There are some less-known laws governing Oxford student life that you might not quite get used to. They might not be written in the official regulations handbook, but unspeakable atrocities await those who dare to question Oxford’s weirdest rules.
Don’t bring your bow and arrow to lectures
Oxford University is the oldest university in the English-speaking world: professors have been pontificating and students have been snoozing since the 12th century. Back then, students didn’t have Angry Birds to distract them in lectures—but they did have bows and arrows. In 1209, a student accidentally shot a townswoman (the subsequent hanging of two innocent students led to a breakaway group of university men founding Cambridge University), and one of Oxford’s earliest rules banned students from bringing their weaponry to classes, just in case the boredom became too much…
Permission for a pint
In the early 20th century, students needed written permission from their tutors before they could stop off for a beer at The Bear (Oxford’s oldest pub). Without a note, students weren’t simply thrown out—they were arrested by the ‘bulldogs’, the university police.
在20世纪早期,牛津学生如果想在路过The Bear(牛津最古老的酒吧)时买点酒,他们需要找导师写一张书面批准!如果没有书面批准,可不仅仅是被赶出酒吧那么简单,学生们会被校园警察(别称“斗牛犬”)逮捕!
Making a splash
In 2012, the college JCR voted unanimously to install a hot tub for stressed finalists during the final week of Trinity term, costing up to £400. It has since become an annual fixture.
2012年,学院的“本科生公共休息室”(JCR,Junior Common Room)通过投票一致同意:在夏季学期的期末周花费400英镑为紧张备考的毕业班学子们安装一个热水浴缸。从此,这就成了学院每年固定的规矩.
No cake for finalists
Finalists certainly deserve a reward after their last exams: but the university proctors will not let them eat cake. The famous ‘Trashing’ celebrations that occur when students walk out of exams—where friends of the freed throw confetti and pop champagne—are permitted, so long as they don’t involve food stuff. Eggs, flour and whipped cream are specifically prohibited from being brought into the proximity of the exam schools, so no one can whip up a celebratory cake on their friend’s head. Much as post-exam students need sustenance, it might not be worth risking the £80 fine .