William Fang, born in Hangzhou city, Zhejiang Province, was fond of painting at an early age under the influence of Lu Weizhao, a famous calligrapher and painter of China, and received professional education on western arts in University of Wisconsin in the 1980s.
Inspired by Pointillism of Georges Seurat, William created Random Lines Paintings on the basis of traditional Chinese painting, which gained high evaluation from Chinese and foreigners. Also he participated in various exhibitions at home and abroad and won grand prizes. Many of his artworks have been collected by famous organizations and individuals.
方免衰(William Fang)先生,出生于中国杭州,年轻时受著名书画家陆维钊影响,研习东方绘画。20世纪80年代初在美国威斯康辛大学接受西方美术教育。
受欧洲印象主义大师修拉“点彩派”的启发,在深厚的中国传统绘画的基础上,他创造了“乱线画”(Random Lines Painting)。以中国画的灵魂线条为核心,随意涂写,利用彩色线条的纵横交错表现来营造形象,近看抽象,远看具象,以东方的线条寻求西方绘画的效果。宣纸、水墨和丙烯是他的绘画材料,“从无序到有序”是他的绘画哲学。