

液晶与显示 2015年2期

余 洋,周 璇,张志东

(河北工业大学 理学院,天津 300401)


余 洋,周 璇,张志东*

(河北工业大学 理学院,天津 300401)

在扭曲向列相中,基于Landau-de Gennes理论,利用二维松弛迭代方法,研究了s=±1/2扭曲向错的有序重构,给出了随着盒厚减小缺陷核的双轴结构。在临界值dc*≈ 9ξ(ξ是序参数变化的相干长度),有序重构结构是稳定态,而带缺陷结构是亚稳态,此时系统缺陷结构和双轴性开始沿基板方向扩散。相对于没有初始向错的情况,本征值交换为稳定解对应的盒厚较大。在临界盒厚dc≈ 7ξ,系统发生双轴性转变,双轴性结构扩散到整个液晶盒,形成双轴壁。在盒厚d≈ 9ξ时力达到极大值,而d≈ 7ξ时力达到极小值。对于非对称弱锚泊边界条件,随着锚泊强度的降低,弱锚泊边界将向错逐渐驱出边界。

有序重构;扭曲向错线;双轴性参数;Landau-de Gennes 理论

1 引 言

有序重构(order reconstruction)描写液晶中指向矢不连续变化[1]。液晶中有序重构最早在盒中使用电学方法得到实验检验[2-3],随后使用双光子共聚焦实验得到进一步证实[4]。原子力显微镜(AFM)实验表明,有序重构可以在液晶薄盒中实现(盒厚为~10 nm),并伴随有缺陷产生[5]。在单轴向列相中,通常观察到的缺陷是典型的强度s=1的点缺陷以及s=±1/2的线缺陷[6]。根据转动轴的方向,缺陷又可以分为两种类型[7]:一种为转动轴平行于向错线的楔形向错 ,另一种为转动轴垂直于向错线的扭曲向错。


我们首次通过Landau-de Gennes理论研究向列相薄盒中强度为(-1/2)的扭曲向错。研究中液晶盒左右设为自由边界条件,上基板为强锚泊,下基板分别为强锚泊和弱锚泊。针对强锚泊液晶薄盒,研究三种平衡态解。第一种是带有线缺陷结构的形变解,第二种是纯扭曲结构解,第三是本征值交换结构解。针对单侧弱锚泊液晶薄盒,研究带有线缺陷结构的形变解,给出缺陷中心位置随约化锚泊强度系数的变化。

2 理论方法

2.1 自由能密度

在Landau-de Gennes理论中[13],我们用二阶对称无迹的序参数张量Q来描述液晶的取向序。在主轴系中,序参数张量可以表示为[14]:






液晶系统的Landau-de Gennes自由能密度可以表示为

















2.2 几何模型

图1 几何模型Fig.1 Geometry of the problem





2.3 数值方法





3 数值结果


3.1 强锚泊边界条件

图2 对于不同盒厚的薄TN层通过cos2φ描述平均分子取向.φ是长轴平均分子取向(即指向矢)与 x轴的夹角.(a) d = 15ξ; (b) d = 10ξ; (c) d = 8ξ 和 (d) d = 7ξ.Fig.2 Average molecular orientation described by cos2φ in a thin TN layer with different cell gaps d. φ is the angle between the average orientation of molecular long axis (i.e.the director) and the x axis. (a) d = 15ξ; (b) d = 10ξ; (c) d = 8ξ and (d) d = 7ξ.

图3 含有初始线缺陷的扭曲向列相薄盒中不同盒厚d的双轴性β2.(a) d = 15ξ; (b) d = 10ξ;(c) d = 8ξ 和 (d) d = 7ξ. Fig.3 Biaxiality β2 for different cell gaps d in a thin TN nematic layer with an initial line defect. (a) d = 15ξ; (b) d = 10ξ; (c) d = 8ξ and (d) d = 7ξ.

图4 对于3种不同的结构自由能作为d/ξ的函数.(b)是(a)的局部放大.Fig.4 Free energy as a function of d/ξ for three different structures. (b) is a partial enlargement of (a).

3.2 力


图5 存在缺陷的TN层通过Landau-de Gennes理论计算出力.Fig.5 Force calculated by the Landau-de Gennes theory for a TN cell with a defect

4 弱锚泊边界条件

图6 TN盒x-y平面内s=-1/2向错的双轴性等高图(约化锚泊强度系数分别为5、1、0.75、0.61)Fig.6 Biaxiality contours of s=-1/2 disclination in the x-y plane of a TN cell.(The reduced anchoring strength coefficient swere 5, 1, 0.75, 0.61)

图7 TN盒x-y平面内s=-1/2向错的指向矢取向等高图(约化锚泊强度系数分别为5、1、0.75、0.61) Fig.7 Director orientation contours of s=-1/2 disclination in the x-y plane of a TN cell.(The reduced anchoring strength coefficient swere 5, 1, 0.75, 0.61)

图9 TN盒x-y平面内s=-1/2向错的双轴性等高图(约化锚泊强度系数分别为0.6、0.5、0.4、0.3)Fig.9 Biaxiality contours of s=-1/2 disclination in the x-y plane of a TN cell.(The reduced anchoring strength coefficient swere 0.6, 0.5, 0.4, 0.3)

图10 TN盒x-y平面内s=-1/2向错的指向矢取向等高图(约化锚泊强度系数分别为0.6、0.5、0.4、0.3)Fig.10 Director orientation contours of s=-1/2 disclination in the x-y plane of a TN cell.(The reduced anchoring strength coefficient s were 0.6, 0.5, 0.4, 0.3)

图11 约化锚泊强度系数s与角度φ之间的关系Fig.11 Relationship between the reduced anchoring strength coefficient s and the angle φ

5 讨 论


当系统发生双轴性转变,液晶盒形成双轴壁时,液晶系统将呈现双轴向列相的特性[27],相对于常规TN 液晶盒显示,双轴系统具有高品质、快反应、能耗低等特性。缺陷的相关研究对向列相液晶中亚微米胶体粒子的调节作用具有一定的理论指导意义,可以为胶体微组装提供有序模板,并为新型双稳液晶器件[28]以及蓝相液晶器件的研究[29]与开发提供可靠的理论依据。

6 结 论

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Study of line defects in a thin twisted nematic cell

YU Yang, ZHOU Xuan, ZHANG Zhi-dong*


Within the Landau-de Gennes theory, the order reconstruction ofs=±1/2 twist disclinations in a twisted nematic cell is investigated, using the two-dimensional relaxation iterative method. The biaxial structure of the defect core as the cell gap decreasing is explored. At a critical value ofdc*≈ 9ξ(hereξis the characteristic length for order-parameter changes), the exchange solution is stable, while the defect core solution becomes metastable, where the system starts to stretch the defect structure and the biaxiality starts to propagate inside of the cell. Comparing to the case with no initial disclination, the value at which the exchange solution becomes stable increases relatively. At a critical separation ofdc≈ 7ξ, the system undergoes a biaxial transition, and the defect core merges into a biaxial wall with large biaxiality. The force reaches a maximum atd≈ 9ξ, and a local minimum atd≈ 7ξ. For weak anchoring boundary conditions, because of the weakened frustration, the asymmetric boundary conditions repel the defect to the weak anchoring boundary as the anchoring strength coefficient decreasing.

order reconstruction; twist disclination line; biaxial parameter; Landau-de Gennes theory











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