摘要:目的观察结肠癌组织及结肠癌细胞中miR-92a表达变化,并探讨其临床意义。方法①选择Ⅱ期合并高危因素及Ⅲ期结肠癌患者75例为研究对象,采用实时荧光定量PCR方法和2(-ΔΔCt)法测算结肠癌组织miR-92a的相对表达量,分析miR-92a相对表达量与患者临床病理参数的关系。②取常规培养的结肠癌细胞株HT-29接种于96孔板,设实验组、阴性对照组、脂质体组和对照组,各3个复孔。实验组转染miR-92a抑制剂,阴性对照组转染对照寡核苷酸,脂质体组转染脂质体,对照组不作任何处理,转染后检测miR-92a表达以验证转染效果,转染次日细胞贴壁生长后加50 μg/mL奥沙利铂作用24 h,分别在24、48、72 h加入10 μL CCK-8溶液,37℃孵育2 h,在酶标仪上读取各组波长为450nm处的吸光度(A)值。转染48 h后加50 μg/mL奥沙利铂作用24 h,采用TUNEL法测算各组细胞凋亡率。结果结肠癌组织中miR-92a相对表达量显著高于癌旁正常组织。结肠癌组织中miR-92a的表达水平与患者性别、年龄、肿瘤部位、浸润深度、有无淋巴结转移、脉管癌栓和病理分化程度无关(P均>0.05),与术后局部复发及发生远处转移有关(P<0.05)。HT-29细胞转染后24、48、72 h实验组A值均低于其余三组(P均<0.05),细胞凋亡率高于其余三组(P均<0.05)。结论结肠癌组织中miR-92a表达水平升高。结肠癌患者术后局部复发及远处转移与结肠癌组织中miR-92a相对表达量有关。抑制结肠癌细胞中miR-92a表达可增加结肠癌细胞化疗敏感性。
关键词:结肠癌; miR-92a蛋白;奥沙利铂;细胞凋亡
1 资料与方法
1.2材料及引物结肠癌细胞株HT-29由天津危重症实验室提供,胎牛血清、培养液购自美国Gibco公司,miRNA小量提取试剂盒(MiRNeasy Mini Kit)购于德国Qiagen公司,逆转录试剂盒(和实时逆转录聚合酶链反应试剂盒(SYBR Premix Ex TaqⅡkit)购于日本TaKaRa公司,转染试剂Lipofectamine 2000购自美国Invitrogen公司TUNEL试剂盒为Roche公司产品,CCK-8试剂盒购自武汉博士德公司。基因引物由上海Invitrogen公司合成,引物序列: U6上游引物序列: 5'-CTCGCTTCGGCAGCACA-3',下游引物序列5'-AACGCTTCACGAATTTGCGT-3'; miR-92a上游引物序列5'-ACAGGCCGGGACAAGTGCAATA-3',下游引物序列5'-GCTGTCAACGATACGCTACGTAACG-3'。
1.3结肠癌组织miR-92a相对表达量检测采用RT-PCR法。取-80℃保存的新鲜组织标本,于液氮中研磨至粉末状,按照欧米伽公司试剂说明书提取总RNA。紫外分光光度计检测RNA纯度,A260/A280比值大于1.8的标本用于检测miRNA,1%琼脂糖凝胶电泳检测RNA完整性。反转录反应:总RNA量为1 μg,反转录体系为20 μL,U6为内参,步骤按说明书进行,反应条件: 16℃5 min,42℃60 min,82℃5 min,反应所得cDNA产物于-20℃保存。实时定量PCR反应体系为20 μL,步骤参照说明书进行,反应条件: 95℃5 min,94℃30 s,60℃20 s,72℃20 s,共40个循环。每个样品做3个复孔,PCR产物经3%的琼脂糖凝胶电泳分析,样品中荧光信号达到仪器设定的阈值的循环数即为Ct值。采用2-ΔΔCt法计算miR-92a在组织中的相对表达量,其中ΔΔCt=肿瘤组织ΔCt-癌旁正常组织ΔCt肿瘤组织CtmiR-92a-肿瘤组织CtU6。癌旁正常组织ΔCt=癌旁正常组织CtmiR-92a-癌旁正常组织CtU6。
1.4HT-29细胞转染miR-92a抑制剂后对奥沙利铂敏感性的影响HT-29细胞接种于含10%胎牛血清的RPMI1640培养基中,置于37℃、5% CO2培养箱中,饱和湿度下传代培养。设实验组、阴性对照组、脂质体组和空白组。实验组转染miR-92a抑制剂,阴性对照组转染对照寡核苷酸,脂质体组转染脂质体,空白组不作任何处理,转染前1 d根据实验需要细胞铺板,转染根据说明书操作,转染后6 h换液,进行后续实验。①取上述分组细胞分别接种于96孔板(3 000~5 000个细胞、100 μL/孔,每组设3个复孔),过夜贴壁后加入奥沙利铂处理,浓度为50 μg/mL,作用24 h后,分别在24、48、72 h时间点加入10 μL CCK-8溶液在37℃孵育2 h,在酶标仪上读取各组吸光度(A)值,测定波长450 nm。②4组细胞转染后48 h用奥沙利铂作用24 h,PBS漂洗载玻片,干燥样本。滴加50 μL TUNEL反应液到样本上,湿盒中37℃孵育60 min。PBS漂洗后,在荧光显微镜(激发波长488 nm,发射波长550 nm)下分析结果。
2 结果
表1 miR-92a表达与结肠癌临床病理参数的关系(±s)
临床病理参数 n miR-92a相对表达量性别男52 3.3±2.7 女23 3.8±2.1年龄(岁) >50 49 3.4±2.7 <50 26 2.8±2.1肿瘤部位左半结肠 33 3.1±2.5右半结肠 42 3.7±2.7 T分期T3 15 3.3±1.5 T4 60 3.9±1.4 N分期57 3.5±1.3 N1+ N2 18 3.7±2.2脉管癌栓有25 3.6±2.9 无50 3.2±1.3分化程度高中分化 60 3.3±2.1低分化 15 3.4±2.2术后有无局部复发及远处转移有 32 4.0±2.8 无N0 43 2.2±1.5
各组培养24、48、72 h后细胞增殖情况及细胞凋亡率见表2。由表2可见,实验组培养后24、48、72 hA值均高于其余三组(P均<0.05),细胞凋亡率高于其余三组(P均<0.05)。
表2 各组大鼠培养24、48、72 h后细胞增殖情况及细胞凋亡率比较(±s)
组别 24 h后A值48 h后A值72 h后A值72 h后凋亡率(%)空白组 0.625±0.062*1.458±0.063*1.876±0.056*13.9±3.2*脂质体组 0.633±0.047*1.463±0.078*1.823±0.025*14.5±3.4*阴性对照组 0.604±0.038*1.345±0.015*1.798±0.064*11.8±4.5*实验组 0.434±0.035 1.056±0.022 1.224±0.035 34.5±4.6
