(郑州工业应用技术学院信息工程学院,新郑 451150)
(郑州工业应用技术学院信息工程学院,新郑 451150)
应用多光子非线性康普顿散射模型、3维粒子模拟模型和数值计算方法, 研究了超强激光与等离子体作用中自生磁场产生和电子热传导过程, 提出了将非线性康普顿散射光作为改变等离子体自生磁场和电子热传导的新机制, 给出了自生磁场最大饱和值和超热电子热传导的修正方程和数值计算结果.研究发现在时间为100~160内, 自生磁场能量随入射激光功率密度增大而迅速增大, 之后处于较高饱和阶段.增大的初始时刻较散射前提前了20,增大阶段的时间延长了30,饱和阶段增幅为40%.入射激光功率密度为1019~1020W/cm2时,自生磁场强度最大模拟值为1.47×104~3.75×104T, 单电子能谱峰值出现在3.3 MeV和6.6 MeV附近, 能谱曲线在4~15 MeV和11~14.3 MeV迅速衰减,在6.7 MeV和13.2 MeV以上时, 超热电子有效温度为2.6 MeV和4.5 MeV, 比无散射的理论值和拟合值均有一定增大.随入射激光强度增大, 热流随激光脉冲一起向等离子体内流动的时间缩短, 自生磁场限制热流的时间延长.对所得结果给出了初步物理解释.
非线性光学; 等离子体; 超强激光功率密度; 自生磁场; 电子热传导; 非线性康普顿散射
1 引 言
2 理论分析
2.1 自生磁场产生机制
2.2 电子热传导模型
由电子热传导引起的电子热流在经典S-H 理论中可表示为
3 数值模拟
用3维粒子模型模拟.系统空间格局和时间步长取0.3c/ω和0.1/ω,实长为4 μm×4 μm,如图1所示,两侧空间格局、粒子数、网格、等离子体密度标长、离子电荷数分别为2 μm、2×106、10×4×4、6 μm、1.设一束线极化超强激光垂直射入等离子体内,y-z面内高斯分布,其电场平行x方向,激光脉宽、波长、频率、直径、峰值功率分别为20 fs、1.06 μm、1.78×1015rad/s、1.0 μm、1019~1020W/cm2;等离子体密度均匀分布,最高电子密度ne=nc=9.935×1020cm-3,等离子体温度对电子和离子为1 keV和0.8 keV;初始电子和质子速度分布均为Maxwell分布,二者质量比为1∶1836;电磁场在x方向为吸收边界,在y-z面上为周期边界.
图1 等离子体模拟模型Fig.1 Simulation model of plasma
图2 不同入射激光功率密度下自生磁场能量时间演化Fig.2 Evolution of self-generated magnetic field energy along time under different power density of l incident laser
热电子能谱随峰值功率密度变化如图4所示,能谱峰值在3.3 MeV和6.6 MeV附近.I18=1019~1020W/cm2时,能谱曲线在4~15 MeV和11~14.3 MeV内迅速衰减.在6.7 MeV和13.2 MeV以上采用Maxwell超热电子分布,可得超热电子有效温度Teff为2.6 MeV和4.5 MeV.可见,模拟结果比拟合结果[17]有所增大.这是因散射使电子辐射阻尼效应先强后弱,等离子体通道效应先弱后强,导致超热电子能谱峰值增大,等离子体吸收能量增加,能谱衰减范围增大的缘故.
图 3 自生磁场随不同入射激光功率密度的空间演化Fig.3 Evolution of self-magnetic field with different I18 with x
图4 超热电子能谱随峰值功率密度变化关系Fig.4 Change of the energy spectrum of extra-hot electron along crest value power
图5 等离子体临界面上热流和磁场强度随激光强度演化Fig.5 Evolutions of the thermal flux and magnetic field intense on the plasma critical face along laser intensities
4 结 论
本文基于多光子非线性康普顿散射模型和3维粒子模型研究了超强激光与等离子体作用产生的自生磁场和超热电子能量输运过程.结果表明,在ωt≈100~160范围内,自生磁场能量随入射激光功率密度增大而迅速增大,之后处于较高水平饱和阶段.增大的起始时刻较散射前提前了约20,增大阶段所对应的ωt范围约延长了30,饱和阶段增幅度约为40%.在入射激光功率密度为1019~1020W/cm2时,得到自生磁场强度最大模拟值为1.47×104~3.75×104T,比无散射时的理论值和拟合值均有一定的增大.单电子能谱峰值出现在约3.3 MeV和6.6 MeV附近.当入射激光功率密度为1019~1020W/cm2时,能谱曲线分别在4~15 MeV和11~14.3 MeV范围内迅速衰减.在6.7 MeV和13.2 MeV以上时,超热电子的有效温度分别为2.6 MeV和4.5 MeV.二者比拟合结果均有所增大.随入射激光强度增大,热流随激光脉冲一起向等离子体内流动的时间缩短,自生磁场限制热流的时间延长.并对所得结果给出了初步物理解释.这些结果揭示了非线性康普顿散射与超热电子在高密度等离子体中传输特性及自生磁场三者之间的相互影响,这对于人们进一步认识场与粒子的作用实质具有一定的意义.
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Influences of extra-intense laser power density on the self-generated magnetic field and electron thermal conduction in plasma
MAO Jian-Jing,ZHANG Kai-Ping,HAO Dong-Shan
(College of Information Engineering, Zhengzhou University of Industrial Technology, Xinzheng 451150, China)
By using the model of multi-photon nonlinear Compton scattering, the simulation model of 3D particle and numerical method, the producing of the self-generated magnetic field and the electron thermal conduction in the effect between the extra-intense power laser and plasma are studied. A new mechanism that the self-generated magnetic field and the electron thermal conduction in plasma are changed by nonlinear Compton scattering is proposed. The amended equations on the maximum saturation value of the self-generated magnetic field and the electron thermal conduction and number computing results are given. The results show that the energy of the self-generated magnetic field is quickly increased with the increasing of the incident laser power density in the time 100~160, then the energy is kop in the higher saturation period. The time that the initial moment of increased period is moved are 20, the time of that the increased period are prolonged are 30, and increased extent of the saturation period are 40%. When the incident laser power density are 1019~1020W/cm2, the maximum simulation value of the self-generated magnetic field intense are 1.47×104~3.75×104T, the crest values of an electron energy section are appeared near the 3.3 MeV and 6.6 MeV, and the energy section curvature are quickly decreased in 4~15 MeV and 11~14.3 MeV. The effective temperature of the extra-hot electron are 2.6 MeV and 4.5 MeV over 6.7 MeV and 13.2 MeV on the energy section curvature, and these values are increased than the un-scattering theory values and simulated coupling values. The time that the thermal current and laser pulse together drift to internal plasma is decreased, and the time that the self-generated magnetic field checks the thermal current is increased. The initial physics explain on these results have been given out.
Nonlinear optics; Plasma; Extra-intense laser power density; Self-generated magnetic field; Electron thermal conduction; Nonlinear Compton scattering
毛建景(1981—), 女,讲师,硕士,主要从事信号传输和网络安全技术研究.
郝东山.E-mail: haodongshan@126.com