

植物营养与肥料学报 2015年2期

朱 佩, 张继光, 薛 琳, 季学军, 王传义, 程 森,段苏珍, 任 夏, 张忠锋*

(1 中国农业科学院烟草研究所,农业部烟草生物学与加工重点实验室,青岛 266101;2 中国农业科学院研究生院,北京 100081; 3 安徽皖南烟叶有限责任公司,安徽宣城 242000;4上海烟草集团有限责任公司,上海 200082)


朱 佩1,2, 张继光1, 薛 琳3, 季学军3, 王传义1, 程 森4,段苏珍1,2, 任 夏1,2, 张忠锋1*

(1 中国农业科学院烟草研究所,农业部烟草生物学与加工重点实验室,青岛 266101;2 中国农业科学院研究生院,北京 100081; 3 安徽皖南烟叶有限责任公司,安徽宣城 242000;4上海烟草集团有限责任公司,上海 200082)

【目的】土壤质地能概括反映土壤内在的肥力特征,对土壤养分供应具有调控作用,是影响农田中土壤氮素供应和氮肥利用的重要因素。本试验通过在皖南烟区3种质地(壤土、黏壤、砂壤)土壤上施用等量氮肥来研究其对烤烟不同生育期的氮素吸收、积累及利用特征的影响,旨在为烟田土壤改良及烤烟合理施肥提供理论依据。【方法】在皖南烟区现代农业科技园的典型壤土、黏壤和砂壤土上分别建立田间试验,采用15N田间微区试验和室内分析相结合的研究方法,在烤烟的团棵期(移栽后38 d)、现蕾期(移栽后53 d)、平顶期(移栽后64d)和成熟期(移栽后103 d),采集长势一致的烟株样品,测定烟株各部位的生物量,并采用凯氏定氮法检测其全氮含量,采用ZHT-O2型同位素质谱仪测定其15N丰度。【结果】皖南烟区壤土和黏壤土上烤烟总氮和肥料氮积累均随生育期呈单峰变化,在烤烟平顶期达最大,总氮积累量分别为4.25 g/plant和3.96 g/plant,肥料氮积累量分别为2.34 g/plant和2.54 g/plant,而砂壤土上烤烟到成熟期其总氮和肥料氮的积累量达到最大,分别是5.64 g/plant和2.73 g/plant,均显著高于同时期的壤土和黏壤;壤土、黏壤和砂壤土上烤烟均以叶部肥料氮占总氮比例及氮素分配率较高,茎部次之,根部最低;不同质地土壤上烤烟氮肥利用率与肥料氮的积累动态具有一致的变化趋势,其中壤土和黏壤在平顶期最大,分别为34.5%和40.7%,之后壤土利用率缓慢下降,黏壤下降幅度较大,而砂壤土上烤烟氮肥利用率在生育期内呈上升趋势,至成熟期最大,为43.7%。【结论】不同质地土壤上烟株对氮素的吸收利用顺序为砂壤>壤土>黏壤,黏壤土在烤烟生育期内供氮能力较弱,应合理调控土壤氮的矿化及增加肥料氮的供应;砂壤土氮肥利用率较高,应严格控制氮肥的施用量。

土壤质地; 肥料氮; 土壤氮;15N示踪; 烤烟; 氮肥利用率

1 材料与方法

1.1 试验材料

该试验于2012年在安徽省宣城市宣州区黄渡乡现代农业科技示范园内(30°40′49″N,118°46′17″E)进行。该地区属典型亚热带季风气候区,光、温、水热条件优越,年均日照时数为2072.5 h,年平均温度15.8℃,无霜期为228 d,年平均降水量1324.8 mm,该地区的土壤主要是河流冲积母质形成的潴育型水稻土。本试验采用的3种不同质地(壤土、黏壤和砂壤土)土壤的基本理化性状见表1。

表1 试验田不同质地土壤的基本理化性质

1.2 试验设计

1.3 样品采集与测定

全氮采用凯氏法(K-05 自动定氮仪)测定,15N丰度采用ZHT-O2 型质谱仪测定。

1.4 计算方法






1.5 数据处理

试验数据采用Excel 2007和SAS 9.2统计分析软件进行处理。

2 结果与分析

2.1 不同质地土壤上烤烟氮素积累动态

由不同质地土壤上烤烟总氮积累动态(图1A)可知,壤土和黏壤土上烤烟氮素积累动态基本一致,均呈单峰变化,即在移栽后64 d的平顶期氮素积累达到顶峰,总氮积累量分别为4.25 g/plant和3.96 g/plant,之后缓慢下降,至移栽后103 d的成熟期降为3.92 g/plant和2.79 g/plant,砂壤土上,烤烟氮素积累则随移栽后天数的增加呈线性增加趋势,至成熟期氮素积累量达最大为5.64 g/plant。可见,烤烟在砂壤土上较壤土和黏壤具有更强的吸收利用氮素的能力。多重比较结果表明,在烤烟的前3个取样时期,3种质地土壤上烤烟氮素积累量没有明显差异,在成熟期,砂壤土上烤烟氮素积累量显著高于壤土和黏壤(P<0.05),但壤土和黏壤土上烤烟氮素积累量差异不显著。

