

材料与冶金学报 2015年4期

第14 卷第1 期


承钢70 t 转炉铁水提钒的动力学行为………黄伟军,陈 敏,温 翰,徐 磊,黄宣辉,范富华(3)

AH32 钢板坯连铸凝固传热过程数值模拟…………………………………………………………………


320 t 鱼雷罐铁水温降的有限元计算………………马学东,蒋全强,马 硕,刘 莹,张艳兵(14)

低镁钒钛磁铁矿的还原机理………………闫占辉,张建良,邢相栋,王振阳,刘兴乐,任 山(18)


贵金属脱氰过程的搅拌釜流场数值模拟………………………………………………………………………………………………………………刘庭耀,章鹏程,李剑锋,袁 玮,韩丽辉,刘 青(29)

电工硅钢不同连铸坯的非金属夹杂物数量研究……李 镇,张 波,孙 群,刘承军,姜茂发(36)

电镀锌预磷化板晶粒度和粗糙度的工艺控制…………………张雨泉,顾训雷,杨 芃,刘常升(40)

TC4 钛合金阳极氧化及其PTFE 复合涂膜耐摩擦磨损性能研究……………………………………………………………………………………杜承天,梁 琛,赵丽婷,李 琳,金 建,杨中东(44)

利用硫化物改善钢性能的应用研究进展……………吕泽安,倪红卫,张 华,方 庆,董文亮(51)

由粉煤灰提钙铁后的尾渣制备13X 型沸石分子筛的研究……………………………………………………………………………………………王明华,孔垂宇,杨阿敏,王 渺,吴连凤,翟玉春(58)

铝酸钠溶液晶种分解制备超细氢氧化铝…………………………………姜 妲,张 帅,曲丽英(62)

纳米结构9Cr-ODS 钢的制备工艺……………………………吕 铮,胡彭浩,张国玉,田 利(67)


非平衡CO2-Ar 等离子流的光学气流评价………………………西田弘气,山田刚治,川添博光(76)

Vol.14 No.1

Precipitate Morphology and Singular Structure in Preferred Interfaces……………………………………Zhang Wenzheng (1)

Kinetic behaviors of vanadium-extraction process for 70 t converter in Chengde Jianlong special steel company…………………………………………………………Huang Weijun,Chen Min,Wen Han,Xu Lei,Huang Xuanhui,Fan Fuhua (3)

Numerical simulation of heat transfer on solidification in continuous casting of AH32 plate slab…………………………………………………………………Zhao Jianwei,Zhang Shucai,Li Kebin,Zhang Jiangtao,Liu Fubin,Li Huabing (10)

Finite element computation on colten iron temperature drop of 320 t torpedo ladle………………………………………………………………………………………………Ma Xuedong,Jiang Quanqiang,Ma Shuo,Liu Ying,Zhang Yanbing (14)

Reduction mechanism of low-magnesium vanadium ilmenite………………………………………………………………………………………………Yan Zhanhui,Zhang Jianliang,Xing Xiangdong,Wang Zhenyang,Liu Xingle,Ren Shan (18)

Kinetics of isothermal reduction of iron ore by gas………………………………………………………………………………………………Shao Jiugang,Zhang Jianliang,Liu Zhengjian,Guo Hongwei,Yang Guangqing,Wang Guangwei (24)

A numerical simulation of flow field in stirring tank during the process of decyanation for precious metal……………………………………………………………Liu Tingyao,Zhang Pengcheng,Li Jianfeng,Yuan Wei,Han Lihui,Liu Qing (29)

Non-metallic inclusions in different slabs of electrical Si-steel…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Li Zhen,Zhang Bo,Sun Qun,Liu Chengjun,Jiang Maofa (36)

Controlling process of grain size and surface roughness of prephosphated galvanized steel……………………………………………………………………………………………………Zhang Yuquan,Gu Xunlei,Yang Peng,Liu Changsheng (40)

Anodization of TC4 alloy and friction and wear property with PTFE composite coating……………………………………………………………………………Du Chengtian,Liang Chen ,Zhao Liting ,Li Lin ,Jin Jian ,Yang Zhongdong (44)

Progress of improvement of steel properties by sulfides……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Lu Zean,Ni Hongwei,Zhang Hua,Fang Qing,Dong Wenliang (51)

Preparation of 13X type zeolite molecular sieve with fly ash residue removed calcium and iron…………………………………………………………………Wang Minghua,Kong Chuiyu,Yang Amin,Wang Miao,Wu Lianfeng,Zhai Yuchun (58)

Preparation of superfine aluminum hydroxide by seed precipitation in sodium aluminate solution……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Jiang Da,Zhang Shuai,Qu Liying (62)

