board g_______.

3.Her mother saves every c_______in order to support the family.

4.Some rich people o_______planes besides cars and big houses.

5.These soft t_______all belong to his younger brother.

6.Henry is a trouble m_______in the neighborhood,no one likes him.

7.Let’s c_______out the kitchen and take out the trash.

8.This tree can only be grown in a c_______place.

9.A_______for the friendship,I think it’s very important in life.

10.In winter,I like wearing a s_______around my neck to keep warm.

Section B


( )1.—How beautiful the flowers are!

—Yes.Can you see the bees flying_______them?

A.across B.against C.among D.between

( )2.—Hello,Bill.Did your aunt get married?

—Yes.She_______for five years.

A.married married C.has married D.has been married

( )3.—The classmates may_______me_______a fool.

—You’ve done nothing wrong.I think they should understand you.

A.regard;as B.think;of C.thank;for;with

( )4.—We probably can’t go to the island this weekend.

—Right.Mr.Liu is also_______changing the plan.

A.enjoying B.considering C.remembering D.keeping

( )5.—The talent show is put off until next Wednesday.

—Then I can’t watch it._______!

A.How exciting B.Good job C.What a pity D.Nothing much


Linda:Welcome to the Sunshine Home for Children.I’m Linda.

Amy:Hi,I’m Amy.I have some things for the kids.I’vethis magazine for a couple of months.The stories inside may be a bit old,but they’re still.

Linda:Great!Many children here love reading.

Amy:And check out these soft toys and board games for younger kids.I’ve had themI wasa child.There’sa sweater and a dress.

Linda:Perfect!We always need toys and.

Amy:One last thing is a bread maker.My mom’s had ita long time but it still works.

Linda:Thanks so much!


Little camel in the zoo asked her mother,“Mom,why are oureyelashes(睫毛)so long?”

Mother camel said,“When the windand sand comes,the long eyelashes can help us tell the direction in the.”

Little camel asked,“Mom,why are wehumpbacked(驼背的)?They are so!”

Mother camel said,“These arehumps (驼峰),which can help uslots of water and nutrient(营养)and make us get through thewithout water or nutrient for more than ten days.”

Little camel asked again,“Mom,why are thesoles(脚掌)of our feet so?”

Mother camel answered,“They can keep our heavy body fromsinking (下陷)into the soft sand so that we make long.”

Everyone’s potential isinfinite(无限的),but the key is that he can find the stage to fully_out his potential.

()1.A.shouts B.falls C.hits D.blows

()2.A.storm B.midnight C.light

( )3.A.simple B.ugly D.popular

()4.A.use B.provide C.keep D.receive

()5.A.condition C.stress D.satisfaction

( )6.A.pretty B.thick C.weak D.small

()7.A.tests C.roads D.trips

() B.surprise D.sadness

( )9.A.visiting B.studying C.staying D.working

() B.hand C.find D.bring


Several years ago I was a policeman in the Atlantic City,to deal with the lost children in the street.Hardly a day went by when I didn’t come upon a child who lost his way or ran away from his home.

One afternoon,I noticed a small boy standing alone,clearly lost.I tried to make him confident—I took him to the nearest ice-creamstand (摊位)and bought him acone (蛋卷冰激凌).Time passed and the boy’s parents didn’t appeared,so the next step was to call the police station to send a car to take him to the station first.I told the boy to stay there while I was making a call.When I finished calling,he was nowhere to find.

Several minutes later,the car arrived,two police officers came out and one of them asked me where the child was.I felt stupid,it’s difficult to say you’ve lost a lost child.But I told the officers what had happened and gave adescription(描述)of the boy.“What did you treat him?”asked one of the men.

“An ice-cream cone.Why?”

“Because,”answered the officer,“that kid just lives in this neighborhood,and you’re about the fifth new policeman he’scheated(欺骗)for a treat!”

( )1.What can you know about the writer from the passage?

A.He was new to his work several years ago.

B.He was good at dealing with lost children.

C.He drove a car around the streets to do his job.

D.He had another policeman to work together.

()2.When the writer did his job in the street,_______.

A.he always bought an ice-cream cone for himself

B.he did’t know that the boy lived in this neighborhood

C.he knew everybody in the neighborhood

D.he never made telephone calls to anyone

()3.It was clear that_______.

A.the writer did a good job that day B.the boy was lost and felt sad

C.the writer was cheated by the boy

D.the boy’s parents didn’t know he was lost

( )4.Why did the writer call the police station?

A.Because he couldn’t find the boy’s parents.

B.Because he had no idea what to do.

C.Because the two officers asked him to do that.

D.Because it was too dark to walk home.

( )5.Where probably was the boy when the two officers arrived?

A.Before the ice-cream stand.B.Behind a big tree.

C.On the way home.D.In the police car.

Self Check


( )1.—Hello!Could I speak to Lily?

—Sorry,she is not in.She_______Shanghai.

A.have been to B.have gone to C.has been to D.has gone to

( )2.—Do you miss your parents far away?

—Yes,very much.They_______the hometown for a month.

A.left B.were away from C.have left D.have been away from

( )3.—My aunt goes to the mountains every Sunday.

—Oh?But she_______hate climbing the mountains.

A.used to B.was used to used to D.use to

( )4.—Did the farmer lose any of his sheep?

—No,he_______his sheep every afternoon when he led them home.

A.counted B.searched C.rode D.introduced

( )5.—I don’t like taking part in the activities in our neighborhood.

—I can’t agree with you._______,volunteering is both a chance to help others and a good way to develop ourselves.

A.To my surprise B.To be honest C.To start with D.To my shame

( )6.—What’s your favorite season?

—Spring.I enjoy the_______winds in spring very much.

A.strong B.heavy C.crazy D.soft

( )7.—Our country_______many teachers to the west to help with the teaching every year.

—That’s a good way to help improve the education there.

A.reminds B.sends C.needs D.throws

( )8.—Did you_______Amy throw something into the waste basket?

—No.Didn’t she finish her lunch?

A.feel C.notice D.listen

( )9.—Jenny,you_______your purse in your desk.

—Thank you very much.Or I’ll be very worried when I get home.

A.found B.missed C.closed D.left

( )10.—I remember clearly that there used to be a tall tree_______our school.

—Oh,it was cut down the year before last.

A.opposite B.from C.along D.round


yard sale/check out/no longer/to be honest/bring back/take after

1.Your son is_______a child,so you should make him do some housework.

2.My grandpa has kept these photos for over 30 years because they can_______sweet memories.

3.He sold some old things in a_______.

4._______,I don’t agree with you.

5.Ask her to_______the information for me again.


For years I wanted a flower garden.I’d spend hoursdifferent things I could plant.I believe they would look nice together.

But then we had Mattew,Marvin,the twins,Alisa and Alan.And then Helen.Five children! I was tooraising(抚养)them instead of gardening.

Money wastight(拮据),as well as time.Often when my children were little,one of them would want something expensive.And I’d have to say,“Do you see a money tree outside?Money doesn’ton trees,you know.”

I went outside to have a look.It was!There were dollar bills all over that tree.There was also a note in the tree.It,“We all love you,Mom.”

()1.A.talking about B.thinking of C.preparing for D.looking after

( )2.A.tired B.careless C.busy D.poor

()3.A.grow B.make C.come D.get

()4.A.Clearly B.Firstly C.Certainly D.Finally

() C.young D.tall

()6.A.should B.can C.must D.need

()7.A.blowing B.turning C.walking D.looking

( )8.A.coat B.hat D.glasses

() B.true C.special D.perfect

()10.A.says B.tells C.shows D.means


A small planecrashed(坠毁)into a house Sunday afternoon,killing the pilot and broke half of the home.The family inside the house ran out without being hurt.The small airplane crashed at about 5:30 p.m.The pilot,the only one in the plane,was trying to make an emergency landing at the airport.

The plane crashed into one end of the house,where the three bedrooms were.The Carols, who own the house,were all at home eating dinner.

“Oh,my gosh,”said Mrs.Carol,“I thought the world had come to an end.I never heard such a loud sound.We all hid under the table,thinking it was another earthquake.When nothing else happened,we got brave and decided to check what was going on.”

They immediately called 911 when they discovered the cause of the big sound.The family was lucky because there was no fire.The police thought the lack of fuel caused the crash.Mr.Carol said that they might have to move out until they can get the house repaired.The police would report more about what they found later.

1.The air accident happened in the afternoon and_______person(s)died.

2.Mr.Carols was______________with his family when the accident happened.

3.Mrs.Carols thought an_______happened when she heard the big sound.

4.The Carols were_______because no one was hurt and their house was not on fire.

5.The Carols had to stay somewhere else before their house was_______.


Two years ago I finished high school.I hoped to go to college,but my father asked me to work in a bus c.I thought he was right.I’m older than my sisters and brothers.I should help them.I athough I wanted to go on studying.I became a busconductor(售票员)and began to sell tickets in a bus.The work is hard,but when I was pon Fridays,I was happy because my sisters and brothers wouldn’t sstudying.

It was December 20 and Christmas was coming.People bought all kinds of pin the shops.There were a lot of people in the bus and sometimes it was difficult to find rto put them in.Of course I was much more tired than u.At ten to twelve a young man with some boxes in his hands got on.His face,eyes and ears were all red.It seemed he wasdrunk (喝醉了).I went cto him and asked,“What can I do for you,sir?”

Looking at me,he didn’t say a word.And when he found I was selling the tickets to others, he seemed to understand what my words m.

“You ta-a-ke ho-o-ld of r-r-ing.”the young man tried to say c_.“I’ll b-b-uy the ti-i-cket!”

1.c__________ 2.a__________ 3.p__________ 4.s__________ 5.p__________

6.r__________ 7.u__________ 8.c__________ 9.m__________ 10.c__________


新目标英语七年级(上)Unit8 STEP BY STEP随堂通
Unit 12 STEP BY STEP 随堂通
Section B
Unit 7 STEP BY STEP 随堂通Section A
Step 4