壤土和黏壤土上烤烟对肥料氮的积累量与其总氮积累变化一致(图1B),同样在平顶期最大,分别为2.34 g/plant和2.54 g/plant,之后迅速下降。砂壤土,烤烟从平顶期到成熟期仍有部分肥料氮的积累,但积累速率较前期明显下降,肥料氮积累量最大值出现在成熟期,为2.73 g/plant。在移栽后38 d的团棵及移栽后53 d的现蕾期,烤烟对土壤肥料氮的积累量顺序为黏壤>壤土>砂壤,在成熟期,则表现为砂壤>壤土>黏壤,说明平顶期前后是烤烟对不同质地土壤肥料氮积累量变化的关键时期。

壤土、黏壤和砂壤土上烤烟对土壤氮的积累量在生育期内呈逐渐增加的趋势(图1C),在成熟期时达到最大值,分别为2.10 g/plant、 1.43 g/plant和2.90 g/plant。其中黏壤土上烤烟土壤氮积累量在整个生育期始终低于壤土和砂壤,说明黏壤土的供氮能力相对较弱,烟株对其吸收利用最少。在平顶期之前,壤土和砂壤土上烤烟对土壤氮的吸收积累量基本一致,而到成熟期,砂壤土上烤烟土壤氮的积累显著高于壤土和黏壤(P<0.05)。

图1 不同质地烤烟和土壤氮素的积累动态Fig.1 N cumulative dynamics of flue-cured tobacco and soil under different soil texture

2.2 不同质地土壤上烤烟器官的氮素积累量

从表2可以看出,在烤烟平顶期之前,不同质地土壤上烤烟根部氮素积累量之间差异不显著(P>0.05),平顶期之后,烤烟根部氮素积累以壤土和砂壤增加较多,显著高于黏壤(P<0.05),至成熟期,壤土、黏壤和砂壤土上烤烟根部氮素积累量分别为0.82 g/plant、 0.40 g/plant和0.70 g/plant。不同质地土壤上烤烟茎部氮素积累量随生育期的推进呈增加趋势。团棵期,黏壤土上烤烟茎部氮素积累量显著高于壤土和砂壤(P<0.05);平顶期至成熟期,砂壤土上烤烟茎部氮素吸收仍在增加,在成熟期达最大,为1.62 g/plant,黏壤土上烤烟茎部对氮素的吸收基本停止,二者积累量差异显著(P<0.05)。从团棵期到成熟期,壤土和黏壤土上烤烟叶部氮素积累变化一致,其烤烟叶部氮素积累量在平顶期达到最大,分别为2.82 g/plant和2.72 g/plant,随后迅速降低。砂壤土上烤烟叶部氮素积累量在现蕾前低于壤土和黏壤,之后砂壤土上烤烟叶部氮素积累逐渐增加,至成熟期达最大值,为3.32 g/plant。

2.3 不同质地土壤上烤烟氮素分配率


表2 烤烟各器官在不同生育期的氮素积累量(g/plant)

注(Note): 同列数据后不同字母表示处理间差异达5%显著水平 Values followed by different letters in a column are significant among treatments at the 5% level.

表3 不同质地土壤烤烟氮素分配率(%)

注(Note): 同列数据后不同字母表示处理间差异达5%显著水平 Values followed by different letters in a column are significant among treatments at the 5% level.

2.4 不同质地土壤下肥料氮在植株中的分布


图2 肥料氮在烟株器官的分配状况Fig.2 Distribution of fertilizer N in various flue-cured tobacco organs[注(Note): 方柱上不同字母表示处理间差异显著(P<0.05) Different letters above the bars mean significantly different among treatments(P<0.05).]

图3 不同质地土壤上烤烟吸收肥料氮占总氮的比例Fig.3 Ratios of fertilizer N to total N of flue-cured tobacco in different textured soils[注(Note): 方柱上不同字母表示处理间差异显著(P<0.05) Different letters above the bars mean significantly different among treatments(P<0.05).]