Processing technology of nano-structured ODS steels…………………Lv Zheng,Hu Penghao,Zhang Guoyu,Tian Li (67)

Development of shape measurement system for vibrating membranes……………………Takashi ⅠWASA,Kairi SUSAKⅠ(72)

Spectroscopic flow evaluation of nonequilibrium CO2-Ar plasma flow in an arc-jet facility…………………………………………………………………………………………………Genki NⅠSHⅠDA,Gouji YAMADA,Hiromitsu KAWAZOE (76)

第14 卷第2 期


铁棉联产的优质矿渣棉生产工艺………………………………王 东,周扬民,罗思义,仪垂杰(83)

镁铝尖晶石对钢液脱碳的影响……………………………………………周 翔,杨 鑫,张晋浩(87)

含镁合金的制备及在炼钢中的应用………………………………………王 承,龚 伟,姜周华(91)

关于1 873 K 下铁液中铝脱氧平衡热力学的讨论……………刘 达,雷 洪,王天龙,张红伟(96)

工艺参数对电渣重熔空心钢锭凝固过程影响的数值模拟………………………………………………………………………………………………………陈 旭,刘福斌,李 星,景 馨,姜周华(100)


SiO2-CaO-Al2O3-MgO-FeO 熔渣的电解还原行为………高运明,阮 栋,杨映斌,段 超(114)

转底炉用蓄热式烧嘴的模拟…………………………赵 凯,宫晓然,胡长庆,师学峰,齐渊洪(121)

酸浸-摇床重选预处理对钴矿石生物浸出的影响………………………………………………………………………………………………………………刘 伟,杨洪英,佟琳琳,陈国宝,金哲男(126)

Mo 表面Mo(Si,Al)2层的制备及抗高温氧化性能…………李 雪,卢公昊,王 淼,高田润(131)


搅拌摩擦加工参数对5083 铝合金组织性能的影响……………………高 兵,陈 雨,丁 桦(139)

热处理对GH1016 合金组织和性能的影响…………王志刚,祖国胤,程 俊,王志刚,曹 政(144)

关于新型UAV 控制方法的研究……西垣建志,川上耕平,西田信一郎,西村正治,樱间一德(149)


Vol.14 No.2

Solidification process and grain refinement technology…………………………Zhai Qijie,Gong Yongyong,Li Renxing (81)

Production technology of high quality slag wool based on the joint production process of iron and slag wool………………………………………………………………………………………Wang Dong,Zhou Yangmin,Luo Siyi,Yi Chuijie (83)

Influence of magnesia-alumina spinel on decarbonization of molten steel………Zhou Xiang,Yang Xin,Zhang Jinhao (87)

Preparation and application of magnesium alloy in steelmaking process………Wang Cheng,Gong Wei,Jiang Zhouhua (91)

Thermodynamics of deoxidation equilibrium with Al in liquid iron at 1 873 K……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Liu Da,Lei Hong,Wang Tianlong,Zhang Hongwei (96)

A numerical simulation for effect of technological parameters on hollow ingot solidification in electroslag remelting process…………………………………………………………………Chen Xu,Liu Fubin,Li Xing,Jing Xin,Jiang Zhouhua (100)

Direct reduction and melting process of carbon composite bauxite pellets………………………………………………………………………………………………………Zhang Yingyi,Ni Wenjie,Qi Yuanhong,Zou Zongshu,Chen Xiangli (107)

Electrolytic reduction behavior of SiO2-CaO-Al2O3-MgO-FeO molten slag……………………………………………………………………………………………………………Gao Yunming,Ruan Dong,Yang Yingbin,Duan Chao (114)

A simulation for nozzle of rotary hearth furnace………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Zhao Kai,Gong Xiaoran,Hu Changqing,Shi Xuefeng,Qi Yuanhong (121)

Effect of preconditioning of acid leaching-gravity separation on cobalt ore bioleaching…………………………………………………………………………………………Liu Wei,Yang Hongying,Tong Linlin,Chen Guobao,Jin Zhenan (126)

Preparation and high temperature oxidation resistance of Mo (Si,Al)2layer on the Mo substrate surface…………………………………………………………………………………………Li Xue,Lu Gonghao,Wang Miao,Takada Jun (131)

Effect of Ni content on structure and properties of high strength weathering resistant steel………………………………………………………………………………………………Wang Junshan,Shi Peiyang,Liu Chengjun,Jiang Maofa (135)

Influence of friction stir processing parameters on structure properties of 5083 aluminum alloy…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Gao Bing,Chen Yu,Ding Hua (139)

Effect of heat treatment on microstructure and properties of GH1016 alloy………………………………………………………………………………………………………Wang Zhigang,Zu Guoyin,Cheng Jun,Wang Zhigang,Cao Zheng (144)