3 讨论
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Expression changes of miR-92a in colon cancer tissues and cells and its significance
YANG Chen-hao,TAN Zhi-jun
(The First Central Clinical College of Tianjin Medical University,Tianjin 300070,China)
Abstract:Objective To observe the expression changes in levels of miR-92a in the colon cancer tissues and cells and to explore its clinical significance.Methods①The relative expression levels of miR-92a in the tissues of 75 patients with stagesⅡwith high risk factors or stagesⅢcolon cancer was detected by real-time q-PCR and was calculated by using the equation 2(-ΔΔCt),and its association with clinicopathological parameter was evaluated.②HT-29 cells were plated onto 96-well plates and were divided into the experimental group,negative control group,liposome group and control group,each group set up three holes.The experimental group was transfected with miR-92a inhibitor,the negative control group was transfected with miR-92a negative control oligonucleotide,and liposome group was transfected liposome.We detected the expression changes of miR-92a to evaluated the effects of transfection.Then the cells were treated with 50μg/mL oxaliplatin for 24 h,and at different time points (24,48 and72 h),the culture medium was removed and replaced with culture medium containing 10 μL CCK-8 solution.After incubation at 37℃for 2 h,the absorbance at 450 nm on each well was measured by an enzyme immunoassay analyzer.After the transfection for 48 h and being treated by oxaliplatin for 24 h,the apoptosis rate was detected and measured by TUNEL.Results The expression of miR-92a was significantly higher than that of the normal adjacent mucosa.The expression of miR-92a was not related with gender,age,tumor location,depth of invasion,lymph node metastasis,cancer embolus or tissue differentiation (all P>0.05),but was related with local recurrence and distant metastases (P<0.05).The experimental groups'A value of HT-29 were lower and the apoptosis rate was higher as compared with that of the other three group at different time points (24,48 and 72 h) after transfectionbook=21,ebook=483(all P<0.05).Conclusions The expression of miR-92a in the colon cancer tissues is increased.The relative expression of miR-92a in the colon cancer tissues is related with local recurrence and distant metastases.Suppressing the expression of miR-92a can increase the chemosensitivity of colon cancer cells.
Key words:colonic carcinoma; miR-92a protein; oxaliplatin; apoptosis
通信作者简介:谭志军(1972-),男,博士,主任医师,研究方向为胃肠肿瘤的基础与临床。E-mail: zhijuntan2013@163.com
作者简介:第一柳辰昊(1988-),男,在读研究生,研究方向为胃肠肿瘤。E-mail: liuchenh1988@163.com