2.5 不同质地土壤上烤烟氮肥利用率

图4 不同质地土壤烤烟氮肥利用率 Fig.4 Nitrogen use efficiency of flue-cured tobacco in different textured soils


3 讨论



4 结论

在皖南烟田不同质地土壤上,烤烟对氮素的吸收利用顺序为砂壤>壤土>黏壤,在烤烟成熟期,烟株总氮积累量分别为5.64、 3.92和2.79 g/plant,黏壤的供氮能力较弱,应合理调控土壤氮的矿化及增加肥料氮的供应。烤烟氮肥利用率以砂壤条件下的当季利用率最高为43.7%,壤土次之为29.2%,黏壤土上最低为21.7%,仅为砂壤土的1/2。由于砂壤的氮肥利用率较高,因此应严格控制氮肥的施用量。

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Nitrogen accumulation, distribution and use efficiency of flue-cured tobacco under different soil texture

ZHU Pei1,2, ZHANG Ji-guang1, XUE Lin3, JI Xue-jun3, WANG Chuan-yi1, CHENG Seng4, DUAN Su-zhen1,2, REN Xia1,2, ZHANG Zhong-feng1*

(1TobaccoResearchInstituteofCAAS/KeyLaboratoryofTobaccoBiologyandProcessing,MinistryofAgriculture,QingdaoShandong266101,China; 2GraduateSchoolofCAAS,Beijing100081,China; 3AnhuiWannanTobaccoLeafCo.Ltd,Xuancheng,Anhui242000,China; 4ShanghaiTobaccoGroupLimitedLiabilityCompany,Shanghai200082,China)

【Objectives】 Soil texture generally reflects inherent soil fertility, affectes soil nutrient supply, especially soil nitrogen supply and nitrogen fertilizer utilization in farmlands. In this study, the nitrogen absorption, accumulation and utilization of flue-cured tobacco in different soil texture in south Anhui were studied to provide a scientific basis for local rational fertilization in flue-cured tobacco. 【Methods】 A field experiment was established in loam, clay loam and sandy loam soils in the modern agricultural science park of south Anhui tobacco planting area. The15N field trials combined with laboratory analysis were conducted in this study. The biomass amounts of different parts of flue-cured tobacco were measured after blenching and drying of these samples, which were taken from the field trial with the similar growing trend at the rosette stage (38 days after the transplanting), budding stage (53 days after the transplanting), topping stage (64 days after the transplanting) and maturity stage (103 days after the transplanting) of flue-cured tobacco. The total nitrogen contents of different parts of flue-cured tobacco were measured by the kjeldahl nitrogen determination method, and the abundances of15N were measured by ZHT-O2 mass spectrometer. 【Results】 The total nitrogen contents and fertilizer nitrogen accumulation amounts of tobacco in loam soil and clay loam soil both exhibit a single peak pattern during the growing season, and reach their maximum values at the topping stage, with the total nitrogen 4.25 g/plant and 3.96 g/plant, and the fertilizer nitrogen 2.34 g/plant and 2.54 g/plant, respectively. The total nitrogen content and fertilizer nitrogen accumulation amount of tobacco in sandy loam soil reach their maximum values at the maturity stage, with the total nitrogen 5.64 g/plant and fertilizer nitrogen 2.73 g/plant which are significantly higher than those in loam soil and clay loam soil at the same stage. The ratios of fertilizer nitrogen to total nitrogen and the nitrogen distribution rates of tobacco in three soils are all highest in leaves, followed by stems, and lowest in roots. The change tendencies of nitrogen use efficiencies of tobacco at different developmental stages are similar to those of the fertilizer nitrogen accumulation in the three soils. The maximum values of nitrogen use efficiencies in loam soil and clay loam soil are observed at the topping stage and are 34.5% and 40.7% respectively. And then, the values decrease gradually in loam soil and rapidly in clay loam soil with the developmental stage. The nitrogen utilization efficiency of tobacco in sandy loam soil increases with the developmental stage and reaches the maximum value of 43.7% at the maturity stage. 【Conclusions】 The order of nitrogen absorption and utilization of tobacco in different soils is sandy loam > loam > clay loam. Due to its weak nitrogen supply capacity, nitrogen mineralization in clay loam soil should be promoted and more nitrogen fertilizer should be applied for growing tobacco. While, less nitrogen fertilizer should be used in sandy loam soil because of its higher nitrogen utilization efficiency.

soil texture; fertilizer nitrogen; soil nitrogen;15N-tracing approach; flue-cured tobacco; nitrogen use efficiency

2013-12-02 接受日期: 2014-01-20


朱佩(1986—),男,安徽蚌埠人,硕士研究生,主要从事作物高产优质高效栽培工程方面的研究。E-mail: * 通信作者 E-mail:

S572.01; S606+.1




陈晓明 进入加速期和成熟期,未来十五年是花都滨水新城黄金时代