A study on control method of new type UAV……………………………………………………………………………………………………Kenji Nishigaki,Kohei Kawakami,Shin-Ⅰchiro Nishida,Masaharu Nishimura,Kazunori Sakurama (149)

Formation of ceramic-metal composite layers on die steels by electron beam irradiation………………………………………………………………………Takahiro Akao,Yuki Sakurai,Tetsuhiko Onda,Kazutake Uehara,Zhongchun Chen (152)

第14 卷第3 期

酸性精炼渣系SiO2-Al2O3-CaO-MgO-FeO-MnO 中Al2O3活度计算模型………………………………………………………………………………………邹 峰,薛正良,熊 锐,余晨帆(159)

钛酸钙化合物合成热力学与溶出动力学行为………………张 迪,于海燕,潘晓林,翟玉春(164)

富氧蓄热式钢包烘烤工艺技术可行性研究…………………李丽丽,郑丽君,冯亮花,刘 为(170)

真空感应炉坩埚材质对Cr12 钢纯净度的影响………………耿 鑫,孙诗誉,张志超,仝兆鹏(175)

钙化—碳化法利用中低品位铝土矿生产氧化铝的实验研究…………………………………………………………………………………………朱小峰,张廷安,王艳秀,吕国志,郭芳芳,李 欣(182)

用于低温分解二恶英的高效负载型VxOy/Ce/TiO2催化剂的制备与性能…………………………………………………………………………………………………………邵 丹,刘奎仁,李 松(187)

FePt 纳米珊瑚的湿化学制备及生长过程…………张 杨,裴文利,郭小莲,刘翠肖,吴 纯(193)

碳纤维表面状态及其对复合材料剪切性能的影响…………黄 炎,梁禄忠,孙金萍,王志强(197)

SiC 对流变轧制Mg-3Sn-1Mn-xSiC 复合材料组织性能的影响……………………………………………………………………………………………管西花,陈 辉,管仁国,赵占勇,贾志晖(201)

不同烧结气氛下SiAlON/cBN 陶瓷复合材料的性能研究…………………………………………………………………………………………石晓飞,李拓文,何 超,蔡志新,岳新艳,茹红强(207)

TiN 薄膜沉积条件对组织结构和结合力的影响………………………肖 娜,杜菲菲,邢 韵(211)

含Ce 烧结Nd-Fe-B 磁体的腐蚀行为……………………周丽娟,裴文利,郭小莲,朱明刚(217)


热挤压法制备C/Al 复合材料………………………高野雅司,赤尾尚洋,音田哲彦,陈中春(227)



Vol.14 No.3

Activity calculation model of Al2O3in SiO2-Al2O3-CaO-MgO-FeO-MnO acid refining slag system……………………………………………………………………………………Zou Feng,Xue Zhengliang,Xiong Rui,Yu Chenfan (159)

Synthesis thermodynamics and leaching dynamics of calcium titanates……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Zhang Di,Yu Haiyan,Pan Xiaolin,Zhai Yuchun (164)

Feasibility for ladle baking by oxygen-enriched regenerative combustion……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Li Lili,Zheng Lijun,Feng Lianghua,Liu Wei (170)

Effect of crucible materials of vacuum induction furnace on cleanliness of steel Cr12………………………………………………………………………………………………………Geng Xin,Sun Shiyu,Zhang Zhichao,Tong Zhaopeng (175)

Experimental study on calcification–carbonation process for alumina production by using mid-low grade bauxite…………………………………………Zhu Xiaofeng,Zhang Tingan,Wang Yanxiu,Lv Guozhi,Guo Fangfang,Li Xin (182)

Preparation and performance of loaded high efficient catalyst VxOy/Ce/TiO2decomposing dioxins at lower temperature……………………………………………………………………………………………Shao Dan,Liu Kuiren,Li Song (187)

Wet chemical synthesis and growth mechanism of coral-like FePt nanoparticles……………………………………………………………………………………………………Zhang Yang,Pei Wenli,Guo Xiaolian,Liu Cuixiao,Wu Chun (193)

Surface status of carbon fibers and shear properties of carbon fibers reinforced matrix composites…………………………………………………………………………………………Huang Yan,Liang Luzhong,Sun Jinping,Wang Zhiqiang (197)

Effect of SiC on microstructure and property of Mg-3Sn-1Mn-xSiC composite prepared by rheo-rolling…………………………………………………………………Guan Xihua,Chen Hui,Guan Renguo,Zhao Zhanyong,Jia Zhihui (201)

Properties of SiAlON/cBN ceramic composites in different sintering atmosphere………………………………………………………………………………………Shi Xiaofei,Li Tuowen,He Chao,Cai Zhixin,Yue Xinyan,Ru Hongqiang (207)

Effect of deposition conditions on structure and adhesion strength of TiN films………Xiao Na,Du Feifei,Xing Yun (211)

Corrosion behavior of low cost sintered Nd-Fe-B magnet containing element Ce…………………………………………………………………………………………………………Zhou Lijuan,Pei Wenli,Guo Xiaolian,Zhu Minggang (217)

Bending fatigue strength of induction hardened gears assembled with vehicle’s engine flywheel…………………………………………………………………………Kouitsu Miyachika,Lifu Yi,Masashi Nakako,Kenichi Skamoto,Yuichi Ono (222)

Fabrication of aluminum-graphite composites by hot extrusion………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Masashi Takano,Takahiro Akao,Tetsuhiko Onda,Zhong-Chun Chen (227)

Strength of plastic helical wheels meshed with various types of worms…………………………………………………………………………………………………Makoto Nomura,Takao Koide,Akio Ueda,Yusuke Ⅰshida,Atsutaka Tamura (232)

A study on path planning method for exploration robot taking account of communication transmissibility………………………………………………………………………Yohei Ota,Shin-Ⅰchiro Nishida,Masashi Miura ,Kazunori Sakurama (236)

第14 卷第4 期


铝合金等通道挤压晶粒细化机制……………………………………………………………黄 岩(245)

晶粒尺寸对大塑性变形的两相合金超塑性的影响………………………………………………………………………………………………张念先,Megumi Kawasaki,黄 毅,Terence G.Langdon (255)

纯铝等径角挤压塑性流动的有限元模拟分析…………………………………………………………………………………赵男男,刘群浩,吴 俊,史旭晨,朱思旭,张 旭,班春燕,崔建忠(263)

多向锻造道次及终锻温度对5182 铝合金组织性能的影响…………………………………………………………………………………………朱庆丰,李展志,闫 玮,王高松,左玉波,崔建忠(269)


典型晶格结构FCC/BCC 钢的剧烈塑性变形研究现状……马 明,蔡明晖,唐正友,丁 桦(283)

搅拌摩擦加工及后续热处理对7B04-O 铝合金组织和硬度的影响………………………………………………………………………………陈 雨,杨文静,李晓华,付明杰,高 兵,丁 桦(293)

相比例对高压扭转Ti-6Al-4V 合金晶粒细化及显微硬度的影响……………………………………………………………………………张文 井,付 杰,黄 毅,丁 桦,Terence G.Langdon (298)

镁及镁合金剧烈塑性变形研究及发展趋势……………………………许斯洋,李继忠,丁 桦(305)

Vol.14 No.4

Severe plastic deformation:beyond grain refinement………………………………………………………Kenong Xia (239)

Mechanisms of grain refinement in aluminium alloys by ECAE………………………………………………Yan Huang (245)

Influence of grain size on superplastic properties of a two-phase Pb-Sn alloy processed by severe plastic deformation…………………………………………………Nian Xian Zhang,Megumi Kawasaki,Yi Huang,Terence G.Langdon (255)

The finite element simulation of plastic flow in equal channel angular pressing for pure Al………………………………………………Zhao Nannan,Liu Qunhao,Wu Jun,Shi Xuchen,Zhu Sixu,Zhang Xu,Ban Chunyan,Cui Jianzhong (263)

Effect of forging passes and final forging temperature on the structure and property of 5182 aluminum alloy during multi-direction forging process……………………Zhu Qingfeng,Li Zhanzhi,Yan wei,Wang Gaosong,Zuo Yubo,Cui Jianzhong (269)

An accumulative roll bonding technology for bulk ultrafine/nano-structured metallic materials…………Cai Minghui (275)

Research progress on severe plastic deformation of steels with BCC/FCC crystal structures……………………………………………………………………………………………………Ma Ming,Cai Minghui,Tang Zhengyou,Ding Hua (283)

Microstructures and hardness of stir zone for friction stir processed and post-processed heat treatment 7B04-O aluminum alloy………………………………………………Chen Yu,Yang Wenjing,Li Xiaohua,Fu Mingjie,Gao Bing,Ding Hua (293)

Influence of phase volume fraction on grain refinement and microhardness of a Ti-6Al-4V alloy by high-pressure torsion………………………………………………Zhang Wenjing,Fu Jie,Huang Yi,Ding Hua,Terence.G.Langdon (298)

The current situation and prospect for magnesium and its alloys by severe plastic deformation………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Xu Siyang,Li Jizhong,Ding Hua (305)


循环应变- 高温退火制备Al-Cu-Li 合金单晶
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