

天文研究与技术 2015年3期

张 旭,张 雄

(云南师范大学物理与电子信息学院,云南 昆明 650500)

CN 53-1189/P ISSN 1672-7673


张 旭,张 雄

(云南师范大学物理与电子信息学院,云南 昆明 650500)

黑洞自旋及其参量能提供黑洞合并及吸积的信息。从文献资料中收集了112个Blazar源,这些源包含了67个FR II射电星系(RG),11个FR II射电噪类星体(RLQ),27个核占优星系(CD)。通过样本数据研究黑洞自旋能量与红移的相关性。研究结果表明:(1)112个Blazar的黑洞自旋能量与红移存在相关性,尤其在爱丁顿磁场条件下(B=BEDD),黑洞自旋能量与红移的相关性最为明显;(2)FR II射电星系(RG)、FR II射电噪类星体(RLQ)、核占优星系(CD)的黑洞自旋能量在3种磁场条件下(B=BEDD,B=104G,B∝j)与红移的相关性强弱上存在差异,但总体趋势较为相似,均呈现正比关系;(3)黑洞自旋能量与红移的强相关性表明,黑洞自旋能量在一定程度上给出黑洞并合与吸积的信息。这些研究结果与其他人用其他方法获得的结果是一致的。






运用文[1, 13]的黑洞样本数据为基础将数据扩大到112个Blazer源,其中包含了67个FR II射电星系(RG)、11个FR II射电噪类星体(RLQ)、27个中核星系(CD)。运用黑洞自旋的关系式计算出自旋能量,讨论了不同类型的源在3种不同特性磁场下黑洞自旋能量与红移的相关特性,得出的结果表明Blazer黑洞自旋能量与红移存在较为直接的联系,这与文[1]得出的结论相同。同时也表明黑洞自旋能量同样能在一定程度上给出黑洞合并与吸积的信息。本文给出了用模型公式估算Blazer自旋能量大小的方法,为下一步自旋能量与模型的研究提供了依据。

1 黑洞自旋及自旋能量的计算

1.1 黑洞自旋










1.2 自旋能量



2 实验结果

根据文[1]及文[15]的黑洞样本[1,15]收集扩充了Blazar源[14],用(5)、 (6)式计算了相关的量给出了表1。本文着重讨论黑洞自旋能量与红移的相关性。计算过程这里不再复述。数据源按红移值由小到大排列。


图1 ES/Mc2与红移z的相关性(B=BEDD)

Fig.1 The correlation between redshifts andES/Mc2(withB=BEDDassumed) of the black holes


Fig.2 The correlation between redshifts andES/Mc2(withB=104G assumed) of the black holes



表1 黑洞红移质量自旋及自旋能量

续 表

Source(1)Type(2)z(3)L44a(4)M8b(5)JM(B=BEDD)(6)Es(B=BEDD)Mc2(7)JM(B=104)(8)Es(B=104)Mc2(9)JM(B∝j)(10)Es(B∝j)Mc2(11)3C340RG0775465110400210940720079681051003559 3C352RG080683160370017902057004563 045002711 3C2631RG082413019043002459506005131704600284243C1751RG092110120490032601085012627705500420953C356RG107925028050034074055004209504400258343C252RG1105170200470029777063005750504800311693C368RG113224028048003116905400404 04400258343C267RG1144190240470029777055004209504400258343C324RG121150370340015006033001410403400150063C266RG127222023050034074062005538304700297773C13RG1351260400410022226039001999603800189334C1366RG14526016066006424709902446630600513173C682RG1575210350410022226041002222603800189333C241RG161737037051003559 05003407404300245953C470RG165329028053003875106005131704700297773C322RG1681510320660064247068006908304900326013C294RG17864402906400596880710076907051003559 3C239RG179480370600513170580047473045002711 3C334RLQ055562500190004564015000283302300067253C254RLQ07346320030011582039001999603700179023C1751RLQ076813079021000559 014000246502200061443C336RLQ092710016041004563 063021161404700493683C245RLQ1029160250410022226049005750504200297773C212RLQ1049190160560022226084003260105500233933C186RLQ106321032041004383804401217670400420953C208RLQ1109230250490022226059002583404600210943C204RLQ111217032038003260104004936803800284244C1649RLQ129622063030018933023002109402900189333C681RLQ1238410790380018933025000797 0300115823C181RLQ138233040047001158204400067250400108023C2684RLQ1483063060051317045002711 0400210943C191RLQ1952360050056002978 048002711 04100210943C9RLQ201294063063004383804700312 0410022226M87CD00042006860014000001 002800001 010001254CentaurusCD00110074860015000003 003100001 010001254HCG62CD00140039570014000003 0034000012 0110001254A262CD00160097860018000002 003500001450110001518PerseusCD001815170049000004 00700001530160001518PKS1404-267CD00220257003100003 007600006130160003226A2199CD00327200061000012 00800007230170003226A2052CD0035151700490000466007000080201600036462A0335+096CD003502414002200003 003300006130110003226MKW3SCD00454186012000005 02300001360290001518A4059CD00480962900310001808003300067250110010802HydraACD0055431101000012 01800001360250001518

