2nd International Palaeo‑geography Conference October 1013, 2015 Beijing, China First Circular
In order to promote the development and innovation of international palaeogeography and related disciplines, and to organize high academic quality papers for the Journal of Palaeogeography and thus develop it into an advanced international periodical, the 2ndInternational Palaeogeography Con‑ference will be held from October 10 to 13, 2015 at the China University of Mining and Technology(Beijing).
1 Name: 2nd International Palaeogeography Conference
2 Time schedule:
October 9, 2015: Registration, a preparation meeting in the evening
October 10, 11 and 13, 2015: Oral presentations, poster presentations
October 12, 2015: Mid-conference field excursion or sightseeing in Beijing
October 14-16, 2015: Post-conference field excursions
3 Venue: China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing), Beijing, China
4 Sponsors
China University of Petroleum (Beijing)
Editorial Committee of Journal of Palaeogeography
Lithofacies Palaeogeography Committee of the Chinese Society for Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry
Stratigraphy and Palaeontology Committee of the Geological Society of China
Coalfield Geology Committee of the Geological Society of China
Petroleum Geology Committee of the Chinese Society for Petroleum
China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing)
China University of Mining and Technology
China University of Petroleum (East China)
China University of Geosciences (Beijing)
China University of Geosciences (Wuhan)
Henan Polytechnic University
Yangtze University
Southwest Petroleum University
Northwest University
China National Administration of Coal Geology
5 Host
China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing)
China University of Petroleum (Beijing)
6 Topics
1) Palaeogeography and Mineral Resources
2) Lithofacies Palaeogeography and Sedimentology
3) Biopalaeogeography, Palaeoecology, Palaeoichonology, Microbialites, Reefs
4) Palaeoclimatology
5) Tectonopalaeogeography and Palaeotectonics
6) Palaeoseismology and Seismites
7) Physiogeographic Palaeogeography and Human History Palaeogeography
8) Academic Disscussion
7 Invitation and submission of papers
The conference sincerely invites Earth scientists involved in or with interest in palaeogeography to attend the conference.
The conference requires those who wish to present their manuscripts orally at the conference to submit full text of their manuscripts in English according to the general regulations concerning the submission of manuscripts to the Journal of Palaeogeography before May 31, 2015 (The deadline is August 31, 2015). Chinese authors should also submit a Chinese abstract in addition to the full text in English. Currently
Abstracts of the Conference (both in English and in Chinese) is in editing and printing process and will be printed before the conference.
Time and order for oral presentations will be listed in the Conference Programme in detail. Please prepare slides in advance according to requirements of the Conference Programme. Oral presentation and slide will be in English.
The manuscripts will be sent for peer‑review, and if accepted, will be given publication priority in the Journal of Palaeogeography. After being published, the first author will be paid back the registra‑tion fee and the post‑conference excurtion fee.
8 Awards for the best presentations by young scientists/students
The conference will award the best presentations by young scientists/students, taking into the fol‑lowing considerations:
1) Authors should submit the full texts (in English) of their manuscripts according the above‑mentioned requirements on time, and submit 5 copies of the full texts of their final manuscripts before attending the conference;
2) The submitted manuscripts must be original and have never been submitted to other journals;
3) Only the first author of a manuscript can apply this award;
4) The applicant should be less than 40 years old;
5) The authors should present the manuscripts at the conference orally.
Awards for the best presentations by young scientists/students will consist of a certificate, mono‑graphs as well as exemption from the post-conference field excursion fee. Meantime, their awarded manuscripts will be published in Journal of Palaeogeography in priority.
The conference sincerely invites specialists of palaeogeography and related disciplines to donate 5 copies of monographs as awards for the best presentations by young scientists/students.
9 Oral and poster presentations
Three days of conference will be scheduled on 10th, 11thand 13thof October, 2015.
The scientific programme includes oral presentations at the plenary sessions as well as poster pres‑entations. Poster presentations will be scheduled on 10thand 11thof October. Further details will be provided in Conference Programme.
The official language at the conference will be English. Question and discussion can be in Chinese and the conference will arrange interpreters.
10 Mid-conference field excursions
The mid-conference field excursion is scheduled for 12thOctober, 2015. The following two routes are available for selection, all of which are covered by conference registration fee.
1) Field excursion to the Proterozoic Wumishan Formation, Beijing, examining the Proterozoic successions
2) The Mesoproterozoic of the Jixian section, Jixian County, Tianjin City
Please choose one preferred route and do reply in the Receipt.
11 Post-conference field excursions
1) Modern coastal sediments of Qingdao and dinosaur culture of the Zhucheng area, Shandong Province
2) Datong volcano group, Yungang Jurassic sandstones, and Pinglu-Shuocheng surface coalfield geology in Shanxi Province
12 Fees
1) Registration fee (including the conference dinner fee): 2600 CNY/yuan; student rate: 1300 CNY/yuan; accompany member rate: 1300 CNY/yuan;
2) Accommodation fee (Xijiao Hotel, for a standard double‑bed room with standard facilities,about 440-650 CNY/yuan per night; Conference Centre in the Univesity, about 300 CNY/yuan per night).
13 Secretariat
Prof. Shao Longyi College of Geosciences and Surveying Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing), Xueyuan Road, Beijing 100083, China; E‑mail: shaol@cumtb.edu.cn; Tel.: +86-10-62331248-8523, 13910766961
Ms. Wang Yuan Editorial Office of the Journal of Palaeogeography, China University of Pe‑troleum (Beijing), 20 Xueyuan Road, Beijing, 100083, China; E‑mail: jpalaeo2012@163.com;Tel.: +86-10-62394320, +86-10-62396246, 13522568882
Attachment: Receipt to the First Circular.
Preparation Committee for the 2nd International Palaeogeography Conference December, 2014
Journal of Palaeogeography的其它文章
- Characterization and evolution of primary and secondary laterites in northwestern Bengal Basin,West Bengal, India
- Mesozoic basins and associated palaeogeographic evolution in North China
- Geodynamic evolution of the Earth over the Phanerozoic: Plate tectonic activity and palaeoclimatic indicators
- The landslide problem
- General regulations about submitting manuscripts to
- Summary of the 1st Editorial Committee Meeting of Journal of Palaeogeography in 2015