Cultural Differences Between American and Traditional Chinese Natalia Jing from DAIS


校园英语·中旬 2015年8期


【Abstract】This paper explores the overall differences between American culture and traditional Chinese culture.The study shows that there are great distinctions between two cultures under the aspects of person-nature relationship; individualism and collectivism; assertiveness and interpersonal harmony.This paper attempts to observe the differences between American culture and traditional Chinese culture through comparing and understanding the basic value strictures in both cultures.

【Key words】 relationship; personality; change


【关键词】关系 人格 变化


Throughout history,there are many differences among American culture and traditional Chinese culture.Among them,person-nature relationship; individualism and collectivism; assertiveness and interpersonal harmony; change and stability; a future orientation and a past orientation are the most controversial differences.

II.How American Culture and Traditional Chinese Culture Are Different

1.Person-Nature Relationship.American culture emphasizes“active mastery”in the person-nature relationship.

Kluckhohn and Strodtbects value take the view that,to conquer and direct the forces of nature is the value orientation that is widespread in America.“Active mastery” in the person-nature relationship might come from biblical tradition which fells people that God wants them to be masters over the Earth: “And God said,let us make man in our image,after our likeness,and let them have domain over the fish of the sea,or over the flow of the air,and over the cattle,and over all the earth,and over every creeping thing that crept upon the earth.”

There is also a long tradition of valuing technology and science over nature in the“Active Master”of the person-nature relationship[1-61].Americans' respect science for its based on the assumptions that reality can be rationally ordered by humans and that such an ordering,using the scientific method,allows them to predict and control much of life.They believe that all problems could be solved by science.The following inscription,found on the National Museum of American History in Washington,D.C.,echoes the same idea: “Modern civilization depends on science.”

James Fennimore Coopers tales about the sea adventure tales and the frontier saga have been widely accepted and made him one of the most important American novelist.How American culture emphasized“Active Mastery.”Santiago,one of Hemingway code heroes,was triumphant even in defeat in the battle with a giant marlin--unconquerable natural forces in which only a partial victory is possible.Nevertheless,there is a feeling of great respect for the struggle and mankind.“But man is not made for defeat.A man can be destroyed,but not defeated.”Though life is but a losing battle,it is a struggle man can dominate in such a way that loss becomes dignity; man can be physically destroyed but never defeated spiritually.

Traditional Chinese culture emphasized“passive acceptance”of fate by seeking harmony with nature.

Traditional Chinese culture affirmed that people should,in every way possibly,live in harmony with nature.The philosophy holds that a“power”links all things and creatures together.As a result,most traditional art depict objects,animals,and landscapes,seldom focusing on people,because people believed that nature was more powerful and important than a single individual.They didn't want to conquer nature,they just accepted passively.

Taoism is not a school thought in China but it is a deep fundamental trait of Chinese culture,and of the Chinese attitude toward life and toward society.It provides the only safe,romantic release from the severe Confucian classic restraint,and humanizes the very humanists themselves.Therefore“When a Chinese succeeds,he is always a Confucians,and when he fails,and he is always a Taoist.”Chuang Tse said,“Life and death are a part of Destiny.Their sequence,like day and night,is of God,beyond the interference of man.These all live in the evitable nature of things.”So people were taught to accept the fate.“Human life is limited,but knowledge is infinite.To drive the limited in pursuit of the limitless is fatal,and to presume that one really knows is fatal indeed.”Therefore Chinese were educated to give up“the pursuit of the limitless knowledge,”“the desire to conquer and direct the forces of nature.”Most Chinese lost the intelligence and ability to conquer the world because they were accustomed to living a peaceful life and seeking harmony with nature.

2.Individualism and Collectivism.American values the individual personality.Broadly speaking,individualism refers to the doctrine spelled out in detail by the seventeenth century English philosopher John Locke descripted that each individual is unique,special,completely different from all other individuals,and“the basic unit of nature.” Benjamin Franklin reminded people that god helps those who help themselves.Individualism manifests itself in individual initiative,independence,individual expression,and privacy.

Either literature or art and history all deliver the same message: individual achievement,sovereignty,and freedom are the virtues most glorified and canonized.[1-62]F.Scott Fitzgerald saw the basis for the American character.Gatsby is a firm believer in the American dream of self-made success.He has,after all,not only invented and self-promoted a whole,new person for himself,but has succeeded both financially and socially with little or no assistance.The result is that most Americans believe that each person has his or her own separate identity,which should be recognized and reinforced.

The American philosopher Emerson believed that wherever we go,whatever we do,self is the sole subject we study and learn.He thinks that human beings have a unique ability to think about themselves and to watch how they define the world in order to reflect on their past,present and future.Americans are much more concerned with individual,therefore they devote a great deal of energy watching and even worrying about self.

