刘敬寿,戴俊生,邹 娟,杨海盟,汪必峰,周巨标
[1.中国石油大学(华东) 地球科学与技术学院,山东 青岛 266555; 2.中国石油 冀东油田分公司 勘探开发研究院,河北 唐山 063004; 3.中国石化 江苏油田分公司 安徽采油厂,安徽 天长 239300]
刘敬寿1,戴俊生1,邹 娟2,杨海盟1,汪必峰1,周巨标3
[1.中国石油大学(华东) 地球科学与技术学院,山东 青岛 266555; 2.中国石油 冀东油田分公司 勘探开发研究院,河北 唐山 063004; 3.中国石化 江苏油田分公司 安徽采油厂,安徽 天长 239300]
1 裂缝渗透率张量预测模型
1.1 现今裂缝产状预测
1.2 建立裂缝渗透率预测模型
1.3 现今裂缝的线密度-开度预测
图1 静态坐标系与动态坐标系关系示意图Fig.1 Schematic diagram showing relations between static and dynamic coordinate systems
2 动态坐标系中裂缝渗透率张量预测
2.1 单组裂缝渗透率张量预测
2.2 多组裂缝渗透率张量预测
3 裂缝渗透率各向异性评价参数
4 实例应用
4.1 区域地质概况
图2 铜城断裂带东翼构造位置(据文献[33]中修改)Fig.2 Structural location of the east flank of the Tongcheng fault belt(modified based on reference[33])F1.杨村断层;F2.石港断层;F3.铜城断层;F4.崔庄断层
4.2 渗透率张量预测
在数值模拟中,合理的古今应力场分布是储层裂缝参数准确预测的前提,其中现今应力场又是裂缝现今开度预测关键[6,13,23]。以铜城断裂带阜二段底面构造图为基础,利用平衡剖面技术恢复阜二段古构造形态,根据小层对比图,在ANSYS有限元模拟软件中建立阜二段砂泥互层的地质模型(厚度120 m);对模型网格划分后生成96 000余个单元体,借助于岩石力学实验结果(表1),对不同属性的单元体赋予不同的岩石力学参数,建立力学模型;将古今应力、应变数据导入裂缝参数计算模型,并以多井岩心裂缝参数为约束,通过不断地反演、拟合,确定在地质模型的南北边界施加4.5 MPa的拉张应力,东西边界施加1.5 MPa的拉张应力,定义模型自身的重量,并在底面施加Z方向约束、南北边界施加线性约束,以保证有限元计算结果收敛。数值模拟结果显示,铜城断裂带东翼阜二段储层均已达到岩石张剪破裂条件,裂缝普遍发育。铜城断裂带东翼裂缝线密度为2.85~4.68 条/m,岩心判断[36]两组裂缝线密度比值为3 ∶2,断层附近以及构造低部位裂缝的线密度为高值;在现今三向挤压应力场中,裂缝开度为(20~44)×10-6m,约是古开度的0.2~0.3倍。
表1 铜城断裂带阜二段应力场数值模拟力学参数Table 1 Mechanical parameters for stress field simulation of Fu-2 Memberin the Tongcheng fault belt
表2 铜城断裂带东翼实测结果与现今应力场数值模拟对比Table 2 Comparison between the measured and present stress field simulation in the east flank of the Tongcheng fault belt
综合研究区的岩心声速实验、古地磁定向实验、压裂资料以及微地震监测结果,并参考邻区的地应力信息,确定现今水平最大主应力为NEE 79°挤压应力,大小为37 MPa;水平最小主应力为NNW 349°的挤压应力,大小为25 MPa;定义模型自身的重量,在地质模型的底面施加Z方向的约束使有限元模型计算收敛。对比现今应力场模拟结果与铜城断裂带东翼部分井位监测计算结果,发现两者吻合较好(表2),由此可认为现今裂缝参数的预测结果能够较准确地反映储层裂缝的实际情况。
图3 铜城断裂带阜二段井点不同方向上裂缝渗透率大小Fig.3 Fraccture permeability at different directions of wells in the Fu-2 Member of the Tongcheng fault belt
图4 铜城断裂带阜二段单元体间τb与τy,τk拟合曲线Fig.4 Fitting curves of τb,τy,and τk in different unit bodies in the Fu-2 Member of the Tongcheng fault belt
图5 铜城断裂带阜二段平面最大渗透率主值分布Fig.5 Plane distribution of the maximum permeability in the Fu-2 Member of the Tongcheng fault belt
图6 铜城断裂带阜二段平面最大渗透率主值方向分布Fig.6 Direction plane distribution of the maximum permeability in the Fu-2 Member of the Tongcheng fault belt
5 结论
1) 利用现今裂缝产状,通过定义静态坐标系与动态坐标系建立裂缝渗透率计算模型,调整动态坐标系的旋转角,定量分析裂缝渗透率各向异性,提出了单组-多组裂缝渗透率主值以及渗透率主值方向的计算方法。
2) 在水平面内,裂缝渗透率主值与单元体内发育的裂缝组数、每组裂缝的开度、线密度以及裂缝的产状有关;渗透率主值方向与单元体内发育的裂缝组数、每组裂缝的开度、线密度以及裂缝的走向有关,与裂缝的倾角无关。
图7 铜城断裂带阜二段平面渗透率极差比分布Fig.7 Plane distribution of ratio of the maximum and minimum value in the permeability of the Fu-2 Member of the Tongcheng fault belt
3) 定义了评价裂缝非均质性参数提出并应用渗透率主值、渗透率主值方向以及各向异性参数定量评价裂缝渗透率非均质性。通过建立裂缝渗透率计算模型预测裂缝平面的渗透率张量,利用该思路同样可以评价任意剖面渗透率的非均质性。
4) 在靠近断层的井点,裂缝的渗透率主值大,随着与断层距离的增大,渗透率急剧减小。在构造低部位,渗透率极差比为高值。
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(编辑 张玉银)
Quantitative prediction of permeability tensor of fractured reservoirs
Liu Jingshou1,Dai Junsheng1,Zou Juan2,Yang Haimeng1,Wang Bifeng1,Zhou Jubiao3
Aiming at difficulties to quantitatively predict fracture permeability tensor,present fracture occurrence was predicted based on occurrence change of rock mechanical layers.Present liner density of fracture was predicted based on the facture surface energy theory and the rock strain energy theory of fracture mechanics.According to the results of present stress field numerical simulation,fracture opening was calculated in three direction extrusion stress state and then present facture parallel permeability was determined.By using present fracture attitudes,static and dynamic coordinate systems were unified into geodetic coordinate system,a quantitative prediction model of multi-group fracture permeability tensors was constructed,formula for calculating the principal value of permeability and main value direction were given,and permeability at different directions in unit body was predicted by adjusting the dynamic coordinate system rotation angle.Three parameters,the ratio of the maximum and minimum value of the permeability,heterogeneity coefficient of permeability and variation coefficient of permeability,were defined to quantitatively evaluate fracture permeability heterogeneity.Fu-2 Member fractured reservoir in the eastern flank of Tongcheng fault belt was taken as an example to predict fracture permeability tensor.
permeability tensor,permeability anisotropy,quantitative prediction,fracture,Tongcheng fault belt