续 表

Source(1)Type(2)z(3)L44a(4)M8b(5)JM(B=BEDD)(6)Es(B=BEDD)Mc2(7)JM(B=104)(8)Es(B=104)Mc2(9)JM(B∝j)(10)Es(B∝j)Mc2(11)A85CD00550372900190001254002100040920086000797 CygnusACD005613290110000005012000006 0210000927Sersic159/03CD005878170110001518016000180804000559 A133CD00662200093000151801200032260210021094A1795CD006316230044000108400540001808014000559 A2029CD00770876000200002420015000036500730002465A478CD00811260033000005 003800000030120000667A2597CD008506786004700001360093000018101800018083C388CD009221700570000276008100010840170004092PKS0745-191CD01031731012000040701300008220210003646HerculesACD015431200066000180800860002124017000559 Zw2701CD0214601703100005450440000927040003646MS07356+7421CD021669200310012393041002583403800210944C5516CD02424214009001239301400222260220018933A1835CD02531854010001015007600024650160006144Zw3146CD0291587401500012540100007230190003226

注:表中 (1) 源; (2) 类型; (3) 红移; (4) 喷流中电子束功率; (5) 黑洞质量部分来源于文[13]及文[14],其余均源于NED 网络数据库; (6) 爱丁顿磁场条件下的自旋; (7) 爱丁顿磁场条件下的自旋能量; (8) 静磁场条件下的自旋; (9) 静磁场条件下的自旋能量; (10) 与自旋有关的磁场条件下的自旋; (11) 与自旋有关的磁场条件下的自旋能量 (运用(6)式计算得出)

Notes: The meanings of the columns are as follows. Column (1): Source name. Column (2): AGN type. Column (3): Redshift value. Column (4): Power of the electron beam in the jet. Column (5): Mass value of the black hole. Column (6): Spin of the black hole withB=BEDDassumed. Column (7): Spin energy of the black hole withB=BEDDassumed. Column (8): Spin of the black hole withB=104G assumed. Column (9): Spin energy of the black hole withB=104G assumed. Column (10): Spin of the black hole withB∝jMassumed. Column (11): Spin energy of the black hole withB∝jMassumed.

图3 ES/Mc2与红移z的相关性(B∝j)

Fig.3 The correlation between redshifts andES/Mc2(withB∝jMassumed) of the black holes

图4 RG类黑洞ES/Mc2与红移z的相关性

Fig.4 The correlation between redshifts andES/Mc2of the black holes in RG-type AGN


图5 RLQ类黑洞ES/Mc2与红移z的相关性

Fig.5 The correlation between redshifts andES/Mc2of the black holes in RLQ-type AGN

图6 cD类黑洞ES/Mc2与红移z的相关性

Fig.6 The correlation between redshifts andES/Mc2of the black holes in cD-type AGN


表2 不同条件下黑洞自旋能量与红移的相关性数据

Table 2 Results of the correlations between spin energies and redshifts of the black holes in different types of AGN under different assumptions ofB

XYNRValueProb>FValue(Intercept)Value(Slope)Error(Slope) B类型ZES/Mc211208020-00014 0023 00017B=BEDD—ZES/Mc211208270000020025 00028B=104G—ZES/Mc211208270000420013 00018B∝j—ZES/Mc267084 000022-0027 -00003 B=BEDDRGZES/Mc26701420259004290016 00139B=104GRGZES/Mc26702430051002210005 00027B∝jRGZES/Mc21107120003-00048 0023 00064B=BEDDRLQZES/Mc2110293029 001070012 00112B=104GRLQZES/Mc211039601440010200073200047B∝jRLQZES/Mc227060100020000100040700012B=BEDDCDZES/Mc227052900090000300048700017B=104GCDZES/Mc22704920017000210010540004 B∝jCD

注:表中类型“—”表示本文中RG, RLQ, cD 3种类型均考虑的总体情况

Notes: The sign‘—’means the results are for all AGN types (RG, RLQ, and cD) combined

3 结 论


本文依据文[14]与文[1]的黑洞质量、中子束功率及磁场强度等运用(1)式(Blandford & Znajek[13]Blandford[28];Meier[12];Narayan[21])依次计算出3种磁场条件下的自旋j,后运用(3)式计算出对应的ES/Mc2(其中自旋、黑洞、磁场测量值均独立于红移),并依据文[2]和文[6]的模型,对黑洞自旋能量进行估算。最后对黑洞自旋能量与红移进行相关性分析。


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A Study of Correlations between Redshifts and SpinEnergies of Black Holes in AGN

Zhang Xu, Zhang Xiong

(College of Physics and Electronic Information Technology, Yunnan Normal University, Kunming 650500,China, Email:

We have collected a sample of 112 Blazars. Our sample includes 67 FRII Quasars, 11 FRII Radio-Loud Quasars, and 27 FRII cD galaxies. The Quasars and Radio-Loud Quasars have redshifts from about 0 to about 2. We have analyzed correlations between redshifts and spin energies of black holes for our sampled AGN. The spin energies were calculated using a set of assumptions. Our conclusions are as follows. (1) The spin energies of the sampled Blazars show appreciable correlations with redshifts; the correlations are most obvious if magnetic-field strengths (B)around the black holes are assumed to followB=BEDD; (2) The correlations are similar for different types of Blazars and for three different assumptions of magnetic-field strengths (, i.e.,B=BEDD,B=104G, andB∝jM); (3) The results suggest that spin energies statistically increase with redshifts for black holes in the redshift range of 0 to 3, which is consistent with independent studies of other authors.Key words: Blazar; Spin of a black hole; Spin energy; Redshfit; Correlation

国家自然科学基金 (U1231203);国家自然科学基金 (11163007);云南省自然科学基金项目 (2010CD046);云南省高能天体物理重点实验室资助.


张 旭,男,硕士. 研究方向:黑洞,活动星系核. Email:

张 雄,男,教授. 研究方向:黑洞,活动星系核. Email:




