Analysis of Fuzzy Words in Legal English


校园英语·中旬 2015年8期


【Abstract】With the development of legal English,fuzzy words are poured into legislative language and judicial practice constantly.Hence,this paper aims at exploring the application and funtion of different kinds of fuzzy words in legal English.

【Key words】legal English; fuzzy words


Legal English,as a branch of legal language,mainly refers to customary and technical language of lawyers,judges and other legal workers in common law countries.It includes those special vocabulary,phrases and certain mode of expression.(Cheng,1994:711)The application of fuzzy words in legal English has been discussed generally by scholars.By exemplification,this paper tries to epitomize its utilization more vividly.Based on the definition of fuzzy words and analysis of specific fuzzy adjectives,adverbs and nouns,this paper endeavors to crystalizes the necesity of fuzziness in language.

2.Definition of Fuzzy Words

“Fuzzy” is an adjective which is connected with these meanings: blurred,indistinct,unclear,vague,dim,faint,hazy,indefinite,obscure and the like.From the perspective of language development,the constantly changing meaning of words are hard to be described.In other words,fuzzy is the property of natural language.

3.Application of Fuzzy Words

Surely,fuzzy words have already been applied generally in legal English.The following words in different part of speech include adjectives,adverbs and nouns.

3.1 Fuzzy Adjectives

Adjectives are the vocabularies aiming to describe the state of people and articles.Legislative language endeavors to be accurate enough,however,fuzzy adjectives are imperative in realization of its accuracy.As data indicates,in The Convention on the Right of Child,there are altogether 7606 words in the convention,of which the frequency rate of fuzzy adjectives is 1.54%.(Wang,2007:2)It is rather self-evident that the convention,regulating different countries,is formulated by the United Union,aiming to contain more situations by applying such fuzzy adjectives.All in all,it is undoubted that fuzziness is the very feature of legislative language.

3.2 Fuzzy Adverbs

Adverbs are words indicating the extend,scope, way,frequency and so on,describing adjectives and verbs usually.They are efficient ways to add to the flexibility of legal English.As can be seen from the following sentence quoted from the The Convention on the Right of Child: To be informed promptly and directly of the charges against him or he.In the quotation,promptly is rather difficult to be interpreted,an hour or a year can never be precisely known.Also,what is the way of promply,by telephone or telegraph or mail,which can hardly be found among the lines.

3.3 Fuzzy Nouns

The syntax feature of legislative language is quite serious,thus,the application of nouns is in a large amount.(Zhou,2005:114)Fuzzy nouns express the general concepts of a certain object,of which the connotation is always clear while the extension is always uncertain.Taking Section Three of Article Fourteen in The Convention on the Right of Child for example: Freedom to manifest one' s religion or beliefs may be subject only to such limitations as are prescribed by law and are necessary to protect public safety,order,health or morals,or the fundamental rights and freedoms of others.There are altogether 38 words in this sentences,all the italicized nouns in it are fuzzy words.Freedom,religion,morals,belief,safety,rights are abstract concepts,which are difficult to be confined by a certain definition.Law and health are quite general concepts.Although it seems that limitations can be quantified,the definite scope of it can never be described clearly.


In conclusion,fuzzy words has taken its root in legal English.It is obvious that functions of these fuzzy words includes generality of uncountable phenomenon,accuracy of phrasing as well as the flexibility of expression.In legal practices,what is of paramount importance is to appropriately apply these fuzzy words for the purpose of realizing the practical value of legal language and ensuring the integrity of legal text.Only if the application of fuzzy words in legal English be dealt with appropriately,the legislative process is sure to be poured into larger amount of energy.



[2]王武娟.立法英语语义模糊潭溪[J].Crazy English Teachers, 2007(4):2.

[3]周菊兰.模糊立法语言的语义学分析[J].江苏警官学院学报, 2005(4):108.


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