Emerson told people in his Self-Reliance,“Envy is ignorance,that imitation is suicide.” “Trust yourself.”Henry David Thoreau put Emerson's theories into practice.He tried his “experiment”by living for two years in the woods by Walden Pond in order to drive life into a corner and find and just what it really was worth and what is essentially mean.He found that “where I lived and what I lived for”,the importance of “self-reliance and independence of mind”and“Each should find out his own way.”

The importance of the individual can be linked partially to Christianity.[1-63]The Christian tradition begins with the assumption that the world is real and meaningful because God created it.Human beings are significant because God created them in his image.God has a special relationship with each person in that God sees and hears,rewards,and punishes.Each person is important to him.

Historically,the people who settled the colonies valued individuality heavily since the lack of formality and efficient use of time[1-113].They immigrated to this new world to stake out a fresh life.Settling a new,undeveloped land required a great deal of attention to the daily activities of surviving,a situation that did not lend itself to formality or dependency.Only the independent survived.These environmental factors also had psychological effects on the settlers: after developing habits of survival based on individualism they soon also developed thought patterns,beliefs,values,and attitudes toward that environment.In this way,individualism became even more important for the American culture.

Traditional Chinese culture weighed heavily a person's duties to family,clan,and state.

Traditional Chinese culture is widely considered to be building on a value system crystallized in Confucianism.[2]People were born into extended families or clans that support and protect them in exchange for their loyalty.A“we”consciousness prevails: identity is based on the social system; the culture emphasizes belonging to family,clan and state.

One of the important Chinese cultural values is filial piety.Traditionally,Chinese children felt a lifelong obligation to their parents,ideally exemplified by an unreserved devotion to please them in every possible way.The Confucius had assert that a youth,when at home,should be filial,and,abroad,respectful to his elders.He should be earnest and truthful.[9].What do“be filial” mean?“When a man's father is alive,look at the bent of his will; when his father is dead,look at his conduct.If for 3 years he does not alter from the way of his father,he may be called filial.”[9]

Traditional Chinese culture valued heavily a persons duties to clan,too.Confucius said,“If one wants to establish himself,he should help others to establish themselves at first.”[9]Tsze-hsia said; “If a man withdraws his mind from the love of beauty,and applies it as sincerely to the love of the virtuous; if,in serving his parents,he can exert his utmost strength; if,in serving his prince,he can devote his life; if in his intercourse with his friends,his words are sincere: ---although men say he has not learned,I will certainly say that he has.”In Chuang Tse,Po Yi died for fame at the foot of Mount Shouyant.Robber Chen died for gain on the Mount Tungling.Po Yi was applauded and Robber Cheh was blamed.“All men die for something,and yet if a man dies for charity and duty the world calls him a gentleman,but if he dies for gain,the world calls him a low fellow.”

Individual personality was impossible because of there principles.Individuals were not allowed to have or express personal opinion.[3]What they were encouraged to do was to cite from Analects or The Great Learning.The role models,be they the fighters of each dynasty such as Yue Fei,or four beauties,are all portrayed as the ones who devoted themselves to the state.

In fact,the chief end of a man in traditional China was not to live for himself,but to live for his father,his family and his state.The chief end of a woman in China was to live as a good daughter,a good wife and a good mother.People had no self.The life of every individual,from the Emperor down to the grass root,is a life of sacrifice.

3.Assertiveness and Interpersonal Harmony.American culture is characterized by an open view of the world,emphasizing change and movement.

As a nation of immigrants,the United States has had a continual influx of people with a pioneering spirit,with the courage to make more changes.In the mid-19th century,this spirit led American settlers to make the long,difficult,and dangerous journey westward in search of gold or free land.The desire to start a new life in a new place is still noticeable.More than 40 million Americans change residences every year.The average American moves about 14 times in his or her lifetime.The pioneering spirit of Americans is evident in many other aspects of their lives.Mid-life career changes are quite common and reflect American adaptability as job opportunities change.Americans love science and technology because these fields of study bring the excitement of new discoveries.[5-72]

Perhaps more so than any other people,Americans place great importance on change and movement.This love of change is closely tired to faith of improvement.Americans are ingenuity to improve the quality of human life.Belief in progress fosters not only the acceptance of change,but also the conviction that changes tend in a definite direction and that the direction is good.Each new generation in American wants its opportunity to be part of that change.

Traditional Chinese culture was typified by a closed worldview,prizing stability and harmony.

Traditional Chinese culture was typified by a closed worldview mainly due to two reasons.China's long history of physical and cultural isolation and China's self-perception,pride in China's history links all members of the culture.China's geographical separation contributed to the formation of a number of familiar Chinese characteristics.Chinese believed that it was the“center of civilization,” “This combination of isolation and predominance has fostered distinctive pattern of behavior and attitude among the Chinese.”[1-86]

Traditional Chinese culture still existed after many periodical disasters just because it valued stability and harmony.Kinship ties was one factor.For historical and geographical reasons,most Chinese had always felt detached from their central government.Hence,family loyalty came first to them,as the Chinese proverb makes clear:“Heaven is high and the Emperor is far away.”[6-45]Another reason contributed to stability is that there were no fixed classes in China.Everybody could raise his social position through examine system.

The most important reason was“Not doing”.The Tao Te Ching taught people,“Accept being unimportant,”“Give up learning,and put an end to your troubles/”“A man store of gold and jade,and no one can protect it.”“Retire when the work is done.This is the way of heaven.”This view was a refreshing antidote to the“keep- up- with- Joneses”syndrome.[7-23]

It is undoubtedly that harmony is one of the primordial values of Confucianism and of the Chinese culture.The philosopher Yu believes that in practicing the rules of propriety,a natural ease is to be prized.According to Confucianism,the ultimate goal of human behavior is to achieve“harmony which leads Chinese people to pursue a conflict-free and group-oriented system human relationships.”Chuang Tse also said,“In doing good,avoid fame.In doing bad,avoid disgrace.Pursue a middle course as your principle.Thus you will guard your body from harm,preserve your life,fulfill your duties by your parents,and live your allotted span of life.”

4.Interpersonal Relationship.American culture values horizontal dimensions of interpersonal relationship.

Closely related to individualism is the American value of equality,which is emphasized in everything from government (everyone has the right to vote)to social relationships (Just call me by the first name).Americans believe that all people have a right to succeed in life and that the state,through laws and educational opportunities,should ensure that right.

The value of equality is prevalent in both primary and secondary social relationships: for instance,most of the primary social relationship with a family tend to advance equality rather than hierarchy.Children are often treated as adults.In secondary relationships,Americans find that most friendships and co-workers are also treated as equal.

“All men are created equal'”says the Declaration of Independence.This statement means that all people should be treated equally before the law and given equal privileges and opportunities.The American belief in equality of opportunity is illustrated by the Horatio Alger myth.Horatio Alger was a 19th century American novelist who wrote stories about poor boys who became successful.His books told about the little newsboy or shoeshine boy who grew up to become rich and respected.These popular rags-to-rich stories exemplified the American dream--the belief that any individual,no matter how poor,can achieve success through honesty and hard work.

Traditional Chinese culture placed more weigh on vertical interpersonal relationships.

An important Chinese cultural value is filial piety.Filial Piety,a principle that most literally governs the father-son relationship,constitutes a cardinal value of Confucianism.It entails unquestioned obedience of the son to the authority of his father during and after his father's lifetime.

Confucius told people to Love your father and mother.“Before the ancestral tablet in every family.”Confucius also said,“To gather in the same place where our fathers before us have gathered; to perform the same ceremonies which they before us have performed; to play the same music which they have before played; in fact,to serve them now dead as if they were living,and not departed,as if they were still with us,that is the highest achievement of filial piety.”Christianity says---“If you want to fear God and obey Him and you must first love him.”Confucius told people--“If you want to honor the emperor and be loyal to him you must first love your father and mother.”[4-98]

The basic dominance -obedience relationship characterized in filial piety is generalized to that of emperor-subjects,treating the person's relationship with authorities as a natural extension of his position and fulfilling his role,acquires obligations to obey his superior--and to obey,ultimately,the emperor of loyalty to the emperor.

Traditional values about male-female relationships are: superiority of men over women,Chastity is an ideal with a broom in her hands to her husband and her husband's family.Ku Hongming,in his The Spirit of Chinese,wrote,“The Chinese feminine ideal was summed up in three obedience or 3 self sacrifices: When a woman is unmarried,she is to live for her father,when married,she is to live for her husband; and,as a widow,she is to live for her children.”[4-57]


American culture and traditional Chinese culture are quite different from several aspects.American culture emphasizes “active mastery”in the person-nature relationship while traditional Chinese culture emphasized“passive acceptance”of fate by seeking harmony with nature.American culture is characterized by an open view of the world,emphasizing change and movement,and traditional Chinese culture was typified by a closed worldview,prizing stability and harmony.American culture values the individual personality,and traditional Chinese culture weighed heavily a person's duties to family,clan,and state.American culture values horizontal dimensions of interpersonal relationship while traditional Chinese culture placed more weigh on vertical interpersonal relationship.


[1]Samovar,L.A.,Porter,R.E.,Stefani,L.A.,Communication Between Cultures Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press,Brooks/Cole/Thomson Learning Asia.2000.

[2]Zhang dang Pan &Steven H.Chaffee 'Culture and Values'.

[3]Selected reading in Intercultural Communication Edited by Sang SI-Ming.

[4]Ku Hong Ming,The Spirit of the Chinese People Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.1996.

[5]Tiersky,E.,Tiersky,M.The U.S.A.Customs and Institution.世界图书出版社.1993.





